Clearing Up The Mystery Why HIV/AIDS Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse

How effective do you think the CDC's ad campaign to ask gay guys to be honest with each other is?

  • Fine, it is a perfect solution. Gay guys will be honest with each other.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Somewhat OK but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very poor choice. This subpopulation isn't going to suddenly curb its appetite to "get honest".

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters
The best tool we have is education of minors in safe sex practices, with an emphasis on the increased risk of STDs from unprotected anal sex.

The statistics suggest that adult gay men with HIV are having unprotected anal sex with young boys and giving them HIV.

Every child should be taught at the youngest of ages that you never stick anything in your eyes, ears, nose or anus. Period. No exceptions. Grave injury or death could result.

With some very simple precautions, anal sex is fine. I agree with not sticking anything in your eyes, ears or nose.

Anal sex is not fine at all. It is the #1 vector of spreading HIV in the US. Plus, you don't teach children that using the lower digestive tract for sex is "fine". The digestive tract is for consumption and elimination. Do a swab down there and run a culture on it. Nothing about that orifice is "fine" to be putting another person's body part into.
The best tool we have is education of minors in safe sex practices, with an emphasis on the increased risk of STDs from unprotected anal sex.

The statistics suggest that adult gay men with HIV are having unprotected anal sex with young boys and giving them HIV.

Every child should be taught at the youngest of ages that you never stick anything in your eyes, ears, nose or anus. Period. No exceptions. Grave injury or death could result.

With some very simple precautions, anal sex is fine. I agree with not sticking anything in your eyes, ears or nose.

Anal sex is not fine at all. It is the #1 vector of spreading HIV in the US. Plus, you don't teach children that using the lower digestive tract for sex is "fine". The digestive tract is for consumption and elimination. Do a swab down there and run a culture on it. Nothing about that orifice is "fine" to be putting another person's body part into.

And a simple practice of using a condom virtually eliminates all of the problems with diseases. And since they should be using a condom anyway, it is another way to encourage safe sex.

Anal sex is not fine at all. It is the #1 vector of spreading HIV in the US. Plus, you don't teach children that using the lower digestive tract for sex is "fine". The digestive tract is for consumption and elimination. Do a swab down there and run a culture on it. Nothing about that orifice is "fine" to be putting another person's body part into.

One more time, Sil, listening to you talk about anal sex is like listening to a PETA vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak.
One more time, Sil, listening to you talk about anal sex is like listening to a PETA vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak.
Except that this is a thread about how it spreads one of the worst epidemics of the 20th and 21st Centuries...and how the numbers in youth are climbing, climbing, climbing..

You understand the difference between the digestive tract and the reproductive tract don't you?
One more time, Sil, listening to you talk about anal sex is like listening to a PETA vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak.
Except that this is a thread about how it spreads one of the worst epidemics of the 20th and 21st Centuries...and how the numbers in youth are climbing, climbing, climbing..

You understand the difference between the digestive tract and the reproductive tract don't you?

And that difference truly matters if you are having sex in order to reproduce. Is that the only reason you have sex, Sil?
One more time, Sil, listening to you talk about anal sex is like listening to a PETA vegetarian who just can't stop talking about steak.
Except that this is a thread about how it spreads one of the worst epidemics of the 20th and 21st Centuries...and how the numbers in youth are climbing, climbing, climbing..

You understand the difference between the digestive tract and the reproductive tract don't you?

Um, yeah. So let's look at that.

The Digestive tract has two openings. The Mouth and the Asshole. In your case, they are interchangeable.

38% of straights have tried anal sex. 99% of straights have tried oral sex. I guess they didn't get the message about how sex only needs to be using the reproductive organs.
You understand the difference between the digestive tract and the reproductive tract don't you?

And that difference truly matters if you are having sex in order to reproduce....

It also matters in the spread of HIV:

The burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is high among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) (1). High HIV prevalence, lack of awareness of HIV-positive status, unprotected anal sex, and increased viral load among HIV-positive MSM not on antiretroviral treatment contribute substantially to new infections among this population. HIV Testing and Risk Behaviors Among Gay Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men 8212 United States

The anus is part of the digestive tract and the colon [part of anal sex] is also. They are both laden with harmful pathogens and frankly, filth, what the body is rejecting utterly. You'd do well to avoid having sex with the lower digestive system.

Also, the colon evolved to resorb large particles & fluids directly into the bloodstream. This is an evolutionary survival trait in times of famine or drought. The colon has no way of discriminating against it's own fluids and vitamins vs the seminal fluids and virus load of an infected man. So it's pretty much like sticking an infected AIDS needle right into one of your veins...having "anal sex".
Okay, we get it, you think Anal is icky. Even though half of gays (you know, Lesbians) don't do Anal, and 38% of straights do... you just think the Anal is just so darned Icky. We get it.

You thinking something is icky is not a good reason to deny people basic human rights.
Okay, we get it, you think Anal is icky. Even though half of gays (you know, Lesbians) don't do Anal, and 38% of straights do... you just think the Anal is just so darned Icky. We get it.

You thinking something is icky is not a good reason to deny people basic human rights.
Correction: I don't "think" anal is "icky". I know it is dangerous. And I know specifically why. Pity you don't. And you illustrate precisely why leaving it up to gay guys to police themselves is a fool's errand. Why police yourself from something you've never been taught the specific dangers of?

And why won't the CDC get into the specific details and horrors of why sex with the lower digestive tract is dangerous? Because it isn't politically correct. Neither was keeping the two ebola doctors out of the country. So the entire US population is put at risk by the CDC because it wants to be politically-correct. Rest easy oh herd of people. Your shepherds are fully wise and sensible... :puke3:
The remedy I'm seeing in the pop-up ads here at USMB and elsewhere is for gay guys to be open and honest about their HIV status with each other.

If you are seeing gay pop up adds its because you or someone with access to your computer has frequented some gay sites.
No, I only see the gay pop up ads here at USMB because of the threads I author. Don't see them in other browsing, generally, but as koshergirl said, it's smeared all over the web. If you even use the word "gay" in posting at political sites, google and the other spam bot engines snap it up and run with it.
Look up what cookies do and get back to me. You are frequenting gay sites. This information is stored as preferences in your browser. This site believes you are gay or want to be gay and thats why you see the ads.
Look up what cookies do and get back to me. You are frequenting gay sites. This information is stored as preferences in your browser. This site believes you are gay or want to be gay and thats why you see the ads.
I know exactly why they show up. And I've already said as much.

What do you think about my last post which is about the topic?
Look up what cookies do and get back to me. You are frequenting gay sites. This information is stored as preferences in your browser. This site believes you are gay or want to be gay and thats why you see the ads.
I know exactly why they show up. And I've already said as much.

What do you think about my last post which is about the topic?

What you said was wrong. It doesnt work like that. I told you why they are showing up. You have it stored in your browser that you frequent gay sites. They dont select ads to show you based on your topics. The select them based on your browsing history. My background is that of a IT engineer. If you cant trust me read the following link.

HowStuffWorks How do advertisers show me custom ads

Let's say you're shopping online for shoes. After browsing a few stores for just the right pair, you surf over to an article on your favorite news site. There, like magic, an advertisement appears for the very same shoes you were admiring just moments ago. "That's funny," you tell yourself before clicking through to aweather site for the weekend forecast. Then, wedged between sunny Saturday and stormy Sunday, you see yet another ad for the shoes. You're not going crazy; you've just experienced the wonder of custom Internet advertising.
What you said was wrong. It doesnt work like that. I told you why they are showing up. You have it stored in your browser that you frequent gay sites. They dont select ads to show you based on your topics. The select them based on your browsing history. My background is that of a IT engineer. If you cant trust me read the following link.
Ah, a strawman. OK, unless there's a remote third party hacker using my PC without my knowledge, which is possible, the only time any of the people using this PC are talking about gays is on this website. You think google doesn't keep track of my posts here? Think again. I've seen a few of them show up on the first 10 hits on my search engine. Then again it could be from the photos I posted, which look pretty gay if you ask me. I've also visited several of the rainbow crowd's political sites to quote their slant on the LGBT topics. So, there you go.

You haven't commented on the dangers of anal sex I outlined two posts ago. Care to comment about the topic?
What you said was wrong. It doesnt work like that. I told you why they are showing up. You have it stored in your browser that you frequent gay sites. They dont select ads to show you based on your topics. The select them based on your browsing history. My background is that of a IT engineer. If you cant trust me read the following link.
Ah, a strawman. OK, unless there's a remote third party hacker using my PC without my knowledge, which is possible, the only time any of the people using this PC are talking about gays is on this website. You think google doesn't keep track of my posts here? Think again. I've seen a few of them show up on the first 10 hits on my search engine. Then again it could be from the photos I posted, which look pretty gay if you ask me. I've also visited several of the rainbow crowd's political sites to quote their slant on the LGBT topics. So, there you go.

You haven't commented on the dangers of anal sex I outlined two posts ago. Care to comment about the topic?

Ok so now the truth comes out. You just admitted you went to a gay site. Its not a strawman if you just proved my post to be correct.

I wouldnt know about the dangers of anal sex. I dont participate in anal sex. If you do thats your business. I thought the topic was about AIDS and HIV getting worse? You dont have to have anal sex to contract AIDS or HIV. i thought everyone already knew that?
You understand the difference between the digestive tract and the reproductive tract don't you?

And that difference truly matters if you are having sex in order to reproduce....

It also matters in the spread of HIV:

The burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is high among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) (1). High HIV prevalence, lack of awareness of HIV-positive status, unprotected anal sex, and increased viral load among HIV-positive MSM not on antiretroviral treatment contribute substantially to new infections among this population. HIV Testing and Risk Behaviors Among Gay Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men 8212 United States

The anus is part of the digestive tract and the colon [part of anal sex] is also. They are both laden with harmful pathogens and frankly, filth, what the body is rejecting utterly. You'd do well to avoid having sex with the lower digestive system.

Also, the colon evolved to resorb large particles & fluids directly into the bloodstream. This is an evolutionary survival trait in times of famine or drought. The colon has no way of discriminating against it's own fluids and vitamins vs the seminal fluids and virus load of an infected man. So it's pretty much like sticking an infected AIDS needle right into one of your veins...having "anal sex".

First of all, you DO realize that the person receiving anal sex can only get AIDs if the other person has it?

Second of all, if a condom is used the virus will not breach that barrier.
Okay, we get it, you think Anal is icky. Even though half of gays (you know, Lesbians) don't do Anal, and 38% of straights do... you just think the Anal is just so darned Icky. We get it.

You thinking something is icky is not a good reason to deny people basic human rights.
Correction: I don't "think" anal is "icky". I know it is dangerous. And I know specifically why. Pity you don't. And you illustrate precisely why leaving it up to gay guys to police themselves is a fool's errand. Why police yourself from something you've never been taught the specific dangers of?

And why won't the CDC get into the specific details and horrors of why sex with the lower digestive tract is dangerous? Because it isn't politically correct. Neither was keeping the two ebola doctors out of the country. So the entire US population is put at risk by the CDC because it wants to be politically-correct. Rest easy oh herd of people. Your shepherds are fully wise and sensible... :puke3:

The CDC has been recommending using condoms and barriers for a long time. Those negate the "horrors" of anal sex.

Also, if both partners are disease free, anal sex is not a threat at all.
Correction: I don't "think" anal is "icky". I know it is dangerous. And I know specifically why. Pity you don't. And you illustrate precisely why leaving it up to gay guys to police themselves is a fool's errand. Why police yourself from something you've never been taught the specific dangers of?

And why won't the CDC get into the specific details and horrors of why sex with the lower digestive tract is dangerous? Because it isn't politically correct. Neither was keeping the two ebola doctors out of the country. So the entire US population is put at risk by the CDC because it wants to be politically-correct. Rest easy oh herd of people. Your shepherds are fully wise and sensible... :puke3:

Uh, yeah. We should let two American doctors die because you are scared.

And we should deny people rights because you think a certain kind of sex is icky.

Point is, a lot more people will die of heart attacks and lung cancer than AIDS. Yet I don't see you going after smokers and fast food customers the way you are going after the icky, icky, gays.
I wouldnt know about the dangers of anal sex. I dont participate in anal sex. If you do thats your business. I thought the topic was about AIDS and HIV getting worse? You dont have to have anal sex to contract AIDS or HIV. i thought everyone already knew that?

You SHOULD know about the dangers of anal sex. Everyone should. Everyone has an anus. And everyone could contract HIV from other sources while it spreads predominantly and inarguably in the US by anal sex. Men having anal sex with men to be exact. Using the lower digestive tract as an artificial vagina is a suicide mission and it's about damned time that every single person in the US knew that.
I wouldnt know about the dangers of anal sex. I dont participate in anal sex. If you do thats your business. I thought the topic was about AIDS and HIV getting worse? You dont have to have anal sex to contract AIDS or HIV. i thought everyone already knew that?

You SHOULD know about the dangers of anal sex. Everyone should. Everyone has an anus. And everyone could contract HIV from other sources while it spreads predominantly and inarguably in the US by anal sex. Men having anal sex with men to be exact. Using the lower digestive tract as an artificial vagina is a suicide mission and it's about damned time that every single person in the US knew that.

All you have to do is strap up or have your partner strap up if you want to have anal sex without worrying about contracting AIDS. Same applies for having sex with a women. If AIDS spreads throughout the US, you wont be effected if you protect yourself or abstain. If you dont participate in unsafe sex practices you pretty much have a very low chance of getting AIDS.
I wouldnt know about the dangers of anal sex. I dont participate in anal sex. If you do thats your business. I thought the topic was about AIDS and HIV getting worse? You dont have to have anal sex to contract AIDS or HIV. i thought everyone already knew that?

You SHOULD know about the dangers of anal sex. Everyone should. Everyone has an anus. And everyone could contract HIV from other sources while it spreads predominantly and inarguably in the US by anal sex. Men having anal sex with men to be exact. Using the lower digestive tract as an artificial vagina is a suicide mission and it's about damned time that every single person in the US knew that.

Absolute horseshit.

If you look at the number of straight couples who have tried anal sex, plus the number of gay couples who have anal sex, the number of AIDs cases is less than 5%. So the idea that anal sex is a suicide mission is pure bullshit.

Can it be dangerous if not done safely? Sure. A suicide mission, absolutely not.

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