Climate change deniers explained


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Climate change isn't only happening, but we're beyond the point-of-no-return and doomed. the deniers know this. But if they don't oppose CG enough to allow 'reasonable doubt' people would panic, work less, and only speed up our demise.

Just a theory. Stay calm. :)
It's a stupid theory.

Humans are not the cause of, nor the solution to any changes in climate.

If any of the charlatans that preach this psychobabble actually believed in this bullshit, they wouldn't be flying around the world declaring the sky is falling, or blogging from 15000 sq ft mansions that eat up more electricity in one day than an average house does in a month.

The more ridiculous the global warming crowd becomes, the less I believe anything they say.
Climate change isn't only happening, but we're beyond the point-of-no-return and doomed. the deniers know this. But if they don't oppose CG enough to allow 'reasonable doubt' people would panic, work less, and only speed up our demise.

Just a theory. Stay calm. :)

I don't know that "we're beyond the point of no return and doomed". The only place that applies is not to GWarming, but to American ignorance and politics. But you KINDA have a very small point that I've decided that people ARE being overly panic. They are being USED by politicians and AGW leadership by exploitating their total ignorance of the topic..

Only way to fix that is to pray that folks will make an investment in learning and an independent thought. And that the systemic and total lying about almost everything happening in DC will stop...
Climate change isn't only happening, but we're beyond the point-of-no-return and doomed. the deniers know this. But if they don't oppose CG enough to allow 'reasonable doubt' people would panic, work less, and only speed up our demise.

Just a theory. Stay calm. :)

I don't know that "we're beyond the point of no return and doomed". The only place that applies is not to GWarming, but to American ignorance and politics. But you KINDA have a very small point that I've decided that people ARE being overly panic. They are being USED by politicians and AGW leadership by exploitating their total ignorance of the topic..

Only way to fix that is to pray that folks will make an investment in learning and an independent thought. And that the systemic and total lying about almost everything happening in DC will stop...

We are DOOMED! The Brain Function status of the liberal low information voter is such that cognitive thought doesn't compute..... They have their hands out for their next hand out... Imagine how ugly it will become when those handouts cease...
We are DOOMED! The Brain Function status of the liberal low information voter is such that cognitive thought doesn't compute..... They have their hands out for their next hand out... Imagine how ugly it will become when those handouts cease...

Frankly, I can see an upside to that eventuality.

They are being USED by politicians and AGW leadership by exploitating their total ignorance of the topic..

Please give us an example of how people are being "used" by policiticans and AGW leadership.

Please identify some of these politicians and - more to my interest - who the "AGW leadership" might be.

Please give us a few suggestions as to why these particular politicians and the "AGW leadership" and the vast majority of the world's scientists would commit such an enormous fraud.
They are being USED by politicians and AGW leadership by exploitating their total ignorance of the topic..

Please give us an example of how people are being "used" by policiticans and AGW leadership.

Please identify some of these politicians and - more to my interest - who the "AGW leadership" might be.

Please give us a few suggestions as to why these particular politicians and the "AGW leadership" and the vast majority of the world's scientists would commit such an enormous fraud.

Holy shit.
Holy shit.

It has been done ad nauseam on this board. It's all over the internet. No matter what proof you provide to a dedicated liberal that their beliefs or oppinions are wrong or conflict with reality they will not believe it.

Jesus Christ Himself could float down from the heavens and tell them abortion is the murder of innocent life, and they would regurgitate some bullshit about Him being on Karl Rove's payroll and then tell Him what He would do in respecting the "right to choose".

They really are that stupid.

Holy shit.

It has been done ad nauseam on this board. It's all over the internet. No matter what proof you provide to a dedicated liberal that their beliefs or oppinions are wrong or conflict with reality they will not believe it.

Jesus Christ Himself could float down from the heavens and tell them abortion is the murder of innocent life, and they would regurgitate some bullshit about Him being on Karl Rove's payroll and then tell Him what He would do in respecting the "right to choose".

They really are that stupid.

I know I am suppose to do unto others as I would have done unto me, but I cannot with these mouth pieces of the devil. I am out of patience and I have been for some time now.

I cannot say I have much hope of making it to heaven if there is one anyway. Having said that, the left are arrogant bloviated pride filled buffoons of their socialist gods. They have been seduced by fairy tales and they actually think utopia exists in the form of socialism.

They cannot see that the environment has been turned into a trillion dollar industry.

This moron wants to see proof. What else is there to say other than holy shit?
Oh my, what a bunch of ignorant fucks we have here. When they cannot debate the science, they immediatly start yelling 'socialism'. Then continue on to abortion. Which of course has zero to do with a changing climate created by the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere.

These retards think that the environmental destruction created by mountaintop removal mining is an improvement on nature. And tobacco is good for you. That lead, mercury, and uranium are good things to put into the atmosphere.

But, they have already lost. Wind is now far cheaper as generation that even dirty coal. Solar will be, perhaps before this year is out. And as the batteries become less expensive and the energy density increases, the EV will replace the ICE auto, and then the same for trucks.
Oh my, what a bunch of ignorant fucks we have here. When they cannot debate the science, they immediatly start yelling 'socialism'. Then continue on to abortion. Which of course has zero to do with a changing climate created by the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere.

These retards think that the environmental destruction created by mountaintop removal mining is an improvement on nature. And tobacco is good for you. That lead, mercury, and uranium are good things to put into the atmosphere.

But, they have already lost. Wind is now far cheaper as generation that even dirty coal. Solar will be, perhaps before this year is out. And as the batteries become less expensive and the energy density increases, the EV will replace the ICE auto, and then the same for trucks.

Let's take the opportunity to have an honest heart to heart here O-Rocks.
You've got about 30,000 posts on this topic and BullWinkle As both Crick and Abraham has about 12,000 almost exclusively on Global Warming.

CrickHam can't absorb any information on this topic that doesn't fit his template. PURPOSELY can't remember shit that happened on this board last week. And NOW claims he's unaware of any efforts to scare people into compliance on the AGW issue --- EVEN THO -- the Dictator in Chief of the USA is a PRIME LEADER of the AGW fear campaign.. Having to ask those type of questions is a very trollish behaviour.

So --- the way it's been going on this forum for years is

1) You guys toss up ancient or recent studies that are paid for TARGETED AGW funding and make scary innuendoes about what MIGHT HAPPEN.

2) We tell you the weaknesses in those studies and why these are not settled science or proof of anything. And we wait WILLINGLY to discuss the specifics of each and every study or piece of evidence that you present.

3) You then change the subject, dodge the use of any personal thought or intuition -- call us deniers -- and appeal to authority..

4) 6 months or a year later -- some climate scientist will recant or revise their wildly hysterical prognostications and we will post it. (or as in the cases of the hockey sticks, their weaknesses are now common knowledge in the science world) You (you know who you are) will forget EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS discussion and continue to the use the damaged studies as your evidence.

As an example of this -- you continue to post (about 40 times now) a historical version of the role of CO2 in atmospheric warming. I have repeatedly stated that I don't deny that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and has a limited ability to warm the planet. And I continue by telling you that YOUR THEORY --- that you are wasting 30,000 posts attempting to defend --- ADMITS that CO2 is only the trigger event for the projected effects of AGW. The scenario where the Earth commits suicide because of 2deg trigger. All because of ill-concieved GLOBAL magic multipliers that bestow SuperPowers upon CO2 as the climate control knob.

YET ---- AGAIN --- you and other warmers run directly away from those observations and continue to troll with no accumulated memory of any of the debate.

One has to reach the conclusion that the maniac strident Climate warriors that waste their time here either cannot FOLLOW the discussion, or are so enamored of the powerful personalities leading this lemming march that you don't care to actually discuss or remember any details...

It's getting real old.. And we need some new Warmer Warriors to get out of this GroundHog Day hell....
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Oh my, what a bunch of ignorant fucks we have here. When they cannot debate the science, they immediatly start yelling 'socialism'. Then continue on to abortion. Which of course has zero to do with a changing climate created by the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere.

These retards think that the environmental destruction created by mountaintop removal mining is an improvement on nature. And tobacco is good for you. That lead, mercury, and uranium are good things to put into the atmosphere.

But, they have already lost. Wind is now far cheaper as generation that even dirty coal. Solar will be, perhaps before this year is out. And as the batteries become less expensive and the energy density increases, the EV will replace the ICE auto, and then the same for trucks.

Let's take the opportunity to have an honest heart to heart here O-Rocks.
You've got about 30,000 posts on this topic and BullWinkle As both Crick and Abraham has about 12,000 almost exclusively on Global Warming.

CrickHam can't absorb any information on this topic that doesn't fit his template. PURPOSELY can't remember shit that happened on this board last week. And NOW claims he's unaware of any efforts to scare people into compliance on the AGW issue --- EVEN THO -- the Dictator in Chief of the USA is a PRIME LEADER of the AGW fear campaign.. Having to ask those type of questions is a very trollish behaviour.

So --- the way it's been going on this forum for years is

1) You guys toss up ancient or recent studies that are paid for TARGETED AGW funding and make scary innuendoes about what MIGHT HAPPEN.

2) We tell you the weaknesses in those studies and why these are not settled science or proof of anything. And we wait WILLINGLY to discuss the specifics of each and every study or piece of evidence that you present.

3) You then change the subject, dodge the use of any personal thought or intuition -- call us deniers -- and appeal to authority..

4) 6 months or a year later -- some climate scientist will recant or revise their wildly hysterical prognostications and we will post it. You (you know who you are) will forget EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS discussion and continue to the use the damaged studies as your evidence.

As an example of this -- you continue to post (about 40 times now) a historical version of the role of CO2 in atmospheric warming. I have repeatedly stated that I don't deny that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and has a limited ability to warm the planet. And I continue by telling you that YOUR THEORY --- that you are wasting 30,000 posts attempting to defend --- ADMITS that CO2 is only the trigger event for the projected effects of AGW. The scenario where the Earth commits suicide because of 2deg trigger. All because of ill-concieved GLOBAL magic multipliers that bestow SuperPowers upon CO2 as the climate control knob.

YET ---- AGAIN --- you and other warmers run directly away from those observations and continue to troll with no accumulated memory of any of the debate.

One has to reach the conclusion that the maniac strident Climate warriors that waste their time here either cannot FOLLOW the discussion, or are so enamored of the powerful personalities leading this lemming march that you don't care to actually discuss or remember any details...

It's getting real old.. And we need some new Warmer Warriors to get out of this GroundHog Day hell....

Yeah this should be good, I might even take oldcock off ignore just to see if he can complete a coherent sentence with a single fact in it.


On second thought I know better.

Oh my, what a bunch of ignorant fucks we have here. When they cannot debate the science, they immediatly start yelling 'socialism'. Then continue on to abortion. Which of course has zero to do with a changing climate created by the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere.

These retards think that the environmental destruction created by mountaintop removal mining is an improvement on nature. And tobacco is good for you. That lead, mercury, and uranium are good things to put into the atmosphere.

But, they have already lost. Wind is now far cheaper as generation that even dirty coal. Solar will be, perhaps before this year is out. And as the batteries become less expensive and the energy density increases, the EV will replace the ICE auto, and then the same for trucks.

Let's take the opportunity to have an honest heart to heart here O-Rocks.
You've got about 30,000 posts on this topic and BullWinkle As both Crick and Abraham has about 12,000 almost exclusively on Global Warming.

CrickHam can't absorb any information on this topic that doesn't fit his template. PURPOSELY can't remember shit that happened on this board last week. And NOW claims he's unaware of any efforts to scare people into compliance on the AGW issue --- EVEN THO -- the Dictator in Chief of the USA is a PRIME LEADER of the AGW fear campaign.. Having to ask those type of questions is a very trollish behaviour.

So --- the way it's been going on this forum for years is

1) You guys toss up ancient or recent studies that are paid for TARGETED AGW funding and make scary innuendoes about what MIGHT HAPPEN.

2) We tell you the weaknesses in those studies and why these are not settled science or proof of anything. And we wait WILLINGLY to discuss the specifics of each and every study or piece of evidence that you present.

3) You then change the subject, dodge the use of any personal thought or intuition -- call us deniers -- and appeal to authority..

4) 6 months or a year later -- some climate scientist will recant or revise their wildly hysterical prognostications and we will post it. You (you know who you are) will forget EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS discussion and continue to the use the damaged studies as your evidence.

As an example of this -- you continue to post (about 40 times now) a historical version of the role of CO2 in atmospheric warming. I have repeatedly stated that I don't deny that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and has a limited ability to warm the planet. And I continue by telling you that YOUR THEORY --- that you are wasting 30,000 posts attempting to defend --- ADMITS that CO2 is only the trigger event for the projected effects of AGW. The scenario where the Earth commits suicide because of 2deg trigger. All because of ill-concieved GLOBAL magic multipliers that bestow SuperPowers upon CO2 as the climate control knob.

YET ---- AGAIN --- you and other warmers run directly away from those observations and continue to troll with no accumulated memory of any of the debate.

One has to reach the conclusion that the maniac strident Climate warriors that waste their time here either cannot FOLLOW the discussion, or are so enamored of the powerful personalities leading this lemming march that you don't care to actually discuss or remember any details...

It's getting real old.. And we need some new Warmer Warriors to get out of this GroundHog Day hell....

Yeah this should be good, I might even take oldcock off ignore just to see if he can complete a coherent sentence with a single fact in it.


On second thought I know better.

By all means --- I would recommend taking him off ignore. It's really time to do something different on these AGW threads. MAYBE --- I'm too optimistic -- but I think we should take the time to get a different result in these threads. They are all starting to sound the same..

My question would be (and it IS DEFINATELY related to this OP) -- does ANYONE want to discuss the science behind Global Warming hysteria -- or is this just some sort of fantasy league excersise???
By all means --- I would recommend taking him off ignore. It's really time to do something different on these AGW threads. MAYBE --- I'm too optimistic -- but I think we should take the time to get a different result in these threads. They are all starting to sound the same..

My question would be (and it IS DEFINATELY related to this OP) -- does ANYONE want to discuss the science behind Global Warming hysteria -- or is this just some sort of fantasy league excersise???

I'd love too see any thread on any topic result in anyone saying something like, "well shit, I didn't know that. Thanks, you've changed my perspective". I'm not holding out a lot of hope when it comes to either a bed wetter renouncing his faith that satan's minions (conservative people) are destroying their earth Goddess, or someone who rejects MMGW suddenly buying it.

When I was younger I was a moonbat myself, but just after finding out that the rich actually do pay all the taxes, I started questioning everything else about liberal dogma and I realized I had been sacrificing braincells on the alter of bolshevik bullshit.

From what I've seen though, people that cling to such stupidity after they're 20 or so maintain a zealous dedication to ignorance. Good luck with oldcock anyway.

I'd love to see a non threatening discussion take place. there are open questions perhaps on both sides, but the ones that continue through the different threads are open questions to the crocks and socks on the warmer side.

Almost anytime a question is asked to them, they reply with a question back and avoid the answer and then claim the response was the answer. I crack the f up at the game they play. And, they don't think we know. That's really the funny part. Especially mantooth.
Holy shit.

It has been done ad nauseam on this board. It's all over the internet. No matter what proof you provide to a dedicated liberal that their beliefs or oppinions are wrong or conflict with reality they will not believe it.

Jesus Christ Himself could float down from the heavens and tell them abortion is the murder of innocent life, and they would regurgitate some bullshit about Him being on Karl Rove's payroll and then tell Him what He would do in respecting the "right to choose".

They really are that stupid.

Interesting comment from someone who apparently rejects the conclusions of thousands of PhDs in tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies. Are you really THAT stupid?
Holy shit.

It has been done ad nauseam on this board. It's all over the internet. No matter what proof you provide to a dedicated liberal that their beliefs or oppinions are wrong or conflict with reality they will not believe it.

Jesus Christ Himself could float down from the heavens and tell them abortion is the murder of innocent life, and they would regurgitate some bullshit about Him being on Karl Rove's payroll and then tell Him what He would do in respecting the "right to choose".

They really are that stupid.

I know I am suppose to do unto others as I would have done unto me, but I cannot with these mouth pieces of the devil. I am out of patience and I have been for some time now.

I cannot say I have much hope of making it to heaven if there is one anyway. Having said that, the left are arrogant bloviated pride filled buffoons of their socialist gods. They have been seduced by fairy tales and they actually think utopia exists in the form of socialism.

They cannot see that the environment has been turned into a trillion dollar industry.

This moron wants to see proof. What else is there to say other than holy shit?

You should perhaps read a little closer since you both seem to be on the same side of the political and climate change spectrums.

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