Climate Change Has Run Its Course


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Climate Change Has Run Its Course

"Climate change is over. No, I’m not saying the climate will not change in the future, or that human influence on the climate is negligible. I mean simply that climate change is no longer a pre-eminent policy issue. All that remains is boilerplate rhetoric from the political class, frivolous nuisance lawsuits, and bureaucratic mandates on behalf of special-interest renewable-energy rent seekers."

Al Gore was the face of 'Global Warming' and the sole reason it became a global political 'phenomenon'.

Al Gore was also a scam artist, a con man who sought to make millions off of the idea of 'Carbon Credits'. What were Carbon Credits' and the idea behind it?

The concept was that there was too much carbon being produced by countries around the world, so 'THEY' (people like Gore) wanted to dictate to all the nations that they could only produce so much carbon each year. Each nation would have an allotted number of 'carbon credits - if they were going to produce any more carbon than that amount they would have to BUY more 'carbon credits'.

That is sort of like ME deciding to tell everyone in the world that they are using too much OXYGEN, that they are allowed only so many breaths a day, and if they use / need to use any more breaths than their allotted amount they would have to BUY 'oxygen credits' from ME.

The concept of carbon credits did little to nothing to reduce the amount of carbon, but it would make a WHOLE lot of money for whoever controlled the Carbon Credits.

But I digress...

From the 'hockey stick' to NASA data manipulation to crating non-existent alien races to ponder how they would deal with Global Warming, despite the 'Global Warming Warriors' claiming 'The Science Is Settled', the science used to back up their every claim was never much so that they were forced to change the title / name of 'Global Warming' to 'Climate change'.

As the WSJ points out, the Climate Change / Global Warming 'crusade' has 'petered out', lost its momentum, and is no longer 'a pre-eminent policy issue'.


No but the anti crowd is getting smaller and smaller in the scientific community...

If you keep reading from your NAZI friends you might think the Jews came up with it...
Al Gore was the face of 'Global Warming' and the sole reason it became a global political 'phenomenon'.

No, the scientists that understand it better than anybody else on Earth are the reason it became a global political issue.
Leo decaffrio left one country on a private jet to travel to another country to receive an environmental award. Then went strait back.
I would imagine most of the people at that ceremony rode in on planes.
What a bunch of cock suckers
It was never a real issue, the libs claim that the goal was to stop man made pollution (which they claimed caused climate change). But it was never about pollution or climate, it was an effort by the globalist left wing lunatics to find a way to control how everyone on earth lived. Liberalism only works when the leaders have ultimate control over everyone else, and even then it eventually fails.

Gore sold his snake oil to the gullible and now everyone sees him for the charleton that he is.
Al Gore was the face of 'Global Warming' and the sole reason it became a global political 'phenomenon'.

No, the scientists that understand it better than anybody else on Earth are the reason it became a global political issue.

what exactly do they "understand"? Not one of the global warming/climate change THEORIES has proven true. They faked the data and the gullible bought it because they were told it was about stopping man made pollution, but that was never what it was about, it was about control of humanity because liberals think they know how we should live better than we do
Climate Change and Income Disparity are tried and true platforms the Left will always resurrect abs spin. I believe Climate Change exists..... it has to for a planet that has been around 4.5 billion years. Income disparity also exists.... it exists in every economy yet the US economic system provides the best opportunity for an individual to change that which is why they come here.
it was about control of humanity because liberals

So you think scientists the world over are in on a liberal conspiracy to control humanity through a climate change hoax?

no, only about half of them. But seriously, why isn't it enough to fight against pollution? why is the questionable link between pollution and climate necessary in order to fight pollution? OR, maybe its not really about pollution. THINK ABOUT IT.
US economic system provides the best opportunity for an individual to change that which is why they come here.

We do not have anything close to the lowest poverty rates in the world. Yes, we probably have more billionaires than they do. I'll never be a billionaire though, and neither will you, or anybody that posts here most likely.
it was about control of humanity because liberals

So you think scientists the world over are in on a liberal conspiracy to control humanity through a climate change hoax?

no, only about half of them. But seriously, why isn't it enough to fight against pollution? why is the questionable link between pollution and climate necessary in order to fight pollution? OR, maybe its not really about pollution. THINK ABOUT IT.

A lot more than half of climate scientists believe human activity is impacting our climate.
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it was about control of humanity because liberals

So you think scientists the world over are in on a liberal conspiracy to control humanity through a climate change hoax?

no, only about half of them. But seriously, why isn't it enough to fight against pollution? why is the questionable link between pollution and climate necessary in order to fight pollution? OR, maybe its not really about pollution. THINK ABOUT IT.

A lot more than half of climate scientists believe human activity is impacting the environment.
Of course we are.
I read yesterday a whale died from eating 17 plastic bags
Its fucking SAD.
it was about control of humanity because liberals

So you think scientists the world over are in on a liberal conspiracy to control humanity through a climate change hoax?

no, only about half of them. But seriously, why isn't it enough to fight against pollution? why is the questionable link between pollution and climate necessary in order to fight pollution? OR, maybe its not really about pollution. THINK ABOUT IT.

A lot more than half of climate scientists believe human activity is impacting the environment.

sure, probably 100% believe that human activity is harming the environment. But less than 50% think human activity is causing climate change.

so, one more time, pollution is bad, we need to stop human pollution. pollution does not cause climate change, the climate change rhetoric is aimed at human control, not stopping pollution. please wake up to reality.
it was about control of humanity because liberals

So you think scientists the world over are in on a liberal conspiracy to control humanity through a climate change hoax?

I think many scientists admire Velikovsky. They find a theory that sounds downright magical and drive it by predicting the most dire of consequences in order to sell books.

"Chariots of the gods, man. They practically own South America." :auiqs.jpg:
US economic system provides the best opportunity for an individual to change that which is why they come here.

We do not have anything close to the lowest poverty rates in the world. Yes, we probably have more billionaires than they do. I'll never be a billionaire though, and neither will you, or anybody that posts here most likely.

The poor here live like kings compared to the poor over the rest of the planet.
it was about control of humanity because liberals

So you think scientists the world over are in on a liberal conspiracy to control humanity through a climate change hoax?

no, only about half of them. But seriously, why isn't it enough to fight against pollution? why is the questionable link between pollution and climate necessary in order to fight pollution? OR, maybe its not really about pollution. THINK ABOUT IT.

A lot more than half of climate scientists believe human activity is impacting the environment.
Of course we are.
I read yesterday a whale died from eating 17 plastic bags
Its fucking SAD.

yes, its very frustrating that the left thinks they need a pollution/climate link in order to fight pollution. I guess its true that liberalism is a mental disease.
sure, probably 100% believe that human activity is harming the environment. But less than 50% think human activity is causing climate change.

You and Harley both knew what I meant. And no, that's not true. Do you actually believe that less than half of climate scientists believe humans contribute to climate change?
sure, probably 100% believe that human activity is harming the environment. But less than 50% think human activity is causing climate change.

You and Harley both knew what I meant. And no, that's not true. Do you actually believe that less than half of climate scientists believe humans contribute to climate change?

Yes, less than half and the number of believers is getting smaller every year as more and more real data is collected and studied.
The article has nothing to do with the science of the climate or the human contribution. It's all about alarmist politics.

."The descent of climate change into the abyss of social-justice identity politics represents the last gasp of a cause that has lost its vitality. Climate alarm is like a car alarm—a blaring noise people are tuning out.

This outcome was predictable. Political scientist Anthony Downs described the downward trajectory of many political movements in an article for the Public Interest, “Up and Down With Ecology: The ‘Issue-Attention Cycle,’ ” published in 1972, long before the climate-change campaign began.

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