Climate Change Has Run Its Course

This past weekend I went to the beach at a city on the of the very beaches at one of the very cities Al Gore years ago warned us would be completely under water by now due to the melting ice caps and glaciers.... It was beautiful...and my new grandson's 1st trip to the beach was great

As for Al Gore...what an ignorant, fear-mongering douche bag. :p

Wow! Gore and the other glowarm worshippers promised us all that it would be under water by now.
Then what do you have in place of those temperature trends? That is what it comes down to.
A few more decades of accurate measuring?

What are the solutions? THAT is what it really comes down to.

Continuing to dismiss the problem because you don't like the possible solutions you've thought of is incredibly dumb.
Questioning the effectiveness of proposed solutions when they tend to take a huge, steaming shit on liberty is incredibly smart.
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This past weekend I went to the beach at a city on the of the very beaches at one of the very cities Al Gore years ago warned us would be completely under water by now due to the melting ice caps and glaciers.... It was beautiful...and my new grandson's 1st trip to the beach was great

As for Al Gore...what an ignorant, fear-mongering douche bag. :p

Wow! Gore and the other glowarm worshippers promised us all that it would be under water by now.

Al Gore's documentary was a bit alarmist. That doesn't mean man made climate change isn't an issue we need to consider.

^ Guam, still upright

I know. I was worried about them moving all the planes to one side of the island .
This past weekend I went to the beach at a city on the of the very beaches at one of the very cities Al Gore years ago warned us would be completely under water by now due to the melting ice caps and glaciers.... It was beautiful...and my new grandson's 1st trip to the beach was great

As for Al Gore...what an ignorant, fear-mongering douche bag. :p

Wow! Gore and the other glowarm worshippers promised us all that it would be under water by now.

Al Gore's documentary was a bit alarmist. That doesn't mean man made climate change isn't an issue we need to consider.

Sure, we can consider that the earth is going through increased geologic processes ie increased eqs, weather etc, but it's not our doing.
Good lord, indeed.

1. That's not a solar-powered car.

2. Acceleration is not the benchmark for measuring efficiency.

3. Where does a Tesla car get its energy? (hint: fossil fueled power plants)

There is a bigger carbon footprint for the production, distribution and disposal of batteries than it is for the carbon saved by using less fossil fuels.

Actually that also applies to solar panels that idiots put on their roofs.

These Moon Bats are crazy as hell with their AGW religion, aren't they?
The solution to human emitted greenhouse gases being the primary driver of climate change is to reduce their emission.
There is a bigger carbon footprint for the production, distribution and disposal of batteries than it is for the carbon saved by using less fossil fuels.

Actually that also applies to solar panels that idiots put on their roofs.

These Moon Bats are crazy as hell with their AGW religion, aren't they?
I know, right? If we just accept it and have faith, the prophet, Algore will lead us to prosperity and save us from the evil destruction that is upon us. But, we cannot question the great Algore. We MUST have faith and accept his guidance or we will surely be destroyed.

It's like a chapter out of the Old Testament.

Speaking of the carbon footprint of batteries, remember that we have as much as 10% ethanol in our fuels now.

It takes a barrel of oil to produce a barrel of ethanol.

I am glad we fell for that scam and are now FORCED to use ethanol.

Climate Change Has Run Its Course

"Climate change is over. No, I’m not saying the climate will not change in the future, or that human influence on the climate is negligible. I mean simply that climate change is no longer a pre-eminent policy issue. All that remains is boilerplate rhetoric from the political class, frivolous nuisance lawsuits, and bureaucratic mandates on behalf of special-interest renewable-energy rent seekers."

Al Gore was the face of 'Global Warming' and the sole reason it became a global political 'phenomenon'.

Al Gore was also a scam artist, a con man who sought to make millions off of the idea of 'Carbon Credits'. What were Carbon Credits' and the idea behind it?

The concept was that there was too much carbon being produced by countries around the world, so 'THEY' (people like Gore) wanted to dictate to all the nations that they could only produce so much carbon each year. Each nation would have an allotted number of 'carbon credits - if they were going to produce any more carbon than that amount they would have to BUY more 'carbon credits'.

That is sort of like ME deciding to tell everyone in the world that they are using too much OXYGEN, that they are allowed only so many breaths a day, and if they use / need to use any more breaths than their allotted amount they would have to BUY 'oxygen credits' from ME.

The concept of carbon credits did little to nothing to reduce the amount of carbon, but it would make a WHOLE lot of money for whoever controlled the Carbon Credits.

But I digress...

From the 'hockey stick' to NASA data manipulation to crating non-existent alien races to ponder how they would deal with Global Warming, despite the 'Global Warming Warriors' claiming 'The Science Is Settled', the science used to back up their every claim was never much so that they were forced to change the title / name of 'Global Warming' to 'Climate change'.

As the WSJ points out, the Climate Change / Global Warming 'crusade' has 'petered out', lost its momentum, and is no longer 'a pre-eminent policy issue'.


So, if people quit talking about Global Warming, it no longer exists.

You have to love the logic as it represents the Trumpette thinking.
There is a bigger carbon footprint for the production, distribution and disposal of batteries than it is for the carbon saved by using less fossil fuels.

Actually that also applies to solar panels that idiots put on their roofs.

These Moon Bats are crazy as hell with their AGW religion, aren't they?
I know, right? If we just accept it and have faith, the prophet, Algore will lead us to prosperity and save us from the evil destruction that is upon us. But, we cannot question the great Algore. We MUST have faith and accept his guidance or we will surely be destroyed.

It's like a chapter out of the Old Testament.

Speaking of the carbon footprint of batteries, remember that we have as much as 10% ethanol in our fuels now.

It takes a barrel of oil to produce a barrel of ethanol.

I am glad we fell for that scam and are now FORCED to use ethanol.


One thing I think we all know is that these environmental wackos are dumber than a door knob.

However, not only are they ignorant of climate science but also economics, history, the Constitution, ethics and even biology.
If I say there is no problem, why would I need a solution?
Because you can't deny the evidence in your face without looking like a fool, but you can't abandon your position of requiring a solution you agree with before admitting there's a problem. I'm going to leave you to it, life's too short.
The solution to human emitted greenhouse gases being the primary driver of climate change is to reduce their emission.
That's a great non-committal, generalized, open-ended answer.

Wow. I thought the solution was going to be something else. Thanks for clarifying. (here is where a punctuation mark indicating sarcasm would be effective)


How do we reduce each person's carbon emissions without completely destroying the free market or putting undue burden on consumers?

What freedoms are going to be lost in this effort? That's the biggest concern.
Because you can't deny the evidence in your face without looking like a fool, but you can't abandon your position of requiring a solution you agree with before admitting there's a problem. I'm going to leave you to it, life's too short.
I am not necessarily denying the "evidence" in my face. What I am denying is the conclusions reached.

Global temperatures are rising? Okay.

That does not prove that we are cause it.

Solar cycles causes warming issues? That has nothing to do with man. Shouldn't we factor that into the conclusions before we force communism on America?

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