Climate Change Has Run Its Course

Can you show us the magical, mythical accurate to a tenth of a degree data set from 1880?
Can you show me the lab work on black holes?

Yours is a simple experiment. You contend that you've eliminated all variables except for de miniums changes in an atmospheric trace element -- show us! It's simply incredible that a 120PPM change in CO2 causes the atmosphere to retain so so so so so so so much heat. Show us and silence the critics
The first step of which is to recognise the problem? Absolutely. But keep running.
And if we disagree on the problem, does that mean we stop there?

That's the real issue. You know we will not accept the proposed solution. Furthermore, the proposed solution will be futile.

If we assume the use of fossil fuels will cause the end of our world, the reason that we use so much fossil fuel is because it is highly efficient and abundant, and the world population of 8 billion people demands so much of it.

The real solution (and only solution) is to reduce the population to about 2 billion and hold it there. All other solutions, to this point, are bullshit or a Bolshevik plot.
Well now, I volunteer you to be the first to step off the cliff.

AGW is a death worshiping cult. Dangerous and demented
So, if people quit talking about Global Warming, it no longer exists.
When people stop talking about Climate Change as the world killer that should have flooded miles of coastline inland by now, as predicted by Gore, because Global Warming 'scientists' were repeatedly busted for manipulating data and for being so wrong on their predictions, it is no longer taken seriously as a huge / front-and-center issue.

Global Warming was debunked soundly by proving there were / are re-occurring patterns of global warming and cooling as well as indications we might be in a cooling cycle. This caused the name to be changed to 'Climate Change'.

I completely believe in 'Climate change'. I see it 4 times a year and learned about them in school:

Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall. :p
Yours is a simple experiment. You contend that you've eliminated all variables except for de miniums changes in an atmospheric trace element -- show us! It's simply incredible that a 120PPM change in CO2 causes the atmosphere to retain so so so so so so so much heat. Show us and silence the critics
No, no, NO!!!

You must trust them and exercise faith first, and immediately chop off your penis. Only then, after you have demonstrated your faith, will the truth be revealed unto you, once your penis is chopped off and cannot be reattachable.

Faith first.
This past weekend I went to the beach at a city on the of the very beaches at one of the very cities Al Gore years ago warned us would be completely under water by now due to the melting ice caps and glaciers.... It was beautiful...and my new grandson's 1st trip to the beach was great

As for Al Gore...what an ignorant, fear-mongering douche bag. :p

More lies. In 2007 he said

"One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.

While Gore attributed these predictions to scientists, they stemmed from a selective reading of aggressive estimates regarding future melting.
This past weekend I went to the beach at a city on the of the very beaches at one of the very cities Al Gore years ago warned us would be completely under water by now due to the melting ice caps and glaciers.... It was beautiful...and my new grandson's 1st trip to the beach was great

As for Al Gore...what an ignorant, fear-mongering douche bag. :p

Wow! Gore and the other glowarm worshippers promised us all that it would be under water by now.

Yeah so did that documentary on ABC too. No wait, that was a bull shit docudrama.
Guatemalans should be on the hook via carbon tax for this... charge them a hefty % of their GDP each and every day that their country spews forth this Globe melting carbon... lol

There is a bigger carbon footprint for the production, distribution and disposal of batteries than it is for the carbon saved by using less fossil fuels.

Actually that also applies to solar panels that idiots put on their roofs.

These Moon Bats are crazy as hell with their AGW religion, aren't they?
I know, right? If we just accept it and have faith, the prophet, Algore will lead us to prosperity and save us from the evil destruction that is upon us. But, we cannot question the great Algore. We MUST have faith and accept his guidance or we will surely be destroyed.

It's like a chapter out of the Old Testament.

Speaking of the carbon footprint of batteries, remember that we have as much as 10% ethanol in our fuels now.

It takes a barrel of oil to produce a barrel of ethanol.

I am glad we fell for that scam and are now FORCED to use ethanol.


Five Ethanol Myths, Busted

There are two key reasons ethanol is no longer net energy negative.

First, corn production efficiency has increased dramatically: Producers now grow 160 bushels per acre today versus the 95 grown in 1980, and corn yield continues to increase.

Second, ethanol production has become more energy-efficient. Today, more than 90 percent of corn used in ethanol production goes through a dry milling process that uses far less energy than the wet milling process used before. The combination of more corn per acre, coupled with a reduction of energy input to process ethanol, has resulted in a favorable energy output. The gallons of ethanol yielded per bushel of corn has also increased by about 50 percent.
This past weekend I went to the beach at a city on the of the very beaches at one of the very cities Al Gore years ago warned us would be completely under water by now due to the melting ice caps and glaciers.... It was beautiful...and my new grandson's 1st trip to the beach was great

As for Al Gore...what an ignorant, fear-mongering douche bag. :p

More lies. In 2007 he said

"One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.

While Gore attributed these predictions to scientists, they stemmed from a selective reading of aggressive estimates regarding future melting.
And every prediction made never came true. Gore is gone. His 'global warming' fear is gone. As the WSJ states, it has been minimized as a 'crucial issue'. Next....
Guatemalans should be on the hook via carbon tax for this... charge them a hefty % of their GDP each and every day that their country spews forth this Globe melting carbon... lol


The gases and dust particles thrown into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions have influences on climate. Most of the particles spewed from volcanoes cool the planet by shading incoming solar radiation. The cooling effect can last for months to years depending on the characteristics of the eruption.

How Volcanoes Influence Climate | UCAR Center for Science Education
This past weekend I went to the beach at a city on the of the very beaches at one of the very cities Al Gore years ago warned us would be completely under water by now due to the melting ice caps and glaciers.... It was beautiful...and my new grandson's 1st trip to the beach was great

As for Al Gore...what an ignorant, fear-mongering douche bag. :p

More lies. In 2007 he said

"One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.

While Gore attributed these predictions to scientists, they stemmed from a selective reading of aggressive estimates regarding future melting.
And every prediction made never came true. Gore is gone. His 'global warming' fear is gone. As the WSJ states, it has been minimized as a 'crucial issue'. Next....
Blasphemous!!! tis "the greatest single threat to mankind"... don't ya know.... (now who said that again???)
Blasphemous!!! tis "the greatest single threat to mankind"... don't ya know.... (now who said that again???)

Was it the guy who said if the US put any more troops on Guam the island would TIP OVER? N, no, no - that was D-Hank Johnson....

Was it the snowflake candidate who just declared the greatest threat ro our Democracy, behind the guy who used to hide in caves in Afghanistan, now sits in the WH?

This past weekend I went to the beach at a city on the of the very beaches at one of the very cities Al Gore years ago warned us would be completely under water by now due to the melting ice caps and glaciers.... It was beautiful...and my new grandson's 1st trip to the beach was great

As for Al Gore...what an ignorant, fear-mongering douche bag. :p

More lies. In 2007 he said

"One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.

While Gore attributed these predictions to scientists, they stemmed from a selective reading of aggressive estimates regarding future melting.
Snopes is an unreliable, leftist source, by the way. The operators are hardcore democrat leftists.
BTW did y'all send the skiff out to pick up 'Fluffy' & 'fluffy jr'... O, that's right.. them be out slaughtering innocent seals and like to rest up on ice chunks while they digest their murderous snacks..

This past weekend I went to the beach at a city on the of the very beaches at one of the very cities Al Gore years ago warned us would be completely under water by now due to the melting ice caps and glaciers.... It was beautiful...and my new grandson's 1st trip to the beach was great

As for Al Gore...what an ignorant, fear-mongering douche bag. :p

More lies. In 2007 he said

"One study estimated that it could be completely gone during summer in less than 22 years. Another new study, to be presented by U.S. Navy researchers later this week, warns it could happen in as little as 7 years.

While Gore attributed these predictions to scientists, they stemmed from a selective reading of aggressive estimates regarding future melting.
And every prediction made never came true. Gore is gone. His 'global warming' fear is gone. As the WSJ states, it has been minimized as a 'crucial issue'. Next....

Obviously you have to lie. Didn't he predict that CO2 level would continue to rise? Have they? Didn't he predict the temperature would continue to rise? Did they? Arctic Sea Ice continues to shrink in size and thickness.

It's only the exaggerated worst case scenario claims from Al that the crusading deniers always point to when they denigrate manbearpig.....
Blasphemous!!! tis "the greatest single threat to mankind"... don't ya know.... (now who said that again???)

Was it the guy who said if the US put any more troops on Guam the island would TIP OVER? N, no, no - that was D-Hank Johnson....

Was it the snowflake candidate who just declared the greatest threat ro our Democracy, behind the guy who used to hide in caves in Afghanistan, now sits in the WH?

Well Sheite... I don't believe it's just one. Our beloved Obummer and the guy who likes "swift" boats, both said it for starters...
There is a bigger carbon footprint for the production, distribution and disposal of batteries than it is for the carbon saved by using less fossil fuels.

Actually that also applies to solar panels that idiots put on their roofs.

These Moon Bats are crazy as hell with their AGW religion, aren't they?
I know, right? If we just accept it and have faith, the prophet, Algore will lead us to prosperity and save us from the evil destruction that is upon us. But, we cannot question the great Algore. We MUST have faith and accept his guidance or we will surely be destroyed.

It's like a chapter out of the Old Testament.

Speaking of the carbon footprint of batteries, remember that we have as much as 10% ethanol in our fuels now.

It takes a barrel of oil to produce a barrel of ethanol.

I am glad we fell for that scam and are now FORCED to use ethanol.


Five Ethanol Myths, Busted

There are two key reasons ethanol is no longer net energy negative.

First, corn production efficiency has increased dramatically: Producers now grow 160 bushels per acre today versus the 95 grown in 1980, and corn yield continues to increase.

Second, ethanol production has become more energy-efficient. Today, more than 90 percent of corn used in ethanol production goes through a dry milling process that uses far less energy than the wet milling process used before. The combination of more corn per acre, coupled with a reduction of energy input to process ethanol, has resulted in a favorable energy output. The gallons of ethanol yielded per bushel of corn has also increased by about 50 percent.
Second, ethanol production has become more energy-efficient. Today, more than 90 percent of corn used in ethanol production goes through a dry milling process that uses far less energy than the wet milling process used before. The combination of more corn per acre, coupled with a reduction of energy input to process ethanol, has resulted in a favorable energy output. The gallons of ethanol yielded per bushel of corn has also increased by about 50 percent.
By "favorable output" do they mean that it costs less than a barrel of oil to produce a barrel of ethanol?

How much more "favorable" is the output? Now, it only takes 90% of a barrel of oil is needed for a barrel of ethanol?

Because, a 50% increase in the productivity from shit is still pretty much SHIT.

Ethanol was the biggest scam perpetrated on the American people since the unconstitutional, illegal Ponzi/Pyramid scheme known as "social security."
It has, but don't expect the Left/Globalists to stop pushing it. 'Global Warming' has become a religion for them. Always beware of folks claiming the 'Science is Settled.' That just translates into people trying to force their Agendas on others. I mean if the 'Science is Settled', let's just get on with our one NWO Globalist Government.

It's all about control. Just look at the folks who are behind the 'Global Warming' fear mongering. That tells the tale. It has very little to do with Science. It's about absolute Globalist/Government control of the People.

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