Climate Change Realists

It's funny when you try. And fail. CO2 measurements are taken around the globe, in areas of well-mixed atmosphere away from any significant CO2 sources and sinks. And it's the trend that's looked at, so any short-term noise won't matter.

Yeahh... and they've been doing this with accuracy since the Medieval Warming Period, I suppose? :rofl:
Any idiot can change the spatial resolution of two items and make it appear to correlate.. But then Correlation does not imply causation.. You need physically observed empirical evidence which proves that.. Where is it?

So since the physically observed evidence -- temperature -- shows steady warming, that proves steady warming.

That time/temperature plot graph wasn't showing a correlation of anything. It was showing temperature rising strongly, in response to Boss's crazy claim that temperature wasn't rising. You'll have to explain why you started screaming about correlation.
Except, we have actual documents from actual climate scientists who admit there was a pause.

So, when presented with actual hard evidence, you declare that the evidence doesn't matter, and that your cherrypicked quotes represent the real truth. That's another reason we know you're a cultist. Honest people don't disregard evidence they don't like.

This is why you changed from calling it "global warming" to "climate change."

Incorrect, as are all of your cult fables. The Bush administration did that, because they though "global warming" sounded to scary, and they wanted to delay action.

The Internet is pretty cool...

So why didn't you use it? You should have known something that basic. While your cult is on the internet, there's more to the internet than just your cult. I know your cult forbids you from looking at non-cult sources, but you should try to be brave. Your cult isn't looking over your shoulder all the time. It's safe for you to look at non-cult sources. The only thing keeping you away from the truth is your own sheeplike nature.
mamooth, you're just babbling trollery now. You're not offering information or discourse. All you're doing is flaming those who don't agree with you. You need to know, in 2017, that's just not a tactic that works effectively anymore. Back 10-15 years ago, you could get somewhere by being a troll and insulting your opponents. Those days are over man. Bring some information to the table for discussion or have a big tall glass of STFU and sit your trollish ass down.

As for who is a cultist, we can easily determine that by what is said. If you read my OP, you'll find that I am an objective person who is looking at all sides of this issue. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt that your AGW theories are true. My argument has been that your so-called solutions won't result in change of the climate or a reversal of what you claim is happening. All you'll end up doing is destroying industries and capitalist economies. I have to surmise that's really your objective. It's certainly not changing the climate because the things you propose are weak and ineffective.

We find that most of the people who support this AGW agenda are Socialists and most who reject it are Capitalists. That's not a coincidence. With AGW, the Socialists have a weapon to attack capitalist industrialization. That's really all this is about. You're the cultist. You belong to a Socialist Cult who wants to bring down Capitalism and you believe this can be done by bullying and intimidation. But you don't intimidate me and I won't allow you to bully me into submission.
mamooth, you're just babbling trollery now. You're not offering information or discourse. All you're doing is flaming those who don't agree with you. You need to know, in 2017, that's just not a tactic that works effectively anymore. Back 10-15 years ago, you could get somewhere by being a troll and insulting your opponents. Those days are over man. Bring some information to the table for discussion or have a big tall glass of STFU and sit your trollish ass down[/USER]

Congratulations, you've reached the "Waaaaaa! Mamooth is so meeeeeaaaaaaan! He keeps using facts to humiliate me!" stage of your evolution. All of my wimp-stalkers eventually get to that point.

As for who is a cultist, we can easily determine that by what is said. If you read my OP, you'll find that I am an objective person who is looking at all sides of this issue.

Cultists always say that.

I even gave you the benefit of the doubt that your AGW theories are true.

Cultists always lie about the other side's claims.

My argument has been that your so-called solutions won't result in change of the climate or a reversal of what you claim is happening. All you'll end up doing is destroying industries and capitalist economies. I have to surmise that's really your objective. It's certainly not changing the climate because the things you propose are weak and ineffective.

And your argument was shown to be completely wrong, but you still cling to it, as cultists do.

We find that most of the people who support this AGW agenda are Socialists and most who reject it are Capitalists.

And now an outright lie, a tactic regularly used by cultists.

That's not a coincidence. With AGW, the Socialists have a weapon to attack capitalist industrialization. That's really all this is about. You're the cultist. You belong to a Socialist Cult who wants to bring down Capitalism and you believe this can be done by bullying and intimidation. But you don't intimidate me and I won't allow you to bully me into submission.

And paranoid conspiracy babbling, the staple of a cultist.

Yep, you're as hardcore a cultist as it's possible for a hardcore cultist to be.

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