Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms

You're an idiot. Your argument is called "the appeal to authority." It's a logical fallacy. Credentials don't constitute proof of anything, dipstick.

Credentials do not prove anything, but the opinions of people who have been well educated and have worked their entire lives in a field are much more likely to be accurate than the opinions of those who know next to nothing about the subject - like yourself for example.

Except when they aren't. You're trying to claim the appeal to authority is not a fallacy.

Claims are either true or false. The credentials of the people who advance the claims don't prove a thing.
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Saigon doesn't understand Americans. "Conservatism" to him is not the same as it is to us. His view of the U.S. is shaped by liberals and atheists. To him, mediocrity is excellence, and he will never understand what true conservatism is, or what it's like to excel. I pity the fool.

Who cares. Saigon is not an American. Therefore he has no right to opine on American matters. He should worry about his home nation.

Now that comment earns a dumb fuck commendation. The ongoing climate change is a worldwide problem, not just an American problem. And what we do, affects everyone, just as what China or India, or Europe, for that matter, affects all of us on this small planet.
You're an idiot. Your argument is called "the appeal to authority." It's a logical fallacy. Credentials don't constitute proof of anything, dipstick.

Credentials do not prove anything, but the opinions of people who have been well educated and have worked their entire lives in a field are much more likely to be accurate than the opinions of those who know next to nothing about the subject - like yourself for example.

Except when they aren't. You're trying to claim the appeal to authority is not a fallacy.

Claims are either true or false. The credentials of the people who advance the claims don't prove a thing.

Ah so. You believe that a mechanic's opinion concerning a cancer is just as valid as a doctor's that is trained in Oncology? Yes, I do realize you truly are that stupid.
Saigon doesn't understand Americans. "Conservatism" to him is not the same as it is to us. His view of the U.S. is shaped by liberals and atheists. To him, mediocrity is excellence, and he will never understand what true conservatism is, or what it's like to excel. I pity the fool.

Who cares. Saigon is not an American. Therefore he has no right to opine on American matters. He should worry about his home nation.

Now that comment earns a dumb fuck commendation. The ongoing climate change is a worldwide problem, not just an American problem. And what we do, affects everyone, just as what China or India, or Europe, for that matter, affects all of us on this small planet.
That wasn't the point, stupid. My comment was not about global warming, it was about Saigon's lack of understanding of conservatism.
Credentials do not prove anything, but the opinions of people who have been well educated and have worked their entire lives in a field are much more likely to be accurate than the opinions of those who know next to nothing about the subject - like yourself for example.

Except when they aren't. You're trying to claim the appeal to authority is not a fallacy.

Claims are either true or false. The credentials of the people who advance the claims don't prove a thing.

Ah so. You believe that a mechanic's opinion concerning a cancer is just as valid as a doctor's that is trained in Oncology? Yes, I do realize you truly are that stupid.

The fact that an Oncologist delivers an opinion about cancer doesn't prove that opinion is correct. Oncologists have been wrong in the past, and they will be wrong in the future.

For years all the "expert" geologists claimed that the theory of continental drift was not only wrong, but absurd. All the experts turned out to be wrong.

Furthermore, there are plenty of experts that claim AGW is a con. So which experts should we believe?

AGW turds keep trying to use the appeal to authority because the facts just don't support their preposterous claims.
Most scientists believe that man effects climate change. The naysayers say no. These are usually the same individuals who believe that not only is Sarah Palin not as dumb as a box of hammers, but that she's a highly intelligent, articulate woman. I think I'll defer to the scientists.

Report: 97 percent of scientists say man-made climate change is real
You can engineer the results of a survey if you are selective in who you survey. If I wanted a study to conclude that 75% of citizens think Obama is the anti-christ, I would ask 3 Christians and 1 atheist the question.
Saigon doesn't understand Americans. "Conservatism" to him is not the same as it is to us. His view of the U.S. is shaped by liberals and atheists. To him, mediocrity is excellence, and he will never understand what true conservatism is, or what it's like to excel. I pity the fool.

Who cares. Saigon is not an American. Therefore he has no right to opine on American matters. He should worry about his home nation.

Now that comment earns a dumb fuck commendation. The ongoing climate change is a worldwide problem, not just an American problem. And what we do, affects everyone, just as what China or India, or Europe, for that matter, affects all of us on this small planet.

How one can strike out when Crash Davis tells you what the pitcher is throwing next is truly amazing.
Saigon isn't referring to any nation except the US...THAT is why he gets no right to an opinion.
And there is no empirical evidence scientific or otherwise which proves the warm period in which the Earth is going through is man made.
Climate change is political. Period.

If Saigon or any of you other tree hugging enviro wackos had an ounce of integrity ,you'd be screaming from the roof tops of Beijing because it is the Chinese industrial complex which blatantly disregards the environment.
No, with you libs , this is a political agenda.
Most scientists believe that man effects climate change. The naysayers say no. These are usually the same individuals who believe that not only is Sarah Palin not as dumb as a box of hammers, but that she's a highly intelligent, articulate woman. I think I'll defer to the scientists.

Report: 97 percent of scientists say man-made climate change is real

What one believes is immaterial. The only issue that matters is what they can prove. And thus far, this has not happened.
Saigon doesn't understand Americans. "Conservatism" to him is not the same as it is to us. His view of the U.S. is shaped by liberals and atheists. To him, mediocrity is excellence, and he will never understand what true conservatism is, or what it's like to excel. I pity the fool.

Who cares. Saigon is not an American. Therefore he has no right to opine on American matters. He should worry about his home nation.

Now that comment earns a dumb fuck commendation. The ongoing climate change is a worldwide problem, not just an American problem. And what we do, affects everyone, just as what China or India, or Europe, for that matter, affects all of us on this small planet.

Oh..since you opened the door..vai cazzo un'anatra
If Saigon or any of you other tree hugging enviro wackos had an ounce of integrity ,you'd be screaming from the roof tops of Beijing because it is the Chinese industrial complex which blatantly disregards the environment.
No, with you libs , this is a political agenda.

Yes, absolutely China is the worst polluter on the planet - who said otherwise?

As long as most Conserative parties and politicians support climate change science then the idea that it is a socialist conspiracy isn't a very likely bet.

The only reason I focus on the US here is because most posters are from the US - but this is most definitely a global issue, not an American one. It is as much up to the EU, China and India as it is the US.
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Yes, absolutely China is the worst polluter on the planet - who said otherwise?
You didn't SAY otherwise, you just didn't include them in your condemnation. You posted the worst polluters OF THE WESTERN COUNTRIES. That's called deception. I called you on it and you disappeared, as I recall.
S.J. -

I don't see the point in comparing the US with Zimbabwe, Fiji or Guam - hence I generally use other western countries as a basis for comparison.

This doesn't exempt other countries from responsibility - it just means that I think they belong in a different category. China and India pollute terribly, obviously, but their situation is quite different to the EU and US. That isn't 'deception', it's just common sense.
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S.J. -

I don't see the point in comparing the US with Zimbabwe, Fiji or Guam - hence I generally use other western countries as a basis for comparison.

This doesn't exempt other countries from responsibility - it just means that I think they belong in a different category. China and India pollute terribly, obviously.
So why didn't you include them as the world's worst polluters? You want everyone to think the U.S. is the bad guy, as usual. How do you expect to have any credibility when you do shit like that?

Firstly, because the situation with developing countries like India and China is very different to older economies like the EU and US.

Secondly, because everyone knows China pollutes, but to the best of my knowledge there aren't any Chinese posters here to discuss the issue.

Firstly, because the situation with developing countries like India and China is very different to older economies like the EU and US.

Secondly, because everyone knows China pollutes, but to the best of my knowledge there aren't any Chinese posters here to discuss the issue.
And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously.
S.J. -

I do realise that at times it is very difficult for posters raised on blogs and tabloids to deal with arguments based on facts and genuine information, but I can't say that bothers me unduly.

If you want to believe posters here are somehow defending China from criticism, go right ahead.
S.J. -

I do realise that at times it is very difficult for posters raised on blogs and tabloids to deal with arguments based on facts and genuine information, but I can't say that bothers me unduly.

If you want to believe posters here are somehow defending China from criticism, go right ahead.
You defend them by omission. You left them out of the equation completely. The worst polluters on the planet didn't even get a mention from you until somebody shoved it down your throat.

How many Chinese posters do we have on this board?
What fucking difference does it make? You post bullshit, you point the finger at the only countries that are making an effort to limit pollution, and ignore the ones who aren't. It's a pretty sorry excuse to say you leave them out because there aren't any Chinese posters here.

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