Climate Change Solution that Everyone Will Hate

Yes, the climate has always changed.

I'm glad we can agree on something.

We're not in an ice age right now, are we?

Would you like to be in one?

That's not the point.

I'm sure you have one.. Somewhere.

The difference is that climate change NOW is being caused by human activity.

And at one time there was a scientific consensus that the world was flat and another that man could never exceed fifty miles an hour without suffocating on the train and another where the speed of sound could not be breeched... So your point is?

Some people don't want to admit that, because if it's true,

Predictions and consensuses do not truths make as I've just demonstrated above.

then humans ought to do something about it.

Then it's the Crazy Eddie solution that you desire. Shall we start rationing everything as suggested or are you not serious about "saving the planet"???

But if it's just something that "always happens" then we don't have to do a damn thing.

So now you're saying we're good here?

According to the EPA, in 2016, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totaled 6,511 million metric tons (7,177 million tons) of carbon dioxide equivalents, which equaled 81 percent of all human-caused greenhouse gases.

Until you can provide definitive proof that this seriously affects climate change I really don't care there Nostradamus.

Now, if you want to argue that Seven MILLION TONS of greenhouse gases has no effect on anything, I suggest that you prove it.

Proving things is not my job that would be yours Oh Lord Of The Scientific Consensus.

Oh, and I WOULD ask the dinosaurs and mammoths -- except they're extinct.


It was probably all the methane gas they emitted that caused the civilization at that time to kill them off in the name scientific consensus don't you think? I have a thread on that...

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...want to give me a grant to continue my investigation of this theory?


During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?

Not rationing. That's stupid. It encourages nothing but sitting. I'll go the part about encouraging everyone to join the fight against climate change. No one believes in man made climate change. Those who advocate for it aren't subject to it. Sure, Leonardo Decaprio gets to keep his jet and so on, what about me? How do me and my family get to be free? So our gas ration would be enough to go to work cool, but what about when I want to jump in the ol'family truckster and go to corpus? That's a few hundred miles from me so you know. How about kids who ride a school bus? that bus has to idle, that uses fuel. its just not practical. in time I feel it will be used less because something better will come along.
So, lets do nothing & figure it out later?

Some movie star flies in his own jet, so lets do nothing.

The gasoline rationing plan has one aspect that is good, it would encourage higher mpg vehicles & really encourage EV.
The performance of EVs will encourage their use as the technology matures.

Gasoline rationing is simply not necessary to encourage the use of EVs.
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

I have a better "solution".
Everyone who thinks climate change is a mortal threat should reduce their own gasoline usage to zero.
Not rationing. That's stupid. It encourages nothing but sitting. I'll go the part about encouraging everyone to join the fight against climate change. No one believes in man made climate change. Those who advocate for it aren't subject to it. Sure, Leonardo Decaprio gets to keep his jet and so on, what about me? How do me and my family get to be free? So our gas ration would be enough to go to work cool, but what about when I want to jump in the ol'family truckster and go to corpus? That's a few hundred miles from me so you know. How about kids who ride a school bus? that bus has to idle, that uses fuel. its just not practical. in time I feel it will be used less because something better will come along.

News Flash! Lots of people believe in man-made climate change.
Dude, it's been over a decade since the climategate emails were leaked. Why do you global warming doomsday cult members keep denying that you were duped?

It was debunked a long time ago. Fucking get over it. Doomsday was called off.

Fires in Australia and California like never before, massive floods, hurricane after hurricane -- yep, it's just business as usual. Look at the facts. But I'll bite -- you say climate change was debunked a long time ago: by whom? What's the evidence?

The climate has always changed and will continue to do so in the future whether you like it or not. Change is inevitable. If you don't believe me go back in time and ask the dinosaurs and mammoths.



Yes, the climate has always changed. We're not in an ice age right now, are we? That's not the point. The difference is that climate change NOW is being caused by human activity. Some people don't want to admit that, because if it's true, then humans ought to do something about it. But if it's just something that "always happens" then we don't have to do a damn thing. According to the EPA, in 2016, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totaled 6,511 million metric tons (7,177 million tons) of carbon dioxide equivalents, which equaled 81 percent of all human-caused greenhouse gases. Now, if you want to argue that Seven MILLION TONS of greenhouse gases has no effect on anything, I suggest that you prove it. Oh, and I WOULD ask the dinosaurs and mammoths -- except they're extinct.

According to the EPA, in 2016, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions totaled 6,511 million metric tons (7,177 million tons) of carbon dioxide equivalents, which equaled 81 percent of all human-caused greenhouse gases.

During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?

Not rationing. That's stupid. It encourages nothing but sitting. I'll go the part about encouraging everyone to join the fight against climate change. No one believes in man made climate change. Those who advocate for it aren't subject to it. Sure, Leonardo Decaprio gets to keep his jet and so on, what about me? How do me and my family get to be free? So our gas ration would be enough to go to work cool, but what about when I want to jump in the ol'family truckster and go to corpus? That's a few hundred miles from me so you know. How about kids who ride a school bus? that bus has to idle, that uses fuel. its just not practical. in time I feel it will be used less because something better will come along.
So, lets do nothing & figure it out later?

Some movie star flies in his own jet, so lets do nothing.

The gasoline rationing plan has one aspect that is good, it would encourage higher mpg vehicles & really encourage EV.
The performance of EVs will encourage their use as the technology matures.

Gasoline rationing is simply not necessary to encourage the use of EVs.

There is the time factor. We can't sit around & do nothing because of stupid ass deniers.
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?
Sierra Club much?
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

I have a better "solution".
Everyone who thinks climate change is a mortal threat should reduce their own gasoline usage to zero.
Yet another fucking idiot who thinks we need to have zero emissions to solve the problem.

So if mankind does not die off, it is not a problem. Perfect example of Trumpette stupidity.
Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?

Not rationing. That's stupid. It encourages nothing but sitting. I'll go the part about encouraging everyone to join the fight against climate change. No one believes in man made climate change. Those who advocate for it aren't subject to it. Sure, Leonardo Decaprio gets to keep his jet and so on, what about me? How do me and my family get to be free? So our gas ration would be enough to go to work cool, but what about when I want to jump in the ol'family truckster and go to corpus? That's a few hundred miles from me so you know. How about kids who ride a school bus? that bus has to idle, that uses fuel. its just not practical. in time I feel it will be used less because something better will come along.
So, lets do nothing & figure it out later?

Some movie star flies in his own jet, so lets do nothing.

The gasoline rationing plan has one aspect that is good, it would encourage higher mpg vehicles & really encourage EV.
The performance of EVs will encourage their use as the technology matures.

Gasoline rationing is simply not necessary to encourage the use of EVs.

There is the time factor. We can't sit around & do nothing because of stupid ass deniers.

Could you explain how you were brainwashed into becoming a stupid ass climategate denier?

the Green New Deal is not something fun, but it is necessary, kinda like practice is for athletes and musicians!
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

I have a better "solution".
Everyone who thinks climate change is a mortal threat should reduce their own gasoline usage to zero.
Yet another fucking idiot who thinks we need to have zero emissions to solve the problem.

So if mankind does not die off, it is not a problem. Perfect example of Trumpette stupidity.

Yet another fucking idiot who thinks we need to have zero emissions to solve the problem.

I don't think we need to reduce emissions at all.
That's the whiney twats on your side.

Reduce your emissions or don't.
Keep whining or stop.

I don't give a fuck.
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

As long as democrats above a certain level are exempt, as always. Imposing on the peasants is kind of the whole point of the AGW farce....
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?

You blowing a goat is actually are FAR more reasonable solution to the non-problem than you offered.

I'm just saying.
News Flash! Lots of people believe in man-made climate change. Gasoline rationing would make everyone much more conscientious about their gas use. They'd be much less likely to just leave their car or bus idling if it wasn't necessary. And you'd still have gas to use, but you'd have to be more careful about how you did it. You wouldn't waste it.

Lots of people believe in astrology and bigfoot.

They're actually more rational than the Gaia cultists...
Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?

Not rationing. That's stupid. It encourages nothing but sitting. I'll go the part about encouraging everyone to join the fight against climate change. No one believes in man made climate change. Those who advocate for it aren't subject to it. Sure, Leonardo Decaprio gets to keep his jet and so on, what about me? How do me and my family get to be free? So our gas ration would be enough to go to work cool, but what about when I want to jump in the ol'family truckster and go to corpus? That's a few hundred miles from me so you know. How about kids who ride a school bus? that bus has to idle, that uses fuel. its just not practical. in time I feel it will be used less because something better will come along.
So, lets do nothing & figure it out later?

Some movie star flies in his own jet, so lets do nothing.

The gasoline rationing plan has one aspect that is good, it would encourage higher mpg vehicles & really encourage EV.
The performance of EVs will encourage their use as the technology matures.

Gasoline rationing is simply not necessary to encourage the use of EVs.

There is the time factor. We can't sit around & do nothing because of stupid ass deniers.

Then what the hell you doing gabbing. Get to doing or hush.
News Flash! Lots of people believe in man-made climate change. Gasoline rationing would make everyone much more conscientious about their gas use. They'd be much less likely to just leave their car or bus idling if it wasn't necessary. And you'd still have gas to use, but you'd have to be more careful about how you did it. You wouldn't waste it.

Lots of people believe in astrology and bigfoot.

They're actually more rational than the Gaia cultists...

There you go. It is a cult with squawkers all over, but no one doing anything to show us how it's done. They talk their shit, yet refuse to take cold showers, stop using their electronics or even simply stop wasting food or producing trash. Sure, they got the green dumpster for the recycle, but other then preaching their commitment stops there.

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