Climate Change Solution that Everyone Will Hate

During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.
You first
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?
You do it. Like every other stupid hippy elitist hypocrite, you don't do what you say ought to be done.

For example.

You elitist left wingers always say you want higher taxes for the "rich." Yet, none of you RICH LEFTISTS ever pay more when in fact you can.

You cry about fossil fuels and idiot spoiled actual lefty college students actually call for the banning of all fossil fuels. Yet, millenials are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in the history of the world. None of you give any of it up. To prove further how the climate change movement is a socialist plan to eradicate the middle class under the guise of "concerns for the planet," none you losers call out al gore for his ginormous carbon footprint. None you millennials called DiCaprio for renting a $300 million dollar yacht from an oil tycoon after lecturing the world about THE global warming.

We know that you won't ration shit and the only reason you are all for it is because you are really not reliant on driving or you are so wealthy that it is water off a duck's ass for you.

What we do know is the marxist movement which intends to usher in the NEW FEUDALISM want to eradicate the middle class. We get that the new Feudalism is the same as the old Feudalism which means the rationing of everything to the controlled.

You are nothing more than a hypocritical elitist who does nothing for the planet. A water carrier for the globalists who despise the notion that anyone from the serf class could ever think they could reach a status that is only meant for royalty of some kind.


You know nothing about me. Where did I call for higher taxes for the rich? You think I'm so wealthy that rationing would be water off a duck's ass for me?? I can't even begin to tell you how ridiculous that is. You apparently consider me a rich leftist. Ha! When I retired to basically live on Social Security, I was making a little over $11 an hour. Does that sound rich to you? I'm not calling for the banning of fossil fuels; I'm advocating rationing of fossil fuels. That's different. And Al Gore and Leonard DiCaprio would be subject to gas rationing, too. Now, just to be clear, as it was during World War 2, there were different levels of rationing. People would be entitled to different amounts of gasoline, depending on what they did. Presumably, it would be similar today. So Al Gore and Leonard DiCaprio might be entitled to more than you. Damn! But you claim that "I'm a hypocritical elitist who does nothing for the planet" -- based on what evidence?
Wow, so you are a middle class socialist, living in America. You are a very specific type of idiot with all due disrespect.

Live on rations eh?

Here, let me ask you a rhetorical question. Why aren't your types that supposedly believe the world will be ending in 10 years, not making the sacrifices you are calling for?

Here are some more rhetorical questions for you.

Why if all you types believe sea levels are rising at such an astonishing rate, are lefties like you living along the coasts around the world? Hmmm?

Oh but you claim you don't want higher taxes, you just vote for the party that promises to raise taxes.

That, is just rich.

Hey, one more rhetorical question.

Why do so many from the socialist countries around the world so desperate to get to America and why not the other way around?

Gas Rationing.... Go ride your bike you fucking moron.
We should give up gas due to an unproven scare tactic to give the government even more control of our lives.
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.
So not much effect on people with easy access to public transportation but devastating to rural people.
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

There is no "fight against climate change"
Climate change is like gravity, it just is.
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?
Solution to what problem?

Since you're going for Crazy Eddie solutions why stop there?

Ration food, water, sanitation, etc, etc, etc,...



How would rationing food, water, or sanitation help reduce climate change? But you know what? Rationing electricity WOULD reduce greenhouse gases. I'll bet you'd REALLY hate that!!

If it interferes with me having hot water then I say screw it.

That is exactly the attitude that got us where we are today: "I want what I want, and screw everybody else." I'm not saying that I'm not guilty of it too, but climate change isn't going to be solved by a few feel-good "kumbayas". We ALL have to do SOMETHING!

It's a hoax
Just another vehicle to limit success and allow more Government control.
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?
You do it. Like every other stupid hippy elitist hypocrite, you don't do what you say ought to be done.

For example.

You elitist left wingers always say you want higher taxes for the "rich." Yet, none of you RICH LEFTISTS ever pay more when in fact you can.

You cry about fossil fuels and idiot spoiled actual lefty college students actually call for the banning of all fossil fuels. Yet, millenials are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in the history of the world. None of you give any of it up. To prove further how the climate change movement is a socialist plan to eradicate the middle class under the guise of "concerns for the planet," none you losers call out al gore for his ginormous carbon footprint. None you millennials called DiCaprio for renting a $300 million dollar yacht from an oil tycoon after lecturing the world about THE global warming.

We know that you won't ration shit and the only reason you are all for it is because you are really not reliant on driving or you are so wealthy that it is water off a duck's ass for you.

What we do know is the marxist movement which intends to usher in the NEW FEUDALISM want to eradicate the middle class. We get that the new Feudalism is the same as the old Feudalism which means the rationing of everything to the controlled.

You are nothing more than a hypocritical elitist who does nothing for the planet. A water carrier for the globalists who despise the notion that anyone from the serf class could ever think they could reach a status that is only meant for royalty of some kind.


You know nothing about me. Where did I call for higher taxes for the rich? You think I'm so wealthy that rationing would be water off a duck's ass for me?? I can't even begin to tell you how ridiculous that is. You apparently consider me a rich leftist. Ha! When I retired to basically live on Social Security, I was making a little over $11 an hour. Does that sound rich to you? I'm not calling for the banning of fossil fuels; I'm advocating rationing of fossil fuels. That's different. And Al Gore and Leonard DiCaprio would be subject to gas rationing, too. Now, just to be clear, as it was during World War 2, there were different levels of rationing. People would be entitled to different amounts of gasoline, depending on what they did. Presumably, it would be similar today. So Al Gore and Leonard DiCaprio might be entitled to more than you. Damn! But you claim that "I'm a hypocritical elitist who does nothing for the planet" -- based on what evidence?

Someone formerly making $11.00 an hour and now living off SS.
How is it that this genius asset is not writing policy somewhere?
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?
Stop believing fake news and leave goats alone.
During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.
The Global Elites has crops that can supply us all with fuel. But they'll need lots of farmland to plant this crop that will fuel the world and make their pockets even more fatter.

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During World War II, when the U.S. faced a mortal threat to its very existence, the government imposed rationing -- in particular, gasoline rationing. I believe that the time has come again for gasoline rationing.

Gasoline rationing would accomplish a number of things:
  1. It would emphasize the seriousness of the situation.
  2. It would reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere.
  3. It would encourage the use of public transit.
  4. It would encourage the development of alternative forms of transportation and power sources.
  5. It would make almost everyone a participant in the fight against climate change.
I hope that you will support my proposal.

Go blow a goat hippie.

Well, that certainly is an incisive response. What's YOUR solution?

Not rationing. That's stupid. It encourages nothing but sitting. I'll go the part about encouraging everyone to join the fight against climate change. No one believes in man made climate change. Those who advocate for it aren't subject to it. Sure, Leonardo Decaprio gets to keep his jet and so on, what about me? How do me and my family get to be free? So our gas ration would be enough to go to work cool, but what about when I want to jump in the ol'family truckster and go to corpus? That's a few hundred miles from me so you know. How about kids who ride a school bus? that bus has to idle, that uses fuel. its just not practical. in time I feel it will be used less because something better will come along.
So, lets do nothing & figure it out later?

Some movie star flies in his own jet, so lets do nothing.

The gasoline rationing plan has one aspect that is good, it would encourage higher mpg vehicles & really encourage EV.
How are you going to force China, India and Russia to ration gas. Or do you really think we control the world?
How are you going to force China, India and Russia to ration gas. Or do you really think we control the world?
China & Russia can initiate their own approach.
America has a lot of stupid people that evidently need to be forced to reduce their emissions.
How are you going to force China, India and Russia to ration gas. Or do you really think we control the world?
China & Russia can initiate their own approach.
America has a lot of stupid people that evidently need to be forced to reduce their emissions.
Our emissions aren't polluting the world. The answer is to declare war on the big polluters and force them into climate change.
Artificial Government supply and/or price controls are incredibly destructive to the economy. It is different when we are fighting a World War for survival. However, we are not in the dire situation. Man Made Climate Change is a HOAX and SCAM.
How are you going to force China, India and Russia to ration gas. Or do you really think we control the world?
China & Russia can initiate their own approach.
America has a lot of stupid people that evidently need to be forced to reduce their emissions.
Our emissions aren't polluting the world. The answer is to declare war on the big polluters and force them into climate change.

Really? who are the big poluters if the US is not one.
Artificial Government supply and/or price controls are incredibly destructive to the economy. It is different when we are fighting a World War for survival. However, we are not in the dire situation. Man Made Climate Change is a HOAX and SCAM.
Yet another stupid fuck denier. This is why we must legislate action.
How are you going to force China, India and Russia to ration gas. Or do you really think we control the world?
China & Russia can initiate their own approach.
America has a lot of stupid people that evidently need to be forced to reduce their emissions.
Our emissions aren't polluting the world. The answer is to declare war on the big polluters and force them into climate change.

Really? who are the big poluters if the US is not one.
India, China, Russia and Africa.
Gasoline rationing would make everyone much more conscientious about their gas use.
Bullshit- it would make thinkers wonder wtf is going on- there is enough oil to last for at least a century (at our current usage which innovative technology will lower even that) and INNOVATION, not man made restrictions will be the redeemer if indeed one is needed- the earth will adapt as it always has, the old and weak will die as they always have, the innovative and emulators of innovators will survive- the sun will shine tomorrow, or it won't. Case closed.
How are you going to force China, India and Russia to ration gas. Or do you really think we control the world?
China & Russia can initiate their own approach.
America has a lot of stupid people that evidently need to be forced to reduce their emissions.
Our emissions aren't polluting the world. The answer is to declare war on the big polluters and force them into climate change.

Really? who are the big poluters if the US is not one.
India, China, Russia and Africa.
India is less than 12% of the US per captia
China is half per capita
Russia is 75% [er capita

And Africa is not a country.
How are you going to force China, India and Russia to ration gas. Or do you really think we control the world?
China & Russia can initiate their own approach.
America has a lot of stupid people that evidently need to be forced to reduce their emissions.
Our emissions aren't polluting the world. The answer is to declare war on the big polluters and force them into climate change.

Really? who are the big poluters if the US is not one.
India, China, Russia and Africa.
India is less than 12% of the US per captia
China is half per capita
Russia is 75% [er capita

And Africa is not a country.
Doesn't matter. They are the big polluters. Declare war or admit that the climate change nonsense us a hoax. The same kind of hoax global cooling and alar poisoning was.

Hoax Climate Science’s Myth-Buster
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