Climate Dialogue Is Impossible


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
When a Formula 1 race car champion, who moves more by private jet than by car any other mode, lectures the world about how it needs to do a better job of caring for the environment, we have reached a point of discourse that is detached from reality. It’s hard to see a constructive path forward that doesn’t end in some sort of conflict.

Formula 1 champ Lewis Hamilton flies 200 times/yr by private jet, goes vegan to save the planet, then lectures leaders who “don’t care about the environment” – is climate dialogue possible when no one considers that crazy?
Save the Planet or I'll spray you!


Once again, to all you idiots who believe in the hoax, Climate Change = WEATHER. You're welcome.
Once again you idiots droll over virtue signaling put out by hypocrites of the elite class who have carbon footprints the size of an elephant compared to the ant sized footprint of the average citizen.
Here is a clue...
Most of us don't give a rats ass about climate change. In fact where I live I would welcome the warming and screw the coastal cities. I will live in comfort, free of guilt.
Now if you are so concerned,
Sell all your belongings, shun technology, go off the grid and live in a tent. Walk the walk.
I hear many in California are already giving that a go.

Your welcome.
Cows don't fart methane, they belch it ... and you had to slaughter the forest to grow that pasture ... all those hormones you're feed the cows comes out as piss which gets into the rivers and makes fish hermaphrodites ... but don't worry, I'll be ashamed of you enough for both of us, I like being helpful that way ...

I lived many decades out in the country ... upon retirement I decide to move into a small town to get away from the damn eco-freaktoids ... here I was immediately slapped with a 1,300 page National Park Service regulation I have to follow ... what a bitch ... details all the way down to the cross-sectional profile of my window mullions ... I have images of Park Rangers canvassing the neighborhood with micrometers and checking the distance between soffit brackets ...

This regulation applies to National Historic Buildings and Districts ... it forms an extremely comprehensive "how to" manual on 17th to 19th Century construction methods in every little detail ... information that would otherwise be lost to time ... enough to make them This Old House folks look like uninformed idiots ... a wonderful resource for people who want to renovate old homes ... mine is an 1895 American Queen Anne's on the high side of middle grade, not a mansion but rather an upscale working class home ...
Cows don't fart methane, they belch it ... and you had to slaughter the forest to grow that pasture ...

If CO2 is the concern....fields of grass are far better CO2 sinks than forests of trees acre for acre...and as forests get more and more dense due to mismanagement, they actually become net CO2 sources...
Cows don't fart methane, they belch it ... and you had to slaughter the forest to grow that pasture ...

If CO2 is the concern....fields of grass are far better CO2 sinks than forests of trees acre for acre...and as forests get more and more dense due to mismanagement, they actually become net CO2 sources...
...especially when they burn down.
Methane in the presence of oxygen will oxidize down to carbon dioxide and water fairly quickly, methane has a 17 year half-life in the atmosphere ...humans have to continually release methane to maintain it's Satanic effect on climate ...

I'd like to see your math here, I did say "pasture", call it 6" above soil level and 6" below, 45,000 cu ft of sunk carbon ... one 200' tree with a 10' diameter base gives 15,000 cu ft, three trees in an acre is easy so there's the same amount of carbon sunk and we aren't considering branches, middle level shrubbery, ground cover, duff or below ground carbon ...

Please define "mismanagement" in the context of forestry ... there are those who would claim any attempt to manage the forest is evil and bad ... others say better to clearcut than watch them burn ... but under no circumstances can a forest produce more carbon dioxide than it originally absorbed, conservation of matter ...
Methane in the presence of oxygen will oxidize down to carbon dioxide and water fairly quickly, methane has a 17 year half-life in the atmosphere ...humans have to continually release methane to maintain it's Satanic effect on climate ...

I'd like to see your math here, I did say "pasture", call it 6" above soil level and 6" below, 45,000 cu ft of sunk carbon ... one 200' tree with a 10' diameter base gives 15,000 cu ft, three trees in an acre is easy so there's the same amount of carbon sunk and we aren't considering branches, middle level shrubbery, ground cover, duff or below ground carbon ...

Please define "mismanagement" in the context of forestry ... there are those who would claim any attempt to manage the forest is evil and bad ... others say better to clearcut than watch them burn ... but under no circumstances can a forest produce more carbon dioxide than it originally absorbed, conservation of matter ...
Mismanagement is preventing all fires. Preventing fires allows leaf litter, limbs, and dead trees to build up. The more organics on the forest floor, the longer it takes to burn and the greater likelihood or setting living trees on fire.

Controlled burns remove the organics on the forest floor and don't allow them to build up to the point they can ignite living trees.

A controlled or prescribed burn, also known as hazard reduction burning,[1] backfire, swailing, or a burn-off,[2] is a wildfire set intentionally for purposes of forest management, farming, prairie restoration or greenhouse gas abatement. A controlled burn may also refer to the intentional burning of slash and fuels through burn piles.[3] Fire is a natural part of both forest and grassland ecology and controlled fire can be a tool for foresters. Hazard reduction or controlled burning is conducted during the cooler months to reduce fuel buildup and decrease the likelihood of serious hotter fires.[4] Controlled burning stimulates the germination of some desirable forest trees, and reveals soil mineral layers which increases seedling vitality, thus renewing the forest. Some cones, such as those of lodgepole pine and sequoia, are serotinous, as well as many chaparral shrubs, meaning they require heat from fire to open cones to disperse seeds.​
Methane in the presence of oxygen will oxidize down to carbon dioxide and water fairly quickly, methane has a 17 year half-life in the atmosphere ...humans have to continually release methane to maintain it's Satanic effect on climate ...

I'd like to see your math here, I did say "pasture", call it 6" above soil level and 6" below, 45,000 cu ft of sunk carbon ... one 200' tree with a 10' diameter base gives 15,000 cu ft, three trees in an acre is easy so there's the same amount of carbon sunk and we aren't considering branches, middle level shrubbery, ground cover, duff or below ground carbon ...

Please define "mismanagement" in the context of forestry ... there are those who would claim any attempt to manage the forest is evil and bad ... others say better to clearcut than watch them burn ... but under no circumstances can a forest produce more carbon dioxide than it originally absorbed, conservation of matter ...

There have been numerous studies finding that fields of grass are better carbon sinks than forest..

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