Climate scientist blows the lid off the ‘manufactured consensus’

This is the solution to the problem of PAYING TOO MUCH FOR ENERGY ... if you're made of money, then don't bother reducing your carbon footprint ... for everyone else, decide your own balance and remember:

Conservative saves money ...

burn wood instead of natural gas? Seriously??
burn wood instead of natural gas? Seriously??

I burn wood ... because I live in the forest ... 3 full cords of local oak cost me $150 for rounds, kinda pain to split up because I like my wood on the small side ... Douglas fir is all but free for the hauling ... I might save a little money, but that doesn't include entertainment value ... I like burning things ...
we were at thermal maximum about 10k years ago, and will be gradually cooling off until we reach thermal minimum in around 120k years ... and then another quick rise in global temperatures to maximum, then slow cooling to minimum again

So one ice core is "Earth - global" temperature data? No, it is localized. But it actually is data, not fudge...

which satellite band

Nobody has ever disputed the satellites are IR band. That point is really pretty silly. It is like arguing what percent of the satellite is made out of aluminum. It doesn't change the "DATA" you DECLINED TO DEFEND from the atmosphere.

Which satellite band are you using as a proxy for temperature? ... the government posts these to the internet in real time ...

Why do you think ... [giggle] ... the reported high by the NWS for Akron on May 23rd, 1927, is any different than the high reported by the Akron Sun-Times-Chronicle on May 24th, 1927? ...

In 2005, there were many reports of the satellite and balloon data. Now, there is just one. The satellites (IR) and the balloons showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2 (and Urban Heat).

If you have a problem with that DATA, then bring it up with NBC. To endlessly deflect over which IR band and blabber about online data from the Co2 Fraud doesn't change the FACT that

2 bands are in the visible ... 14 bands in IR ... which one do you use for temperature? ...

Here's the link: ''

The topic is the data reported in 2005.

That the atmospheric temp data was FUDGED in 2005 is something you neither deny nor attempt to defend....

and hence you keep changing the subject to avoid answering direct questions about it...
The topic is the data reported in 2005.

That the atmospheric temp data was FUDGED in 2005 is something you neither deny nor attempt to defend....

and hence you keep changing the subject to avoid answering direct questions about it...

I'm just asking to see the temperature data from satellites ... show me where the data was fudged in 2005 ...
I'm just asking to see the temperature data from satellites ... show me where the data was fudged in 2005 ...

Linked above.

Linked 1000 times.

Never do you attempt to dispute the data or to defend the pathetic excuses for the fudging...

You still cannot explain a map of the Arctic either...
I burn wood ... because I live in the forest ... 3 full cords of local oak cost me $150 for rounds, kinda pain to split up because I like my wood on the small side ... Douglas fir is all but free for the hauling ... I might save a little money, but that doesn't include entertainment value ... I like burning things ...
I cut fallen and standing dead trees in the State Forest where I hunt. Permit costs $20 for up to 5 cords per season.


I have a Homelite splitter that works great. I don't know why my computer turns some pictures on their side. Sorry.

It is often said that there is an “overwhelming scientific consensus” that human activity is causing global warming, which is regularly supported by fact-check articles.

However, this slogan has been challenged by a number of prominent scientists over the years. Esteemed physicist and 2022 Nobel Prize winner Dr. John Clauser recently stated he does not believe there is a man-made global warming crisis. Scientist and Weather Channel founder John Coleman also championed his belief that “there is no significant man-made global warming” before his death in 2018.

Most recently, American climatologist Judith Curry of the Georgia Institute of Technology says this so-called scientific consensus is “manufactured.” Published in over a hundred scientific papers, Curry’s decades-long research includes hurricanes, remote sensing, atmospheric modeling, polar climates, air-sea interactions, climate models, and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for atmospheric research.

Curry argues this false slogan about an “overwhelming consensus” has been fueled by scientists who pursue “fame and fortune.” Scientists who study man-made global warming are more likely to be quoted in popular culture while receiving celebrity-like status and lucrative grants from the federal government.

This has created “climate hysteria” among the general public, it but isn’t believed by scientists like Curry.

The Left uses Climate Change fear to control dumb people.
There is no scientific consensus.
There is no climate crisis.

It's a topic that shows human nature.

I've have discussions with different people, from a Geography teacher I used to know, to random people, and so many people will ignore that facts.

One person simply said "all the scientists say this, so I believe what they say" and any attempt at showing him some basic facts about the last 400,000 years and he simply said "I know nothing, the scientists say this, so I believe them".

You can see the same mentality all over the place, but with "man made climate change" it's one of the most obvious where people will ignore the facts and just go with what they "believe"
[smile] ... thank you for doing your home work ... things get A LOT worse when we consider it takes four times the energy to heat water 1ºC than dry air ...

Only the top meter is important to the radiative physics ... and only the top centimeter for our convective forces in the atmosphere ... of course the energy will be conducting down the water column, but that tends to be very slow ...

"Hundreds of meters" ??? ... sheesh ... 60% of Earth's entire surface is covered by 5,000 meters of water {WikiCite} ... so only the top 1.4 x 10^20 kg of water? ...

My source is a class I took many many years ago ... and just following the weather closely these past 50 years ... and I think you nailed this controversy to the cross ... you are absolutely right that all this water is stopping climate change, the atmosphere can't warm without warming the oceans ... and it's going to take more than this pissy little bit of forcing to warm the oceans very much ...

Titanium dioxide is what kills coral reefs ... and mammal urine ...
--and then we'll hear that Climate is killing the starving children in Biafra? My preference is to take just one subject at a time and when it comes to Climate the main theme is global warming from CO2.

The more I look into this the more it seems that we're looking at a huge group-think, a "cognitive tribalism" as the sociology wonks call it. No science, just crowd mentality.
--and then we'll hear that Climate is killing the starving children in Biafra? My preference is to take just one subject at a time and when it comes to Climate the main theme is global warming from CO2.

The more I look into this the more it seems that we're looking at a huge group-think, a "cognitive tribalism" as the sociology wonks call it. No science, just crowd mentality.

The sad part is how willing the scientific community is to play along ... suddenly chemists are total experts at computational fluid dynamics ... or geologists using dt ... it's just unnatural I say ...

My challenge to anybody is point on the globe where climate has changed ... anywhere in the whole world, just one place ... any climate change of any kind ... all I hear is crickets ...
You get no data

I get data ... and I don't even want to try to understand why you can't ... go to your local airport and ask some random pilot to show you how to look for weather data ... maybe ask about ground school, that'll get you a better understanding of these climate matters ...

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