Climate scientist blows the lid off the ‘manufactured consensus’

Would not that be a great conversation to have !!!!

Do you know of anyone or any group that is trying to do that ?
The theory states that human GHG emissions are the primary cause of the observed warming. And, since the world was cooling for the previous 5,000 years on its way to another glacial period, the net sum of other warming factors is negative.

"Great conversations" among deniers always seem to involve straw men arguments.
The theory states that human GHG emissions are the primary cause of the observed warming. And, since the world was cooling for the previous 5,000 years on its way to another glacial period, the net sum of other warming factors is negative.

"Great conversations" among deniers always seem to involve straw men arguments.
It's hilarious that you just argued that CO2 saved the planet from a glacial period.
the net sum of other warming factors is negative.
That's even more hilarious than you arguing that CO2 saved the planet.

The geologic record is littered with examples of warming trends and cooling trends in glacial and interglacial periods. And none of them altered the course of the glacial or interglacial period which seem to be bouncing between well established temperature limits. But in your CO2 myopic world that cooling trend was the start of a glacial period which means that the other warming factors - whatever that may be because you predictably left that vague and ambiguous - had to be negative because that cooling trend had to be the start of a glacial period. Again... the geologic record is littered with cooling trends that were not the start of glacial periods. This is just your latest example of confirmation bias. You're a nut-job.
The theory states that human GHG emissions are the primary cause of the observed warming. And, since the world was cooling for the previous 5,000 years on its way to another glacial period, the net sum of other warming factors is negative.

"Great conversations" among deniers always seem to involve straw men arguments.

And to believe any of that, you must believe Antarctica was still on the South Pole 90 million years ago, since that is also part of the McBullshit "glacials"

And to believe any of that, you must believe Antarctica was still on the South Pole 90 million years ago, since that is also part of the McBullshit "glacials"

Milankovitch cycles describe climate for thousands of years. Meaning that 90 million years ago is out of its scope.
Milankovitch cycles describe climate for thousands of years. Meaning that 90 million years ago is out of its scope.

Which Milankovitch cycle corresponds to our glacial cycles? ... and why would "90 millions years be out of its [sic] scope"? ... after 4.5 billion years, there won't be much change to Earth's orbit in the last brief 90 million years ... that's not how orbits work, not after the first couple of billion years ...
Which Milankovitch cycle corresponds to our glacial cycles? ... and why would "90 millions years be out of its [sic] scope"? ... after 4.5 billion years, there won't be much change to Earth's orbit in the last brief 90 million years ... that's not how orbits work, not after the first couple of billion years ...\

Milankovitch cycles serve as a pacemaker for glacial-interglacial cycles for the past ~2.5 million years. You can read the real explanation here.

I would take a wild guess that the reason they dont go past approx 2.5 million years is 3 things going on. First, its not as relevant to go that far back, and-or the earths orbital status cant be determined accurately enough that far back, and lastly the other stuff besides earths position & orbit effects things more, such as greenhouse gas concentrations and albedo. But in conclusion Milankovitch cycles arent useful for 90 million years ago.
Milankovitch cycles serve as a pacemaker for glacial-interglacial cycles for the past ~2.5 million years. You can read the real explanation here.

I would take a wild guess that the reason they dont go past approx 2.5 million years is 3 things going on. First, its not as relevant to go that far back, and-or the earths orbital status cant be determined accurately enough that far back, and lastly the other stuff besides earths position & orbit effects things more, such as greenhouse gas concentrations and albedo. But in conclusion Milankovitch cycles arent useful for 90 million years ago.
Orbital cycles - if they are indeed the only trigger for glacial periods which I don't think they are - only apply when a polar region is close to its threshold temperature. So in fact they have only been useful for the last 30 million years maybe... but most likely only useful for the past 3 million years.
Milankovitch cycles describe climate for thousands of years. Meaning that 90 million years ago is out of its scope.

That is a big fat lie. McBullshit thrives on idiots like you. McBullshit claims Antarctica was also a tropical forest while on the South Pole....



ooops. if it was a tropical paradise a few days ago, Dennis Quaid, why can't we find any evidence of that...
Milankovitch cycles serve as a pacemaker for glacial-interglacial cycles for the past ~2.5 million years. You can read the real explanation here.

I would take a wild guess that the reason they dont go past approx 2.5 million years is 3 things going on. First, its not as relevant to go that far back, and-or the earths orbital status cant be determined accurately enough that far back, and lastly the other stuff besides earths position & orbit effects things more, such as greenhouse gas concentrations and albedo. But in conclusion Milankovitch cycles arent useful for 90 million years ago.

Thank you for that article ... I'm afraid Skeptical Science runs fast and loose with the math ... and they're very prone to state as fact what the scientific community treats as speculation ...

It's important to note that Earth's orbit is only 21,000 km away from a perfect circle ... 35 times rounder than a championship grade billiard ball ... and note irradiance follows the Inverse Square Law ... so that even in the extremes, we're only talking about tenth's of watts per square meter ... that doesn't change climate ... and we haven't been measuring temperature that closely over these past 140 years ... and still don't ...

Both obliquity and precession average out over the course of a year ... no effect on climate ...


So again my question ... which Milankovitch Cycle is co-incident with the glacial/inter-glacial cycle ... and what physics is involved that causes the current 8-10ºC fluctuations seen in the ice core data when the math is only allowing for only tenth's of degree difference? ...
Orbital cycles - if they are indeed the only trigger for glacial periods which I don't think they are - only apply when a polar region is close to its threshold temperature. So in fact they have only been useful for the last 30 million years maybe... but most likely only useful for the past 3 million years.

They have ZERO EVIDENCE of any "orbital cycles."

Thank you for that article ... I'm afraid Skeptical Science runs fast and loose with the math ... and they're very prone to state as fact what the scientific community treats as speculation ...

It's important to note that Earth's orbit is only 21,000 km away from a perfect circle ... 35 times rounder than a championship grade billiard ball ... and note irradiance follows the Inverse Square Law ... so that even in the extremes, we're only talking about tenth's of watts per square meter ... that doesn't change climate ... and we haven't been measuring temperature that closely over these past 140 years ... and still don't ...
Thus the import of positive warming feedback of CO2 released from solution and increased water vapor
Milankovitch cycles serve as a pacemaker for glacial-interglacial cycles for the past ~2.5 million years. You can read the real explanation here.

I would take a wild guess that the reason they dont go past approx 2.5 million years is 3 things going on. First, its not as relevant to go that far back, and-or the earths orbital status cant be determined accurately enough that far back, and lastly the other stuff besides earths position & orbit effects things more, such as greenhouse gas concentrations and albedo. But in conclusion Milankovitch cycles arent useful for 90 million years ago.

Milankovich aka McBullshit destroyed on both poles right here on USMB...

Thus the import of positive warming feedback of CO2 released from solution and increased water vapor

is still yet to cause any atmospheric warming according to highly correlated satellite and balloon data....
is still yet to cause any atmospheric warming according to highly correlated satellite and balloon data....
How correlated is "highly correlated"? What is the actual measure of their correlation?
How correlated is "highly correlated"? What is the actual measure of their correlation?
Usually it is an empirical coefficient of fit metric. Weren't you taught how to curve fit in Introduction to Engineering 101?
How correlated is "highly correlated"? What is the actual measure of their correlation?

The Weather Channel has since deleted that piece, but as I recall it was over 0.9

Both showed cooler than normal in 1998, the first time your Co2 FRAUD heroes tried the "warmest ever year" bullshit.

Indeed, in the effort to fix the problems with the Co2 FRAUD, the online record of the TRUTH that both satellites and balloons showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere until FUDGED in 2005 has been "erased" largely...

CENSORSHIP - a big part of the Co2 FRAUD
My advice. Endeavor to pollute less but don't lose any sleep over it.
There are laws against polluting, they're being enforced, so I honestly don't see the issue as a high priority to me. Scientific evidence is always welcome and political rants are things I avoid.
My advice. Endeavor to pollute less but don't lose any sleep over it.

Right here ... we have to acknowledge we're impacting the planet ... no way around it and maintain 8 billion 2.5 billion souls ... I believe each one of us individually should do all that we can to minimize this impact ...

Drive less ...
Fly less ...
Eat less meat ...

... or not, just don't complain about inflation ... energy is expensive, so use less ... and if you want meat, buy a gun, a hunting license and get trespass permission to shoot a deer ... farmers from Vancouver A.C. to Miami, Florida will thank you ...

You're connected to the internet so I already know you're having fewer children ...

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