Climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer lays the smack to '2014 warmest year ever' nonsense

and again, you should go learn what evolution is. LOL If you're going to discuss it, at least know what it is.

I studied anthropology for four years before I switched majors to geology. I am publish in the Journal of Invertebrate paleontology, and have 20 years of field experience. What have you done in the field? Anything at all? And you have still not answered my question, which indicates that you don't know much of anything about it. Otherwise you would not be avoiding the question.
you don't get to tell me...answer my question.. when you haven't answered the original question. So complete the answer or get jack from me, kapeesh!!! We'll all know you have no idea what evolution is about.

When you explain what the origin of the universe has to do with the biological theory of evolution, we can begin our discussion. I insist that it start here because you apparently believe there is a link. So I want to read what you believe is this apparent link. If you don't believe there is a link, why did you bring it up?
do you know that there was an origin of the universe?

It had to start somewhere, so I suspect it started at the beginning. :)

Do you understand the laws of thermodynamics?
right, do you know if God created the universe or is there evidence that it was evolution? See, until you can answer that question, making fun of those who believe in God is stupid.

As for thermodynamics, yeah i've read up on it. do I know how to do the math? no. Never said I did. I'm not a phycist or a scientist, but I am an engineer. It doesn't mean I don't know how to ask questions to ensure them that talk into science actually know it. Do you support scientific methodology?
I studied anthropology for four years before I switched majors to geology. I am publish in the Journal of Invertebrate paleontology, and have 20 years of field experience. What have you done in the field? Anything at all? And you have still not answered my question, which indicates that you don't know much of anything about it. Otherwise you would not be avoiding the question.
you don't get to tell me...answer my question.. when you haven't answered the original question. So complete the answer or get jack from me, kapeesh!!! We'll all know you have no idea what evolution is about.

When you explain what the origin of the universe has to do with the biological theory of evolution, we can begin our discussion. I insist that it start here because you apparently believe there is a link. So I want to read what you believe is this apparent link. If you don't believe there is a link, why did you bring it up?
do you know that there was an origin of the universe?

It had to start somewhere, so I suspect it started at the beginning. :)

Do you understand the laws of thermodynamics?
right, do you know if God created the universe or is there evidence that it was evolution? See, until you can answer that question, making fun of those who believe in God is stupid.

As for thermodynamics, yeah i've read up on it. do I know how to do the math? no. Never said I did. I'm not a phycist or a scientist, but I am an engineer. It doesn't mean I don't know how to ask questions to ensure them that talk into science actually know it. Do you support scientific methodology?

This is what I wanted. Dude, the theory of biological evolution is about the origin of species. It says NOTHING about the origin of the friggin universe. Geez.

As for the origin of the universe itself, if you know anything about the laws of thermodynamics, then you know that the laws of thermodynamics predict the big bang. The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) confirms it. Moreover, if you are an engineer and don't understand the math behind thermodynamics, then you aren't much of an engineer, imho. All of this is true whether or not one believes in a god.
you don't get to tell me...answer my question.. when you haven't answered the original question. So complete the answer or get jack from me, kapeesh!!! We'll all know you have no idea what evolution is about.

When you explain what the origin of the universe has to do with the biological theory of evolution, we can begin our discussion. I insist that it start here because you apparently believe there is a link. So I want to read what you believe is this apparent link. If you don't believe there is a link, why did you bring it up?
do you know that there was an origin of the universe?

It had to start somewhere, so I suspect it started at the beginning. :)

Do you understand the laws of thermodynamics?
right, do you know if God created the universe or is there evidence that it was evolution? See, until you can answer that question, making fun of those who believe in God is stupid.

As for thermodynamics, yeah i've read up on it. do I know how to do the math? no. Never said I did. I'm not a phycist or a scientist, but I am an engineer. It doesn't mean I don't know how to ask questions to ensure them that talk into science actually know it. Do you support scientific methodology?

This is what I wanted. Dude, the theory of biological evolution is about the origin of species. It says NOTHING about the origin of the friggin universe. Geez.

As for the origin of the universe itself, if you know anything about the laws of thermodynamics, then you know that the laws of thermodynamics predict the big bang. The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) confirms it. Moreover, if you are an engineer and don't understand the math behind thermodynamics, then you aren't much of an engineer, imho. All of this is true whether or not one believes in a god.

Thank you for proving that you (a far left hack) know nothing about science..
When you explain what the origin of the universe has to do with the biological theory of evolution, we can begin our discussion. I insist that it start here because you apparently believe there is a link. So I want to read what you believe is this apparent link. If you don't believe there is a link, why did you bring it up?
do you know that there was an origin of the universe?

It had to start somewhere, so I suspect it started at the beginning. :)

Do you understand the laws of thermodynamics?
right, do you know if God created the universe or is there evidence that it was evolution? See, until you can answer that question, making fun of those who believe in God is stupid.

As for thermodynamics, yeah i've read up on it. do I know how to do the math? no. Never said I did. I'm not a phycist or a scientist, but I am an engineer. It doesn't mean I don't know how to ask questions to ensure them that talk into science actually know it. Do you support scientific methodology?

This is what I wanted. Dude, the theory of biological evolution is about the origin of species. It says NOTHING about the origin of the friggin universe. Geez.

As for the origin of the universe itself, if you know anything about the laws of thermodynamics, then you know that the laws of thermodynamics predict the big bang. The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) confirms it. Moreover, if you are an engineer and don't understand the math behind thermodynamics, then you aren't much of an engineer, imho. All of this is true whether or not one believes in a god.

Thank you for proving that you (a far left hack) know nothing about science..

Since nothing I said above is wrong, and you've made no effort to counter it, instead opting for the personal attack, I have to assume that you are a troll trying to make political hay with long established scientific principles. If your come back is planning to be that I made a personal attack on jc456, I assure you it was nothing personal. Anyone who claims to be an engineer and yet doesn't understand the math behind the laws of thermodynamics isn't much of an engineer. That is true no matter the person making the claim.
because you can prove evolution right? I'm ready when you are.

OMG! Thanks for proving my point!!!
so how did the universe start?

What does the origin of the universe have to do with the origin of species on this planet? Come back when you get a clue and we'll talk further (in another thread since it is irrelevant to this one).
really, you're going with that eh? And you claim to be a scientist? You should turn in your degree!!!

Nice dodge. I take it by your omission that you are admitting to not having the capacity to answer my question. No surprises here.

Too Funny. To date has not posted any facts and has not post work that prove 120ppm rise in CO2 has had any affect on earths climate. Just like all the others who claim to be scientists touting AGW Alarmism.
do you know that there was an origin of the universe?

It had to start somewhere, so I suspect it started at the beginning. :)

Do you understand the laws of thermodynamics?
right, do you know if God created the universe or is there evidence that it was evolution? See, until you can answer that question, making fun of those who believe in God is stupid.

As for thermodynamics, yeah i've read up on it. do I know how to do the math? no. Never said I did. I'm not a phycist or a scientist, but I am an engineer. It doesn't mean I don't know how to ask questions to ensure them that talk into science actually know it. Do you support scientific methodology?

This is what I wanted. Dude, the theory of biological evolution is about the origin of species. It says NOTHING about the origin of the friggin universe. Geez.

As for the origin of the universe itself, if you know anything about the laws of thermodynamics, then you know that the laws of thermodynamics predict the big bang. The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) confirms it. Moreover, if you are an engineer and don't understand the math behind thermodynamics, then you aren't much of an engineer, imho. All of this is true whether or not one believes in a god.

Thank you for proving that you (a far left hack) know nothing about science..

Since nothing I said above is wrong, and you've made no effort to counter it, instead opting for the personal attack, I have to assume that you are a troll trying to make political hay with long established scientific principles. If your come back is planning to be that I made a personal attack on jc456, I assure you it was nothing personal. Anyone who claims to be an engineer and yet doesn't understand the math behind the laws of thermodynamics isn't much of an engineer. That is true no matter the person making the claim.

Actually much of what you said is incorrect, but you posted known bunk and expect others to prove you wrong!

Prove a negative! Yes and who is tolling?

Typical far left drone..
OMG! Thanks for proving my point!!!
so how did the universe start?

What does the origin of the universe have to do with the origin of species on this planet? Come back when you get a clue and we'll talk further (in another thread since it is irrelevant to this one).
really, you're going with that eh? And you claim to be a scientist? You should turn in your degree!!!

Nice dodge. I take it by your omission that you are admitting to not having the capacity to answer my question. No surprises here.

Too Funny. To date has not posted any facts and has not post work that prove 120ppm rise in CO2 has had any affect on earths climate. Just like all the others who claim to be scientists touting AGW Alarmism.

Obfuscation and ad hominem. That's all you've got?
It had to start somewhere, so I suspect it started at the beginning. :)

Do you understand the laws of thermodynamics?
right, do you know if God created the universe or is there evidence that it was evolution? See, until you can answer that question, making fun of those who believe in God is stupid.

As for thermodynamics, yeah i've read up on it. do I know how to do the math? no. Never said I did. I'm not a phycist or a scientist, but I am an engineer. It doesn't mean I don't know how to ask questions to ensure them that talk into science actually know it. Do you support scientific methodology?

This is what I wanted. Dude, the theory of biological evolution is about the origin of species. It says NOTHING about the origin of the friggin universe. Geez.

As for the origin of the universe itself, if you know anything about the laws of thermodynamics, then you know that the laws of thermodynamics predict the big bang. The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) confirms it. Moreover, if you are an engineer and don't understand the math behind thermodynamics, then you aren't much of an engineer, imho. All of this is true whether or not one believes in a god.

Thank you for proving that you (a far left hack) know nothing about science..

Since nothing I said above is wrong, and you've made no effort to counter it, instead opting for the personal attack, I have to assume that you are a troll trying to make political hay with long established scientific principles. If your come back is planning to be that I made a personal attack on jc456, I assure you it was nothing personal. Anyone who claims to be an engineer and yet doesn't understand the math behind the laws of thermodynamics isn't much of an engineer. That is true no matter the person making the claim.

Actually much of what you said is incorrect, but you posted known bunk and expect others to prove you wrong!

Prove a negative! Yes and who is tolling?

Typical far left drone..

And here we have a typical example of what to expect from deniers. Claim something is wrong without backing up the accusation and then claim the other guy expects something of you he most certainly doesn't. I don't expect you people to prove anything because you are incapable of proving anything. That often happens to the scientifically illiterate.
right, do you know if God created the universe or is there evidence that it was evolution? See, until you can answer that question, making fun of those who believe in God is stupid.

As for thermodynamics, yeah i've read up on it. do I know how to do the math? no. Never said I did. I'm not a phycist or a scientist, but I am an engineer. It doesn't mean I don't know how to ask questions to ensure them that talk into science actually know it. Do you support scientific methodology?

This is what I wanted. Dude, the theory of biological evolution is about the origin of species. It says NOTHING about the origin of the friggin universe. Geez.

As for the origin of the universe itself, if you know anything about the laws of thermodynamics, then you know that the laws of thermodynamics predict the big bang. The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) confirms it. Moreover, if you are an engineer and don't understand the math behind thermodynamics, then you aren't much of an engineer, imho. All of this is true whether or not one believes in a god.

Thank you for proving that you (a far left hack) know nothing about science..

Since nothing I said above is wrong, and you've made no effort to counter it, instead opting for the personal attack, I have to assume that you are a troll trying to make political hay with long established scientific principles. If your come back is planning to be that I made a personal attack on jc456, I assure you it was nothing personal. Anyone who claims to be an engineer and yet doesn't understand the math behind the laws of thermodynamics isn't much of an engineer. That is true no matter the person making the claim.

Actually much of what you said is incorrect, but you posted known bunk and expect others to prove you wrong!

Prove a negative! Yes and who is tolling?

Typical far left drone..

And here we have a typical example of what to expect from deniers. Claim something is wrong without backing up the accusation and then claim the other guy expects something of you he most certainly doesn't. I don't expect you people to prove anything because you are incapable of proving anything. That often happens to the scientifically illiterate.

Prefect example of the far left and AGW cult mentality, post known bunk and expect everyone to prove them wrong!

But since this drone has claimed to be a "scientist" how about posting the datasets and source code that proves that CO2 controls climate..
This is what I wanted. Dude, the theory of biological evolution is about the origin of species. It says NOTHING about the origin of the friggin universe. Geez.

As for the origin of the universe itself, if you know anything about the laws of thermodynamics, then you know that the laws of thermodynamics predict the big bang. The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) confirms it. Moreover, if you are an engineer and don't understand the math behind thermodynamics, then you aren't much of an engineer, imho. All of this is true whether or not one believes in a god.

Thank you for proving that you (a far left hack) know nothing about science..

Since nothing I said above is wrong, and you've made no effort to counter it, instead opting for the personal attack, I have to assume that you are a troll trying to make political hay with long established scientific principles. If your come back is planning to be that I made a personal attack on jc456, I assure you it was nothing personal. Anyone who claims to be an engineer and yet doesn't understand the math behind the laws of thermodynamics isn't much of an engineer. That is true no matter the person making the claim.

Actually much of what you said is incorrect, but you posted known bunk and expect others to prove you wrong!

Prove a negative! Yes and who is tolling?

Typical far left drone..

And here we have a typical example of what to expect from deniers. Claim something is wrong without backing up the accusation and then claim the other guy expects something of you he most certainly doesn't. I don't expect you people to prove anything because you are incapable of proving anything. That often happens to the scientifically illiterate.

Prefect example of the far left and AGW cult mentality, post known bunk and expect everyone to prove them wrong!

But since this drone has claimed to be a "scientist" how about posting the datasets and source code that proves that CO2 controls climate..

You people don't get it. I don't have to prove anything. I've made no claim here. You people keep making negative and even contradictory claims about climate change. It is on you to support those claims. It is not on me to either refute them or support climate change. It already receives support from 97% of the scientists. As such, it is already accepted science. And when that happens, the burden of proof falls on the skeptics (you guys aren't skeptics, though, you are deniers - uneducated ones at that).
Thank you for proving that you (a far left hack) know nothing about science..

Since nothing I said above is wrong, and you've made no effort to counter it, instead opting for the personal attack, I have to assume that you are a troll trying to make political hay with long established scientific principles. If your come back is planning to be that I made a personal attack on jc456, I assure you it was nothing personal. Anyone who claims to be an engineer and yet doesn't understand the math behind the laws of thermodynamics isn't much of an engineer. That is true no matter the person making the claim.

Actually much of what you said is incorrect, but you posted known bunk and expect others to prove you wrong!

Prove a negative! Yes and who is tolling?

Typical far left drone..

And here we have a typical example of what to expect from deniers. Claim something is wrong without backing up the accusation and then claim the other guy expects something of you he most certainly doesn't. I don't expect you people to prove anything because you are incapable of proving anything. That often happens to the scientifically illiterate.

Prefect example of the far left and AGW cult mentality, post known bunk and expect everyone to prove them wrong!

But since this drone has claimed to be a "scientist" how about posting the datasets and source code that proves that CO2 controls climate..

You people don't get it. I don't have to prove anything. I've made no claim here. You people keep making negative and even contradictory claims about climate change. It is on you to support those claims. It is not on me to either refute them or support climate change. It already receives support from 97% of the scientists. As such, it is already accepted science. And when that happens, the burden of proof falls on the skeptics (you guys aren't skeptics, though, you are deniers - uneducated ones at that).

So there we have it once again showing that the AGW cult/far left religious mentality has nothing to prove, yet they can make all the baseless statements they want as it up to everyone else to prove them wrong! That tis the mentality of a two year old.

Note: When asked to provide actual science information the AGW cult did not post any, especially when confronting their religion.

So you can not post the datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate?
so how did the universe start?

What does the origin of the universe have to do with the origin of species on this planet? Come back when you get a clue and we'll talk further (in another thread since it is irrelevant to this one).
really, you're going with that eh? And you claim to be a scientist? You should turn in your degree!!!

Nice dodge. I take it by your omission that you are admitting to not having the capacity to answer my question. No surprises here.

Too Funny. To date has not posted any facts and has not post work that prove 120ppm rise in CO2 has had any affect on earths climate. Just like all the others who claim to be scientists touting AGW Alarmism.

Obfuscation and ad hominem. That's all you've got?
Again, nothing but deflection.. no surprise.. Why dont you attempt to answer the empirical evidence shown? Or are facts to much for you?
It's all political.

That Scientific Global Warming Consensus...Not - Forbes

Since 1998, more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.” Included are atmospheric physicists, botanists, geologists, oceanographers, and meteorologists.

So where did that famous “consensus” claim that “98% of all scientists believe in global warming” come from? It originated from an endlessly reported 2009 American Geophysical Union (AGU) survey consisting of an intentionally brief two-minute, two question online survey sent to 10,257 earth scientists by two researchers at the University of Illinois. Of the about 3.000 who responded, 82% answered “yes” to the second question, which like the first, most people I know would also have agreed with.

Then of those, only a small subset, just 77 who had been successful in getting more than half of their papers recently accepted by peer-reviewed climate science journals, were considered in their survey statistic. That “98% all scientists” referred to a laughably puny number of 75 of those 77 who answered “yes”.

1) Look up "The Global Warming Petition Project" in Wikipedia or any other OBJECTIVE reference work. The 31,000 signatures there are ABSOLUTELY not all scientists.
2) Go to Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and read what the 97% figure is actually based on.

If you are going by that route of them not all being scientists then....... pg. 2 That Scientific Global Warming Consensus...Not - Forbes
The National Research Council (NRC), a branch of the NAS, produced a recent report titled America’s Climate Choices, claiming that humans are responsible for causing recent climate change, posing significant risk to human welfare and the environment. Of the 23 people who served on the panel that wrote it, only five have a Ph.D. in a field closely related to climate science, and another five are staffers of environmental activist organizations. It was chaired by a nuclear engineer with no formal climate science training, and the vice chairman served for years as a top staffer for the Environmental Defense Fund. Two other members are, or were, politicians, and one had been appointed by the Clinton-Gore administration as general counsel for EPA. Prior to publishing the report, 19 of the 23 had made public statements claiming that global warming is a human-induced problem and/or that action is required to reduce CO2 emissions.

It's a political environmental falsely reported and manipulated movement.

1) Look up "The Global Warming Petition Project" in Wikipedia or any other OBJECTIVE reference work. The 31,000 signatures there are ABSOLUTELY not all scientists.
2) Go to Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and read what the 97% figure is actually based on.

Wikipedia is objective? When did it stop allowing users to 'contribute'?

Answer: it didn't.

FACT: The Ideological Left rests ENTIRELY upon Relativism...

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

This means that the Left, axiomatically rejects objectivity; which means where you find a Leftist opinion, decision, ruling, declaration, assertion, implication or any other form that conveying a concept can take, such is subjective.

Therefore, given that Wikipedia is an organ of the Ideological Left, we can rest assured that of ALL the things that Wikipedia IS... "Objective" is NOT one of 'em.
Last edited:
When you go on political rants, as almost all deniers here do, you prove our point about how deniers are all members of a kook political cult.

You don't see the rational people here ranting about politics. We stick with science. In that way, we're the complete opposite of the deniers.
When you go on political rants, as almost all deniers here do, you prove our point about how deniers are all members of a kook political cult.

You don't see the rational people here ranting about politics. We stick with science. In that way, we're the complete opposite of the deniers.

ROFLMNAO! "Deniers", "SCIENCE!"... Hysterical (on every conceivable level)

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Proving once again, that you can't hide the idiots.
Thank you for proving that you (a far left hack) know nothing about science..

Since nothing I said above is wrong, and you've made no effort to counter it, instead opting for the personal attack, I have to assume that you are a troll trying to make political hay with long established scientific principles. If your come back is planning to be that I made a personal attack on jc456, I assure you it was nothing personal. Anyone who claims to be an engineer and yet doesn't understand the math behind the laws of thermodynamics isn't much of an engineer. That is true no matter the person making the claim.

Actually much of what you said is incorrect, but you posted known bunk and expect others to prove you wrong!

Prove a negative! Yes and who is tolling?

Typical far left drone..

And here we have a typical example of what to expect from deniers. Claim something is wrong without backing up the accusation and then claim the other guy expects something of you he most certainly doesn't. I don't expect you people to prove anything because you are incapable of proving anything. That often happens to the scientifically illiterate.

Prefect example of the far left and AGW cult mentality, post known bunk and expect everyone to prove them wrong!

But since this drone has claimed to be a "scientist" how about posting the datasets and source code that proves that CO2 controls climate..

You people don't get it. I don't have to prove anything. I've made no claim here. You people keep making negative and even contradictory claims about climate change. It is on you to support those claims. It is not on me to either refute them or support climate change. It already receives support from 97% of the scientists. As such, it is already accepted science. And when that happens, the burden of proof falls on the skeptics (you guys aren't skeptics, though, you are deniers - uneducated ones at that).
so perhaps we have you confused with the other lefts on here stating that our climate is changing due to humans contributing 120 PPMof extra CO2 in the atmosphere. If you do not agree with that, then I'm sure my peers will be happy to apologize for the request for the experiment. See, I had you confused with those who beleived that was indeed going on and destroying our planet. So do you believe that or not?

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