Climate what? Americans score a "D" in science!!!

I don't mean to be insulting but it sure seems like a lot of Americans are proud of being stupid. Trickle down from their politicians probably.
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology
You realize that you are destroying your own argument right?

Americans are terrible at science. And Americans could care less about AGW.

You somehow think that this shows that the public should be trusted on the importance of climate change?

I think you get both a 'D' in science and an 'F' in logic.
The populas only cares about their local areas. They don't care about someone telling them that something bad is happening to the earth, to which they cannot see. You can't see it. It isn't in focus, it isn't in view! how do you convince someone who sees everyday temperatures below normal and state the earth is warming? It is the problem. The fact is, no one can prove any of it. If they could, then we'd see that great big science experiment that confirms the theory. And even with that, who cares about global temperatures when below normal temperatures is........................normal?

Funny stuff though, I'd fail you for not understanding human perceptions.
Yup, I often fail to understand other people's perceptions. Perhaps I am too insulated by having friends family and workmates all on the right side of the Bell curve.
Yup, I often fail to understand other people's perceptions. Perhaps I am too insulated by having friends family and workmates all on the right side of the Bell curve.
Well then there are folks like me who need to see evidence. Funny stuff too, people see that as me thinking I know more than someone. Nope, it's me seeing what I see and saying, hmmm, name somewhere where weather is different today than 30 years ago. one can. so what is it I'm supposed to be afraid of and why do we need to spend money on something that doesn't exist.
Yup, I often fail to understand other people's perceptions. Perhaps I am too insulated by having friends family and workmates all on the right side of the Bell curve.
Well then there are folks like me who need to see evidence. Funny stuff too, people see that as me thinking I know more than someone. Nope, it's me seeing what I see and saying, hmmm, name somewhere where weather is different today than 30 years ago. one can. so what is it I'm supposed to be afraid of and why do we need to spend money on something that doesn't exist.

Again, feel free to peruse all the evidence you'd like.
Yup, I often fail to understand other people's perceptions. Perhaps I am too insulated by having friends family and workmates all on the right side of the Bell curve.
Well then there are folks like me who need to see evidence. Funny stuff too, people see that as me thinking I know more than someone. Nope, it's me seeing what I see and saying, hmmm, name somewhere where weather is different today than 30 years ago. one can. so what is it I'm supposed to be afraid of and why do we need to spend money on something that doesn't exist.

Again, feel free to peruse all the evidence you'd like.
what evidence? There isn't any evidence in that link. It's all predictions. So, you got evidence, let's see it.
Yup, I often fail to understand other people's perceptions. Perhaps I am too insulated by having friends family and workmates all on the right side of the Bell curve.
Well then there are folks like me who need to see evidence. Funny stuff too, people see that as me thinking I know more than someone. Nope, it's me seeing what I see and saying, hmmm, name somewhere where weather is different today than 30 years ago. one can. so what is it I'm supposed to be afraid of and why do we need to spend money on something that doesn't exist.

Or people like me who sort of insist on something making sense before I buy into it. Or who insist on answers to reasonable questions before I buy into it. Or taking note of the fact that few scientists who don't have a personal dog in the fight aren't pushing the AGW doctrine while all the scientists who profit from supporting the AGW do push that and thinking that just smells funny.
The reason why Americans score poorly on science related tests is that Science is not taught very much. Instead, political propaganda is often substituted for an actual science curriculum.
The reason why Americans score poorly on science related tests is that Science is not taught very much. Instead, political propaganda is often substituted for an actual science curriculum.

I agree though you put it more charitably than I do. Too much of what passes for modern education is political indoctrination while comparison of competing schools of thought and critical thinking is non existent or even discouraged.
The reason why Americans score poorly on science related tests is that Science is not taught very much. Instead, political propaganda is often substituted for an actual science curriculum.
and those thinking they're teaching are all political. Go figure.
Yup, I often fail to understand other people's perceptions. Perhaps I am too insulated by having friends family and workmates all on the right side of the Bell curve.
Well then there are folks like me who need to see evidence. Funny stuff too, people see that as me thinking I know more than someone. Nope, it's me seeing what I see and saying, hmmm, name somewhere where weather is different today than 30 years ago. one can. so what is it I'm supposed to be afraid of and why do we need to spend money on something that doesn't exist.

Again, feel free to peruse all the evidence you'd like.
what evidence? There isn't any evidence in that link. It's all predictions. So, you got evidence, let's see it.

Actually, most of WG I and II is evidence - quite elegantly laid out in an easy to read form.

You not being able to understand it is not my problem. In fact, you didnt even bother to go over to read anythhing, because it is quite clear that the initial chapters by Baede outlines the mechanism for AGW quite clearly, bolstered by rigorous referencing, as would be expected in a scientific paper.

You, however, are probably more used to comic books, or Bill OReilly 'histories', and dont have the capacity to read that stuff.

Leave the science to people who understand it, dude.
Yup, I often fail to understand other people's perceptions. Perhaps I am too insulated by having friends family and workmates all on the right side of the Bell curve.
Well then there are folks like me who need to see evidence. Funny stuff too, people see that as me thinking I know more than someone. Nope, it's me seeing what I see and saying, hmmm, name somewhere where weather is different today than 30 years ago. one can. so what is it I'm supposed to be afraid of and why do we need to spend money on something that doesn't exist.

Again, feel free to peruse all the evidence you'd like.
what evidence? There isn't any evidence in that link. It's all predictions. So, you got evidence, let's see it.

You, however, are probably more used to comic books, or Bill OReilly 'histories', and dont have the capacity to read that stuff.

Leave the science to people who understand it, dude.

Right THAR ^^^^^ is the penalty that society pays for making science an ELITE endevour that cannot be understood except by the "experts".. Kids are now being told that science and politics are structured the same. That you can only have Clintons and Bushs for leaders.. That science is decided on crappy "polls". That the elite VOTE on it to decide it's validity.

Did a little checking last week. Since this is IN EVIRO and not education -- let's make it SPECIFIC to the propaganda that kids are fed for CChange.

What You Can Do At School | Climate Change | US EPA

NO WHERE in that high school project do kids LEARN anything about science. They are conditioned to believe that the ONLY cause there can be is HUMAN Emissions.. That Emissions === Climate Change. And I'm certain that if you dig a bit -- you'll run into the same "consensus" bullshit ---- in place of a study of the actual Scientific method..

They would come out of that excercize unable to explain the Ice Ages or the various warm and cold periods in human existence.. Would not even understand the basic Global Warming theory in which CO2 is merely the "trigger" for irreversible and runaway positive feedbacks in the climate system. But man ---- they will learn to be Scared of scientific inquiry...

Scientific American better take note.. Won't be any readers left by 2030.... To be replaced by "The Worried and Concerned American".. According to 3 goofs. A high schooler has no business free reading and understanding articles on nanotech or paleontology...

According to the EPA -- they don't need to..
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Farther down that EPA propaganda you find..

  • Spread the word.
    Give a presentation to your family, school, or community group that explains how their actions can cause or reduce climate change. You can use EPA's “Create a New Climate for Action” presentation (PowerPoint file, 51 pp, 32MB) or full–screen PDF (51 pp, 33MB);presenter notes (PDF) (51 pp, 5MB) or develop your own. Get creative, and think of more ways to help others make a difference!

WHO gives the presentation? Why didn't the Gubermint SUPPLY ONE? Why would I NOT teach REAL Climate Change science to students instead of the EPA suggested activism..

Check the cart and horse there. Let's remain stupid and get ACTIVE kids !!!!! We'll let the experts handle the science thingy....

Maybe THESE scary people give the presentation ------

ACE Homepage
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Yup, I often fail to understand other people's perceptions. Perhaps I am too insulated by having friends family and workmates all on the right side of the Bell curve.
Well then there are folks like me who need to see evidence. Funny stuff too, people see that as me thinking I know more than someone. Nope, it's me seeing what I see and saying, hmmm, name somewhere where weather is different today than 30 years ago. one can. so what is it I'm supposed to be afraid of and why do we need to spend money on something that doesn't exist.

Again, feel free to peruse all the evidence you'd like.
what evidence? There isn't any evidence in that link. It's all predictions. So, you got evidence, let's see it.

You, however, are probably more used to comic books, or Bill OReilly 'histories', and dont have the capacity to read that stuff.

Leave the science to people who understand it, dude.

Right THAR ^^^^^ is the penalty that society pays for making science an ELITE endevour that cannot be understood except by the "experts".. Kids are now being told that science and politics are structured the same. That you can only have Clintons and Bushs for leaders.. That science is decided on crappy "polls". That the elite VOTE on it to decide it's validity.

Did a little checking last week. Since this is IN EVIRO and not education -- let's make it SPECIFIC to the propaganda that kids are fed for CChange.

What You Can Do At School | Climate Change | US EPA

NO WHERE in that high school project do kids LEARN anything about science. They are conditioned to believe that the ONLY cause there can be is HUMAN Emissions.. And I'm certain that if you dig a bit -- you'll run into the same "consensus" bullshit ---- in place of a study of the actual Scientific method..

Given the fact I gave the poster an extensive compendium of scientifc evidence and he dismissed by saying 'its all predictions', thats the corner you have chosen.

Its not an elite endeavor, but if you dont even bother to read it, you cant learn it. And you apparently cant get it when (and if) you read it, since you come to the opposite conclusions of the vast majority of scientists who study this for a living.

Kids are taught science quite well in the schools these days - I've seen it myself. Guys like you who pretend that they 'evaluate the evidence' for themselves with absolutely no qualifications except for a political agenda are the real joke.
Farther down that EPA propaganda you find..

  • Spread the word.
    Give a presentation to your family, school, or community group that explains how their actions can cause or reduce climate change. You can use EPA's “Create a New Climate for Action” presentation (PowerPoint file, 51 pp, 32MB) or full–screen PDF (51 pp, 33MB);presenter notes (PDF) (51 pp, 5MB) or develop your own. Get creative, and think of more ways to help others make a difference!

WHO gives the presentation? Why didn't the Gubermint SUPPLY ONE? Why would I NOT teach REAL Climate Change science to students instead of the EPA suggested activism..

Check the cart and horse there. Let's remain stupid and get ACTIVE kids !!!!! We'll let the experts handle the science thingy....

The funny thing is that even elementary school kids understand this stuff better than you!
Farther down that EPA propaganda you find..

  • Spread the word.
    Give a presentation to your family, school, or community group that explains how their actions can cause or reduce climate change. You can use EPA's “Create a New Climate for Action” presentation (PowerPoint file, 51 pp, 32MB) or full–screen PDF (51 pp, 33MB);presenter notes (PDF) (51 pp, 5MB) or develop your own. Get creative, and think of more ways to help others make a difference!

WHO gives the presentation? Why didn't the Gubermint SUPPLY ONE? Why would I NOT teach REAL Climate Change science to students instead of the EPA suggested activism..

Check the cart and horse there. Let's remain stupid and get ACTIVE kids !!!!! We'll let the experts handle the science thingy....

The funny thing is that even elementary school kids understand this stuff better than you!

There you go calling first graders and the EPA stupid like you are.. Did your training stop in kindergarten?

You keep citing the IPCC and their documents, which are all made from failed models, as proof. Yet you provide no empirical evidence.. Even a kindergartner understands what a broken toy is..
Farther down that EPA propaganda you find..

  • Spread the word.
    Give a presentation to your family, school, or community group that explains how their actions can cause or reduce climate change. You can use EPA's “Create a New Climate for Action” presentation (PowerPoint file, 51 pp, 32MB) or full–screen PDF (51 pp, 33MB);presenter notes (PDF) (51 pp, 5MB) or develop your own. Get creative, and think of more ways to help others make a difference!

WHO gives the presentation? Why didn't the Gubermint SUPPLY ONE? Why would I NOT teach REAL Climate Change science to students instead of the EPA suggested activism..

Check the cart and horse there. Let's remain stupid and get ACTIVE kids !!!!! We'll let the experts handle the science thingy....

The funny thing is that even elementary school kids understand this stuff better than you!

There you go calling first graders and the EPA stupid like you are.. Did your training stop in kindergarten?

You keep citing the IPCC and their documents, which are all made from failed models, as proof. Yet you provide no empirical evidence.. Even a kindergartner understands what a broken toy is..

Except its not from models. But how would you know? You cant even get to reading it.

I do admire the fact you seem to be plowing along without any embarassment despite broadcasting that you havent a clue. That displays some incredible density.

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