Climategate: Just another conspiracy theory

So you think a Left-wing Blogger is a good source?

I'm just saying.

The findings were that it appeared like there was evidence being hidden and that conflicting findings were thrown out but in the opinion of the commission this evidence is not important. They also said that a full investigation needs to be convened and has not at as of March 31, 2010 so this kangaroo committee is not exonerating Jones in any shape or form.

The Deputy Information Commissioner has given a clear indication that a breach of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 may have occurred but that a prosecution was time-barred; however no investigation has been carried out. In our view it is unsatisfactory to leave the matter unresolved. We conclude that the matter needs to be resolved conclusively—either by the Independent Climate Change Email Review or by the Information Commissioner.
We accept the independence of the Climate Change E-mail Review and recommend that the Review be open and transparent, taking oral evidence and conducting interviews in public wherever possible.
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From the link:
James Annan points out that it is the governments own policy of wanting ownership of intellectual property that is preventing the publication of raw data and code.

So, the same gubmint that wants to determine environmental policy is also preventing the publication of the computer code.

Yeah...Right....Nothing to see here. :rolleyes:
In short, it was a very dodgy, deeply unscientific way of deleting inconvenient data. It was also, entirely typical of the lying, cheating and fraud exposed in the Climategate emails. Let us not forget, we pay for scientists like Phil Jones with our taxes. How entirely typical that a body representing the most corrupt, money-grubbing taxpayer-funded roach pit of the lot – our Houses of Parliament – should have found it so very easy to exonerate the Climategate scientists of all wrongdoing.

'Lying, cheating, defrauding taxpayer are all OK' announces panel of MPs'
In short, it was a very dodgy, deeply unscientific way of deleting inconvenient data. It was also, entirely typical of the lying, cheating and fraud exposed in the Climategate emails. Let us not forget, we pay for scientists like Phil Jones with our taxes. How entirely typical that a body representing the most corrupt, money-grubbing taxpayer-funded roach pit of the lot – our Houses of Parliament – should have found it so very easy to exonerate the Climategate scientists of all wrongdoing.

'Lying, cheating, defrauding taxpayer are all OK' announces panel of MPs'

Wingnut refering to another wingnut:lol:
In short, it was a very dodgy, deeply unscientific way of deleting inconvenient data. It was also, entirely typical of the lying, cheating and fraud exposed in the Climategate emails. Let us not forget, we pay for scientists like Phil Jones with our taxes. How entirely typical that a body representing the most corrupt, money-grubbing taxpayer-funded roach pit of the lot – our Houses of Parliament – should have found it so very easy to exonerate the Climategate scientists of all wrongdoing.
'Lying, cheating, defrauding taxpayer are all OK' announces panel of MPs'

Wingnut refering to another wingnut:lol:

I guess when you aren't very bright you are easily swayed by rightwing bloggers.
The UK Telegraph is a very mainstream source....Quite unlike censored blogs like Real Climate.

Tag team fail.
The UK Telegraph is a very mainstream source....Quite unlike censored blogs like Real Climate.

Tag team fail.
:lol: Dinglepole is a rightwing blogger. Even WAPO and BDC have righwing bloggers.

Epic fail.

Global warming must be making you hot under the collar.
Global warming took down my refrigerator yesterday. We are fixing it Monday with a defrost relay replacement.
From the link:
James Annan points out that it is the governments own policy of wanting ownership of intellectual property that is preventing the publication of raw data and code.
So, the same gubmint that wants to determine environmental policy is also preventing the publication of the computer code.

Yeah...Right....Nothing to see here. :rolleyes:
Refuge of the warmers:

"Trust the government"



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