Clint Eastwood Will Mop The Floor With Obama's Ass Tonight

Dell the way you act I would bet you don't even contribute half of what I have to society. You're just an internet punk. You know, the type that got their ass beat in school regularly.

Then you grow up and fantasize about male homosexual behavior and act it out on the net.

You are the one who confronts Warrior constantly about being gay and he's never said he was. Then you ask the question you did. I think both your cover and your fantasy is blown

i certainly wish that i had spent some quality time locked up like an animal.

unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.

Too bad it might have taught you some good. Taught you some dignity and common sense.

Anyhow enjoy your homo fantasy but we're going out so I'll check in to see the new level of depravity you've dropped to later.
Dell the way you act I would bet you don't even contribute half of what I have to society. You're just an internet punk. You know, the type that got their ass beat in school regularly.

Then you grow up and fantasize about male homosexual behavior and act it out on the net.

You are the one who confronts Warrior constantly about being gay and he's never said he was. Then you ask the question you did. I think both your cover and your fantasy is blown

i certainly wish that i had spent some quality time locked up like an animal.

unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.

Too bad it might have taught you some good. Taught you some dignity and common sense.

Anyhow enjoy your homo fantasy but we're going out so I'll check in to see the new level of depravity you've dropped to later.

yeah, nothing says dignity like a full cavity body search. :thup:

have fun at burger king
While I think Clint is an amazing actor and director I think that's the extent of his value. Hollywood celebs should keep their higher then mighty attitudes to themselves.


Shit like this makes me all the more determined to NEVER call you know who the "P" word.

Hit a little too close to home Willow? :( :lol:
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I'm dreadfully sorry that your social issue doesn't rate as high as the many other issues the nation currently faces in my book but I'm even more sorry that in your mind this makes me anti-American, anti-civil rights or a bigot. You've had your entire life to make gay marriage the pivotal issue in elections and what have you done with it up to now? You elected a bigot who only months ago "evolved" beyond his own bigotry in a "transparent" attempt to secure your vote.

Are you referring to the "bigot" that repealed DADT and refused to defend the unconstitutional DOMA? That "bigot"? :lol:

Such classic projection.

We're facing some very critical issues currently and your attempting to define some "right" to not only chose some alternative lifestyle, but then to have it recognized by me and millions of others who couldn't care less is NOT among them.

It does matter to the gays and lesbians fighting for equality. It is a rather "critical" issue for us and it directly affects our economy, so yeah, it is kinda important. Funny thing is that we are able to be concerned with more than one issue...even those that don't directly affect us but do affect fellow Americans.

Good luck with your attempts to mandate'll need it. ;)

Who is doing that? You don't have to like, accept or even tolerate gays and just have to treat us equally.
I know what you're thinking. "Did he vote six times or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a Voter ID, the most powerful identification in the world, and would blow your beaner ballot clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question..."¿Me siento afortunado?"

Well? Do ya, wetback?


I know what you're thinking. "Did he vote six times or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a Voter ID, the most powerful identification in the world, and would blow your beaner ballot clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question..."¿Me siento afortunado?"

Well? Do ya, wetback?



it's the central quote from clints new movie: play mitty for me
Ole Clint didn't do a whole lot of "mopping", he did make some funnies. I was happy to see him vertical and somewhat awake.
Anyway, getting back on the whole Clint Eastwood thing... that was just weird, wasn't it...

Especially when he was talking to an empty chair and imagining Obama was sitting in it.

Poor Clint...
Anyway, getting back on the whole Clint Eastwood thing... that was just weird, wasn't it...

Especially when he was talking to an empty chair and imagining Obama was sitting in it.

Poor Clint...

Should have used an empty suit.
Anyway, getting back on the whole Clint Eastwood thing... that was just weird, wasn't it...

Especially when he was talking to an empty chair and imagining Obama was sitting in it.

Poor Clint...

Should have used an empty suit.
The empty suit gave a speech after Clint did, from what I understand. He said to trust him but he still won't show us his tax returns, so why should we?
The empty suit gave a speech after Clint did, from what I understand. He said to trust him but he still won't show us his tax returns, so why should we?

Don't vote for him.

It is all the power you have.
Anyway, getting back on the whole Clint Eastwood thing... that was just weird, wasn't it...

Especially when he was talking to an empty chair and imagining Obama was sitting in it.

Poor Clint...

Should have used an empty suit.
The empty suit gave a speech after Clint did, from what I understand. He said to trust him but he still won't show us his tax returns, so why should we?

:lol: I know Clint had a bigger entrance than Romney..:lol:
I don't subscribe to ANY political party... they are all SHIT. And I am not really a troll (just think it is funny) ... And I am not going to change my handle.... because you made a big deal of it and I am not going to be bullied around.

Not trying to bully you. I'm just sick of trolls. They drive websites down . You ascribe yourself to that ideology. If that's the way you perceive yourself so be it. As far as your party affiliation goes I haven't commented on it and based on your posts thus far I don't care.

Start your own board Gramps, admin the hell out of it.

Trolls are a part of life on the Internet. It is what it is.

You're new here, so I have no idea if you're being sarcastic or not.

I am not telling... saw a cool poll on this subject: Votable : Influence the world. Vote on things that matter.

Well you're either sarcastically humorous or dumb as a rock.

Don't leave it up to me to decide.

I could be both... OK I am going to start posting a little but more seriously now. But I do see some things as a lefty and some things as a rightly. But if somebody makes me mad I will hit them with any political point I can grab to make them feel like an idiot.
Ole Clint didn't do a whole lot of "mopping", he did make some funnies. I was happy to see him vertical and somewhat awake.

I think the people who actually mopped up after the GOP pigs could do better improv. Perhaps Clint should have done his stint in Second City for awhile. He came off as doddering and rambling.
Anyway, getting back on the whole Clint Eastwood thing... that was just weird, wasn't it...

Especially when he was talking to an empty chair and imagining Obama was sitting in it.

Poor Clint...

That's the only way Republicans could win a debate.
i heard a good synopsis that equated his performance to that of a drunken marriage toast

Anyway, getting back on the whole Clint Eastwood thing... that was just weird, wasn't it...

Especially when he was talking to an empty chair and imagining Obama was sitting in it.

Poor Clint...

That's the only way Republicans could win a debate.

Hey, I have a theory that maybe Obama can make himself invisible now... And only Clint can see him!

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