Clint Eastwood....

If the Romney campaign messed up on the scheduling of the last night of their convention, how in hell will they manage the country? These were his best guys running the show.

A new stat shows that income fell more during the Obama recovery than the Bush recession. If you care about the mgmt of the country then I guess we can count on you to not vote for Obama this time around. Thanks in advance brah.

There are liars, damn liars and statistics
Mark Twain
I didn't read the whole thread.

But boy... I just watched the video... I don't think Clint was there for republicans. He was at the convention... But I don't think he was trying to support anything but a better country. He kinda came off as a lesser of two evils...
No, I am not.

Then you're an idiot with a very poor memory.

What are you trying to say, that the DNC was more insulting to a sitting republican president than republicans were last night to Obama?? That is such crap. I don't remember any republican president being quoted as saying something as crude as, "go fuck yourself". And if you say it's not true, you're a lying sack.

You're an idiot, and one with a very, very poor memory.
Quote: Originally Posted by Dutch
It was just creepy. Like the old guy at a wedding giving a toast that people politely clap for.

Of course__ if he did the same shtick against Romney at the DNC, you'd be singing his praises.

Oh, please!!! You people would have had an absolute fit if a republican president had been so disrespected by a celebrity at a democratic convention. And please don't even try and deny it.

You are correct.

However, I am not sure that Clint disrespected anyone.

He said Obama needed to go. That's not disrespect.


I wonder if you recall some of the morons on the left:

[ame=]Whoopi Goldberg Bashing Bush Is Good But Not Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Duchy’s post I find humorous
The great Gatsby post reads like a republican team member supporting his anointed suit for whatever
his private/public masturbating of personal needs or sponsor without any slogans and limited in substance But required,
as a team member. Go figure?

Rins post reads rational and practical based on it was a republican national masturbation Fest. To me it appears the
Republican dog and pony show was not stimulating enough to masturbate possible for this individual and/or was not stimulated
by dogs and pony’s. but does point out the simple point of Hypocrisy pops up. And I feel up way too much speaking for myself.

As for listening post it appears that at first to be concerned and moderate but now wants to point out with a video of a public TV show and I believe a paid for entertainment comic fest both of which directed at audiences for whatever reason but I can’t take much more than just the view of individuals masturbating pretty much their personal feelings. As for the comedy show there are great political comedy shows that castrate verbally every type of politician back to the bible time and had the ear plugs in at the time fun with plentiful. I find it humorous listening uses listening as his /her call sign and it appears to be masturbating over really nothing at all it could be but I doubt it from listening at all go figure

By the way we are in a public forum masturbating our views publicly go figure

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I didn't read the whole thread.

But boy... I just watched the video... I don't think Clint was there for republicans. He was at the convention... But I don't think he was trying to support anything but a better country. He kinda came off as a lesser of two evils...

Again, I kind of suspect he was there because he has this new movie coming out where he plays a cranky old guy who is losing he gets up on stage as a cranky old guy who is losing it.
I didn't read the whole thread.

But boy... I just watched the video... I don't think Clint was there for republicans. He was at the convention... But I don't think he was trying to support anything but a better country. He kinda came off as a lesser of two evils...

Again, I kind of suspect he was there because he has this new movie coming out where he plays a cranky old guy who is losing he gets up on stage as a cranky old guy who is losing it.

Then you're an idiot with a very poor memory.

What are you trying to say, that the DNC was more insulting to a sitting republican president than republicans were last night to Obama?? That is such crap. I don't remember any republican president being quoted as saying something as crude as, "go fuck yourself". And if you say it's not true, you're a lying sack.

You're an idiot, and one with a very, very poor memory.

What a typical low class right winger you are. Name call instead of talking like an adult. Grow up.
Having Eastwood at the convention was a good thing...It shows what the left really think of our senor citizens in the country...just look in this thread

good job Republicans..:eusa_clap:

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