Clinton holds rally in Dem stronghold Broward County,Fl


Nazism and Trumpism, so close they might as well be the same minus the ovens.
You can tell when the liberals have resoundingly lost the argument.

They start calling their opponents Nazis.
Our opposition are Nazis. That's what Trump is all about, rabid nationalism with internal enemies to blame for all the problems while looking backwards to the glorious days when white men ruled over all others and free thinking was banned as dangerous. You wanted a Dear Leader and Trump stepped up the plate. He just can't swing for shit and keeps getting caught looking, up skirts.
The hillary is the neocon who wants war. Try to keep up.
All you have to do is prove either statement and you can't of course.

She voted for the iraq war. She wants a no fly zone in syria which is a direct provocation to war with russia. She was sec of state while we were warring it up with syria, libya, yemen, iraq, etc. She is a globalist who wants war.
How shocking. She voted for a war, like the rest of the Congress, and has been dealing with the world which makes the little Nazi Putin mad. Fuck him and you.

No, she has been causing chaos in the world. She hasn't dealt with anything. We can all see the deep hate that you have for america and yourself.
Hmmmm...the NAZIs accused others of having a "deep hate" for their country too, simply based on different political opinions.

I can see that you are desperately trying to make a correlation.
What the fuck difference does that make?

It means the stinkin JAPS were Hitler's ally, boy. You got a problem with America, GET THE FUCK OUT.
I'm not the one with a problem with America, that's you which is why you want to elect the Nazi Trump.

My only problem is assholes like you who should be walled in in Texas and forgotten.

If Texas could secede from our tyrannical govt, I would be leading the charge.
Standing room only.....only because they forgot the chairs...Buuuuaaaahahahahaha
All you have to do is prove either statement and you can't of course.

She voted for the iraq war. She wants a no fly zone in syria which is a direct provocation to war with russia. She was sec of state while we were warring it up with syria, libya, yemen, iraq, etc. She is a globalist who wants war.
How shocking. She voted for a war, like the rest of the Congress, and has been dealing with the world which makes the little Nazi Putin mad. Fuck him and you.

No, she has been causing chaos in the world. She hasn't dealt with anything. We can all see the deep hate that you have for america and yourself.
Hmmmm...the NAZIs accused others of having a "deep hate" for their country too, simply based on different political opinions.

I can see that you are desperately trying to make a correlation.
No desperation about's pretty obvious.
Trumptards are uneducated rubes, with nothing important to do. So they show up to a rally to get their 2hours of hate. Nothing to write home about.

I'm a Trumpster and I got a Bach Science and Master's credits in photo-journalism....and you?
Operation Wetback

Not something that should be applauded. It resulted in many LEGAL American citizens being deported along with illegals. Mass deportations have seldom been a good solution nor an enduring one.

Trump, Abbott, Patrick and the Tragedies of Mass Deportations
First of all, not all deportees walked to Mexico, Mr. Hannity. Back in 1948, a U.S. Immigration Service plane flying 28 undocumented workers from California to Mexico crashed near Los Gatos. All 28 died. While the four-member flight crew was identified by name, the 28 deportees went nameless. An outraged Woody Guthrie wrote a song about it called “Deportee.”

And he blessed the anonymous dead with names. “Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye Rosalita, adios mis Amigos, Jesus y Maria.”

Here’s how Alfonso Aguilar of the American Principles Project’s Latino Partnership described “Operation Wetback:”

“The Eisenhower mass deportation policy was tragic. Human rights were violated. People were removed to distant locations without food and water. There were many deaths, unnecessary deaths. Sometimes even U.S. citizens of Hispanic origin, of Mexican origin were removed. It was a travesty. It was terrible. Immigrants were humiliated.”

In an interview with NPR, Historian Francisco Balderrama, author of Decade of Betrayal: Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s, described the ugly truth behind racially motivated mass deportations. “There was a perception in the United States that Mexicans are Mexicans," Balderramasaid. "Whether they were American citizens, or whether they were Mexican nationals, in the American mind — that is, in the mind of government officials, in the mind of industry leaders — they're all Mexicans. So ship them home." (note - isn't this attitude reflected in Trump's attack on the AMERICAN judge?)

Balderrama goes on to describe how the families of American citizens are destroyed by these inhuman actions. NPR interviewed Estaban Torres who was a toddler when his father was caught in an immigration sweep of the 1930s. “My mother, like other wives, waited for the husbands to come home from the mine. But he didn't come home. I was 3 years old. My brother was 2 years old. And we never saw my father again."

About the only thing good was it spurred a great song by Woody Guthrie.

Glad to see Clinton is holding a rally in Texas. The fact that it could even be in play is utterly astounding.

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