Clinton proclaims'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.
Muslim's also jihad on other Muslim's also...
my three large burritos, extra A1 Sauce has nothing to do with my violent diahhreah


Hillary Clinton is dangerous to the United States and The People.

Silly twits like that have no business trying to govern this Nation.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

Hillary's famous phrase..."What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.
What did she say....when loaded into the context filter
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
...and she's a loopy kunt

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