Clinton Smear-book author admits he has no evidence for his wild claims

Wake one ever said he did. In fact he doesn't "admit" this, as if hiding something, he states it right off the bat in the book.
The book is a collection of verifiable activities and H U G E coincidences. As well as a laundry list of donations that happen to coincide with votes and favors.

Activities that have been long recorded and are long public record.


A guy writes a book about some mighty strange activities and colossal coincidences with foreign governments, several who happen to be enemies of the U.S., some mighty shady characters as well to their organization that spent less than 7% on actual charities and the rest on "operational functions"....on someone who happens to be running for President - and your response is "smear book"..."lies"...etc.
And when someone points out that the basis of the book is verifiable activity - you say "it has been public record so, so what?"

You can't make this shit up.

Please point to where I said "lies".

Thank you.
The book should be turned over to the House Howdy Gowdy committee for a full and complete investigatory report.

But like all nonprofit organizations, the foundation is also required by law to file publicly available tax returns detailing broad categories of revenue and expenses, including the total financing it received from government entities. The Clinton Foundation and its work are heavily financed by grants from foreign governments, and the foundation reported substantial income from government entities as recently as 2009, when tax returns indicate it took in more than $122 million in government grants.

For the next three tax years, however, the foundation reported no government financing at all. Craig Minassian, a foundation spokesman, said the foreign grants had accidentally been lumped into a different category, listing other grants, gifts and large contributions.

accidently, yeah, right, just when she became sos.
It's pretty obvious to me that the Right is terrified of both Clintons, that they know that they are considerably behind her in the states that they absolutely must pull over to their side to just get close to 270 and they are hoping that the "throw shit 24/7 and see what sticks" campaign will slowly whittle-down her lead.

I doubt that it will work.

It is going to lead to the most acrimonious, most expensive presidential campaign ever and the feelings on both sides are going to be harder than ever. And this book will just be one of many smear campaigns.
Wake one ever said he did. In fact he doesn't "admit" this, as if hiding something, he states it right off the bat in the book.
The book is a collection of verifiable activities and H U G E coincidences. As well as a laundry list of donations that happen to coincide with votes and favors.

Activities that have been long recorded and are long public record.


A guy writes a book about some mighty strange activities and colossal coincidences with foreign governments, several who happen to be enemies of the U.S., some mighty shady characters as well to their organization that spent less than 7% on actual charities and the rest on "operational functions"....on someone who happens to be running for President - and your response is "smear book"..."lies"...etc.
And when someone points out that the basis of the book is verifiable activity - you say "it has been public record so, so what?"

You can't make this shit up.

Please point to where I said "lies".

Thank you.

In point of fact, it was the author who said he wrote lies.
It's pretty obvious to me that the Right is terrified of both Clintons, that they know that they are considerably behind her in the states that they absolutely must pull over to their side to just get close to 270 and they are hoping that the "throw shit 24/7 and see what sticks" campaign will slowly whittle-down her lead.

I doubt that it will work.

It is going to lead to the most acrimonious, most expensive presidential campaign ever and the feelings on both sides are going to be harder than ever. And this book will just be one of many smear campaigns.

It is pretty obvious to everyone that anything that comes out against Hillary - you are immediately going to dismiss it and call it propaganda.
All the while - pointing fingers at Republicans and accusing them of doing the same.

Like I say - you can't make this shit up.
Clinton author No direct evidence of wrongdoing -

The author of a book alleging some Clinton Foundation donors received favorable treatment while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state said Sunday that he did not have "direct evidence" of any impropriety, but argued the "pattern of behavior" required an investigation into Clinton's record.

Peter Schweizer claims in his forthcoming book, "Clinton Cash," that contributors to Clinton's family foundation had undue influence on American foreign policy. But when pressed by ABC "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos, Schweizer said the record is only suggestive, not definitive.

"The smoking gun is in the pattern of behavior," Schweizer said, comparing his findings to previous research he did on insider trading. "Most people that engage in criminal insider trading don't send an email and say, 'I've got inside information -- buy this stock.' "

In other words, he's got nothing and is making money off of a book. Fact free, innuendo-filled, Unicornland imaginings of an evil Hillary using her power as SOS to misuse funds and give preferential treatment yadayadayada.

In RW-butthurt land, this will play well.

In the real world, where people deal in actual facts, it will not.

I predict that this book will blow up in the author's face and make it even harder for the GOP to make a case against Hillary. No matter how hard they try, they just can't seem to get it right.

Yeah....tell that to the reporters of the New York times............
Wake one ever said he did. In fact he doesn't "admit" this, as if hiding something, he states it right off the bat in the book.
The book is a collection of verifiable activities and H U G E coincidences. As well as a laundry list of donations that happen to coincide with votes and favors.

Activities that have been long recorded and are long public record.


A guy writes a book about some mighty strange activities and colossal coincidences with foreign governments, several who happen to be enemies of the U.S., some mighty shady characters as well to their organization that spent less than 7% on actual charities and the rest on "operational functions"....on someone who happens to be running for President - and your response is "smear book"..."lies"...etc.
And when someone points out that the basis of the book is verifiable activity - you say "it has been public record so, so what?"

You can't make this shit up.

any one of these allegations would end the career of any Republican running for President.......then throw in clinton and his sexual assault and hanging around with the sex island guy.......that Republican would be finished.......
any one of these allegations would end the career of any Republican running for President.......then throw in clinton and his sexual assault and hanging around with the sex island guy.......that Republican would be finished.......

are you in tears dude ??

ABC News reported that it "uncovered errors" in Peter Schweizer's upcoming anti-Clinton book, Clinton Cash. Schweizer has a long history of sloppy research and reporting -- earlier this week, ThinkProgress revealed that the conservative author cites a hoax press release in the book.

On April 23, ABC News explained that their independent review of the source material used for Clinton Cash "uncovered errors in the book, including an instance where paid and unpaid speaking appearances were conflated." The book purports to reveal connections between Hillary Clinton's time as secretary of state, donations to the Clinton Foundation, and paid speeches given by the Clintons, but Schweizer reportedly admits in the book he cannot prove his allegations.

According to ABC, Schweizer "said the errors would be corrected." The book is due for release on May 5; it is unclear whether the errors will be corrected before the first publication.

Media Matters identified ten previous instances in which Schweizer made serious factual errors, issued retractions, or relied on questionable sourcing.
New York Times
New Yorker
Washington Post
Wall Street Journal

Not having trouble vetting "Smear book" even at this early stage.

"Perhaps the most surprising thing about the forthcoming book rocking Washington right now is the number of stunning facts liberal media outlets have already confirmed and verified are accurate."

11 Explosive Clinton Cash Facts Mainstream Media Confirm are Accurate

Let's both the right and left be very honest about this book it does not provide any evidence that the Clinton's did anything illegal or even claim that it does though provide multiple examples of questionable incidents with governments and big money donations to the Clinton foundation. As the author pointed out in one of his Sunday interviews one or two incidents like that can be coincidence eleven that's a trend. In my personal opinion it's a troubling one.
Let's both the right and left be very honest about this book it does not provide any evidence that the Clinton's did anything illegal or even claim that it does though provide multiple examples of questionable incidents with governments and big money donations to the Clinton foundation. As the author pointed out in one of his Sunday interviews one or two incidents like that can be coincidence eleven that's a trend. In my personal opinion it's a troubling one.

Excuse me......they took massive speaking fees while she was Secretary of State....and the people who gave the fees for the speeches recieved favorable decisions from the state dept........
New York Times
New Yorker
Washington Post
Wall Street Journal

Not having trouble vetting "Smear book" even at this early stage.

"Perhaps the most surprising thing about the forthcoming book rocking Washington right now is the number of stunning facts liberal media outlets have already confirmed and verified are accurate."

11 Explosive Clinton Cash Facts Mainstream Media Confirm are Accurate


See...the author was smart......he gave up the info. to these news organizations because he knew how the clinton's and their minions in the stephenaupolos in particular would cover for them..........
Let's both the right and left be very honest about this book it does not provide any evidence that the Clinton's did anything illegal or even claim that it does though provide multiple examples of questionable incidents with governments and big money donations to the Clinton foundation. As the author pointed out in one of his Sunday interviews one or two incidents like that can be coincidence eleven that's a trend. In my personal opinion it's a troubling one.

Excuse me......they took massive speaking fees while she was Secretary of State....and the people who gave the fees for the speeches recieved favorable decisions from the state dept........
True but that is circumstantial you have no smoking gun as they like to say you have to have hard evidence of Hillary saying if you pay Bill this much for a speech or donate this to the foundation I will do this for you. It's suspicious , ugly, and stinks royally but that's it do I think they took money for favors yeah they probably did but without the Justice Department launching an investigation it unlikely you will ever prove it and I don't see them starting one.

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