Clinton was required to sign document claiming she turned over emails in 2013


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
The train keeps rolling...

And PIAPS lies keeps her tied to the tracks. She deserves everything bad that comes here way. She's too dumb to even get out of her own way.

Signed it, screwed. Didn't sign it then there's even more problems.

Clinton was required to sign document claiming she turned over emails in 2013

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, like all departing federal employees, was required to fill out and sign a separation statement affirming that she had turned over all classified and other government documents, including all emails dealing with official business.

Fox News Megyn Kelly reported Wednesday evening on the requirement and that a spokesman for Clinton had not responded to a request for comment, including an explanation of when the former chief U.S. diplomat signed the mandatory separation agreement or, if she didn't, why didn't she.

Clinton was required to sign document claiming she turned over emails in 2013
Fox reported ?

I bet they forgot to report HR 1233 wasn't passed in the House and signed by the POTUS until 2014 ... TWO years after Clinton left office ... did they?
I'm pretty sure the rule was in place before HR 1233. You LEFTISTS just can't grasp the woman is lying can you
Can you imagine a campaign ad stuffed with hillys lies played one by one each followed with " what difference at this point does it make". On and on......
They can grasp it just fine. What they can't allow themselves to do is care about it.

If this was a republican their heads would be spinning and exploding

like when nobody gave a shit about Powell ?

This is about Hillary, deflecting to Powell only means you have no defense
You opened the door with "If this was a republican", dumbass. Don't be butthurt just because there was a Republican and no one's head spun or exploded.
They can grasp it just fine. What they can't allow themselves to do is care about it.

If this was a republican their heads would be spinning and exploding

like when nobody gave a shit about Powell ?

This is about Hillary, deflecting to Powell only means you have no defense

you brought up Republicans first ... do try and keep up.

Stay on point, OK? She's screwed herself on this server/email thing. Too many lies and they keep building up
They can grasp it just fine. What they can't allow themselves to do is care about it.

If this was a republican their heads would be spinning and exploding

like when nobody gave a shit about Powell ?

This is about Hillary, deflecting to Powell only means you have no defense

you brought up Republicans first ... do try and keep up.

Stay on point, OK? She's screwed herself on this server/email thing. Too many lies and they keep building up

If you want to stay on point, don't throw out straw man fallacies.
They can grasp it just fine. What they can't allow themselves to do is care about it.

My God - you people and your little "party" disputes. Jesus - will you EVER wake the hell up? This country is going to hell and what do we concentrate on? This nonsense.

Hillary will walk into the White House. She can do no wrong. It is not possible. And on and on it goes. Wake up peons. The time is short.
In 1 month no one will remember this.

I doubt it and I heard the same thing about Benghazi. Of course the dimwitted Dems hopes it goes away
Benghazi mostly HAS gone away. Just like ebola, fast and furious, the birth certificate, Lois Lerner... shoot I know there's a couple other fake scandals I'm forgetting about. Just like the rest of America.
They can grasp it just fine. What they can't allow themselves to do is care about it.

If this was a republican their heads would be spinning and exploding

like when nobody gave a shit about Powell ?

This is about Hillary, deflecting to Powell only means you have no defense
You opened the door with "If this was a republican", dumbass. Don't be butthurt just because there was a Republican and no one's head spun or exploded.

She can't find her own ass; she's in over her head. And apparently, she doesn't mind humiliating herself either.
In 1 month no one will remember this.

I doubt it and I heard the same thing about Benghazi. Of course the dimwitted Dems hopes it goes away
Benghazi mostly HAS gone away. Just like ebola, fast and furious, the birth certificate, Lois Lerner... shoot I know there's a couple other fake scandals I'm forgetting about. Just like the rest of America.

Yeah that's why there are hearings going on over Benghazi...and the reason her server was even discovered. We'll see but I suspect there is a lot more to come out on this
Clinton has always struck me as someone who feels the rules for ordinary people do not apply to her.

Plain common sense says that using a personal email account for United States Department of State business is dangerous and stupid.

I don't care if it was legal for her to do, or not. It was simply wrong.

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