Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don’t Bring Black People

The racists in the Democrat party are constantly looking for something, anything, to be able to throw their racism in our faces. And their malfeasance pulls everyone else down with them. You get someone like one of Sterling's own players saying he can't stand to look at him, it seems the worst of them come out of the woodwork over stuff like this. Trust me, they'll use it for years.
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Romney was taped with that 47% comment to appeal to the mooch class.

Obama's "guns and religion" comments was taped.......yet it was roundly ignored by the left.

They didn't ignore it. They LOVED it.

Had a republican said something similar about "korans and abortions" liberals would have thrown a giant fit.

The left quietly agreed with him.

If you remember, only rw media wanted to focus on it.

In reality, it was a prime example of bigotry from a sitting president.
Obama could find the time to comment about Henry Gates getting arrested, but not for a mob attack
Meet The Depressed will focus on Donald Sterling.

Jeeze....what a surprise. :eusa_angel:

Al Sharpton has a really serious look on his face.
Al Sharpton said Sterling needs to be removed.

Another big surprise.
Bryant Gumble is commenting now.

A well known racist himself.
Time to change the channel when you have a studio full of racists pointing fingers and another racist.
What's really funny about this whole thing is that the NAACP scheduled giving Donald Sterling a lifetime achievement award next month. Now they aren't SURE if they are still going to give him the award because he already donated enough money to pay for it.

Oh these decisions! How will they ever make it?
To my games
Donald Sterling, the owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers, told his girlfriend not to post pictures on Instagram of herself with black people and not to bring black people to his basketball games, according to an audio recording posted by TMZ.
In the recording, Sterling and his girlfriend are fighting over a picture she posted to Instagram of herself with NBA legend Magic Johnson, and Sterling demands that she stop “broadcasting” that she associates with black people. Sterling tells his girlfriend: “You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that … and not to bring them to my games.”
Later, he makes the point specifically about Magic Johnson, telling her that “it’s too bad you can’t admire (Johnson) privately…bring him here, feed him, f*** him, I don’t care. You can do anything. But don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games. OK?”

I hope he loses his franchise or people don't buy tickets to his games

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Is Mr. Sterling

a. Conservative

b. A Racist

c. Stupid

d. Progressive/liberal

e. Both a & b

f. a, b and c

g. a, b, c and a ditto head
To my games
Donald Sterling, the owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers, told his girlfriend not to post pictures on Instagram of herself with black people and not to bring black people to his basketball games, according to an audio recording posted by TMZ.
In the recording, Sterling and his girlfriend are fighting over a picture she posted to Instagram of herself with NBA legend Magic Johnson, and Sterling demands that she stop “broadcasting” that she associates with black people. Sterling tells his girlfriend: “You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that … and not to bring them to my games.”
Later, he makes the point specifically about Magic Johnson, telling her that “it’s too bad you can’t admire (Johnson) privately…bring him here, feed him, f*** him, I don’t care. You can do anything. But don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games. OK?”

I hope he loses his franchise or people don't buy tickets to his games

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Is Mr. Sterling

a. Conservative

b. A Racist

c. Stupid

d. Progressive/liberal

e. Both a & b

f. a, b and c

g. a, b, c and a ditto head

Why do you assume he's a Conservative?

I hear he votes Democrat. Gives to liberal causes.

Oh, I know. Every racist automatically becomes a Repug until the truth is known, then it's just "Nevermind. Nothing to see here."
Donald Sterling is a rabid liberal democrat. Maybe after this he'll donate millions to republicans instead. He's just been mugged by liberals which is the way many conservatives are created.

He has also donated millions to black causes. That money spigot is surely turned off now.
Donald Sterling is a rabid liberal democrat. Maybe after this he'll donate millions to republicans instead. He's just been mugged by liberals which is the way many conservatives are created.

He has also donated millions to black causes. That money spigot is surely turned off now.

Democrats eating other Democrats, justifiable for a greater good.

This doesn't exactly fit the left's stereotypes, but they make due until something better comes along.
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If you listen to the whole recording, it's pretty clear that the GF is trying to lead him into saying he hates black people, which he never does. The issue seems to be more about what some of his "friends" say to him about the pics she posts, they probably make dick jokes and say racist shit to him about them. He asks her to stop posting the pics, says he doesn't want her to change her skin color, doesn't even care if she has sex with black men. This girl is going to be exposed in the end as a gold digger and manipulator. If you don't hear it in how she controls the conversation with her passive aggressive comments(which frustrate the guy), something is wrong with your ears.
If you listen to the whole recording, it's pretty clear that the GF is trying to lead him into saying he hates black people, which he never does. The issue seems to be more about what some of his "friends" say to him about the pics she posts, they probably make dick jokes and say racist shit to him about them. He asks her to stop posting the pics, says he doesn't want her to change her skin color, doesn't even care if she has sex with black men. This girl is going to be exposed in the end as a gold digger and manipulator. If you don't hear it in how she controls the conversation with her passive aggressive comments(which frustrate the guy), something is wrong with your ears.

Yup, but that all doesn't matter.

Once they get done with him, he'll be a KKK member.
Just curious ... How many rw's have said this is a violation of Sterling's First Amendment rights?


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