Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don’t Bring Black People

obama is going to have a press conference addressing the Sterling statements this morning.

The evil entity is just disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

It ended up in being a few comments about ignorance. He can kiss donations to his Organizing for America group good bye.
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obama is going to have a press conference addressing the Sterling statements this morning.

The evil entity is just disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

Yeah, this is much more important than say, The Ukraine being invaded by Russia? Who cares!!!

Gay athletes and racist remarks are really damned important to Obama.
obama is going to have a press conference addressing the Sterling statements this morning.

The evil entity is just disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

It ended up in being a few comments about ignorance. He can kiss donations to his Organizing for America group good bye.

Oh good grief! Please tell me you're joking and Obama is not actually going to hold a press conference over this?
Jump all over the guy without the true story coming out. You do know prior to this episode the NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of COLORED PEOPLE was going to give Mr. Sterling a lifetime achievement award. They rarely give out such awards and SELDOMLY recognize what non-Blacks do for Blacks. Yet this so-called racist was getting a lifetime achievement award! That there should tell you there is MORE to the story.

NAACP planned to honor Donald Sterling, who's now beset by racism flap -
If you listen to the whole recording, it's pretty clear that the GF is trying to lead him into saying he hates black people, which he never does. The issue seems to be more about what some of his "friends" say to him about the pics she posts, they probably make dick jokes and say racist shit to him about them. He asks her to stop posting the pics, says he doesn't want her to change her skin color, doesn't even care if she has sex with black men. This girl is going to be exposed in the end as a gold digger and manipulator. If you don't hear it in how she controls the conversation with her passive aggressive comments(which frustrate the guy), something is wrong with your ears.

Sterling the Democrat Donor/Bundler did get set up by Stiviano

she promised to get him back after being sued by Sterling Inc for

embezzling 2 million dollars
To my games
Donald Sterling, the owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers, told his girlfriend not to post pictures on Instagram of herself with black people and not to bring black people to his basketball games, according to an audio recording posted by TMZ.
In the recording, Sterling and his girlfriend are fighting over a picture she posted to Instagram of herself with NBA legend Magic Johnson, and Sterling demands that she stop “broadcasting” that she associates with black people. Sterling tells his girlfriend: “You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that … and not to bring them to my games.”
Later, he makes the point specifically about Magic Johnson, telling her that “it’s too bad you can’t admire (Johnson) privately…bring him here, feed him, f*** him, I don’t care. You can do anything. But don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games. OK?”

I hope he loses his franchise or people don't buy tickets to his games

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Is Mr. Sterling

a. Conservative

b. A Racist

c. Stupid

d. Progressive/liberal

e. Both a & b

f. a, b and c

g. a, b, c and a ditto head

Why do you assume he's a Conservative?

I hear he votes Democrat. Gives to liberal causes.

Oh, I know. Every racist automatically becomes a Repug until the truth is known, then it's just "Nevermind. Nothing to see here."

I didn't genius. See d.? You "hear", cool, that's more 'evidence' than you usually provide.
Obama: Alleged Sterling comments 'incredibly offensive'
And Obama chimes in on this but not the Detroit mob beating of utash

Obama only chimes in when it's against a black person...Gates, Martin, now this
He's the biggest race baiter divider of all and comments to keep the pot stirring
He's taken the office of President and turned it into one unprofessional joke...why doesn't call a frikken whisky summit too..they are grown men after
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Is Mr. Sterling

a. Conservative

b. A Racist

c. Stupid

d. Progressive/liberal

e. Both a & b

f. a, b and c

g. a, b, c and a ditto head

Why do you assume he's a Conservative?

I hear he votes Democrat. Gives to liberal causes.

Oh, I know. Every racist automatically becomes a Repug until the truth is known, then it's just "Nevermind. Nothing to see here."

I didn't genius. See d.? You "hear", cool, that's more 'evidence' than you usually provide.

Dude, your top choice was is he a conservative.

Don't even attempt to plead innocence.
You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games.
First his girlfriend is half-black so if he was worried what people would say about his association with black people, then look to the woman he is sleeping with as proof that something doesn't add up.

I believe a part was cut off. Saying you can sleep with black people is an odd line to make. Could this gold digger (no double a hot young women with an old decaying man is a gold digger) have been caught banging other men that he doesn't care if she has fun on the side (which I am sure he does), but don't promote it on camera and make him look stupid by showing to the world I take Sterling's million, but bang this guy next to me?

Don't put him [Magic] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games
Could this be that he doesn't want her photographed with known and well-documented playa Magic Johnson? I mean would you want your wife or girlfriend photographed with a guy that is a known cheater? Most wouldn't!

We are quick to label this guy a racist, but he is well known to associate and hire black people. Not just players, but executives, coaches, workers, BOARD executives to his charitable foundation etc. He is know to fund and promote a mass amount of school funding foundations for the inner city and the is EXACTLY why the NCAAP was giving him his SECOND award.

Jump all over the guy, but there are pieces missing from this puzzle!
You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games.
First his girlfriend is half-black so if he was worried what people would say about his association with black people, then look to the woman he is sleeping with as proof that something doesn't add up.

I believe a part was cut off. Saying you can sleep with black people is an odd line to make. Could this gold digger (no double a hot young women with an old decaying man is a gold digger) have been caught banging other men that he doesn't care if she has fun on the side (which I am sure he does), but don't promote it on camera and make him look stupid by showing to the world I take Sterling's million, but bang this guy next to me?

Don't put him [Magic] on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games
Could this be that he doesn't want her photographed with known and well-documented playa Magic Johnson? I mean would you want your wife or girlfriend photographed with a guy that is a known cheater? Most wouldn't!

We are quick to label this guy a racist, but he is well known to associate and hire black people. Not just players, but executives, coaches, workers, BOARD executives to his charitable foundation etc. He is know to fund and promote a mass amount of school funding foundations for the inner city and the is EXACTLY why the NCAAP was giving him his SECOND award.

Jump all over the guy, but there are pieces missing from this puzzle!



The last person to be complaining about this is the likes of Al Fucken Sharpton on Meet The Depressed.....
To my games
Donald Sterling, the owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers, told his girlfriend not to post pictures on Instagram of herself with black people and not to bring black people to his basketball games, according to an audio recording posted by TMZ.
In the recording, Sterling and his girlfriend are fighting over a picture she posted to Instagram of herself with NBA legend Magic Johnson, and Sterling demands that she stop “broadcasting” that she associates with black people. Sterling tells his girlfriend: “You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that … and not to bring them to my games.”
Later, he makes the point specifically about Magic Johnson, telling her that “it’s too bad you can’t admire (Johnson) privately…bring him here, feed him, f*** him, I don’t care. You can do anything. But don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games. OK?”

I hope he loses his franchise or people don't buy tickets to his games

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Is Mr. Sterling

a. Conservative

b. A Racist

c. Stupid

d. Progressive/liberal

e. Both a & b

f. a, b and c

g. a, b, c and a ditto head

It is b, c, d. Of course you, being c & d, would make it impossible for you to make the correct answer combination.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
If Obama weighs in on this, then I suggest my fellow black Americans demand that he hold a conference on why black unemployment has gone up under his administration? Does he believe his presidency has had any benefit for black folks besides giving a black child the evidence that they too can be president one day? Because that is the ONLY benefit I see. And even then, he is a horrible president. After him, good luck to any racial minority that wants to be president in the next 50 years. Thanks Obama!
To my games
Donald Sterling, the owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers, told his girlfriend not to post pictures on Instagram of herself with black people and not to bring black people to his basketball games, according to an audio recording posted by TMZ.
In the recording, Sterling and his girlfriend are fighting over a picture she posted to Instagram of herself with NBA legend Magic Johnson, and Sterling demands that she stop “broadcasting” that she associates with black people. Sterling tells his girlfriend: “You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that … and not to bring them to my games.”
Later, he makes the point specifically about Magic Johnson, telling her that “it’s too bad you can’t admire (Johnson) privately…bring him here, feed him, f*** him, I don’t care. You can do anything. But don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games. OK?”

I hope he loses his franchise or people don't buy tickets to his games

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Is Mr. Sterling

a. Conservative

b. A Racist

c. Stupid

d. Progressive/liberal

e. Both a & b

f. a, b and c

g. a, b, c and a ditto head

It is b, c, d. Of course you, being c & d, would make it impossible for you to make the correct answer combination.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.


Let's be polite and ignore the obvious implication.....

Still, he placed is he conservative first.

He is not.

But, the left is well known for blaming their own crimes on rw' there you go.
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Just curious ... How many rw's have said this is a violation of Sterling's First Amendment rights?


He has the right to be stupid, liberal, Democrat and the NBA, the players and the rest of us has the right to react to a racist.

I hope this ^^^ is sarcasm. Though I suspect many of those on the right will nod their head in agreement.
Why do you assume he's a Conservative?

I hear he votes Democrat. Gives to liberal causes.

Oh, I know. Every racist automatically becomes a Repug until the truth is known, then it's just "Nevermind. Nothing to see here."

I didn't genius. See d.? You "hear", cool, that's more 'evidence' than you usually provide.

Dude, your top choice was is he a conservative.

Don't even attempt to plead innocence.

Is that how you took objective tests? It must be a.?

I expected more from you mudwhistle (just kidding).
Just curious ... How many rw's have said this is a violation of Sterling's First Amendment rights?


He has the right to be stupid, liberal, Democrat and the NBA, the players and the rest of us has the right to react to a racist.

I hope this ^^^ is sarcasm. Though I suspect many of those on the right will nod their head in agreement.

Anyone who isn't biased would say he has the right to be an idiot.

So do you.

Course it seemed to me he wasn't showing overt racism so much as trying to get his ex-girlfriend to tone it down, because he was catching hell from somebody who was. Somebody complained to him about an instagram she posted with Magic Johnson, a well known philanderer. I think he was more concerned about that.
I didn't genius. See d.? You "hear", cool, that's more 'evidence' than you usually provide.

Dude, your top choice was is he a conservative.

Don't even attempt to plead innocence.

Is that how you took objective tests? It must be a.?

I expected more from you mudwhistle (just kidding).

It works really well on low-information voters.

A candidate that is first on the ballot receives a larger portion of votes than when he is listed second or lower.

So, it just leads one to the conclusion that you wanted 'is he conservative' to be the primary option.
To my games
Donald Sterling, the owner of the NBA’s Los Angeles Clippers, told his girlfriend not to post pictures on Instagram of herself with black people and not to bring black people to his basketball games, according to an audio recording posted by TMZ.
In the recording, Sterling and his girlfriend are fighting over a picture she posted to Instagram of herself with NBA legend Magic Johnson, and Sterling demands that she stop “broadcasting” that she associates with black people. Sterling tells his girlfriend: “You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that … and not to bring them to my games.”
Later, he makes the point specifically about Magic Johnson, telling her that “it’s too bad you can’t admire (Johnson) privately…bring him here, feed him, f*** him, I don’t care. You can do anything. But don’t put him on an Instagram for the world to see so they have to call me. And don’t bring him to my games. OK?”

I hope he loses his franchise or people don't buy tickets to his games

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Tells Girlfriend: Don't Bring Black People To My Games | ThinkProgress

Is Mr. Sterling

a. Conservative

b. A Racist

c. Stupid

d. Progressive/liberal

e. Both a & b

f. a, b and c

g. a, b, c and a ditto head

It is b, c, d. Of course you, being c & d, would make it impossible for you to make the correct answer combination.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Yeah, you have evidence to prove your falderal? Given that your post is an ad hominem sans substance, I doubt that you do.

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