Clown lie: Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
Will this be Trumpty Dumpty's fall off the wall campaign promise lie?

((When he was running for president, Trump told “60 Minutes” in 2015 that everyone would win from his health care replacement.

“I am going to take care of everybody,” Trump said. “I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.”

More recently, in January, Trump vowed “insurance for everybody,” but congressional Republicans have taken to guaranteeing “access” to health care, rather than health care itself, meaning if individuals have the money to pay for insurance, they can get it.))

White House Refuses To Guarantee People Won't Lose Health Insurance From Repeal | The Huffington Post

Such a big deal was made about Obama's "you can keep your coverage" so how is Trump going to dissappear his huuuuge promise to provide insurance for everybody - cheaper and beautiful he promised?
Politicians and non politicians (Trump) will promise us the moon and stars to get elected...... You haven't figured that out yet? :dunno:
"Taken care of"? Maybe the rhetoric should say "taken advantage of". The Hussein administration put middle class families in debit because they couldn't afford the mandatory insurance packages or the $10,000 deductible. Farm families live with cuts and scrapes and broken bones that used to be covered by insurance and a modest two or three hundred dollar deductible but now they have to learn to set bones and stitch up wounds because Hussein made a visit to the emergency room too expensive. In the mean time the illegal parasites on the economy get free visits to the E.R. for obesity related illnesses.
Ringel05, post: 16672260
Politicians and non politicians (Trump) will promise us the moon and stars to get elected......

He has said it after the election and inauguration.

He and Republicans now have a severe political and moral problem. The Clown's mouth runneth over.
And I bet you actually think the Dems are any better....... :lmao:

Such is politics. :thup:
"Taken care of"? Maybe the rhetoric should say "taken advantage of". The Hussein administration put middle class families in debit because they couldn't afford the mandatory insurance packages or the $10,000 deductible. Farm families live with cuts and scrapes and broken bones that used to be covered by insurance and a modest two or three hundred dollar deductible but now they have to learn to set bones and stitch up wounds because Hussein made a visit to the emergency room too expensive. In the mean time the illegal parasites on the economy get free visits to the E.R. for obesity related illnesses.

Good grief. Not one word of that is true. Not even one word.

I'm surprised anyone still believes this shit but ... okay. You're welcome to your piles of Repub BS.

whitehall GROW UP and think for yourself.
whitehall, post: 16672296
"Taken care of"? Maybe the rhetoric should say "taken advantage of". The Hussein administration put middle class families in debit because they couldn't afford the mandatory insurance packages or the $10,000 deductible. Farm families live with cuts and scrapes and broken bones that used to be covered by insurance and a modest two or three hundred dollar deductible but now they have to learn to set bones and stitch up wounds because Hussein made a visit to the emergency room too expensive. In the mean time the illegal parasites on the economy get free visits to the E.R. for obesity related illnesses.

What fake news source are you citing?

People like farm families who bought their own insurance before the ACA didn't have affordable insurance for life. They had one year policies that would expire if they suddenly needed major or catastrophic medical expenses. They lost the farm paying medical bills.

This truth will come out because of Trumpty Dumpty's big lying uncontrollable mouth.

You need to focus less on Obama and more on what your clown is doing to the detriment of the millions that are saved by the ACA.

Show me one case where farmers were forced to set their own broken bones.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16672330
The OP must have free Obunglescare and is afraid he'll be forced to pay his own way

Sorry, deplorable. Like most Americans I'm insured through my employer. My wife works for the DOD and we would be insured from there if need be. And I'm qualified for Medicare if I decide to retire. Never got anything for free my whole life.

I'm not a Trump. I pay taxes to defend my country and don't mind people needing medical help getting it with help from the government I pay plenty of taxes to support.
Trump's claiming he's going to cover everyone and do it cheaper?

How is that possible...unless the providers take less compensation for their services... many doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies are on board that plan?
Obama destroyed America's medical infrastructure.

Trump is rebuilding it and making it better than ever.

All citizen's should be extremely thankful we have Trump as our leader. ...... :thup:
SassyIrishLass, post: 16672330
The OP must have free Obunglescare and is afraid he'll be forced to pay his own way

Sorry, deplorable. Like most Americans I'm insured through my employer. My wife works for the DOD and we would be insured from there if need be. And I'm qualified for Medicare if I decide to retire. Never got anything for free my whole life.

I'm not a Trump. I pay taxes to defend my country and don't mind people needing medical help getting it with help from the government I pay plenty of taxes to support.

Lol @ deplorable...a title I wear with pride...we deplorables kicked your sorry ass last Nov.
Politicians and non politicians (Trump) will promise us the moon and stars to get elected...... You haven't figured that out yet? :dunno:
Haha. I can't believe the American people fell for the oldest trick in the book
Such a big deal was made about Obama's "you can keep your coverage" so how is Trump going to dissappear his huuuuge promise to provide insurance for everybody - cheaper and beautiful he promised?
It'll probably have the same effect on trump it had on Obama, at least we hope it does right?

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