Clueless "View" Hosts Can't Figure Out Why Dem Senators Failed to Defend Ketanji Jackson

And the majority of people on Food Stamps, Section 8, etc are white.
Ok, thanks for pointing out the obvious

but puts a lie to the usual lib claim of white privilege

unless you think being poor is a privilege
Oh, quite the contrary, Whites are perfectly fine with "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment (Let's up those payments so people don't notice how bad Trump fucked things up), Veteran's Benefits, Child Tax Credits, etc. Socialism for me, not for thee.

A lot of which wouldn't be necessary if they didn't keep bending over for Chadsworth like you do.

So, I suppose you’re going to march right into the bosses office this morning and demand he give your job to a minority, right?
Ok, thanks for pointing out the obvious

but puts a lie to the usual lib claim of white privilege

unless you think being poor is a privilege

You are slow, aren't you?

The point is not who gets the benefits, but how the benefits are seen. When Ronald Reagan talked about "Welfare Queens" and "Young Bucks" to his mostly white audiences, we all knew who he was talking about. The senile old fool didn't come out and say, "I'm going to sponsor a Social Security Reform that is going to raise your tax on how much you pay AND cut the amount of benefits your granny gets!" If he had, we'd have gotten a second term of Jimmy Carter. Reagan did what Republicans do best. Play on the resentment of stupid white people (like you) and then proceed to screw them to benefit the rich.

Attacking poor minorities has been a national sport in this country since 1619.
So, I suppose you’re going to march right into the bosses office this morning and demand he give your job to a minority, right?

Given that I am self-employed and run my own business, that only employs me, that would be kind of difficult.
When Ronald Reagan talked about "Welfare Queens" and "Young Bucks" to his mostly white audiences, we all knew who he was talking about.
And when jesse Jackson or al sharpton railed against injustice that didnt exist we all knew who they were talking about too, didnt we?

now the liberal hate toward whites and white history is not even disguised anymore

liberals want a race war

and they expect white people to accept whats coming to them
And when jesse Jackson or al sharpton railed against injustice that didnt exist we all knew who they were talking about too, didnt we?

now the liberal hate toward whites and white history is not even disguised anymore

liberals want a race war

and they expect white people to accept whats coming to them

Wow, Hell Hath No Fury like a White Person Mildly Inconvenienced.

Oh, can't hold a real job eh? I can see that..
Sure I can, Anger Issues, I just find I can make more money with less stress working for me.
Wow, Hell Hath No Fury like a White Person Mildly Inconvenienced.

Sure I can, Anger Issues, I just find I can make more money with less stress working for me.
Programming hate toward white people is more than a mild convenience
Programming hate toward white people is more than a mild convenience

Teaching History is hate?



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False claims of white privilege or systemic white racism are lies designed to create hate against white people

Except the claims aren't false, and black people don't need to be TOLD that racism exists. They figure that out the first time they are pulled over for a DWB (Driving While Black).
Wow, Hell Hath No Fury like a White Person Mildly Inconvenienced.

Sure I can, Anger Issues, I just find I can make more money with less stress working for me.
Uh huh…if you say so…

whites are not oppressing black people

Really, so when a white manager fires a black woman to hire his drinking buddy, which I've seen happen, that isn't oppression?

The problem isn't just the open racists like you, it's the self-perpetuating nature of privilege.
Whatever it is its not systemic white racism

Sure it is. When white people reward other white people because white people have all the power, then it's definitely systematic and racist.
Except the claims aren't false, and black people don't need to be TOLD that racism exists. They figure that out the first time they are pulled over for a DWB (Driving While Black).
Easy to see the leftist talk machine has got YOU programmed.

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