Clyburn: Trump won’t leave quietly. We might need the military to step in.

The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical…...

No offense, but you're frankly stupid to say something like that. All educated people know the dangers this man has posed to our democratic institutions, and we also know about his utterly false claims regarding mail in voting. Couple that with his paranoia and delusions, as well as his refusal to say he'll accept the election results, and well, 'frankly stupid' describes what you wrote.

Yeah even a below averaged IQ teenager knows Clyburn’s scenario is stupid and cartoonish, yet I’m the stupid one

I don't think it will come down to a military style removal, but we will face yet another crisis in America between those who respect and value the Constitution, and the neo fascist Trump loyalists. I do believe that the reason a genuine crisis will be averted, and the military will not be needed, is for the first time in 4 years, Republicans in his own party will grow a spine and abandon him.

"You don't think....." I would agree with that.

ALL OF THIS is speculation.
It is a discussion that needs to take place. We have a corrupt, mentally unfit president already trying to delegitimize the election. It is far to suspect he believes getting reelected is the only thing that will keep him from being indicted on criminal charges in NY.

The courts have already ruled that being president doesn't stop one from being indicted.
But the DOJ policy says otherwise, as does tradition. So he will not be indicted until he is out of office.

Tradition does not top court rulings.
President Trump will be staying in the White House because he's going to be reelected on November 3rd. I think half the US Military would resist those orders and would side with the Right Wing-Conservative side in the upcoming Civil War.
I don't know...

If Trump loses, I'm pretty sure he'll be Tweeting up a storm questioning the legitimacy of the election results.

If he loses, it will be the most embarrassing event of his political career for a guy who has a really delicate ego.

Honestly, nothing he does would surprise me at this point.
The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical, would we really need the military to intervene???! Clyburn needs to get back to race baiting and STFU presidential politics

Several folks from tRumps orbit have claimed he won't leave even if he loses.

Joe Biden is prepared.

Biden does not quote anything from Trump and neither do you.

I think you should be more concerned about the backlash from his supporters.

Unlike you pussies who fall down and cry in the street, I worry Trump people are going to pull out their guns and settle it in the street.

The police won't get involved and you fuckers will lose any firefight you actually have the guts to engage in.
If Trump loses he will leave. Yes Clyburn is an idiot doing harm to the country by pushing things like this but the right did it about Obama also.
Name a Republican Congressman that claimed Obama wouldn't leave office, of quote a similarly stupid quote by one.

Always with the "find an exact example". Can one argue it's worse out of a Congressman? Sure, and you will note I said he was an idiot but if it's wrong, it's wrong no matter who does it.

The point is that this ALL manufctured.

None of it is based in anything from the Trump admin that says differently.
If Trump loses he will leave. Yes Clyburn is an idiot doing harm to the country by pushing things like this but the right did it about Obama also.
Name a Republican Congressman that claimed Obama wouldn't leave office, of quote a similarly stupid quote by one.

Always with the "find an exact example". Can one argue it's worse out of a Congressman? Sure, and you will note I said he was an idiot but if it's wrong, it's wrong no matter who does it.

The point is that this ALL manufctured.

That was my very first point. I then noted that the right said the same things about Obama.

All manufactured.
If Trump loses he will leave. Yes Clyburn is an idiot doing harm to the country by pushing things like this but the right did it about Obama also.
Name a Republican Congressman that claimed Obama wouldn't leave office, of quote a similarly stupid quote by one.

Always with the "find an exact example". Can one argue it's worse out of a Congressman? Sure, and you will note I said he was an idiot but if it's wrong, it's wrong no matter who does it.

The point is that this ALL manufctured.

That was my very first point. I then noted that the right said the same things about Obama.

All manufactured.

Yes they do.

Seems we spend a lot of time talking about people's delusions.

Creepiass (Crepitus) is a demented piece of shit.
The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical, would we really need the military to intervene???! Clyburn needs to get back to race baiting and STFU presidential politics

Several folks from tRumps orbit have claimed he won't leave even if he loses.

Joe Biden is prepared.

Joe said it too. What an idiot!
Many people are saying it. Some from tRump's team.

You forgot to attach your links proving you stupid assertions.

Oh, don't ask where Creep gets it from. Last time he sent me a picture of his ass with an arrow to where he pulled it from
It will indeed be difficult to fix the 30 trillion dollar debt Trump will leave us with.

Why not place the blame where it belongs, China?

But that's impossible for someone as filled with hate as you.
The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical, would we really need the military to intervene???! Clyburn needs to get back to race baiting and STFU presidential politics

Several folks from tRumps orbit have claimed he won't leave even if he loses.

Joe Biden is prepared.

Joe said it too. What an idiot!
Many people are saying it. Some from tRump's team.

You forgot to attach your links proving you stupid assertions.

Oh, don't ask where Creep gets it from. Last time he sent me a picture of his ass with an arrow to where he pulled it from

Is his head still stuck there too ?
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The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical, would we really need the military to intervene???! Clyburn needs to get back to race baiting and STFU presidential politics

Several folks from tRumps orbit have claimed he won't leave even if he loses.

Joe Biden is prepared.

Joe said it too. What an idiot!
Many people are saying it. Some from tRump's team.

You forgot to attach your links proving you stupid assertions.

Oh, don't ask where Creep gets it from. Last time he sent me a picture of his ass with an arrow to where he pulled it from

Is his head still stuck there too ?

That's what that was. Huh ...
This thread is another prime example of the far-left desperate practice of proposing solutions for problems that do not exist.

As always, the reason for this is that they have no solutions for REAL problems so they veer off into their own fantasy world.
My take on Trump will be that he'll gladly return to life as a private citizen if the voters decide that's what's needed. He's been busting his ass for almost four years now without even taking a salary for his efforts. He's attacked non stop by the main stream media. His family is attacked as well.

He'll get to kick back and watch with amusement as the Democrats try to fix our economy with a President who's completely senile and Congressional "leaders" that want to do things like defund the Police, tax increases and imposing the Green New Deal! Imagine how much fun Donald will have telling people "I told you this would happen!" when the economy craters.

It will indeed be difficult to fix the 30 trillion dollar debt Trump will leave us with.
Flunked Civics...didn't you, PKnopp? Congress controls the purse strings of the US government...not the President! It's Congress that spends that money...not the President!

Right and the debt under Obama wasn't his. LOL Yes this is the Trump debt. That is how it works.
The debt under Obama was the fault of the Congress just as the debt under Bush was the fault of the Congress and the debt incurred under every OTHER President is the fault of the Congress! THAT is how it works!

Nope. A president signs off on all debt and he is the president.
A President can either sign off on what Congress sends him...or he can veto it which then means we have no budget until Congress comes up with something else! No President has ever had the power to simply implement what HE wants despite Congress' wishes!

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