Clyburn: Trump won’t leave quietly. We might need the military to step in.

The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical…...

No offense, but you're frankly stupid to say something like that. All educated people know the dangers this man has posed to our democratic institutions, and we also know about his utterly false claims regarding mail in voting. Couple that with his paranoia and delusions, as well as his refusal to say he'll accept the election results, and well, 'frankly stupid' describes what you wrote.

Yeah even a below averaged IQ teenager knows Clyburn’s scenario is stupid and cartoonish, yet I’m the stupid one

I don't think it will come down to a military style removal, but we will face yet another crisis in America between those who respect and value the Constitution, and the neo fascist Trump loyalists. I do believe that the reason a genuine crisis will be averted, and the military will not be needed, is for the first time in 4 years, Republicans in his own party will grow a spine and abandon him.
If Trump loses he will leave. Yes Clyburn is an idiot doing harm to the country by pushing things like this but the right did it about Obama also.

Jesus, pknopp, I didn't think you were so naive. Guess I was mistaken.

And yet you are unable to express where you disagree with me.

For starters, you throw out a false equivalency like the it's similar to what happened in 2016, like there was even the slightest chance that Pres. Obama would not leave office like he entered it, with grace and class. Do you think Trump is going to go out of office like a one term President who lost a close election in times past? Do you think that someone so paranoid and delusional, who is already working hard to delegitimize mail in ballots, is going to accept the results of this election?

I ask, are you this naive? It would appear so. And that is unfortunate, because I expect so much more from you, knowing your posting history. You're so much smarter than these Trump meatheads.

Trump is leaving if he loses. Period.
If Trump loses he will leave. Yes Clyburn is an idiot doing harm to the country by pushing things like this but the right did it about Obama also.

Jesus, pknopp, I didn't think you were so naive. Guess I was mistaken.

And yet you are unable to express where you disagree with me.

For starters, you throw out a false equivalency like the it's similar to what happened in 2016, like there was even the slightest chance that Pres. Obama would not leave office like he entered it, with grace and class. Do you think Trump is going to go out of office like a one term President who lost a close election in times past? Do you think that someone so paranoid and delusional, who is already working hard to delegitimize mail in ballots, is going to accept the results of this election?

I ask, are you this naive? It would appear so. And that is unfortunate, because I expect so much more from you, knowing your posting history. You're so much smarter than these Trump meatheads.

Talk about misguided. You are funny as hell.

If Trump loses he will retire with loads of class. Why wouldn't he. He's done a great job as POTUS.

Before this Covid crap UE was the lowest its been in 50 years. We had a great economy and jobs all across this country.

Trump has put up with attacks on himself from the Dems and the LSM since he took office. He survived the Collusion bullshit and the impeachment. And he's still leagues above Biden.

Trump will win in 2020 because most folks will remember just what I posted and they will also know foot in mouth Biden isn't POTUS material and never will be.

Carry on while I stand over here and LMAO at your misguided post. Good Lord could you be any dumber??
Clyburn is one of the low IQ assholes that belong to the Democrat Black Congressional Caucus. Elected by as low IQ ghetto monkeys because he promised them more welfare. Not ever to be taken serious.
You almost gotta laugh. After democrats torched cars and smashed windows on inauguration day and a democrat activist tried to assassinate every republican congressman during a baseball game practice, a democrat worries about what might happen if Biden is elected. The most likely scenario is that the military might have to be called in during Trump's next inauguration to keep democrats from destroying the capital.
^^^This is way more likely.
The paranoids on the left are quite often equally bothersome as the paranoids on the right. He will leave. Quite likely, wanting to hold his head up, he may show more presidential style on the way out than the whole time he was in office.

You're in for a big surprise. Based on this mans history, and his statements that he is making right now, this type of optimism is misguided.
The system will work. There is no impending crises.
If Trump loses he will leave. Yes Clyburn is an idiot doing harm to the country by pushing things like this but the right did it about Obama also.
Obama still has his hands in everything behind the scenes. He hasn’t “ left”.

He left.
Really...then why is he constantly in the media bloviating like he still runs the show?

Ex Presidents are still allowed an opinion.
It is a discussion that needs to take place. We have a corrupt, mentally unfit president already trying to delegitimize the election. It is far to suspect he believes getting reelected is the only thing that will keep him from being indicted on criminal charges in NY.
It is a discussion that needs to take place. We have a corrupt, mentally unfit president already trying to delegitimize the election. It is far to suspect he believes getting reelected is the only thing that will keep him from being indicted on criminal charges in NY.

The courts have already ruled that being president doesn't stop one from being indicted.
Several folks from tRumps orbit have claimed he won't leave even if he loses.

Once again, you seem to have forgotten to include the reliable source and working link to your malarkey. Might you correct that oversight?
It is a discussion that needs to take place. We have a corrupt, mentally unfit president already trying to delegitimize the election. It is far to suspect he believes getting reelected is the only thing that will keep him from being indicted on criminal charges in NY.

The courts have already ruled that being president doesn't stop one from being indicted.
But the DOJ policy says otherwise, as does tradition. So he will not be indicted until he is out of office.
The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical…...

No offense, but you're frankly stupid to say something like that. All educated people know the dangers this man has posed to our democratic institutions, and we also know about his utterly false claims regarding mail in voting. Couple that with his paranoia and delusions, as well as his refusal to say he'll accept the election results, and well, 'frankly stupid' describes what you wrote.

Read your own post dumbass.

YOU are the stupid one.

Clyburn is delusional and paranoid. And you are too for supporting him.

You left wingers are really fucked up.
The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical, would we really need the military to intervene???! Clyburn needs to get back to race baiting and STFU presidential politics

Several folks from tRumps orbit have claimed he won't leave even if he loses.

Joe Biden is prepared.

Joe said it too. What an idiot!
Many people are saying it. Some from tRump's team.

You forgot to attach your links proving you stupid assertions.
The military? What kind of an idiot would say something that stupid?! Okay let’s suppose Trump lost and refused to the leave White House, a highly unlikely and frankly stupid hypothetical…...

No offense, but you're frankly stupid to say something like that. All educated people know the dangers this man has posed to our democratic institutions, and we also know about his utterly false claims regarding mail in voting. Couple that with his paranoia and delusions, as well as his refusal to say he'll accept the election results, and well, 'frankly stupid' describes what you wrote.
You're full of shit. So much so that you've got shit for brains.

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