CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

As chief executive, Obama gets to operate within the authority of his executive powers.

That's the problem - he has NOT operated within his LEGAL authority, and that has been proven already:

Federal judge rules Obama amnesty order unconstitutional power grab
LINK: Obama amnesty is unconstitutional, federal judge finds - Washington Times

Judge finds Obama / US in 'Contempt' Over Deep Water Drilling Ban
Link: U.S. in Contempt Over Gulf Drill Ban, Judge Rules


LINK: President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013
1. Delay of Obamacare’s out-of-pocket caps.
2. Delay of Obamacare’s employer mandate.
3. Delay of Obamacare’s insurance requirements.
4. Exemption of Congress from Obamacare.
5. Expansion of the employer mandate penalty through IRS regulation.
6. Political profiling by the IRS.
7. Outlandish Supreme Court arguments.
- To include SCOTUS changed the government's argument/case about the ACA, exceeding their authority to do so
8. Recess appointments.
- In January, the D.C. Circuit held the NLRB appointments to be unconstitutional
9. Assault on free speech and due process on college campuses.
10. Mini-DREAM Act.
No, mindless fool.
Pointing out a fact of the crybaby stupidity of blaming the so-called "media" that is childish and stupid.
Like you!


You have that right. Crybaby stupid teabagger.


I just hope this FINALLY opens more peoples eyes to this awful disgusting lamestream media in this country. These are debates for you to pick a President of our country and they go and turn it into some grade school nonsense. shun all these leftwing Lamestream medias. get your political news off site on the Internet that you feel isn't BIASED or as it seems off Fox news. you've made it the number ones news station for years now.


and you're crying about us

what does that make you mindless moron??????
No, mindless fool.
Pointing out a fact of the crybaby stupidity of blaming the so-called "media" that is childish and stupid.
Like you!


You have that right. Crybaby stupid teabagger.


I just hope this FINALLY opens more peoples eyes to this awful disgusting lamestream media in this country. These are debates for you to pick a President of our country and they go and turn it into some grade school nonsense. shun all these leftwing Lamestream medias. get your political news off site on the Internet that you feel isn't BIASED or as it seems off Fox news. you've made it the number ones news station for years now.


and you're crying about us

what does that make you mindless moron??????

one more time you sad, angry pathetic loser; obama has made a living of blaming one media outlet for his troubles

idiots and hypocrites
i've posted the QUOTE 3 times

if you have some proof it isnt accurate show it

or just admit you're a coward
sit in the back is sit in the back

bus or car doesnt matter leftard

the CONTEXT is clear leftard

here is a left-winger version of events that whines Fox News "spun" obama saying republicans need to "sit in the back".



IT'S A VIDEO; the context is what it is, and that context is clear, obama isnt interested in working with others

Fox News spin Obama "Back of the bus" - YouTube
â–¶ 1:25
Nov 2, 2010 - Uploaded by tjohn1986Faux news on Obama's comment about republicans "sit in back" "Back of the bus" Fox news fair and ...
As chief executive, Obama gets to operate within the authority of his executive powers. He is fully within his constitutional powers.

Now, what was your question?

except when he isnt; losing about 2 dozen times in front of the SCOTUS

you were saying??????

How is Obamacare doing?
How about the fate of DADT and same sex marriage?

Obama has won historic decisions in the Supreme Court, which of your 12 petty "victories" qualifies as historic?

how is obamacare doing?

i dunno leftard; is it even fully implemented yet years later?

yes or no question

Supreme Court has upheld it TWICE

answer the question coward

obama sucessfully argued it was the opposite of what he told 300 million Americans it was right??

Answer the question: Tell me which of your touted 12 Supreme Court cases that Obama lost are in any way significant?

here is a left-winger version of events that whines Fox News "spun" obama saying republicans need to "sit in the back".



IT'S A VIDEO; the context is what it is, and that context is clear, obama isnt interested in working with others

Fox News spin Obama "Back of the bus" - YouTube
â–¶ 1:25

Nov 2, 2010 - Uploaded by tjohn1986Faux news on Obama's comment about republicans "sit in back" "Back of the bus" Fox news fair and ...

You lose

Obama still does not say "Back of the bus"
except when he isnt; losing about 2 dozen times in front of the SCOTUS

you were saying??????

How is Obamacare doing?
How about the fate of DADT and same sex marriage?

Obama has won historic decisions in the Supreme Court, which of your 12 petty "victories" qualifies as historic?

how is obamacare doing?

i dunno leftard; is it even fully implemented yet years later?

yes or no question

Supreme Court has upheld it TWICE

answer the question coward

obama sucessfully argued it was the opposite of what he told 300 million Americans it was right??

Answer the question: Tell me which of your touted 12 Supreme Court cases that Obama lost are in any way significant?

sure dimwit. can we agre
except when he isnt; losing about 2 dozen times in front of the SCOTUS

you were saying??????

How is Obamacare doing?
How about the fate of DADT and same sex marriage?

Obama has won historic decisions in the Supreme Court, which of your 12 petty "victories" qualifies as historic?

how is obamacare doing?

i dunno leftard; is it even fully implemented yet years later?

yes or no question

Supreme Court has upheld it TWICE

answer the question coward

obama sucessfully argued it was the opposite of what he told 300 million Americans it was right??

Answer the question: Tell me which of your touted 12 Supreme Court cases that Obama lost are in any way significant?

sure dimwit; can we first agree he lost?

next you have to define what YOU consider significant leftard ok??
obama won "historic" decisions like the one on obamacare because HIS LAWYERS WER ARGUING that obamacare was THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT OBAMA WAS TELLING AMERICANS IT WAS, and that is a TAX

Justice Kennedy was the one that fully exposed this for the 'crime' that this decision was.

Kennedy pointed out that the Obama administration, wanting to remain true to Obama's promise that the ACA would NOT includes any new taxes, claimed the punitive monetary 'tax' was a FINE. Kennedy also pointed out that a 'FINE' for not purchasing Obamacare was / is UN-Constitutional!

It was at this point, Kennedy points out, that Chief Justice Roberts - for whatever reason - CHANGED THE GOVERNMENT'S ENTIRE CASE / ARGUMENT, which is NOT the job of or within the Supreme Court's authority to do, declaring WHAT THE GOVERNMENT REALLY MEANT TO SAY is that it IS a 'tax', thereby SAVING Obamacare.

Kennedy pointed out that the ACA should have 'DIED' right then and there, been declared UN-CONSTITUTIONAL, and forced Obama / Liberals to have to start over and re-write the entire thing if they wanted it to pass.

here is a left-winger version of events that whines Fox News "spun" obama saying republicans need to "sit in the back".



IT'S A VIDEO; the context is what it is, and that context is clear, obama isnt interested in working with others

Fox News spin Obama "Back of the bus" - YouTube
â–¶ 1:25

Nov 2, 2010 - Uploaded by tjohn1986Faux news on Obama's comment about republicans "sit in back" "Back of the bus" Fox news fair and ...

You lose

Obama still does not say "Back of the bus"

no YOU LOSE; he says sit in the back

the bus part is irrelevant

he literally wants republicans to sit in the back

now instead of being a pussy can you admit obama was never interested in working with others/??
obama won "historic" decisions like the one on obamacare because HIS LAWYERS WER ARGUING that obamacare was THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT OBAMA WAS TELLING AMERICANS IT WAS, and that is a TAX

Justice Kennedy was the one that fully exposed this for the 'crime' that this decision was.

Kennedy pointed out that the Obama administration, wanting to remain true to Obama's promise that the ACA would NOT includes any new taxes, claimed the punitive monetary 'tax' was a FINE. Kennedy also pointed out that a 'FINE' for not purchasing Obamacare was / is UN-Constitutional!

It was at this point, Kennedy points out, that Chief Justice Roberts - for whatever reason - CHANGED THE GOVERNMENT'S ENTIRE CASE / ARGUMENT, which is NOT the job of or within the Supreme Court's authority to do, declaring WHAT THE GOVERNMENT REALLY MEANT TO SAY is that it IS a 'tax', thereby SAVING Obamacare.

Kennedy pointed out that the ACA should have 'DIED' right then and there, been declared UN-CONSTITUTIONAL, and forced Obama / Liberals to have to start over and re-write the entire thing if they wanted it to pass.

It was up to the Court to determine whether the payment is a tax or fine, no matter who called it what.
That was a very deliberate answer. And she knew exactly what would happen.

The woman either knows Sun Tzu very well or it's part of her DNA.

If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him. -Sun Tzu

IF so, i disagree that that is her best approach right now. she needs to appeal to those voters who aren't sure if they will vote for her. getting the echo chamber cheap shot approval from petty partisans should not be her priority right now...

she could have simply said, well cooper i wouldn't use the word enemies but my most challenging opposition has been this or that...

I'll have to disagree with you here.

Bill tried to make nice with these folks and they impeached him.

Obama? They've come close but the shut down the government, have gummed legislation and have put up endless investigations.

With Hillary they've accused her of murder and colluding with terrorists.

It's really about time to start calling the crazy faction of the Republican party what they are..

Bill(slick willy) was and is a child molester...

Barry just does what his puppet masters tell him, and thinks race is everything.

Hildabeast is so loopy no one knows where she stands, typical progressive.

Yes, your right these are enemy's...

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