CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

Fiore up the base by citing the "Liberal Biased Main Stream Media" boogeyman.

Meanwhile, listen to the Conservatives crow about how Fox News dominates cable ratings, Limbaugh owns talk radio

Is their magic stronger than our magic. or are they in constant search of a scapegoat?

Republicans claims about Fox News and Rush are true

republican's claims about left-wingers controlling almost every single other major news outlets are also true

what part are you too stupid to understand?????
I'm too stupid to understand why Conservatives always seem to need a scapegoat, a boogeyman to blame for their woefully inept manner of delivering their decidedly unpalatable message.

i'm to stupid to even understand how you mindless morons who are ALWAYS SCAPEGOATING, from your failed leader and his endless excuses right down to his lemming horde, can even be speaking on

or accusing others of scapegoating

what moronic hypocrisy
As if your feeble assessment means anything other than a bag of beans.


i said you're a moron
if rubio or cruz gets the nomination they will destroy hildabeast in a debate....fact.

Rubio would do well....he is likeable
Cruz would be destroyed......he comes off like a dick
How pathetic of you. Fool.

No, mindless fool.
Pointing out a fact of the crybaby stupidity of blaming the so-called "media" that is childish and stupid.
Like you!


and you're crying about us

what does that make you mindless moron??????

one more time you sad, angry pathetic loser; obama has made a living of blaming one media outlet for his troubles

idiots and hypocrites
1. Most Americans support Social Security
2. Most Americans support Medicare
3. Most Americans support Roe v Wade
4. Most Americans support raising minimum wage
5. Most Americans do not want Obamacare repealed

  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. Questionable
  5. False

58% of Americans oppose abortion as it is now.

4 is questionable, because most do support a raise of minimum to $10 an hour, however most oppose the rise to $15 as Seattle and Los Angeles have done.

{Our latest national telephone survey finds that just 32% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the government should require every American to buy or obtain health insurance. This number has been trending down all year and is the lowest level of support since we began asking this question regularly in 2012. Most voters (56%) continue to oppose Obamacare’s insurance requirement}
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™

Hey, two claims out of five were true, for a leftist, that is pretty good.
if rubio or cruz gets the nomination they will destroy hildabeast in a debate....fact.

Rubio would do well....he is likeable
Cruz would be destroyed......he comes off like a dick

Why is it that Ted Cruz is up in the polls today for avoiding a very important question,, who gives a hoot how it was asked? Anyone with 1/2 a brain can see that he had his little anger burst planned.

The Koch clan candidates probably all have the same coach.
Why is it that Ted Cruz is up in the polls today for avoiding a very important question,, who gives a hoot how it was asked? Anyone with 1/2 a brain can see that he had his little anger burst planned.

The Koch clan candidates probably all have the same coach.

What question does KOS claim he avoided?

In my opinion each one of the candidates were practiced and ready to respond, except for Trump.

Ted Cruz Gets Asked A Substantive Question, Answers With Diatribe On The Media

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) blasted CNBC moderators during Wednesday night's GOP debate because, he said, they weren’t asking substantive questions.

Here’s what’s interesting about that: The question that prompted the reprimand concerned the new spending agreement between the White House and Congress.

Given his vehement opposition to a past agreement to fund the government, Cruz was asked whether he was the kind of problem solver the American people needed. He answered with a diatribe against the media.

And that wasn’t an isolated question. Ben Carson and Donald Trump both got questions about their tax plans, which experts say would drive up the deficit massively. Carly Fiorina got a question about her record as CEO at Hewlett-Packard. Just now, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee got questions about entitlements and the deficit.

Blaming the media is always popular, particularly with conservative audiences, and Cruz got huge applause for his retort.
In my opinion each one of the candidates were practiced and ready to respond, except for Trump.

Ted Cruz Gets Asked A Substantive Question, Answers With Diatribe On The Media

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) blasted CNBC moderators during Wednesday night's GOP debate because, he said, they weren’t asking substantive questions.

Here’s what’s interesting about that: The question that prompted the reprimand concerned the new spending agreement between the White House and Congress.

Given his vehement opposition to a past agreement to fund the government, Cruz was asked whether he was the kind of problem solver the American people needed. He answered with a diatribe against the media.

And that wasn’t an isolated question. Ben Carson and Donald Trump both got questions about their tax plans, which experts say would drive up the deficit massively. Carly Fiorina got a question about her record as CEO at Hewlett-Packard. Just now, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee got questions about entitlements and the deficit.

Blaming the media is always popular, particularly with conservative audiences, and Cruz got huge applause for his retort.

Yes, your fellow drones already used this talking point from the Soros hate sites, and it has already been defeated as the bullshit it is on several occasions. Note that Cruz did answer the question, after correctly taking the ridiculous moderators to task as the mindless hacks they were.
if rubio or cruz gets the nomination they will destroy hildabeast in a debate....fact.

Rubio would do well....he is likeable
Cruz would be destroyed......he comes off like a dick

Why is it that Ted Cruz is up in the polls today for avoiding a very important question,, who gives a hoot how it was asked? Anyone with 1/2 a brain can see that he had his little anger burst planned.

The Koch clan candidates probably all have the same coach.

It is a basic fact about Cruz...he is a dick and is not like able

He cannot be elected
In my opinion each one of the candidates were practiced and ready to respond, except for Trump.

Ted Cruz Gets Asked A Substantive Question, Answers With Diatribe On The Media

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) blasted CNBC moderators during Wednesday night's GOP debate because, he said, they weren’t asking substantive questions.

Here’s what’s interesting about that: The question that prompted the reprimand concerned the new spending agreement between the White House and Congress.

Given his vehement opposition to a past agreement to fund the government, Cruz was asked whether he was the kind of problem solver the American people needed. He answered with a diatribe against the media.

And that wasn’t an isolated question. Ben Carson and Donald Trump both got questions about their tax plans, which experts say would drive up the deficit massively. Carly Fiorina got a question about her record as CEO at Hewlett-Packard. Just now, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee got questions about entitlements and the deficit.

Blaming the media is always popular, particularly with conservative audiences, and Cruz got huge applause for his retort.

Yes, your fellow drones already used this talking point from the Soros hate sites, and it has already been defeated as the bullshit it is on several occasions. Note that Cruz did answer the question, after correctly taking the ridiculous moderators to task as the mindless hacks they were.

Wrong~ seriously did you watch the debate or are you just going by what others say.?
Try watching the video yourself , he is clearly practiced and didn't waste any time bringing it up.
It was a good question, and his response will backfire.. They let him answer later in the debate. but who cares .

Ted Cruz’s best moment of the Republican debate was also completely wrong
That was a very deliberate answer. And she knew exactly what would happen.

The woman either knows Sun Tzu very well or it's part of her DNA.

If your opponent is of choleric temperament, seek to irritate him. -Sun Tzu

IF so, i disagree that that is her best approach right now. she needs to appeal to those voters who aren't sure if they will vote for her. getting the echo chamber cheap shot approval from petty partisans should not be her priority right now...

she could have simply said, well cooper i wouldn't use the word enemies but my most challenging opposition has been this or that...

I'll have to disagree with you here.

Bill tried to make nice with these folks and they impeached him.

Obama? They've come close but the shut down the government, have gummed legislation and have put up endless investigations.

With Hillary they've accused her of murder and colluding with terrorists.

It's really about time to start calling the crazy faction of the Republican party what they are..

Yep, a lot of republicans are certainly going off the deep end. Just listen to what they've been saying in the debates. Trump thinks he can round up 11 million undocumented immigrants and dump them in Mexico or some other countries. Rand Paul thinks he can eliminate half the federal government. Carly Fiorina suggest we reduce the the Federal Tax Code to 3 pages. Carson thinks we can put a 15% tax on GDP which of course includes government spending. And Bush seems to be concerned with regulating Fantasy Football. No wonder republican debates are so entertaining that they can attract 14 million viewers.

look at the "FOWARD!" losers and their cant-do attitude!


libs are losers who lie to themselves
I once would have said conservatives are the realist and libs are the dreamers, not anymore. Republican candidates are coming up with the most pie in sky proposals and promises. Shouldn't there be at least some vague possibility of doing what they propose and promise. Apparently they consider their supporters complete idiots.

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