CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

I realize schmucks like yourself think pedophiles and incestuous folks are okay, as your admiration for Nugent and Trump, prove, respectfully.

You put the "what a fucking scumbag" in demagogue, Shallow.

You really are gutter filthy, flinging shit at passers by.

Meh, figures a Neo-Confederate Nazi like yourself has no answer.

Yee Haw, Johnny "Mengele" Reb!
Meh, figures a Neo-Confederate Nazi like yourself has no answer.

Yee Haw, Johnny "Mengele" Reb!

Thanks Comrade Pot.

You have nothing rational to add to any discussion and are just a shit flinging feral baboon.

I expect that this will be the substance of the entire socialist campaign to elect Hilliary. I encourage you to be really outrageous with your lies, you know, claim that Ben Carson uses the blood of white children to make chitlins, or that Carly Fiorina skins kittens to stuff her bra, that Marco Rubio has horns. All the shit you demagogues typically fling.
The biggest 'revelations' from last night's debate are that extreme Liberal bias in the media is alive and well AND that CNBC's faux 'journalists' and last night's debate 'moderators' are little more than 'pooh-throwing monkeys'!



CNBC could have saved themselves and the Republican Party a lot of money by hiring actual monkeys to fling their pooh at the candidates. This was a disgrace.”
- Erick Erickson of Red State


CNBC's should be embarrassed for their pitiful display of partisan liberal media bias and apologize to the GOP candidates and the American people."
- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.


"After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press,” said Meese.

Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on,” he said. “Whoever selected the ‘moderators’ should be FIRED and the RNC leaders who allowed it should be condemned.”


The biggest reaction came from the audience after Ted Cruz 'skewered' CNBC 'moderator' Carl Quintanilla for his un-professional, inappropriate question and hammered the liberal media moderators for their, by comparison, 'love-fest' questioning of Hillary in debates.
-- Pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.”

The focus group's reaction and that so MANY Americans as seen so far after this debate proves CNBC did nothing more than embarrass themselves, embarrass the profession of true journalism, and reveal that extreme liberal bias is alive and well in the media...and the American people (not the left wing partisans who saw nothing wrong with what happened last night) are fed up with it!

Way to go, CNBC! Here's to you, you 'pooh-flinging monkeys'!

:piss2::salute: :lmao:

Erick's line was the bomb. (Is that officially an out-dated enough expression?)
Meh, figures a Neo-Confederate Nazi like yourself has no answer.

Yee Haw, Johnny "Mengele" Reb!

Thanks Comrade Pot.

You have nothing rational to add to any discussion and are just a shit flinging feral baboon.

I expect that this will be the substance of the entire socialist campaign to elect Hilliary. I encourage you to be really outrageous with your lies, you know, claim that Ben Carson uses the blood of white children to make chitlins, or that Carly Fiorina skins kittens to stuff her bra, that Marco Rubio has horns. All the shit you demagogues typically fling.

Meh. You basically are projecting with the "Shit Flinging Feral Baboon" crack since I notice your discourse doesn't include much more than typing "PROPAGANDA" and name calling.

The folks you support, Johnny Mengele, are space cases.

No one needs to make up stuff about Carson. He wants to get rid of Medicare, SSI, lower taxes to 15% across the board, thinks Muslim shouldn't participate in politics and attaches everything he doesn't like to slavery. That and he outright lies about his use of social programs and ties to bogus vitamin pill companies.

Fiorina's not much different but she was an absolute failure at HP. Something that if you really were in IT, you'd know about.
As Joe Biden once said...

I don't have to beat the almighty, I just have to beat the alternative

Hillary is more likeable than the Republican alternative

I realize that lying is the foundation of Communism, but you take it to an extreme,

Carson polls more likable than Hilliary.

The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.
As Joe Biden once said...

I don't have to beat the almighty, I just have to beat the alternative

Hillary is more likeable than the Republican alternative

I realize that lying is the foundation of Communism, but you take it to an extreme,

Carson polls more likable than Hilliary.

The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.


That's fucking funny. Unintentionally funny. but still funny.

Shrillary has BEEN in "public service" for a long time and nobody (especially her brain dead supporters) can name even ONE fucking "accomplishment" of hers beyond the whole "getting herself nominated or appointed or elected" thing.
As Joe Biden once said...

I don't have to beat the almighty, I just have to beat the alternative

Hillary is more likeable than the Republican alternative

I realize that lying is the foundation of Communism, but you take it to an extreme,

Carson polls more likable than Hilliary.

The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.

Most of America still has no idea who Ben Carson is

Based on his performance to date, I can't see him impressing them
The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.

Hilliary is a career criminal, Carson a neurosurgeon. As people learn more, I doubt it will HELP Hilliary...
The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.

Hilliary is a career criminal, Carson a neurosurgeon. As people learn more, I doubt it will HELP Hilliary...

Looks like Carson is the one headed to prison
As Joe Biden once said...

I don't have to beat the almighty, I just have to beat the alternative

Hillary is more likeable than the Republican alternative

I realize that lying is the foundation of Communism, but you take it to an extreme,

Carson polls more likable than Hilliary.

The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.

Most of America still has no idea who Ben Carson is

Based on his performance to date, I can't see him impressing them

How the fuck old is your "source?"

Back in March, Dr. Carson was not heard of by a majority of voters, but a slim majority. Campaign 2016: Modest Interest, High Stakes

Now he's a front runner and you think he's known by fewer folks?
The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.

Hilliary is a career criminal, Carson a neurosurgeon. As people learn more, I doubt it will HELP Hilliary...

Looks like Carson is the one headed to prison

No. It doesn't "look like" that at all, in any way.
The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.

Hilliary is a career criminal, Carson a neurosurgeon. As people learn more, I doubt it will HELP Hilliary...

Looks like Carson is the one headed to prison

No. It doesn't "look like" that at all, in any way.

Carson will go there before Hillary

Felony fraud
The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.

Hilliary is a career criminal, Carson a neurosurgeon. As people learn more, I doubt it will HELP Hilliary...

Looks like Carson is the one headed to prison

No. It doesn't "look like" that at all, in any way.

Carson will go there before Hillary

Felony fraud

Shrillary won't go at all. No Dem DoJ will ever prosecute her; and even in a GOP Administration, the liberal Dem appointees will never allow it to happen.

Of course, Dr. Carson isn't getting prosecuted for anything, either. And unlike Shrillary, he doesn't deserve to be prosecuted.
As Joe Biden once said...

I don't have to beat the almighty, I just have to beat the alternative

Hillary is more likeable than the Republican alternative

I realize that lying is the foundation of Communism, but you take it to an extreme,

Carson polls more likable than Hilliary.

The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.


That's fucking funny. Unintentionally funny. but still funny.

Shrillary has BEEN in "public service" for a long time and nobody (especially her brain dead supporters) can name even ONE fucking "accomplishment" of hers beyond the whole "getting herself nominated or appointed or elected" thing.
She is probably one of the most accomplished people to have ever run for the office of president. You simply refuse to acknowledge her accomplishments and concentrate on what you perceive as her failures.

What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?
As Joe Biden once said...

I don't have to beat the almighty, I just have to beat the alternative

Hillary is more likeable than the Republican alternative

I realize that lying is the foundation of Communism, but you take it to an extreme,

Carson polls more likable than Hilliary.

The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.


That's fucking funny. Unintentionally funny. but still funny.

Shrillary has BEEN in "public service" for a long time and nobody (especially her brain dead supporters) can name even ONE fucking "accomplishment" of hers beyond the whole "getting herself nominated or appointed or elected" thing.
She is probably one of the most accomplished people to have ever run for the office of president. You simply refuse to acknowledge her accomplishments and concentrate on what you perceive as her failures.

What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?

you got a piece of propaganda; but obama can see the Near and Middle East, and Africa, and Afghanistan falling apart, from the window of Air Force One

idiots and hypocrites
As Joe Biden once said...

I don't have to beat the almighty, I just have to beat the alternative

Hillary is more likeable than the Republican alternative

I realize that lying is the foundation of Communism, but you take it to an extreme,

Carson polls more likable than Hilliary.

The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.


That's fucking funny. Unintentionally funny. but still funny.

Shrillary has BEEN in "public service" for a long time and nobody (especially her brain dead supporters) can name even ONE fucking "accomplishment" of hers beyond the whole "getting herself nominated or appointed or elected" thing.
She is probably one of the most accomplished people to have ever run for the office of president. You simply refuse to acknowledge her accomplishments and concentrate on what you perceive as her failures.

What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?

i'm thinking i can pick this piece of stupidity apart before i actually look at it?

maybe this is your chance to embarrass me???

1. Her China speech on women.

a speech; puuuuuurrrrrfect

2. Her role in killing Osama bin Laden.

what was her role? it doesnt say. typical

3. Management of the State Department during which time we saw a 50 percent increase in exports to China, aggressive work on climate (particularly at Copenhagen), and the effort to create and implement the toughest sanctions ever on Iran—helping to lead us to the agreement currently on the table.

yes i'm sure everybody feels great about our trade (im)balance with china
work on climate change? what was done again??
iran agreement?? really??


Read more:
As Joe Biden once said...

I don't have to beat the almighty, I just have to beat the alternative

Hillary is more likeable than the Republican alternative

I realize that lying is the foundation of Communism, but you take it to an extreme,

Carson polls more likable than Hilliary.

The public knows almost nothing about Carson other than his career as a doctor. He has a perfect record in public service compared to Clinton because he has done nothing in public service. This becomes painfully obvious when he tries to explain his solutions for America's problems.


That's fucking funny. Unintentionally funny. but still funny.

Shrillary has BEEN in "public service" for a long time and nobody (especially her brain dead supporters) can name even ONE fucking "accomplishment" of hers beyond the whole "getting herself nominated or appointed or elected" thing.
She is probably one of the most accomplished people to have ever run for the office of president. You simply refuse to acknowledge her accomplishments and concentrate on what you perceive as her failures.

What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?

Oh shit, man. You're fucking funny.

The list includes accolades from the most credible of unbiased sources:

‘Nearly every foreign policy victory of President Obama’s second term has Secretary Clinton’s fingerprints on it’

By Harry Reid, Senate Democratic leader.
What Is Hillary’s Greatest Accomplishment?


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