CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

Their questions and lack of follow-up were as lame as Fox News.

Nothing to do with bias.


The CDNC "moderators" are simply Hilliary campaign staff members, that was painfully obvious. This destroyed the credibility of CDNC, it is exposed as nothing but a propaganda outlet for the party.

Whether the humiliation that CDNC and it's parent NBC are suffering equates to damage to Hilliary herself remains to be seen.


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Hi, I'm Barack Obama & I'm fucking stupid.
You can tell by this post and everything in it that the RWnuts are terribly dismayed at how the debate went for the GOP.

No, we - like the rest of the country - are dismayed at how the extremely liberal biased media and liberals like yourself have been completely exposed as disgraceful 'pooh-flinging monkeys'.

:piss2: :lmao:

Didn't the GOP have a big debate on Foxnews?

Are you denying that?
Riiight. All networks are biased, even Fox. What a bunch of pathetic whiners.

PM, with your massive intellect (and evidently your 3rd grade reading/comprehension level), please point out where in the following sentence I claim ALL NETWORKS are biased:

"The biggest 'revelations' from last night's debate are that extreme Liberal bias in the media is alive and well AND that CNBC's faux 'journalists' and last night's debate 'moderators' are little more than 'pooh-throwing monkeys'!"

Let me help you out, you 'pooh-flinging monkey'... NOWHERE in that sentence do I say ALL MEDIA is biased. (You should consider seeking employment with CNBC, my friend.) :laugh:
The biggest 'revelations' from last night's debate are that extreme Liberal bias in the media is alive and well AND that CNBC's faux 'journalists' and last night's debate 'moderators' are little more than 'pooh-throwing monkeys'!



CNBC could have saved themselves and the Republican Party a lot of money by hiring actual monkeys to fling their pooh at the candidates. This was a disgrace.”
- Erick Erickson of Red State


CNBC's should be embarrassed for their pitiful display of partisan liberal media bias and apologize to the GOP candidates and the American people."
- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.


"After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press,” said Meese.

Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on,” he said. “Whoever selected the ‘moderators’ should be FIRED and the RNC leaders who allowed it should be condemned.”


The biggest reaction came from the audience after Ted Cruz 'skewered' CNBC 'moderator' Carl Quintanilla for his un-professional, inappropriate question and hammered the liberal media moderators for their, by comparison, 'love-fest' questioning of Hillary in debates.
-- Pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.”

The focus group's reaction and that so MANY Americans as seen so far after this debate proves CNBC did nothing more than embarrass themselves, embarrass the profession of true journalism, and reveal that extreme liberal bias is alive and well in the media...and the American people (not the left wing partisans who saw nothing wrong with what happened last night) are fed up with it!

Way to go, CNBC! Here's to you, you 'pooh-flinging monkeys'!

:piss2::salute: :lmao:

Man, if not for AT&T billing glitches I woulda been on ~6 hours ago to make this very metaphor. :)
ya I know what y mean, It's raining and cold today, and I could be out golfing. Instead I have to hang around hear and restore order
Riiight. All networks are biased, even Fox. What a bunch of pathetic whiners.

PM, with your massive intellect (and evidently your 3rd grade reading/comprehension level), please point out where in the following sentence I claim ALL NETWORKS are biased:

"The biggest 'revelations' from last night's debate are that extreme Liberal bias in the media is alive and well AND that CNBC's faux 'journalists' and last night's debate 'moderators' are little more than 'pooh-throwing monkeys'!"

Let me help you out, you 'pooh-flinging monkey'... NOWHERE in that sentence do I say ALL MEDIA is biased. (You should consider seeking employment with CNBC, my friend.) :laugh:

Do you wish to pass laws that would criminalize bias in the media?
Show me a single flat tax proposal that does not result in the wealthy paying less and the working poor paying more

We have never had a 'flat Tax' before so it is impossible to show you how much anyone 'has paid' as a result of one, you 'pooh-flinging monkey'! You brought up the Flat Tax - you do the research into ALL the proposals out there and get back to me...


The Conservative leaning Tax Foundation said it is not fisical sound....

Why blame Democrats...

Lets make it easy for you....

There is money that comes in call taxes and money that goes out called spending...
Your trickle down theory was manure... Lets just say we need to see you come up with $1.1trillion in spending cuts which don't cripple the economy to pay for this flat tax...

So please itemise your $1.1trillion federal spending cut.
have seen
Show me a single flat tax proposal that does not result in the wealthy paying less and the working poor paying more

We have never had a 'flat Tax' before so it is impossible to show you how much anyone 'has paid' as a result of one, you 'pooh-flinging monkey'! You brought up the Flat Tax - you do the research into ALL the proposals out there and get back to me...


The Conservative leaning Tax Foundation said it is not fisical sound....

Why blame Democrats...

Lets make it easy for you....

There is money that comes in call taxes and money that goes out called spending...
Your trickle down theory was manure... Lets just say we need to see you come up with $1.1trillion in spending cuts which don't cripple the economy to pay for this flat tax...

So please itemise your $1.1trillion federal spending cut.

Let's make it easy for you:

you are from the people who's own economic policies have seen the very richest get richer, and the very poorest get poorer; both at a faster pace than was happening under Republicans

you should be taken seriously why again????
Here are some excerpts from a Washington Times report about a billionaire donor who is bankrolling candidates who support higher taxes, even though he structured his hedge fund in low-tax jurisdictions specifically to minimize the fiscal burdens of his clients.

Tom Steyer, the billionaire environmental activist who is spending $100 million to help elect Democrats this fall, is rallying support for energy taxes that could impact everyday Americans. But when he ran his own hedge fund, Mr. Steyer sought to help wealthy clients legally avoid paying taxes, confidential investor memos show. Mr. Steyer’s strategy included establishing funds in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Mauritius… Mr. Steyer boasted to investors such as major universities that his hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management LLC, had a “desire not to earn income which would be taxable to our tax-exempt investors,” one internal memo reviewed by The Washington Times showed. Mr. Steyer also helped his firm’s wealthy clientele avoid the highest of U.S. taxes and penalties by establishing arcane tax shelters… Mr. Steyer is pushing for a variety of new taxes on the energy sector. In California, Mr. Steyer supports an oil extraction tax, and he is funding politicians who support taxing carbon, including Sen. Mark Udall, Colorado Democrat.
It's sickening how they will lie right in our face and have no shame doing it.

Yes, but Trump calling them on it left the shit they were flinging on their own face.

This from far left blog HuffingGlue:

Looks like Donald Trump is getting his way.

Trump and fellow Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson sent a letter to CNBC on Thursday threatening to not participate in the next GOP debate if it exceeded 120 minutes, including commercial breaks. In a tweet Thursday, Trump claimed CNBC had agreed to limit the debate to two hours.}

CNBC Caves To Trump, Agrees To Limit GOP Debate To 2 Hours

So why was Hilliary Campaign manager John Harwood willing to blatantly lie in front of the nation? It's the Clinton way.
obama created a deficit commission....which of their reccomendations did he actually follow?????


Awww, that's cute.....NO, actually, it's pathetic. Liberals are STILL trying to attack Bush for adding $1.5 Trillion in new debt over 8 years.... that is taking into account that this is all the debt that was added under Bush with a divided Congress in his 1st 6 years. In the last 2 years DEMOCRATS held a near SUPER MAJORITY control (3 seats shy) of Congress and thus the federal government's spending / purse strings.

Over the next 2 years $2.5 Trillion in new debt was added under the control of a DNC-led Congress....which means Liberals added $1 trillion more in 2 years than Bush did in 6 years. For the next 5 years there was no annual budget, which is required by law. The 'inherited Bush Debt' Obama claimed he suffered from was really LIBERAL debt, as Democrats controlled spending Bush's last 2 years in office and the 1st 2 years of Obama's 1st term.

Obama went on to add $6 TRILLION in ONLY 4 years (more debt than every other US President COMBINED), setting 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records along the way...and let's not forget his rejection of spending cuts resulted in - as he was warned by the bank - in the 1st US Credit Rating Down-grade!

Speaking of international taxation, how about the behavior of Senator Joe Machin’s daughter? She’s the head of an American drug-making company, a position that almost surely has something to do with her father being a senator. Particularly since the company gets a big chunk of its revenues from sales to the federal government.
In any event, her company has decided that it’s okay to benefit from sales to big government, but that it’s not a good idea to pay taxes for big government. Here are some blurbs from a National Journal report.
…this column happens to be about a Democratic senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin, and his daughter, Heather Bresch, the chief executive of Mylan, a giant maker of generic drugs based outside Pittsburgh. Her company’s profits come largely from Medicaid and Medicare, which means her nest is feathered by U.S. taxpayers. On Monday, Bresch announced that Mylan will renounce its United States citizenship and instead become incorporated in the Netherlands – leaving this country, in part, to pay less in taxes.
Our third example of hypocrisy also deals with corporate expatriation, and it’s probably the most odious and extreme display of two-faced political behavior. Here’s some of what was reported in the L.A. Times about the Secretary of the Treasury’s attack on corporate inversions.
Calling for “a new sense of economic patriotism,” a top Obama administration official urged Congress to take immediate action to stop U.S. companies from reorganizing as foreign firms to avoid paying taxes. …”What we need as a nation is a new sense of economic patriotism, where we all rise or fall together,” Lew wrote to the top Democrats and Republicans on the congressional tax-writing committees. “We should not be providing support for corporations that seek to shift their profits overseas to avoid paying their fair share of taxes,” he said. …Lew said such moves were unfair to U.S. taxpayers. …”Congress should enact legislation immediately — and make it retroactive to May 2014 — to shut down this abuse of our tax system,” Lew wrote.
Gee, big words from Mr. Lew. But too bad he didn’t say those words to himself when he was a crony capitalist at Citigroup. Why? Because he had big money parked in the Cayman Islands!
So he inverted his own funds but doesn’t want other taxpayers to have the right to make the same sensible choices.

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