CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

The biggest 'revelations' from last night's debate are that extreme Liberal bias in the media is alive and well AND that CNBC's faux 'journalists' and last night's debate 'moderators' are little more than 'pooh-throwing monkeys'!



CNBC could have saved themselves and the Republican Party a lot of money by hiring actual monkeys to fling their pooh at the candidates. This was a disgrace.”
- Erick Erickson of Red State


CNBC's should be embarrassed for their pitiful display of partisan liberal media bias and apologize to the GOP candidates and the American people."
- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.


"After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press,” said Meese.

Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on,” he said. “Whoever selected the ‘moderators’ should be FIRED and the RNC leaders who allowed it should be condemned.”


The biggest reaction came from the audience after Ted Cruz 'skewered' CNBC 'moderator' Carl Quintanilla for his un-professional, inappropriate question and hammered the liberal media moderators for their, by comparison, 'love-fest' questioning of Hillary in debates.
-- Pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.”

The focus group's reaction and that so MANY Americans as seen so far after this debate proves CNBC did nothing more than embarrass themselves, embarrass the profession of true journalism, and reveal that extreme liberal bias is alive and well in the media...and the American people (not the left wing partisans who saw nothing wrong with what happened last night) are fed up with it!

Way to go, CNBC! Here's to you, you 'pooh-flinging monkeys'!

:piss2::salute: :lmao:

You can tell by this post and everything in it that the RWnuts are terribly dismayed at how the debate went for the GOP.
I loved Ted Cruz and his fake outrage

He is asked a question about his position on raising the debt limit.....a substantive question

He responds in outrage over how the moderators were not asking substantive questions....Rehearsed?

Cruz did well. The Hilliary sycophants spewing about fantasy football were beyond the pale. What a bunch of amateur monkeys CDNC put out.
I loved Ted Cruz and his fake outrage

He is asked a question about his position on raising the debt limit.....a substantive question

He responds in outrage over how the moderators were not asking substantive questions....Rehearsed?
Hildabeasts trained pet monkeys, the media are easy to predict...
You're lying of course but since supporting PP means supporting the poor, its more proof the right want to punish poor women. Typical phony christian.

How EXACTLY does removing a near-term baby out of the womb - except for the head, shoving a rod inside the head of the baby capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling it's brain to kill it, taking it out, dissecting it, and selling the parts for cash and Lamborghinis 'support the poor'?

Since not one single Planned Parenthood office has a Mammogram machine, how exactly does PP 'support the poor' or provide women with 'adequate healthcare'?


PP offer many services they refer to Mammogram services rather than provide them... You can disagree with some of PP abortion practices but please ease off on the lies.. PP offer services in areas of poor services... You dislike them because they provide abortions but ignore them when they offer probably the abortion avoiding services in the US...

Rejecting PP without an adequate replacement is to ask for US to have more abortions not less...

SURE LOON; nobody needed affirmation from an idiot ex-pat about what the Left REALLY THINKS OF THE PEOPLE THEY PANDER TO. We know, have known, the people you get all sanctimonious about are nothing but dependent and pathetic losers held slave to their base instincts, posessing no self-respect or self discipline, and needing guidance and support from Progressive slave-masters at every point in their lives IN YOUR MINDS.
I loved Ted Cruz and his fake outrage

He is asked a question about his position on raising the debt limit.....a substantive question

He responds in outrage over how the moderators were not asking substantive questions....Rehearsed?
He had a point to make and he MADE IT :thup:

and he's still a wacko whom his own senate caucus hates and who wasn't born here so shouldn't be on the stage. just my opinion.
You say that like the establishment being against you is a bad thing :lol:
OK birther, explain why he shouldn't be on the stage? :p
How will 3 pages explain the tax code?

'Flat' or 'Fair Tax' - EVERYONE pays, end the ridiculous hundreds of pages of loopholes, etc... it could easily be done. Tell me why THOUSANDS of pages are needed to explain / direct tax collecting? forget it - Gruber already explained it.

The biased IRS targeting that was proven - that Cummings, a Senator, was involved in, and which Lois Lerner herself admitted and apologized for when talking to the media - and the Obama administration's recent announcement that they will not prosecute anyone for it (or fire, reprimand, fine, or cut their pay) is a flaming red flag / sign of WHY the IRS needs to be reformed so that this agency can NEVER be used as a weapon against the citizens of this country again (which reportedly is STILL happening).


IRS Apologizes For Inappropriately Targeting Conservative Political Groups In 2012 Election
- LINK: IRS Apologizes For Inappropriate Action In 2012 Election

"The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status.

IRS agents singled out dozens of organizations for additional reviews because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their exemption applications, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups. In some cases, groups were asked for lists of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said


IRS agent: Tax agency is still targeting Tea Party groups
- LINK: IRS agent: Tax agency is still targeting Tea Party groups
- Thurs, 29 Oct 2015

"In a remarkable admission that is likely to rock the Internal Revenue Service again, testimony released Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp reveals that an agent involved in reviewing tax exempt applications from conservative groups told a committee investigator that the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups."

Show me a single flat tax proposal that does not result in the wealthy paying less and the working poor paying more
You can tell by this post and everything in it that the RWnuts are terribly dismayed at how the debate went for the GOP.

No, we - like the rest of the country - are dismayed at how the extremely liberal biased media and liberals like yourself have been completely exposed as disgraceful 'pooh-flinging monkeys'.

:piss2: :lmao:
It is their fault so many of the candidate are really bad?

The candidates looked great.

If the goal of the demagogues at NBC was to smear the opposition candidates, it backfired, and badly. The openly shitty attack on Trump, that Kasich to his credit, refused to bite on is the most putrid thing I've ever seen in a presidential debate.

Rubio nailed the scumbags when he pointed out that the MSM is the largest SupePAC in the nation, working for Hilliary.

CNBC is not supposed to be MSNBC, but it is all NBC - the most radical left media in the nation.

The bias and unprofessionalism of the democrats media came screaming through. NBC hurt themselves and their candidate with this.
ya but, today all their op eds will read how smart they are and what dumb sob's the candidates were. They'll mix a little grey in there to try and convince us their objective
I loved Ted Cruz and his fake outrage

He is asked a question about his position on raising the debt limit.....a substantive question

He responds in outrage over how the moderators were not asking substantive questions....Rehearsed?
Hildabeasts trained pet monkeys, the media are easy to predict...

Looks like Cruz was the trained monkey performing tricks for the Teatards
I just hope this FINALLY opens more peoples eyes to this awful disgusting lamestream media in this country. These are debates for you to pick a President of our country and they go and turn it into some grade school nonsense. shun all these leftwing Lamestream medias. get your political news off site on the Internet that you feel isn't BIASED or as it seems off Fox news. you've made it the number ones news station for years now.

The backlash against CDNC is substantial. Any credibility they might have had is gone. Lying about the debate length when it was all over the news yesterday morning that Trump and Carson negotiated it down? How stupid are these Hilliary campaign managers?
How will 3 pages explain the tax code?

'Flat' or 'Fair Tax' - EVERYONE pays, end the ridiculous hundreds of pages of loopholes, etc... it could easily be done. Tell me why THOUSANDS of pages are needed to explain / direct tax collecting? forget it - Gruber already explained it.

The biased IRS targeting that was proven - that Cummings, a Senator, was involved in, and which Lois Lerner herself admitted and apologized for when talking to the media - and the Obama administration's recent announcement that they will not prosecute anyone for it (or fire, reprimand, fine, or cut their pay) is a flaming red flag / sign of WHY the IRS needs to be reformed so that this agency can NEVER be used as a weapon against the citizens of this country again (which reportedly is STILL happening).


IRS Apologizes For Inappropriately Targeting Conservative Political Groups In 2012 Election
- LINK: IRS Apologizes For Inappropriate Action In 2012 Election

"The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status.

IRS agents singled out dozens of organizations for additional reviews because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their exemption applications, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups. In some cases, groups were asked for lists of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said


IRS agent: Tax agency is still targeting Tea Party groups
- LINK: IRS agent: Tax agency is still targeting Tea Party groups
- Thurs, 29 Oct 2015

"In a remarkable admission that is likely to rock the Internal Revenue Service again, testimony released Thursday by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp reveals that an agent involved in reviewing tax exempt applications from conservative groups told a committee investigator that the agency is still targeting Tea Party groups."

Show me a single flat tax proposal that does not result in the wealthy paying less and the working poor paying more
Donald Trump for one. And Im not even a Trump supporter
maybe becauseit's laughable on its very face for left-wingers to even be asking about debt; like they give a shit???

Republicans controlled the Government for eight years....why didn't they cut the debt?

do you care about debt?

very simple question dullard. see if you can be honest for once ok??

I am willing to pay increased taxes and take cuts in programs that help me personally and have all the extra money going to pay the debt

Are you willing to take the same pledge?
...and I'm more than willing to give up my weapons if the dems stop supporting planned parenthood. Notice I said planned parenthood. Didn't even mention abortion

You're lying of course but since supporting PP means supporting the poor, its more proof the right want to punish poor women. Typical phony christian.

and the left wants to kill poor black babies using government funding. Is genocide not racist?
I just hope this FINALLY opens more peoples eyes to this awful disgusting lamestream media in this country. These are debates for you to pick a President of our country and they go and turn it into some grade school nonsense. shun all these leftwing Lamestream medias. get your political news off site on the Internet that you feel isn't BIASED or as it seems off Fox news. you've made it the number ones news station for years now.

The backlash against CDNC is substantial. Any credibility they might have had is gone. Lying about the debate length when it was all over the news yesterday morning that Trump and Carson negotiated it down? How stupid are these Hilliary campaign managers?
yup, the sin of omission bit cnbc in the buttox
The biggest 'revelations' from last night's debate are that extreme Liberal bias in the media is alive and well AND that CNBC's faux 'journalists' and last night's debate 'moderators' are little more than 'pooh-throwing monkeys'!



CNBC could have saved themselves and the Republican Party a lot of money by hiring actual monkeys to fling their pooh at the candidates. This was a disgrace.”
- Erick Erickson of Red State


CNBC's should be embarrassed for their pitiful display of partisan liberal media bias and apologize to the GOP candidates and the American people."
- Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.


"After 15 minutes it was clear that this was not a debate, but a verbal shooting gallery set up by CNBC, with the targets the Republican candidates and the shooters their biased antagonists from the press,” said Meese.

Ted Cruz accurately described what was going on,” he said. “Whoever selected the ‘moderators’ should be FIRED and the RNC leaders who allowed it should be condemned.”


The biggest reaction came from the audience after Ted Cruz 'skewered' CNBC 'moderator' Carl Quintanilla for his un-professional, inappropriate question and hammered the liberal media moderators for their, by comparison, 'love-fest' questioning of Hillary in debates.
-- Pollster Frank Luntz sent out a Tweet: “Ted Cruz's focus group dials hits 98 with his attack on media bias. That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER.”

The focus group's reaction and that so MANY Americans as seen so far after this debate proves CNBC did nothing more than embarrass themselves, embarrass the profession of true journalism, and reveal that extreme liberal bias is alive and well in the media...and the American people (not the left wing partisans who saw nothing wrong with what happened last night) are fed up with it!

Way to go, CNBC! Here's to you, you 'pooh-flinging monkeys'!

:piss2::salute: :lmao:
Riiight. All networks are biased, even Fox. What a bunch of pathetic whiners.
I loved Ted Cruz and his fake outrage

He is asked a question about his position on raising the debt limit.....a substantive question

He responds in outrage over how the moderators were not asking substantive questions....Rehearsed?
Hildabeasts trained pet monkeys, the media are easy to predict...

Looks like Cruz was the trained monkey performing tricks for the Teatards

Show me a single flat tax proposal that does not result in the wealthy paying less and the working poor paying more

We have never had a 'flat Tax' before so it is impossible to show you how much anyone 'has paid' as a result of one, you 'pooh-flinging monkey'! You brought up the Flat Tax - you do the research into ALL the proposals out there and get back to me...

You're lying of course but since supporting PP means supporting the poor, its more proof the right want to punish poor women. Typical phony christian.

How EXACTLY does removing a near-term baby out of the womb - except for the head, shoving a rod inside the head of the baby capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling it's brain to kill it, taking it out, dissecting it, and selling the parts for cash and Lamborghinis 'support the poor'?

Since not one single Planned Parenthood office has a Mammogram machine, how exactly does PP 'support the poor' or provide women with 'adequate healthcare'?


PP offer many services they refer to Mammogram services rather than provide them... You can disagree with some of PP abortion practices but please ease off on the lies.. PP offer services in areas of poor services... You dislike them because they provide abortions but ignore them when they offer probably the abortion avoiding services in the US...

Rejecting PP without an adequate replacement is to ask for US to have more abortions not less...
How much is the head of planned parenthood paid?

$500k give or take...
Actually not that much compared to the size of the organisation

Here's How the Pay for Planned Parenthood's President Stacks Up

This is an organisation with a bugdet of $1.3bn
I loved Ted Cruz and his fake outrage

He is asked a question about his position on raising the debt limit.....a substantive question

He responds in outrage over how the moderators were not asking substantive questions....Rehearsed?
Hildabeasts trained pet monkeys, the media are easy to predict...

Looks like Cruz was the trained monkey performing tricks for the Teatards

are you really as stupid as you appear to be? or are you nothing but a dem/lib parrot? its one or the other because you clearly are not capable of rational thinking.

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