CNBC Exposed As Biased 'Pooh-Throwing Monkeys'

I loved Ted Cruz and his fake outrage

He is asked a question about his position on raising the debt limit.....a substantive question

He responds in outrage over how the moderators were not asking substantive questions....Rehearsed?
Hildabeasts trained pet monkeys, the media are easy to predict...

Looks like Cruz was the trained monkey performing tricks for the Teatards

are you really as stupid as you appear to be? or are you nothing but a dem/lib parrot? its one or the other because you clearly are not capable of rational thinking.

Sorry to pop your bubble

But Cruz is a trained monkey doing tricks for the Teatards who throw nickels in his cup

Show me a single flat tax proposal that does not result in the wealthy paying less and the working poor paying more
Donald Trump for one. And Im not even a Trump supporter

Trumps proposal results in a one trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthy, with only hedge fund managers paying an additional two percent
But didn't Trump say it's his intention that the rich pay more

Rich GOP politicians always pretend their plans will do that.

and the left pretends their policies are about "fairness"

when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer ON THE DEMOCRAT WATCH

libs run around pretending not to see or hear facts they dont like

So which Republicans have a plan that will make the rich less rich and poor less poor?

Be specific.
Donald Trump for one. And Im not even a Trump supporter

Trumps proposal results in a one trillion dollar tax cut to the wealthy, with only hedge fund managers paying an additional two percent
But didn't Trump say it's his intention that the rich pay more

Rich GOP politicians always pretend their plans will do that.

and the left pretends their policies are about "fairness"

when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer ON THE DEMOCRAT WATCH

libs run around pretending not to see or hear facts they dont like

So which Republicans have a plan that will make the rich less rich and poor less poor?

Be specific.

most likely ALL of them leftard

is it a FACT that when republicans ran things the rich had less than they do now and the poor had more?

it's a yes or no question
i expect nothing less than this moronic tripe from people who go around pretending every day that their precious progressives didnt make the richest richer and the poorest poorer on the Democrat's watch

HOW MANY 'poor' Liberal politicians are there in Congress? Oh yeah, that's right - they're MILLIONAIRES.

HOW MANY Liberals' campaigns are nearly fully funded by huge multi-million dollar special interest groups and individuals who EXPECT (and are not disappointed) to be fully compensated once the Lib candidates win (re-)election? Oh yeah, that's right - ALL of them.

View attachment 53539

So you don't think asking about fantasy football was easy enough?

Attempting to drag the discourse down that wabbit hole was just more proof of the less-than-honest agenda of those CNBC monkeys who at no time acted as debate mods but rather as antagonists trying to humiliate the Repubs.

That one such as you couldn't see that is no surprise.
The guys defending throwing a teenage girl in a chair across a room think CNBC shouldn't be so mean to conservatives...

the moron who doesnt think SIX THOUSAND PER YEAR murdered Black lives MATTER because they wrent killed by the police wants to keep injecting race into the discussion
  • The Big Loser in Tuesday Night’s GOP Debate: The Media
    Canada Free Press ^ | 10/29/15 | Roger Aronoff
    Instead of cowering in fear of the media, it appears that a number of the GOP candidates are fighting back, and calling them out. It wasn’t the first time, but it felt like a turning point. It’s about time While the media focus on which of the candidates did well, and which didn’t, they overlooked the biggest loser of the night: the media. Whether intended or not, the difference in the questioning of the Democrats in their October 13 CNN debate versus the questioning of the Republicans in their three debates so far proved to be an issue that boiled...
  • Happy-Warrior Cruz CRUSHED IT Last Night
    Reaganite Republican ^ | 10/29/2015
    First thing everybody's talking about is how Cruz put a snarky CNBC drone against the wall and schooled his punk ass. Pollster Frank Luntz claimed Cruz's lightning counter-attack on snotty, effeminate hack Carl Quintanilla (and MSM liberal bias in presidential primary debates in-general) scored a stunning 98%... 'That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER'... Hannity remarked in his post-game wrap-up that Cruz's retort 'changed the trajectory of the entire debate'. Furthermore, Senator Cruz -despite suffering from an apparent dry throat- got through the CNBC smokescreen impressively well, getting more time and appearing sharper in illustrating his arguments than in...
The LEFT is COLLAPSING before their very face, as THE TRUTH willALWAYS find a way to COME TO THE TOP!


If the unelectable Cruz makes a significant move off this debate, the Democrats will be breaking out another case of champagne.
look at the posts of left-wingers here; it's obvious they enjoy making fools of themselves
  • The Big Loser in Tuesday Night’s GOP Debate: The Media
    Canada Free Press ^ | 10/29/15 | Roger Aronoff
    Instead of cowering in fear of the media, it appears that a number of the GOP candidates are fighting back, and calling them out. It wasn’t the first time, but it felt like a turning point. It’s about time While the media focus on which of the candidates did well, and which didn’t, they overlooked the biggest loser of the night: the media. Whether intended or not, the difference in the questioning of the Democrats in their October 13 CNN debate versus the questioning of the Republicans in their three debates so far proved to be an issue that boiled...
  • Happy-Warrior Cruz CRUSHED IT Last Night
    Reaganite Republican ^ | 10/29/2015
    First thing everybody's talking about is how Cruz put a snarky CNBC drone against the wall and schooled his punk ass. Pollster Frank Luntz claimed Cruz's lightning counter-attack on snotty, effeminate hack Carl Quintanilla (and MSM liberal bias in presidential primary debates in-general) scored a stunning 98%... 'That's the highest score we've ever measured. EVER'... Hannity remarked in his post-game wrap-up that Cruz's retort 'changed the trajectory of the entire debate'. Furthermore, Senator Cruz -despite suffering from an apparent dry throat- got through the CNBC smokescreen impressively well, getting more time and appearing sharper in illustrating his arguments than in...
The LEFT is COLLAPSING before their very face, as THE TRUTH willALWAYS find a way to COME TO THE TOP!


If the unelectable Cruz makes a significant move off this debate, the Democrats will be breaking out another case of champagne.

i thought you morons say all the republicans are unelectable??

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