CNBC: Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit

I call you a left wing leech.... which is what you are for "working" for 12 years on the dole.

Really, most of your "paid government work" was working for the campaigns of Dem candidates....
How is anyone supposed to take you folks seriously?
Take that as a confession.

Old Lady worked for DEM campaigns.

When the DEM won, Old Lady got a cushy "government job" with the freedom to work on the RE=ELECTION campaign and BILL THE US TAXPAYER for doing so...
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.

Why don’t we try punishment for the ones that cheat the system, that way there will be more for the people that really need it.
And don’t tell me there’s no fraud, because I know lots of my friends gaming the system and don’t have to work. I’m sure I’m not the only hard working person that’s tired of these dead beats.

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I think it’s unfair to people who work in jobs that demand physical labor. You know, the kind of people who rely on SS in retirement.

How do you feel about eliminating the cap on income that is subject to FICA?

I think we’re taxed enough already

You think middle class people should pay FICA on 100% of their wage and salary income but wealthy people should only pay on a portion of theirs.

Got it.

I think I should be able to invest my own money for my own retirement.

What's stopping you?

Probably something to do with the federal government forcibly confiscating payroll taxes from his paycheck and from his employer and forcing him into a federal retirement "program".

A lot of people would rather invest that payroll tax money on their own and opt out of SS rather than giving it the federal government.

Then, when you make bad decisions with your investments, the government can provide you an overpass to sleep under in your retirement years.
For the record, I have never taken a dime for "assistance."
Congratulations for actually earning your own living....

I was just trying to explain what being too broke to invest in cushy retirement plans is like.
I know what being broke looks like, I also know what deciding not to be broke looks like, the difference between the two is taking responsibility for ones own choices and making the sacrifices necessary to get from point A to point B.

Whose talking about investing in "cushy" retirement plans? I'm talking about investing in your OWN FUTURE by deferring consumption in the present, you know like actually caring enough about yourself to take an active interest in bettering your own financial circumstances instead of expecting the rest of society to do it all for you.
I have read back through my posts and I can't see where I ever made excuses
LOL, you've done NOTHING but make excuses for why the status quo of the welfare state can't be changed, everything from "young families" not being able to afford to invest in their own futures to your own lil' personal sob story.

You certainly haven't done anything in the way of proposing alternative ideas that might lead to a equitable and financially sustainable system.

I'm sorry you're too thick headed to get what I was trying to tell you.
I understand you just fine it's the same ole' excuse milling trying to pose as "compassion" that's repeated around here hundreds of times a day.
I give up trying to get through to you. Who knew talking about Social Security would lead to such vituperative judgmental vomit?
Take that as a confession.

Old Lady worked for DEM campaigns.

When the DEM won, Old Lady got a cushy "government job" with the freedom to work on the RE=ELECTION campaign and BILL THE US TAXPAYER for doing so...
I've always been unaffiliated. Stop lying or I'll sue.
Tax cuts for the rich and medical care cuts for the poor and middle class.

We haven't seen this since every Republican administration after Eisenhower. Cons act in opposition to Christ. They walk on the poor and kneel to the rich. Anti-Christ.
SUE SUE SUE SUE SUE is the left wing FemiNAZI "solution" to everything....


THAT is the TRUTH.

SUE ME and pray you get a FemiNAZI "judge"
Columns like this are so irresponsible, the authors ought to be "disbarred" or shot. They take an off-hand remark of an obvious fact and extrapolate it into a diabolical plan to - basically - kill babies and old people.

The real question is, what kind of a moron would take this seriously? A Democrat moron...obviously.
Ayn Ryan

If that is a joke, it is sooooooooooo bad!
Tax cuts for the rich and medical care cuts for the poor and middle class.

We haven't seen this since every Republican administration after Eisenhower. Cons act in opposition to Christ. They walk on the poor and kneel to the rich. Anti-Christ.

You are free to move to Greece and see what happens when a country follows your advice....
For the record, I have never taken a dime for "assistance."
Congratulations for actually earning your own living....

I was just trying to explain what being too broke to invest in cushy retirement plans is like.
I know what being broke looks like, I also know what deciding not to be broke looks like, the difference between the two is taking responsibility for ones own choices and making the sacrifices necessary to get from point A to point B.

Whose talking about investing in "cushy" retirement plans? I'm talking about investing in your OWN FUTURE by deferring consumption in the present, you know like actually caring enough about yourself to take an active interest in bettering your own financial circumstances instead of expecting the rest of society to do it all for you.
I have read back through my posts and I can't see where I ever made excuses
LOL, you've done NOTHING but make excuses for why the status quo of the welfare state can't be changed, everything from "young families" not being able to afford to invest in their own futures to your own lil' personal sob story.

You certainly haven't done anything in the way of proposing alternative ideas that might lead to a equitable and financially sustainable system.

I'm sorry you're too thick headed to get what I was trying to tell you.
I understand you just fine it's the same ole' excuse milling trying to pose as "compassion" that's repeated around here hundreds of times a day.
I give up trying to get through to you. Who knew talking about Social Security would lead to such vituperative judgmental vomit?

I gotta look that one up. OldLady is definitely a wordsmith.

I have no Social Security coming.

Was talking with my cousin Christmas Day..she's all "You need to get an on-the-clock job so you can get Social Security." I'm like: "But I can make 5x as much money and invest it into my own retirement fund, while living on less money than I'd make @ an on-the-clock job."

I'm going with my way. Seriously, there is no other option I can see.
Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?

Social Security has kept a lot of old folks from living in dire poverty for the last almost eighty years. A Ponzi scheme it's not.

Ponzi Scheme
only a left would take ownership of such failure.
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.

Why don’t we try punishment for the ones that cheat the system, that way there will be more for the people that really need it.
And don’t tell me there’s no fraud, because I know lots of my friends gaming the system and don’t have to work. I’m sure I’m not the only hard working person that’s tired of these dead beats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
dude, I watch Judge Judy, she gets these gaming folks all the time. she shakes her head and comments. Kinda funny watching it.
Tax cuts for the rich and medical care cuts for the poor and middle class.

We haven't seen this since every Republican administration after Eisenhower. Cons act in opposition to Christ. They walk on the poor and kneel to the rich. Anti-Christ.
then why are the rich bitching about their property tax deductions? oops you're confused.
This will not happen before the midterms as it will be met with fierce opposition and backlash by the electorate. There will be a political price for these cuts and a heavy one.
Ha you keep telling yourself that.

The fact is, the majority of Americans are sick of paying for Obama's Army. SSI recipients belong in mental hospitals, and should not be getting checks to live on the streets and breed and vote democrat. They shouldn't be allowed to vote, period.
Source: CNBC.COM
Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit, but political reality stands in his way

"Ryan views tax cuts as a policy to spur economic growth — no matter what the state of the federal budget. An increase in the deficit, which mainstream economists consider a certainty, is beside the point.

Rising debt, in fact, strengthens his zeal for his preferred deficit-reduction policy. That policy is to reduce spending by shrinking the size and scope of government that Democratic political initiatives have built.

In particular, Ryan wants to curb spending on the giant "entitlement" programs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "How you tackle the debt and the deficit," the speaker declared recently, is by "entitlement reform."

Democratic presidents saw those programs as a means of preventing destitution and medical calamity among senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. More than any other contemporary Republican leader, Ryan represents the philosophical tradition that opposed their creation in the first place."

Finally a congress critter saying something that I can fully support, of course the chances of federal entitlement spending reduction actually happening are somewhere between slim and none, but I'll give 'em credit if they stick to their stated principles instead of just doing the usual political sell-out.

"Thus the speaker has supported partial privatization of Social Security, conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for purchase of private insurance, and per-beneficiary Medicaid limits that would reduce federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. In opposing the 2010 Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction report, which called for both tax hikes and spending limits, he explained, "Increasing the government's take from the economy hinders growth."

Getting federal entitlement spending under control is LONG overdue and above are 3 ideas that represent a good start and worthy of serious consideration.

May the force be with you Mr. Ryan.

Paul Ryan married rich didn't he. If divorced he'd probably get alimony. Wonder why that law changed with the new tax cut.
Ok, that was just plain stupid ....
To stop global overpopulation, first start by ceasing to pay lowlives to pump out kids they cannot pay for....

Change the child tax credit.

First two get credit
Third child gets no credit but taxpayer still gets credit on first two
Have a fourth kid and you get NO CHILD TAX CREDITS AT ALL

Time to face up to the problem....
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.

As usual, LyinRayn is lying. Not to mention they're called "entitlements" because the recipients are entitled to them.

This bastard got where he is because of SocSec but its his long time dream to steal this money from those who earned SS and Medicare. The gop doesn't actually give a fuck about the deficit but what they do are about is taking advantage of this opportunity to screw over the elderly. Others on their hit list - the handicapped, veterans, children and their all time favorites to attack, women.

Interestingly, his hero Ayn Rand collected SS under a fake name, was in favor of abortion and was a nazi.
Done with your childish little rant??

How do YOU propose to cut the national debt?

We have a SPENDING problem ... you can only fix it by cutting spending. What's on YOUR hit list?
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.

As usual, LyinRayn is lying. Not to mention they're called "entitlements" because the recipients are entitled to them.

This bastard got where he is because of SocSec but its his long time dream to steal this money from those who earned SS and Medicare. The gop doesn't actually give a fuck about the deficit but what they do are about is taking advantage of this opportunity to screw over the elderly. Others on their hit list - the handicapped, veterans, children and their all time favorites to attack, women.

Interestingly, his hero Ayn Rand collected SS under a fake name, was in favor of abortion and was a nazi.
Done with your childish little rant??

How do YOU propose to cut the national debt?

We have a SPENDING problem ... you can only fix it by cutting spending. What's on YOUR hit list?
As I said, cut the War Department.

Imagine if the asshole criminals of the imperial capital were to place a moratorium on "defense" spending (really war making) for say 10 years. Then, use all those multiple trillions to help make America great.
Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
You responded, but not to his question. LOL
there is no answer. that is the answer. to either question.

social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
nothing but repeal is worthless in the non-porn sector.

y'all need better solutions at lower cost.

Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!

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