CNBC: Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit

Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
You responded, but not to his question. LOL
there is no answer. that is the answer. to either question.

social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
nothing but repeal is worthless in the non-porn sector.

y'all need better solutions at lower cost.

Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
than why do you want illegals in this country? they keep you from getting to 15 dollar an hour jobs. you still ain't figured that out. LOSER.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
End our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; because nothing about the government should intersect with your life.
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.

As usual, LyinRayn is lying. Not to mention they're called "entitlements" because the recipients are entitled to them.

This bastard got where he is because of SocSec but its his long time dream to steal this money from those who earned SS and Medicare. The gop doesn't actually give a fuck about the deficit but what they do are about is taking advantage of this opportunity to screw over the elderly. Others on their hit list - the handicapped, veterans, children and their all time favorites to attack, women.

Interestingly, his hero Ayn Rand collected SS under a fake name, was in favor of abortion and was a nazi.
Done with your childish little rant??

How do YOU propose to cut the national debt?

We have a SPENDING problem ... you can only fix it by cutting spending. What's on YOUR hit list?
As I said, cut the War Department.

Imagine if the asshole criminals of the imperial capital were to place a moratorium on "defense" spending (really war making) for say 10 years. Then, use all those multiple trillions to help make America great.

We don't have a War Department!

Grow up!
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
End our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; because nothing about the government should intersect with your life.
dude, your nonsense is surely stupid.
Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
You responded, but not to his question. LOL
there is no answer. that is the answer. to either question.

social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
nothing but repeal is worthless in the non-porn sector.

y'all need better solutions at lower cost.

Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
than why do you want illegals in this country? they keep you from getting to 15 dollar an hour jobs. you still ain't figured that out. LOSER.
I don't want a, war on illegals that the right wing will not want to pay for; it is not the same thing.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
End our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; because nothing about the government should intersect with your life.
dude, your nonsense is surely stupid.
projecting much rightwingers; that is how much sense y'all usually make.
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
You responded, but not to his question. LOL
there is no answer. that is the answer. to either question.

social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
nothing but repeal is worthless in the non-porn sector.

y'all need better solutions at lower cost.

Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
than why do you want illegals in this country? they keep you from getting to 15 dollar an hour jobs. you still ain't figured that out. LOSER.
I don't want a, war on illegals that the right wing will not want to pay for; it is not the same thing.
sure you do, you want them there illegals to keep low paying jobs. we know this. and then to get votes you state you want fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. can't have both dude.
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
End our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; because nothing about the government should intersect with your life.
dude, your nonsense is surely stupid.
projecting much rightwingers; that is how much sense y'all usually make.
it's what happens when one, you, post stupid shit no one knows what you're referring to. and you should note, posting the same thing a hundred times doesn't change that fact.
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.

As usual, LyinRayn is lying. Not to mention they're called "entitlements" because the recipients are entitled to them.

This bastard got where he is because of SocSec but its his long time dream to steal this money from those who earned SS and Medicare. The gop doesn't actually give a fuck about the deficit but what they do are about is taking advantage of this opportunity to screw over the elderly. Others on their hit list - the handicapped, veterans, children and their all time favorites to attack, women.

Interestingly, his hero Ayn Rand collected SS under a fake name, was in favor of abortion and was a nazi.
Done with your childish little rant??

How do YOU propose to cut the national debt?

We have a SPENDING problem ... you can only fix it by cutting spending. What's on YOUR hit list?
As I said, cut the War Department.

Imagine if the asshole criminals of the imperial capital were to place a moratorium on "defense" spending (really war making) for say 10 years. Then, use all those multiple trillions to help make America great.

We don't have a War Department!

Grow up!
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.

As usual, LyinRayn is lying. Not to mention they're called "entitlements" because the recipients are entitled to them.

This bastard got where he is because of SocSec but its his long time dream to steal this money from those who earned SS and Medicare. The gop doesn't actually give a fuck about the deficit but what they do are about is taking advantage of this opportunity to screw over the elderly. Others on their hit list - the handicapped, veterans, children and their all time favorites to attack, women.

Interestingly, his hero Ayn Rand collected SS under a fake name, was in favor of abortion and was a nazi.
Done with your childish little rant??

How do YOU propose to cut the national debt?

We have a SPENDING problem ... you can only fix it by cutting spending. What's on YOUR hit list?
As I said, cut the War Department.

Imagine if the asshole criminals of the imperial capital were to place a moratorium on "defense" spending (really war making) for say 10 years. Then, use all those multiple trillions to help make America great.
Sure. You go get a note from the other 192 countries that say they'll make nice with us and will never, ever, ever attack us or our interests ever again. Then pull out of NATO, Korea, and stop protecting the shipping lanes of the oceans of the world.

Do all that, and I'll be right there with you.
That's right. Screw the poor and middle class after all, that IS the American Way.

As usual, LyinRayn is lying. Not to mention they're called "entitlements" because the recipients are entitled to them.

This bastard got where he is because of SocSec but its his long time dream to steal this money from those who earned SS and Medicare. The gop doesn't actually give a fuck about the deficit but what they do are about is taking advantage of this opportunity to screw over the elderly. Others on their hit list - the handicapped, veterans, children and their all time favorites to attack, women.

Interestingly, his hero Ayn Rand collected SS under a fake name, was in favor of abortion and was a nazi.
Done with your childish little rant??

How do YOU propose to cut the national debt?

We have a SPENDING problem ... you can only fix it by cutting spending. What's on YOUR hit list?
As I said, cut the War Department.

Imagine if the asshole criminals of the imperial capital were to place a moratorium on "defense" spending (really war making) for say 10 years. Then, use all those multiple trillions to help make America great.

We don't have a War Department!

Grow up!

This where you and I part ways on most topics. You go stupid like a liberal and there is no bringing you back!
Here is a thought. Why not take all of the people that did not earn enough credits through their own work and are receiving benefits based on their spouses work credits and cut them. No?

Then it's all about privatizing it and making sure some people can charge money to make a profit off "taking care of it". Same shit; different day.
Here is a thought. Why not take all of the people that did not earn enough credits through their own work and are receiving benefits based on their spouses work credits and cut them. No?

Then it's all about privatizing it and making sure some people can charge money to make a profit off "taking care of it". Same shit; different day.

I don't know if you have been following the discussion anytime in the past 60+ years, but the deal is this:

The money is gone, all of it.
Here is a thought. Why not take all of the people that did not earn enough credits through their own work and are receiving benefits based on their spouses work credits and cut them. No?

Then it's all about privatizing it and making sure some people can charge money to make a profit off "taking care of it". Same shit; different day.

I don't know if you have been following the discussion anytime in the past 60+ years, but the deal is this:

The money is gone, all of it.

Here is a thought. Why not take all of the people that did not earn enough credits through their own work and are receiving benefits based on their spouses work credits and cut them. No?

Then it's all about privatizing it and making sure some people can charge money to make a profit off "taking care of it". Same shit; different day.

I don't know if you have been following the discussion anytime in the past 60+ years, but the deal is this:

The money is gone, all of it.


Vote in better representatives next time and this may not be the result. All the money taken...
As usual, LyinRayn is lying. Not to mention they're called "entitlements" because the recipients are entitled to them.

This bastard got where he is because of SocSec but its his long time dream to steal this money from those who earned SS and Medicare. The gop doesn't actually give a fuck about the deficit but what they do are about is taking advantage of this opportunity to screw over the elderly. Others on their hit list - the handicapped, veterans, children and their all time favorites to attack, women.

Interestingly, his hero Ayn Rand collected SS under a fake name, was in favor of abortion and was a nazi.
Done with your childish little rant??

How do YOU propose to cut the national debt?

We have a SPENDING problem ... you can only fix it by cutting spending. What's on YOUR hit list?
As I said, cut the War Department.

Imagine if the asshole criminals of the imperial capital were to place a moratorium on "defense" spending (really war making) for say 10 years. Then, use all those multiple trillions to help make America great.

We don't have a War Department!

Grow up!

This where you and I part ways on most topics. You go stupid like a liberal and there is no bringing you back!
That is laughable, but sad too. Many Americans refuse to believe their country has become an imperial empire, with a military intervening everywhere around the world. Doing the bidding of the Oligarchy. How they can think this way is strange, since the truth is plain to see.
You responded, but not to his question. LOL
there is no answer. that is the answer. to either question.

social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
nothing but repeal is worthless in the non-porn sector.

y'all need better solutions at lower cost.

Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
than why do you want illegals in this country? they keep you from getting to 15 dollar an hour jobs. you still ain't figured that out. LOSER.
I don't want a, war on illegals that the right wing will not want to pay for; it is not the same thing.
sure you do, you want them there illegals to keep low paying jobs. we know this. and then to get votes you state you want fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. can't have both dude.
Unlike the right wing, merely for a profit motive?
Oh'lookie here...The poor and workers get fucked again while the rich get fatter!

I want to trim the fucking military about 200 billion dollars! And raise taxes on the 1%.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
End our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; because nothing about the government should intersect with your life.

If helping the poor is illegal then the war on drugs is sure as fuck is also. End of fucking discussion.

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