CNBC: Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit

there'd only be another guy named ryan. so what? what exactly are you going to do about it? vote for a third party candidate? LOL

I would respect your bitching more if you had a solution rather than a cry baby I want mine attitude.
You mean, me wanting what i earned? LOL You are sounding like a commie.
I usually vote third party. Those retarded, greedy assholes in the duopoly sure in the hell dont do it for me.
Trump was third party and you didn't vote for him.
He ran as a republican. I understand he was the biggest RINO in history, though. Trump also lied a lot, showed he was immature and unpresidential. That did it for me.
I do appreciate A LOT of what he is doing though.
yeah, right. he ran so his name was on a ballot. the GOP tried everything to get him out so that ain't so at all.
He still ran as a republican. Nothing you can say will ever change that.
dude, I can't help ya then. He was as much a third party candidate as any third party in history. All you had to do was watch the political adds of the anti-trumpers. He picked up a third party base that were once republicans.
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
Poverty line used to be $1,000 buffer for members of U.S. military in late 1970’s until Reagan gave them a pay raise. In a capitalist system there will always be borderline poverty. Now...where does government responsibility start?
What is WRONG with Social Security. It is for everyone, not just the poor or just the rich. It is something you work for so when you're too old to work but not dead yet, you can keep an apartment and hopefully not have to eat cat food.
At least not too often.
Same with Medicare. Keep the old folks who are the highest users of medical care, under the government system. No one could afford their premiums otherwise. Yes it's expensive. Do you just want these people to die? Maybe you do.
hly fk, lady there is no help for you. SS is a ponzi scheme. look up how those work. and if they are equal to all.
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
yep poverty is built by irresponsibility having babies when you can't afford them and expecting someone to help you cope with the kid you brought in unable to support. poverty.
Don’t have kids you cannot support. Cut all government aid to dependent children and marriage rate will rise. Couples will realize that it takes two paychecks to survive. Not my job to makeup difference for “babies daddy” not being there. No more single mom baby factories.
EXACTLY^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^where are the dads with the support money? old lady, where are the kids fathers who helped you make em? where's their fair share in your poverty survival?
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No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
Poverty line used to be $1,000 buffer for members of U.S. military in late 1970’s until Reagan gave them a pay raise. In a capitalist system there will always be borderline poverty. Now...where does government responsibility start?
What is WRONG with Social Security. It is for everyone, not just the poor or just the rich. It is something you work for so when you're too old to work but not dead yet, you can keep an apartment and hopefully not have to eat cat food.
At least not too often.
Same with Medicare. Keep the old folks who are the highest users of medical care, under the government system. No one could afford their premiums otherwise. Yes it's expensive. Do you just want these people to die? Maybe you do.
Social Security should be retirement plan ONLY. Medicare for elderly is good. Medicaid for young moms and children...bad idea. Unemployment insurance through thevstates is good. You have to have actually have worked at some point in order to get it. We need to have a society again where unwed mother as stigmatized.
You mean, me wanting what i earned? LOL You are sounding like a commie.
I usually vote third party. Those retarded, greedy assholes in the duopoly sure in the hell dont do it for me.
Trump was third party and you didn't vote for him.
He ran as a republican. I understand he was the biggest RINO in history, though. Trump also lied a lot, showed he was immature and unpresidential. That did it for me.
I do appreciate A LOT of what he is doing though.
yeah, right. he ran so his name was on a ballot. the GOP tried everything to get him out so that ain't so at all.
He still ran as a republican. Nothing you can say will ever change that.
dude, I can't help ya then. He was as much a third party candidate as any third party in history. All you had to do was watch the political adds of the anti-trumpers. He picked up a third party base that were once republicans.
I get that. I clearly stated he was the biggest RINO in history. But just because he is third party doesnt mean i would vote for him. I didnt vote for that borderline retard johnson either.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it).
Are you trying to imply that everybody else was responsible for your financial circumstances or that you had no way of improving them to a degree that would facilitate saving for your own future financial security? I know single mothers that found themselves in worse financial circumstances than what you describe that are doing just fine with respect financial security today, you know how they did it? They got busy changing their own circumstances instead of making up excuses for why they couldn't.

Let me ask you this:
Who decided to have a child? was it you or the rest of society? Apparently you decided that having a child was more important than deferring consumption pursuant to securing your own financial security, therefore you're the one that should have to live with consequences of that decision, not the rest of us that didn't choose as you did.,

The difference between the vast majority of people who earned there way to a "good" retirement and those that didn't has nothing to do with what they started out with and everything to do with the decisions they made between then and now.

The poverty line ain't much.
It isn't supposed to be that's why it's called the POVERTY line but it's the only reasonable measure available, I'm all ears if you have a better idea with respect to measuring relative poverty within the United States.

You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice,"
LOL, are you actually trying to advocate for irresponsible behavior? You have the temerity to call ME "part of the problem"? I hate to break this too you but you're not PART of the problem, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
Yeah because I worked hard and took responsibility for my own material well being and didn't spend any time or effort making excuses for why I couldn't.
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
yep poverty is built by irresponsibility having babies when you can't afford them and expecting someone to help you cope with the kid you brought in unable to support. poverty.
Don’t have kids you cannot support. Cut all government aid to dependent children and marriage rate will rise. Couples will realize that it takes two paychecks to survive. Not my job to makeup difference for “babies daddy” not being there. No more single mom baby factories.
I was married, you old bastard. Then I wasn't, and why is none of anyone's business. You're not twisting this thread into pinning a Scarlet Letter on my chest or any other woman's. It takes two to make a baby and you can quit pretending that only women are responsible for babies coming into the world.
Paul Ryan doesn't want to cut anything.

That is his record - no spending cuts allowed or even discussed.

Spending increases only.
Trump was third party and you didn't vote for him.
He ran as a republican. I understand he was the biggest RINO in history, though. Trump also lied a lot, showed he was immature and unpresidential. That did it for me.
I do appreciate A LOT of what he is doing though.
yeah, right. he ran so his name was on a ballot. the GOP tried everything to get him out so that ain't so at all.
He still ran as a republican. Nothing you can say will ever change that.
dude, I can't help ya then. He was as much a third party candidate as any third party in history. All you had to do was watch the political adds of the anti-trumpers. He picked up a third party base that were once republicans.
I get that. I clearly stated he was the biggest RINO in history. But just because he is third party doesnt mean i would vote for him. I didnt vote for that borderline retard johnson either.
johnson I never got. what a fking dufus. I wanted a change in DC, I knew my only option was trump. I knew it. discipline is needed there. He is starting to show why it is needed. look at the swamp creatures he's unveiled. amazing I tell you. amazing. I didn't realize there were that fking many of em. hly shit.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
yep poverty is built by irresponsibility having babies when you can't afford them and expecting someone to help you cope with the kid you brought in unable to support. poverty.
Don’t have kids you cannot support. Cut all government aid to dependent children and marriage rate will rise. Couples will realize that it takes two paychecks to survive. Not my job to makeup difference for “babies daddy” not being there. No more single mom baby factories.
I was married, you old bastard. Then I wasn't, and why is none of anyone's business. You're not twisting this thread into pinning a Scarlet Letter on my chest or any other woman's. It takes two to make a baby and you can quit pretending that only women are responsible for babies coming into the world.
Did scarlet letter on your chest say: BJ? Lol. Nope?If it was an A then your marriage collapsed...not my responsibility.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
yep poverty is built by irresponsibility having babies when you can't afford them and expecting someone to help you cope with the kid you brought in unable to support. poverty.
Don’t have kids you cannot support. Cut all government aid to dependent children and marriage rate will rise. Couples will realize that it takes two paychecks to survive. Not my job to makeup difference for “babies daddy” not being there. No more single mom baby factories.
I was married, you old bastard. Then I wasn't, and why is none of anyone's business. You're not twisting this thread into pinning a Scarlet Letter on my chest or any other woman's. It takes two to make a baby and you can quit pretending that only women are responsible for babies coming into the world.
agreed, it isn't our business. You brought it in however and now it is our business. now where was his child support? His alimony support?
Hey, im cool with it as long as i get MY money back.
Bad news TN, you aren't getting your money back, you'll be lucky to get a "We're sorry we lied to you and stole your money" sympathy card. ;)

If it makes you feel any better I'd be happy to give up everything I paid into SS and Medicare if it would help facilitate putting people your age into a private account based "national 401K" style system, unfortunately most of the people from my generation don't appear to be willing to make the same sacrifice even though it's likely we're going to be the first ones to get screwed on the SS and Medicare promises anyways.
Hey, im cool with it as long as i get MY money back.
Bad news TN, you aren't getting your money back, you'll be lucky to get a "We're sorry we lied to you and stole your money" sympathy card. ;)

If it makes you feel any better I'd be happy to give up everything I paid into SS and Medicare if it would help facilitate putting people your age into a private account based "national 401K" style system, unfortunately most of the people from my generation don't appear to be willing to make the same sacrifice even though it's likely we're going to be the first ones to get screwed on the SS and Medicare promises anyways.
shit dude, it's been our fking generation paying for everyfkingbody, and then they tell me work four more years to get your money back. four years I don't get back. the dems own SS, and they are satisfied with it failing just like obummerfail. they are ponzie genius.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it).
Are you trying to imply that everybody else was responsible for your financial circumstances or that you had no way of improving them to a degree that would facilitate saving for your own future financial security? I know single mothers that found themselves in worse financial circumstances than what you describe that are doing just fine with respect financial security today, you know how they did it? They got busy changing their own circumstances instead of making up excuses for why they couldn't.

Let me ask you this:
Who decided to have a child? was it you or the rest of society? Apparently you decided that having a child was more important than deferring consumption pursuant to securing your own financial security, therefore you're the one that should have to live with consequences of that decision, not the rest of us that didn't choose as you did.,

The difference between the vast majority of people who earned there way to a "good" retirement and those that didn't has nothing to do with what they started out with and everything to do with the decisions they made between then and now.

The poverty line ain't much.
It isn't supposed to be that's why it's called the POVERTY line but it's the only reasonable measure available, I'm all ears if you have a better idea with respect to measuring relative poverty within the United States.

You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice,"
LOL, are you actually trying to advocate for irresponsible behavior? You have the temerity to call ME "part of the problem"? I hate to break this too you but you're not PART of the problem, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
Yeah because I worked hard and took responsibility for my own material well being and didn't spend any time or effort making excuses for why I couldn't.
For the record, I have never taken a dime for "assistance." I was just trying to explain what being too broke to invest in cushy retirement plans is like. I have read back through my posts and I can't see where I ever made excuses or asked for anything. I've pressed a button and you've turned me into one of your favorite stereotypes.
I'm sorry you're too thick headed to get what I was trying to tell you.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
yep poverty is built by irresponsibility having babies when you can't afford them and expecting someone to help you cope with the kid you brought in unable to support. poverty.
Don’t have kids you cannot support. Cut all government aid to dependent children and marriage rate will rise. Couples will realize that it takes two paychecks to survive. Not my job to makeup difference for “babies daddy” not being there. No more single mom baby factories.
I was married, you old bastard. Then I wasn't, and why is none of anyone's business. You're not twisting this thread into pinning a Scarlet Letter on my chest or any other woman's. It takes two to make a baby and you can quit pretending that only women are responsible for babies coming into the world.
Did scarlet letter on your chest say: BJ? Lol. Nope?If it was an A then your marriage collapsed...not my responsibility.
No one made it your responsibility.
I call you a left wing leech.... which is what you are for "working" for 12 years on the dole.

Really, most of your "paid government work" was working for the campaigns of Dem candidates....
Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?

Social Security has kept a lot of old folks from living in dire poverty for the last almost eighty years. A Ponzi scheme it's not.

Ponzi Scheme
For the record, I have never taken a dime for "assistance."
Congratulations for actually earning your own living....

I was just trying to explain what being too broke to invest in cushy retirement plans is like.
I know what being broke looks like, I also know what deciding not to be broke looks like, the difference between the two is taking responsibility for ones own choices and making the sacrifices necessary to get from point A to point B.

Whose talking about investing in "cushy" retirement plans? I'm talking about investing in your OWN FUTURE by deferring consumption in the present, you know like actually caring enough about yourself to take an active interest in bettering your own financial circumstances instead of expecting the rest of society to do it all for you.
I have read back through my posts and I can't see where I ever made excuses
LOL, you've done NOTHING but make excuses for why the status quo of the welfare state can't be changed, everything from "young families" not being able to afford to invest in their own futures to your own lil' personal sob story.

You certainly haven't done anything in the way of proposing alternative ideas that might lead to a equitable and financially sustainable system.

I'm sorry you're too thick headed to get what I was trying to tell you.
I understand you just fine it's the same ole' excuse milling trying to pose as "compassion" that's repeated around here hundreds of times a day.

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