CNBC: Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit

Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
I am against SS. However, cutting it when people have paid for it? I can think of 1000 other things to start with.

SS needs to be phased out. Current retirees and people who are nearing retirement should be completely grandfathered in. Then, a sliding scale should be put in place that allows younger workers to privatize retirement savings until the entire SS system can be eliminated
I would love for them to get rid of it. I just want MY money back. When greedy corporatist assholes like ryan at the helm, well, it makes me nervous.
Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
I am against SS. However, cutting it when people have paid for it? I can think of 1000 other things to start with.
but they won't cut those who get it, they will stop it for the 50 under crowd. Haven't you been paying attention over the last two years? capped and redirected for only those under 50 something. ONLY!!!!!
Only? Well thats not bad at all! I mean shit, i have only been paying into it since i was 14. No biggie.
Its not like i couldnt have directed that money into my own retirement plan and made out better...
Force the bullshit on them and then take it away? Fuck that shit.
what else you got? you got money in, they're going to allow that money to go back to you and use it to invest in a 401K type account with your name. you control it. wouldn't that be great? I mean truly you think the government is doing a good job? LOL. I've paid in quite a lot, they're asking me to work fking years more. how fking fair is that? that's without doing fking anything. so don't give me your tears.
Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
I am against SS. However, cutting it when people have paid for it? I can think of 1000 other things to start with.

SS needs to be phased out. Current retirees and people who are nearing retirement should be completely grandfathered in. Then, a sliding scale should be put in place that allows younger workers to privatize retirement savings until the entire SS system can be eliminated
I would love for them to get rid of it. I just want MY money back. When greedy corporatist assholes like ryan at the helm, well, it makes me nervous.
there'd only be another guy named ryan. so what? what exactly are you going to do about it? vote for a third party candidate? LOL

I would respect your bitching more if you had a solution rather than a cry baby I want mine attitude.
Source: CNBC.COM
Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit, but political reality stands in his way

"Ryan views tax cuts as a policy to spur economic growth — no matter what the state of the federal budget. An increase in the deficit, which mainstream economists consider a certainty, is beside the point.

Rising debt, in fact, strengthens his zeal for his preferred deficit-reduction policy. That policy is to reduce spending by shrinking the size and scope of government that Democratic political initiatives have built.

In particular, Ryan wants to curb spending on the giant "entitlement" programs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. "How you tackle the debt and the deficit," the speaker declared recently, is by "entitlement reform."

Democratic presidents saw those programs as a means of preventing destitution and medical calamity among senior citizens, the disabled and the poor. More than any other contemporary Republican leader, Ryan represents the philosophical tradition that opposed their creation in the first place."

Finally a congress critter saying something that I can fully support, of course the chances of federal entitlement spending reduction actually happening are somewhere between slim and none, but I'll give 'em credit if they stick to their stated principles instead of just doing the usual political sell-out.

"Thus the speaker has supported partial privatization of Social Security, conversion of Medicare to a "premium support" program for purchase of private insurance, and per-beneficiary Medicaid limits that would reduce federal spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. In opposing the 2010 Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction report, which called for both tax hikes and spending limits, he explained, "Increasing the government's take from the economy hinders growth."

Getting federal entitlement spending under control is LONG overdue and above are 3 ideas that represent a good start and worthy of serious consideration.

May the force be with you Mr. Ryan.

That would be great but I don’t think Ryan has the balls.
Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
I am against SS. However, cutting it when people have paid for it? I can think of 1000 other things to start with.
but they won't cut those who get it, they will stop it for the 50 under crowd. Haven't you been paying attention over the last two years? capped and redirected for only those under 50 something. ONLY!!!!!
Only? Well thats not bad at all! I mean shit, i have only been paying into it since i was 14. No biggie.
Its not like i couldnt have directed that money into my own retirement plan and made out better...
Force the bullshit on them and then take it away? Fuck that shit.
what else you got? you got money in, they're going to allow that money to go back to you and use it to invest in a 401K type account with your name. you control it. wouldn't that be great? I mean truly you think the government is doing a good job? LOL. I've paid in quite a lot, they're asking me to work fking years more. how fking fair is that? that's without doing fking anything. so don't give me your tears.
Hey, im cool with it as long as i get MY money back. I would LOVE to get rid of this shit.
The govt fucking sucks. you know how i feel about the govt, so dont give me that shit jc
Cutting services people paid for their whole life?
Why dont that corporatist asshole start with corporate welfare?
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
I am against SS. However, cutting it when people have paid for it? I can think of 1000 other things to start with.

SS needs to be phased out. Current retirees and people who are nearing retirement should be completely grandfathered in. Then, a sliding scale should be put in place that allows younger workers to privatize retirement savings until the entire SS system can be eliminated
I would love for them to get rid of it. I just want MY money back. When greedy corporatist assholes like ryan at the helm, well, it makes me nervous.
there'd only be another guy named ryan. so what? what exactly are you going to do about it? vote for a third party candidate? LOL

I would respect your bitching more if you had a solution rather than a cry baby I want mine attitude.
You mean, me wanting what i earned? LOL You are sounding like a commie.
I usually vote third party. Those retarded, greedy assholes in the duopoly sure in the hell dont do it for me.
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
I am against SS. However, cutting it when people have paid for it? I can think of 1000 other things to start with.
but they won't cut those who get it, they will stop it for the 50 under crowd. Haven't you been paying attention over the last two years? capped and redirected for only those under 50 something. ONLY!!!!!
Only? Well thats not bad at all! I mean shit, i have only been paying into it since i was 14. No biggie.
Its not like i couldnt have directed that money into my own retirement plan and made out better...
Force the bullshit on them and then take it away? Fuck that shit.
what else you got? you got money in, they're going to allow that money to go back to you and use it to invest in a 401K type account with your name. you control it. wouldn't that be great? I mean truly you think the government is doing a good job? LOL. I've paid in quite a lot, they're asking me to work fking years more. how fking fair is that? that's without doing fking anything. so don't give me your tears.
Hey, im cool with it as long as i get MY money back. I would LOVE to get rid of this shit.
The govt fucking sucks. you know how i feel about the govt, so dont give me that shit jc
I'm just saying stop bitching and offer up ideas. bitching solves nothing. there has to be a stop. like it or not. Ryan didn't create it.
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
I am against SS. However, cutting it when people have paid for it? I can think of 1000 other things to start with.

SS needs to be phased out. Current retirees and people who are nearing retirement should be completely grandfathered in. Then, a sliding scale should be put in place that allows younger workers to privatize retirement savings until the entire SS system can be eliminated
I would love for them to get rid of it. I just want MY money back. When greedy corporatist assholes like ryan at the helm, well, it makes me nervous.
there'd only be another guy named ryan. so what? what exactly are you going to do about it? vote for a third party candidate? LOL

I would respect your bitching more if you had a solution rather than a cry baby I want mine attitude.
You mean, me wanting what i earned? LOL You are sounding like a commie.
I usually vote third party. Those retarded, greedy assholes in the duopoly sure in the hell dont do it for me.
Trump was third party and you didn't vote for him.
I am against SS. However, cutting it when people have paid for it? I can think of 1000 other things to start with.

SS needs to be phased out. Current retirees and people who are nearing retirement should be completely grandfathered in. Then, a sliding scale should be put in place that allows younger workers to privatize retirement savings until the entire SS system can be eliminated
I would love for them to get rid of it. I just want MY money back. When greedy corporatist assholes like ryan at the helm, well, it makes me nervous.
there'd only be another guy named ryan. so what? what exactly are you going to do about it? vote for a third party candidate? LOL

I would respect your bitching more if you had a solution rather than a cry baby I want mine attitude.
You mean, me wanting what i earned? LOL You are sounding like a commie.
I usually vote third party. Those retarded, greedy assholes in the duopoly sure in the hell dont do it for me.
Trump was third party and you didn't vote for him.
He ran as a republican. I understand he was the biggest RINO in history, though. Trump also lied a lot, showed he was immature and unpresidential. That did it for me.
I do appreciate A LOT of what he is doing though.
social security was a bad thing back when it was introduced and it is a bad thing today. It is a ponzi scheme. do those actually work? do you know if they do or don't?
I am against SS. However, cutting it when people have paid for it? I can think of 1000 other things to start with.

SS needs to be phased out. Current retirees and people who are nearing retirement should be completely grandfathered in. Then, a sliding scale should be put in place that allows younger workers to privatize retirement savings until the entire SS system can be eliminated
I would love for them to get rid of it. I just want MY money back. When greedy corporatist assholes like ryan at the helm, well, it makes me nervous.
there'd only be another guy named ryan. so what? what exactly are you going to do about it? vote for a third party candidate? LOL

I would respect your bitching more if you had a solution rather than a cry baby I want mine attitude.
You mean, me wanting what i earned? LOL You are sounding like a commie.
I usually vote third party. Those retarded, greedy assholes in the duopoly sure in the hell dont do it for me.
everyone wants what they put in back. the way it stands you won't anyhow. look at the next gen, they ain't working bubba. we're having to work five years longer to extend the funds today. every year I work ensures someone younger doesn't get to replace me. And my money is going to me. where's your money going to come from if it isn't touched someday? and again, ryan didn't create the ponzi scheme. Demolosers did. And today they want it to fail.
WTF? I read the link which turns out to be an editorial by somebody named Christina Wilke and nowhere does it claim that Ryan "wants to cut entitlements". It's more fake news that the angry desperate left, who can't even enjoy an economic boom on a National holiday, desperately wants to believe.
SS needs to be phased out. Current retirees and people who are nearing retirement should be completely grandfathered in. Then, a sliding scale should be put in place that allows younger workers to privatize retirement savings until the entire SS system can be eliminated
I would love for them to get rid of it. I just want MY money back. When greedy corporatist assholes like ryan at the helm, well, it makes me nervous.
there'd only be another guy named ryan. so what? what exactly are you going to do about it? vote for a third party candidate? LOL

I would respect your bitching more if you had a solution rather than a cry baby I want mine attitude.
You mean, me wanting what i earned? LOL You are sounding like a commie.
I usually vote third party. Those retarded, greedy assholes in the duopoly sure in the hell dont do it for me.
Trump was third party and you didn't vote for him.
He ran as a republican. I understand he was the biggest RINO in history, though. Trump also lied a lot, showed he was immature and unpresidential. That did it for me.
I do appreciate A LOT of what he is doing though.
yeah, right. he ran so his name was on a ballot. the GOP tried everything to get him out so that ain't so at all.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
But whos fault is it you struggled so hard though? Whos fault is it you had kids? Whos fault is it you had to provide for so many heads?
You have also missed the point. Only pointing out what the poverty line is like. People near it aren't making retirement contributions anytime soon.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
yep poverty is built by irresponsibility having babies when you can't afford them and expecting someone to help you cope with the kid you brought in unable to support. poverty.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
Poverty line used to be $1,000 buffer for members of U.S. military in late 1970’s until Reagan gave them a pay raise. In a capitalist system there will always be borderline poverty. Now...where does government responsibility start?
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
yep poverty is built by irresponsibility having babies when you can't afford them and expecting someone to help you cope with the kid you brought in unable to support. poverty.
I would love for them to get rid of it. I just want MY money back. When greedy corporatist assholes like ryan at the helm, well, it makes me nervous.
there'd only be another guy named ryan. so what? what exactly are you going to do about it? vote for a third party candidate? LOL

I would respect your bitching more if you had a solution rather than a cry baby I want mine attitude.
You mean, me wanting what i earned? LOL You are sounding like a commie.
I usually vote third party. Those retarded, greedy assholes in the duopoly sure in the hell dont do it for me.
Trump was third party and you didn't vote for him.
He ran as a republican. I understand he was the biggest RINO in history, though. Trump also lied a lot, showed he was immature and unpresidential. That did it for me.
I do appreciate A LOT of what he is doing though.
yeah, right. he ran so his name was on a ballot. the GOP tried everything to get him out so that ain't so at all.
He still ran as a republican. Nothing you can say will ever change that.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
yep poverty is built by irresponsibility having babies when you can't afford them and expecting someone to help you cope with the kid you brought in unable to support. poverty.
Don’t have kids you cannot support. Cut all government aid to dependent children and marriage rate will rise. Couples will realize that it takes two paychecks to survive. Not my job to makeup difference for “babies daddy” not being there. No more single mom baby factories.
That's kind of the point--if you don't realize that not all young families have $10,000 a year to put toward retirement and medical insurance after retirement,
nightfox said:
Of course that doesn't rule out some form of tax payer funded supplements (in order to reach a minimum annual contribution amount) into those accounts for the poor .
No free rides for those that aren't poor (at or below the poverty line), if you're not willing to make sacrifices in the present for your own future financial security then you don't deserve to have any.
you are part of the problem.
Yeah; if you call advocating for the responsible management of finances, having the capacity for reason, thinking outside the unworkable status quo box and taking responsibility for ones own material well being "the problem".

What's you idea of being part of the solution? keep on ignoring reality until the bottom drops out?
Not understanding how more and more people actually live is part of the problem right now. I do appreciate the explanation, though.

"How more people live" is irrelevant, the numbers are what they are and failing to recognize that fact will only lead to "more people" living in an economic state that's materially WORSE than what they're living in today.

The signs are all around you (declining real wages, increasing structural unemployment, accelerating accumulation of personal and public debt and unfunded liabilities, etc..,etc..,), closing your eyes to them, stamping your feet and trying to pretend the status quo is hunky dory because you want to show how "compassionate" you are won't change the reality that our current system is a pathway to widespread economic misery and social unrest.
Gosh darn it, I'm speaking from experience. I was a pink collar single mom living in a high rent state for years and at the end of every month I had to decide which bill not to pay on time because a third of my check was going straight to a day care center and some days I didn't eat (my kid always did) and life fucking sucked but I was above the poverty line by something like $200 p/year (not that I would have ever used food stamps anyway but my mother forced me to look into it). The poverty line ain't much.
You can talk about personal responsibility all you want, but it ain't about "personal sacrifice," it's about surviving for a lot of people. Looking for quarters in the couch cushions to put enough gas in the tank to get to work. Take my word for it; you're looking at life through a different lens from me.
So where does my responsibility as a taxpayer intersect with your life? I have done same things in my life. Never expected government to coddle me. You struggled to make do millions when they are young. Why are you special?
Where did I say I was special, or ask you for anything? Reread those pages. I was trying to educate Night Fox on what poverty level is, in actuality.
Poverty line used to be $1,000 buffer for members of U.S. military in late 1970’s until Reagan gave them a pay raise. In a capitalist system there will always be borderline poverty. Now...where does government responsibility start?
What is WRONG with Social Security. It is for everyone, not just the poor or just the rich. It is something you work for so when you're too old to work but not dead yet, you can keep an apartment and hopefully not have to eat cat food.
At least not too often.
Same with Medicare. Keep the old folks who are the highest users of medical care, under the government system. No one could afford their premiums otherwise. Yes it's expensive. Do you just want these people to die? Maybe you do.

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