CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!


Watch his video.

He is making sense. He said without progressive policies, he would be living in a closet.

He's right.

Only Republicans still want him in the closet.

And they want blacks in chains.

And Hispanics driven from the country.

And Muslims banned.

This is why Republicans have to be defeated.


He served in Afghanistan? Wow! Republicans have bone spurs.
After watching that video and hearing what he said, I would vote for him.

I have several gay friends and four of them are married, two men and two women. And a couple are single. In fact, several times when we go out to eat, I'm the only straight person in the group. But, these people are the kindest, most giving, and loving people I know. I consider it a privilege to call them my friends.

And, I think those here who are the most vocal about their hatred for gays just need to come out of the closet. It's always the loudest who end up being outed.
would you care to introduce me to the single ones?

Are you in NC?
no. how old are they?

In their 60's. One is a guy and the other one is a woman. Neither one are looking for a hook-up though. Sorry...
i'm 30. i'm sorry too.
I have several gay friends and four of them are married, two men and two women. And a couple are single. In fact, several times when we go out to eat, I'm the only straight person in the group. But, these people are the kindest, most giving, and loving people I know. I consider it a privilege to call them my friends.

And, I think those here who are the most vocal about their hatred for gays just need to come out of the closet. It's always the loudest who end up being outed.
I hear the Browns of Sister Wives are really nice too. Does that mean polygamy should be legal?
As long as they're consenting adults, then yes, that should be legal too. That's my opinion though.
I don't know of any polygamous society where women are not forced into submission and oppression. It just doesn't work. Basic math reveals its fatal flaw; it invariably leads to child brides because there are not enough women to go around.

"Polygamy" means one guy marrying more than one woman. It never means one woman marrying more than one man.

So polygamy is a societal harm.

I believe I said "consenting adults." And, if a woman wanted to marry more than one man, as long as they were "consenting adults," I wouldn't care about that either.
After watching that video and hearing what he said, I would vote for him.

I have several gay friends and four of them are married, two men and two women. And a couple are single. In fact, several times when we go out to eat, I'm the only straight person in the group. But, these people are the kindest, most giving, and loving people I know. I consider it a privilege to call them my friends.

And, I think those here who are the most vocal about their hatred for gays just need to come out of the closet. It's always the loudest who end up being outed.
would you care to introduce me to the single ones?

Are you in NC?
no. how old are they?

In their 60's. One is a guy and the other one is a woman. Neither one are looking for a hook-up though. Sorry...
i'm 30. i'm sorry too.
You should be able to find someone where you live. I wouldn't suggest going to a gay bar though as with any bar scene, people are only looking to get laid and not have a meaningful relationship. I wish I had some suggestions for you, but I could ask my friends how they met their partners. I am also friends with a married couple who live in the SFO area. We are both FB friends and email friends. I can ask them too if you want.
Where do you live?
I have several gay friends and four of them are married, two men and two women. And a couple are single. In fact, several times when we go out to eat, I'm the only straight person in the group. But, these people are the kindest, most giving, and loving people I know. I consider it a privilege to call them my friends.

And, I think those here who are the most vocal about their hatred for gays just need to come out of the closet. It's always the loudest who end up being outed.
I hear the Browns of Sister Wives are really nice too. Does that mean polygamy should be legal?

The Brown Family sued to have their polygamous unions recognized as legal b/c they claimed not doing so was a violation of their religious liberties. Why don’t you support their religious liberties? I thought you were strong supporter of such things? We both know you don’t give a wet donkey shit about these liberties the second they can’t further your rabidly anti-gay crusade. You’re a phony.
Two consenting their house. Is being gay illegal? Your comparisons not arequate here. I don't live the lifestyle nor do I care what others do as long as it's within the law. Some things....most things...just aren't worth getting upset about. Just worry about yourself first and family second. Everything else down the list somewhere. I
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.

How did he make it the "central topic of his campaign"?
Two consenting their house. Is being gay illegal? Your comparisons not arequate here. I don't live the lifestyle nor do I care what others do as long as it's within the law. Some things....most things...just aren't worth getting upset about. Just worry about yourself first and family second. Everything else down the list somewhere. I
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.

How did he make it the "central topic of his campaign"?

He didn't, but since he is gay and has a husband, he simply mentioned it. And, the haters would have blasted him for not mentioning it when they saw pictures of him with his husband. Damned if you do and damned if you don't here.
brothers and sisters, just today, the Angolan parliament abolished a colonial-era law historically used to prosecute same-sex couples

The news follows similar rulings across the world last year, with India and Trinidad and Tobago dismissing anti-gay laws as unconstitutional. Lawmakers in Lebanon, Singapore, Jamaica, Kenya and Tunisia are also reconsidering anti-gay legislations, but many African countries are standing by their ban.
brothers and sisters, just today, the Angolan parliament abolished a colonial-era law historically used to prosecute same-sex couples

The news follows similar rulings across the world last year, with India and Trinidad and Tobago dismissing anti-gay laws as unconstitutional. Lawmakers in Lebanon, Singapore, Jamaica, Kenya and Tunisia are also reconsidering anti-gay legislations, but many African countries are standing by their ban.

I guess that's good news for those folks who are planning to take a trip to Angola to take it in the ass. I don't even think that most devout homosexuals are that excited about this.
I have several gay friends and four of them are married, two men and two women. And a couple are single. In fact, several times when we go out to eat, I'm the only straight person in the group. But, these people are the kindest, most giving, and loving people I know. I consider it a privilege to call them my friends.

And, I think those here who are the most vocal about their hatred for gays just need to come out of the closet. It's always the loudest who end up being outed.
I hear the Browns of Sister Wives are really nice too. Does that mean polygamy should be legal?

The Brown Family sued to have their polygamous unions recognized as legal b/c they claimed not doing so was a violation of their religious liberties. Why don’t you support their religious liberties? I thought you were strong supporter of such things? We both know you don’t give a wet donkey shit about these liberties the second they can’t further your rabidly anti-gay crusade. You’re a phony.
I support the 14th Amendment which the Court said supports any sexual orientation between consenting adults that is legal behind closed doors (like polyamory) the right to marry. Of course the 14th & Windsor say nothing about this in reality, but the Court has legislated citing the 14th. And when they did that, they didn’t get to pick favorites. But then again I suppose their rationale under such a blatant overreach could just as legitimately be extended to the polyamory exclusion by their just saying “because we said so”.
I have several gay friends and four of them are married, two men and two women. And a couple are single. In fact, several times when we go out to eat, I'm the only straight person in the group. But, these people are the kindest, most giving, and loving people I know. I consider it a privilege to call them my friends.

And, I think those here who are the most vocal about their hatred for gays just need to come out of the closet. It's always the loudest who end up being outed.
I hear the Browns of Sister Wives are really nice too. Does that mean polygamy should be legal?

The Brown Family sued to have their polygamous unions recognized as legal b/c they claimed not doing so was a violation of their religious liberties. Why don’t you support their religious liberties? I thought you were strong supporter of such things? We both know you don’t give a wet donkey shit about these liberties the second they can’t further your rabidly anti-gay crusade. You’re a phony.
I support the 14th Amendment which the Court said supports any sexual orientation between consenting adults that is legal behind closed doors (like polyamory) the right to marry. Of course the 14th & Windsor say nothing about this in reality, but the Court has legislated citing the 14th. And when they did that, they didn’t get to pick favorites. But then again I suppose their rationale under such a blatant overreach could just as legitimately be extended to the polyamory exclusion by their just saying “because we said so”.

I see. The 14th Amendment has to be all inclusive, but religious liberties in the 1st Amendment doesn’t. How deliciously self-serving and convenient. Apparently in your world some religious liberties are more equal than others. I’ll ask again since you avoided it: Why do you support the Brown Family?
I have several gay friends and four of them are married, two men and two women. And a couple are single. In fact, several times when we go out to eat, I'm the only straight person in the group. But, these people are the kindest, most giving, and loving people I know. I consider it a privilege to call them my friends.

And, I think those here who are the most vocal about their hatred for gays just need to come out of the closet. It's always the loudest who end up being outed.
I hear the Browns of Sister Wives are really nice too. Does that mean polygamy should be legal?

The Brown Family sued to have their polygamous unions recognized as legal b/c they claimed not doing so was a violation of their religious liberties. Why don’t you support their religious liberties? I thought you were strong supporter of such things? We both know you don’t give a wet donkey shit about these liberties the second they can’t further your rabidly anti-gay crusade. You’re a phony.
I support the 14th Amendment which the Court said supports any sexual orientation between consenting adults that is legal behind closed doors (like polyamory) the right to marry. Of course the 14th & Windsor say nothing about this in reality, but the Court has legislated citing the 14th. And when they did that, they didn’t get to pick favorites. But then again I suppose their rationale under such a blatant overreach could just as legitimately be extended to the polyamory exclusion by their just saying “because we said so”.

I see. The 14th Amendment has to be all inclusive, but religious liberties in the 1st Amendment doesn’t. How deliciously self-serving and convenient. Apparently in your world some religious liberties are more equal than others. I’ll ask again since you avoided it: Why do you support the Brown Family?
Ive never advocated freedom of association & religion as limited. If you recall I’ve been continually wondering why the cult of “chop your dick off & you’re a girl” hasn’t applied for tax exempt status.
Ive never advocated freedom of association & religion as limited. If you recall I’ve been continually wondering why the cult of “chop your dick off & you’re a girl” hasn’t applied for tax exempt status.

Yeah, the Brown Family doesn’t you allow to bash faggots, so you don’t care about their religious liberties. Perhaps they should open a bakery and deny homos wedding cakes if they want your support.
I have several gay friends and four of them are married, two men and two women. And a couple are single. In fact, several times when we go out to eat, I'm the only straight person in the group. But, these people are the kindest, most giving, and loving people I know. I consider it a privilege to call them my friends.

And, I think those here who are the most vocal about their hatred for gays just need to come out of the closet. It's always the loudest who end up being outed.
I hear the Browns of Sister Wives are really nice too. Does that mean polygamy should be legal?
As long as they're consenting adults, then yes, that should be legal too. That's my opinion though.
I don't know of any polygamous society where women are not forced into submission and oppression. It just doesn't work. Basic math reveals its fatal flaw; it invariably leads to child brides because there are not enough women to go around.

"Polygamy" means one guy marrying more than one woman. It never means one woman marrying more than one man.

So polygamy is a societal harm.
When cultures die and new ones rise up the new ones make the products needed for easier living enriching their own nations while the declining ones are making products for their selfish ways of living. We can't build a competitive car anymore but we can make sexual aids better then anyone.
Ive never advocated freedom of association & religion as limited. If you recall I’ve been continually wondering why the cult of “chop your dick off & you’re a girl” hasn’t applied for tax exempt status.

Yeah, the Brown Family doesn’t you allow to bash faggots, so you don’t care about their religious liberties. Perhaps they should open a bakery and deny homos wedding cakes if they want your support.
You skipped every point I made & instead inserted ad hominem & a straw man. Shocker.
Ive never advocated freedom of association & religion as limited. If you recall I’ve been continually wondering why the cult of “chop your dick off & you’re a girl” hasn’t applied for tax exempt status.

Yeah, the Brown Family doesn’t you allow to bash faggots, so you don’t care about their religious liberties. Perhaps they should open a bakery and deny homos wedding cakes if they want your support.
You skipped every point I made & instead inserted ad hominem & a straw man. Shocker.

You didn’t make much of a point. You avoided my question and instead started prattling on about how gays should apply for text exempt status. The last thing you want is LGBT to be classified as a religion. That would give them far more powers and protections in this nation. You haven’t really thought that silly point out, if you did you would be spitting nails.
Two consenting their house. Is being gay illegal? Your comparisons not arequate here. I don't live the lifestyle nor do I care what others do as long as it's within the law. Some things....most things...just aren't worth getting upset about. Just worry about yourself first and family second. Everything else down the list somewhere. I
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.
Bullshit! Post a picture of himself with his husband is not making his private life he central topic of his campaign. YOU FUCERS ARE. He has as much of a right to share basic personal facts such as who his spouse is, and any other candidate. Would you rather he be closeted so that as president, he could be blackmailed by Russia like Trump.?

Haha...I wish you quacks knew how bizarre that shit sounds to NORMAL folks not fucked in the head.
brothers and sisters, just today, the Angolan parliament abolished a colonial-era law historically used to prosecute same-sex couples

The news follows similar rulings across the world last year, with India and Trinidad and Tobago dismissing anti-gay laws as unconstitutional. Lawmakers in Lebanon, Singapore, Jamaica, Kenya and Tunisia are also reconsidering anti-gay legislations, but many African countries are standing by their ban.

I guess that's good news for those folks who are planning to take a trip to Angola to take it in the ass. I don't even think that most devout homosexuals are that excited about this.
What is this obsession with butt sex amongst you homophobes?

Angola? Suffering from "jungle fever", are ya? :lol:
Two consenting their house. Is being gay illegal? Your comparisons not arequate here. I don't live the lifestyle nor do I care what others do as long as it's within the law. Some things....most things...just aren't worth getting upset about. Just worry about yourself first and family second. Everything else down the list somewhere. I
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.
Bullshit! Post a picture of himself with his husband is not making his private life he central topic of his campaign. YOU FUCERS ARE. He has as much of a right to share basic personal facts such as who his spouse is, and any other candidate. Would you rather he be closeted so that as president, he could be blackmailed by Russia like Trump.?

Haha...I wish you quacks knew how bizarre that shit sounds to NORMAL folks not fucked in the head.

Do you actually believe you are NORMAL?!?!

How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.
Bullshit! Post a picture of himself with his husband is not making his private life he central topic of his campaign. YOU FUCERS ARE. He has as much of a right to share basic personal facts such as who his spouse is, and any other candidate. Would you rather he be closeted so that as president, he could be blackmailed by Russia like Trump.?

Haha...I wish you quacks knew how bizarre that shit sounds to NORMAL folks not fucked in the head.

Do you actually believe you are NORMAL?!?!


The most fundamental NORMAL part of being a human being is knowing where your penis belongs....and it’s not in a mans 2-hole.
You knew that right?
brothers and sisters, just today, the Angolan parliament abolished a colonial-era law historically used to prosecute same-sex couples

The news follows similar rulings across the world last year, with India and Trinidad and Tobago dismissing anti-gay laws as unconstitutional. Lawmakers in Lebanon, Singapore, Jamaica, Kenya and Tunisia are also reconsidering anti-gay legislations, but many African countries are standing by their ban.

I guess that's good news for those folks who are planning to take a trip to Angola to take it in the ass. I don't even think that most devout homosexuals are that excited about this.
What is this obsession with butt sex amongst you homophobes?

Angola? Suffering from "jungle fever", are ya? :lol:

It makes them hard, dontcha know?

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