CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

Two consenting their house. Is being gay illegal? Your comparisons not arequate here. I don't live the lifestyle nor do I care what others do as long as it's within the law. Some things....most things...just aren't worth getting upset about. Just worry about yourself first and family second. Everything else down the list somewhere. I
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.
If polygamy is illegal because it's against the law then I guess there's a case to be made. It's out of my control....and it's not on my list of things to really get upset about. It doesn't directly affect me.
Why should I try to fix society? Answer...not my job. Not my job to try to improve things. My role is to take care of my family inia responsible way and it ends about there. Good enuff?
I used to be of the same hateful mindset until common sense kicked in.As a lifelong white heterosexual Christian married male I saw there was zero threat to my traditional marriage of 57 years. I have yet to see what all the hub blub is about gays. The guy doesn't have a chance because he isn't an insider like Trump, Clinton, etc. One had to be Uber wealthy to become president nowadays. Being Uber wealthy is way way down on the list in my qualifications.

Haha...the ole’ “Well golly-gee, it doesn’t bother me so it must be good.”
The dude drilling his Labrador nextdoor to you probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
A 65 year old dating a 16 year old probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
There’s lots of shit that doesn’t bother us...that doesn’t make it right.
It never fails that homophobes try to equate gays to pedophilia and bestiality.

Man, you people fantasize about some sick shit.

Here's a tip for you, dumbass. A dog can't consent to sex. Adult men and women can.

Got it now? Do you FINALLY fucking get it?’s never been about “consent” but you knew that. It’s about decency, morality, boundaries and good ole fashion law of nature....FUCK, animals in the wild know a penis belongs in a vagina and not a males ass.
Come on man...why are you always so willing to embrace all things filth? You’re a fucking weirdo.
It's not about's about NOT CARING. It's a nothing burger. Big whoop as they say. I wouldn't vote for the guy anyway. When I see a candidate from either party I believe deserves my vote I will. So it looks like I may be sitting 2020 out.
Two consenting their house. Is being gay illegal? Your comparisons not arequate here. I don't live the lifestyle nor do I care what others do as long as it's within the law. Some things....most things...just aren't worth getting upset about. Just worry about yourself first and family second. Everything else down the list somewhere. I
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad.
So you don't think politicians should include their spouses in their campaign ads, eh?
I used to be of the same hateful mindset until common sense kicked in.As a lifelong white heterosexual Christian married male I saw there was zero threat to my traditional marriage of 57 years. I have yet to see what all the hub blub is about gays. The guy doesn't have a chance because he isn't an insider like Trump, Clinton, etc. One had to be Uber wealthy to become president nowadays. Being Uber wealthy is way way down on the list in my qualifications.

Haha...the ole’ “Well golly-gee, it doesn’t bother me so it must be good.”
The dude drilling his Labrador nextdoor to you probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
A 65 year old dating a 16 year old probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
There’s lots of shit that doesn’t bother us...that doesn’t make it right.
It never fails that homophobes try to equate gays to pedophilia and bestiality.

Man, you people fantasize about some sick shit.

Here's a tip for you, dumbass. A dog can't consent to sex. Adult men and women can.

Got it now? Do you FINALLY fucking get it?’s never been about “consent” but you knew that.
That is all it is about, but you knew that.
I used to be of the same hateful mindset until common sense kicked in.As a lifelong white heterosexual Christian married male I saw there was zero threat to my traditional marriage of 57 years. I have yet to see what all the hub blub is about gays. The guy doesn't have a chance because he isn't an insider like Trump, Clinton, etc. One had to be Uber wealthy to become president nowadays. Being Uber wealthy is way way down on the list in my qualifications.

Haha...the ole’ “Well golly-gee, it doesn’t bother me so it must be good.”
The dude drilling his Labrador nextdoor to you probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
A 65 year old dating a 16 year old probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
There’s lots of shit that doesn’t bother us...that doesn’t make it right.
It never fails that homophobes try to equate gays to pedophilia and bestiality.

Man, you people fantasize about some sick shit.

Here's a tip for you, dumbass. A dog can't consent to sex. Adult men and women can.

Got it now? Do you FINALLY fucking get it?’s never been about “consent” but you knew that. It’s about decency, morality, boundaries and good ole fashion law of nature....FUCK, animals in the wild know a penis belongs in a vagina and not a males ass.
Come on man...why are you always so willing to embrace all things filth? You’re a fucking weirdo.
Show me an animal kingdom wedding ceremony.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


If Butt man is a white male there Is no future as President for the Dims.
Two consenting their house. Is being gay illegal? Your comparisons not arequate here. I don't live the lifestyle nor do I care what others do as long as it's within the law. Some things....most things...just aren't worth getting upset about. Just worry about yourself first and family second. Everything else down the list somewhere. I
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.

She wasn’t even addressing the mayor in her post. Also, it isn’t an accusation. Sil is very, very concerned about the private lives of gay people. It’s why she almost posts about nothing else.

Personally, the sexuality of a candidate means very little to me. My barometers for choosing a candidate are quite plain: I want a person who will follow the Constitution and serve the nation/district with honor. That’s about it.
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I used to be of the same hateful mindset until common sense kicked in.As a lifelong white heterosexual Christian married male I saw there was zero threat to my traditional marriage of 57 years. I have yet to see what all the hub blub is about gays. The guy doesn't have a chance because he isn't an insider like Trump, Clinton, etc. One had to be Uber wealthy to become president nowadays. Being Uber wealthy is way way down on the list in my qualifications.

Haha...the ole’ “Well golly-gee, it doesn’t bother me so it must be good.”
The dude drilling his Labrador nextdoor to you probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
A 65 year old dating a 16 year old probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
There’s lots of shit that doesn’t bother us...that doesn’t make it right.
It never fails that homophobes try to equate gays to pedophilia and bestiality.

Man, you people fantasize about some sick shit.

Here's a tip for you, dumbass. A dog can't consent to sex. Adult men and women can.

Got it now? Do you FINALLY fucking get it?’s never been about “consent” but you knew that. It’s about decency, morality, boundaries and good ole fashion law of nature....FUCK, animals in the wild know a penis belongs in a vagina and not a males ass.
Come on man...why are you always so willing to embrace all things filth? You’re a fucking weirdo.

A retarded racist peddling decency and morality. That’s as rich as Croesus.
Awwww...sorry you were so conflicted about your sexuality

I was never conflicted at all. I just remember that back in the day, homosexuals used to try and recruit new members when they picked up hitchhikers. I don't know what they do today, teenagers don't hitchhike as much as they did 45 or 50 years ago. I guess they go to the schools?

They used to show the kids documentaries, warn us about it when I was a kid. Probably wouldn't be allow to show "boys beware" today.

Give us a fucking break with that 1950's propaganda . Did you also watch Refer Madness. Sure there are perverts that go after minors. Always have been and always will be. And the vast majority are heterosexual men. Your fear is very telling.

Humans respond as groups. Perhaps to much. The main issue is how do you get say Evangelical Christians to live side by side with LGBT people and vice versa?

Pretty simple. Live and let live...and MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS

Weird how it’s only the lowlife pieces of shits amongst us that always make that play...I wonder why?
Good, legit, positive contributors understand a society without boundaries is a disgusting Liberal society full of disgusting human beings.

Only a real moron could interpret "live and let live" to mean a society without boundaries. It's another indication of you ridged and concrete thought processes
We aren't talking about "hitting on" someone, but instead trying to recruit straights into the Gay Lifestyle.
Your knowledge of human sexuality is indeed pathetic and abysmal

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

The "UC Berkeley" accreditation on the article means it is pure liberal political propaganda.
Spoken like the true anti-intellectual ,science denying fool that you are. Where do you get your information from? The Family Research Council ?
I used to be of the same hateful mindset until common sense kicked in.As a lifelong white heterosexual Christian married male I saw there was zero threat to my traditional marriage of 57 years. I have yet to see what all the hub blub is about gays. The guy doesn't have a chance because he isn't an insider like Trump, Clinton, etc. One had to be Uber wealthy to become president nowadays. Being Uber wealthy is way way down on the list in my qualifications.

Haha...the ole’ “Well golly-gee, it doesn’t bother me so it must be good.”
The dude drilling his Labrador nextdoor to you probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
A 65 year old dating a 16 year old probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
There’s lots of shit that doesn’t bother us...that doesn’t make it right.
It never fails that homophobes try to equate gays to pedophilia and bestiality.

Man, you people fantasize about some sick shit.

Here's a tip for you, dumbass. A dog can't consent to sex. Adult men and women can.

Got it now? Do you FINALLY fucking get it?’s never been about “consent” but you knew that. It’s about decency, morality, boundaries and good ole fashion law of nature....FUCK, animals in the wild know a penis belongs in a vagina and not a males ass.
Come on man...why are you always so willing to embrace all things filth? You’re a fucking weirdo.

A retarded racist peddling decency and morality. That’s as rich as Croesus.

Your founders were religious, decent, moral, racists and built the greatest nation on the globe around it...Fucking weird huh? They were on to something weren’t they?
Your founders were religious, decent, moral, racists and built the greatest nation on the globe around it...Fucking weird huh? They were on to something weren’t they?

You’re only one of those four. How sad for you.
I used to be of the same hateful mindset until common sense kicked in.As a lifelong white heterosexual Christian married male I saw there was zero threat to my traditional marriage of 57 years. I have yet to see what all the hub blub is about gays. The guy doesn't have a chance because he isn't an insider like Trump, Clinton, etc. One had to be Uber wealthy to become president nowadays. Being Uber wealthy is way way down on the list in my qualifications.

Haha...the ole’ “Well golly-gee, it doesn’t bother me so it must be good.”
The dude drilling his Labrador nextdoor to you probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
A 65 year old dating a 16 year old probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
There’s lots of shit that doesn’t bother us...that doesn’t make it right.
It never fails that homophobes try to equate gays to pedophilia and bestiality.

Man, you people fantasize about some sick shit.

Here's a tip for you, dumbass. A dog can't consent to sex. Adult men and women can.

Got it now? Do you FINALLY fucking get it?’s never been about “consent” but you knew that. It’s about decency, morality, boundaries and good ole fashion law of nature....FUCK, animals in the wild know a penis belongs in a vagina and not a males ass.
Come on man...why are you always so willing to embrace all things filth? You’re a fucking weirdo.

A retarded racist peddling decency and morality. That’s as rich as Croesus.

Your founders were religious, decent, moral, racists and built the greatest nation on the globe around it...Fucking weird huh? They were on to something weren’t they?
Did our Founders give tax deductions, credits, and exemptions to married couples?
I used to be of the same hateful mindset until common sense kicked in.As a lifelong white heterosexual Christian married male I saw there was zero threat to my traditional marriage of 57 years. I have yet to see what all the hub blub is about gays. The guy doesn't have a chance because he isn't an insider like Trump, Clinton, etc. One had to be Uber wealthy to become president nowadays. Being Uber wealthy is way way down on the list in my qualifications.

Haha...the ole’ “Well golly-gee, it doesn’t bother me so it must be good.”
The dude drilling his Labrador nextdoor to you probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
A 65 year old dating a 16 year old probably doesn’t bother you either...right?
There’s lots of shit that doesn’t bother us...that doesn’t make it right.
Where do you get your stupid shit from? The voices in your head that tell you that people are not bothered by bestiality and old men with young girls. You have problems ,dude.
Did our Founders give tax deductions, credits, and exemptions to married couples?

Now that’s the real issue here. The government should not be handing out cash and prizes to married couples in the first place. This isn’t The Price is Right.
Two consenting their house. Is being gay illegal? Your comparisons not arequate here. I don't live the lifestyle nor do I care what others do as long as it's within the law. Some things....most things...just aren't worth getting upset about. Just worry about yourself first and family second. Everything else down the list somewhere. I
How do you feel about consenting adults in multiple partnerships all marrying (polygamy)? Probably isn’t a good idea because of kids involved, right? I mean it wouldn’t hurt you but it might hurt them, which hurts society ultimately, which then hurts you indirectly. Is that fair to say?

How do you feel about children being raised in households without a mother or father? That indirectly harms me, harms them and society, right? :lol:

Worry about the happenings of your own roof, Mrs. Kravitz.

Seems a bit ridiculous to accuse people of being "nosy about private lives" when the guy put his life into a campaign ad. If he didn't want his relationship to be the central topic of his campaign, he shouldn't have made it the central topic of his campaign.

I still don't personally care. Wouldn't vote for him no matter what, so it doesn't matter to me.
Bullshit! Post a picture of himself with his husband is not making his private life he central topic of his campaign. YOU FUCERS ARE. He has as much of a right to share basic personal facts such as who his spouse is, and any other candidate. Would you rather he be closeted so that as president, he could be blackmailed by Russia like Trump.?

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