CNN admits that Obama threatens all of their jobs regularly!


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
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So let me get this straight ---

You posted TWO of these bogus threads about the same story within ten minutes of each other... and you think you have a basis to report another poster for using a bold font??


Dood, you are deranged.
Not to mention you've morphed the words of a CNN anchor into the institution of CNN itself, while simultaneously morphing the subject of what she said from "Obama's people" to O'bama himself.
And then multiplied the fantasy event by multiples... "regularly". Which doesn't exist.

Lie much?
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Outside of you saying something against a PROTECTED group. How exactly can he fire you from a job within the private sector?

Ask CNN, they made the claim.


A talking head made a remark (allegedly- it's not on the video) and YOU attributed it to CNN, then changed the subject of what she was saying to Obama himself, and then inserted the word 'regularly' with no basis. Then you expanded it from a single remark by a single person to everybody at CNN.

You're a consummate fictionist.
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Outside of you saying something against a PROTECTED group. How exactly can he fire you from a job within the private sector?

Ask CNN, they made the claim.
Why would they mention it if it meant losing their job or why would you mention it if they felt threatened?

Why are only blogging sites reporting it? Fox News wouldn't be afraid to report it. Why aren't they reporting it?
Not to mention you've morphed the words of a CNN anchor into the institution of CNN itself, while simultaneously morphing the subject of what she said from "Obama's people" to O'bama himself.
And then multiplied the fantasy event by multiples... "regularly". Which doesn't exist.

Lie much?

The typical Obama's people don't represent his administration's doings BULL SHIT that we've come to expect from STINKY ASS MUNCHES like yourself.
Not to mention you've morphed the words of a CNN anchor into the institution of CNN itself, while simultaneously morphing the subject of what she said from "Obama's people" to O'bama himself.
And then multiplied the fantasy event by multiples... "regularly". Which doesn't exist.

Lie much?

The typical Obama's people don't represent his administration's doings BULL SHIT that we've come to expect from STINKY ASS MUNCHES like yourself.

Aaaaand right on cue, enter the Illiterati.

I'll take this by you slowly, Gomer...

Thread title:
CNN admits that Obama threatens all of their jobs regularly

-- except it's demonstrably not CNN; it's not O'bama, and it's not regularly. For that matter, since this is a single remark by a single person, it's not plural either.
So we've lost subject, object, number and adverb.

Let's see what's left:

admits that threatens their job

That make sense to you?

Learn to read, dipwad.
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Outside of you saying something against a PROTECTED group. How exactly can he fire you from a job within the private sector?

Ask CNN, they made the claim.
Why would they mention it if it meant losing their job or why would you mention it if they felt threatened?

Why are only blogging sites reporting it? Fox News wouldn't be afraid to report it. Why aren't they reporting it?

Ask CNN, they made the claim.


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A talking head made a remark (allegedly- it's not on the video)




At exactly 0:30 in the video she makes the claim.

CNN Anchor Admits Team Obama 'Can Be Quite Nasty' to Deal With | NewsBusters

You have been discredited.


Check 0:34 of this video!

[ame=]CNN Anchor: Obama's People Can Be 'Nasty,' Willing to 'Threaten Your Job' - YouTube[/ame]


Go fuck yourself. That's a different video. The Mediaite one you started with ends just before she gets there.

And the fact remains, a single person is not the institution of CNN, Obama's people are not O'bama, a single person is not "all" those at CNN, and a conditional remark made by that one person does not constitute "regularly".

Not only did you make all that up, you did it twice in two different threads within ten minutes of each other-- and then threaten a poster for using a bold font (DUH- what do you think the board puts it there for?)

You've had this explained to your sorry ass eight times... and you go on posting it. That's the definition of abject stupidity.

Lying dumbass mental midget.

Hey-- gonna report me for using a different font size? :rofl:

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