CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?
Which rights and where are they promulgated?
promulgated by Aristotle Cicero Locke Jefferson Friedman among others. Any more questions??
You haven't answered either of mine, why should I ask more? A list of names isn't sufficient.

Actually far left drone they did answer your question, but like always your far left programming can not acknowledge any answer that does not fit the far left narrative..
Yet personal responsibility comes in play at some point and that is something the far left is against!
The right's conception of "personal responsibility" amount to them being "for the other guy". Other than that, your comment is a non-sequitur. If rights are God-given, why isn't He enforcing them?
God leaves it up to you to support them. It's the whole free choice thing.
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?

Well if we use the far left media's definition of "white" then the Native Americans are "white".
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?

too stupid!! before the Republican Jesus no human being had any rights. There was no requirement that all rights be discovered at one time and be applied to all people at one time!!
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?
Your bringing up rights given by man. God didn't take any rights away from any of those people man did. Man being the same government you want to give full control of your life and others to. God can't give you what you won't fight for.
Actually far left drone they did answer your question, but like always your far left programming can not acknowledge any answer that does not fit the far left narrative..
Far left..., blah, blah. blah, irony impaired..., blah, blah, blah, drone..., blah, blah, blah. ***YAWN***
Our rights DO NOT come from any silly notion of a god.
you have to say why you think that dummy!!
because there is no proof? because there is absolutely no evidence any god exists? because rights and gods are figments of imagination?

dear if rights were figments the Bill of Rights would not exist
are you this dumb in real life?
The Bill of Rights exist because people imagined they had rights.
Our rights DO NOT come from any silly notion of a god.
you have to say why you think that dummy!!
because there is no proof? because there is absolutely no evidence any god exists? because rights and gods are figments of imagination?

dear if rights were figments the Bill of Rights would not exist
are you this dumb in real life?
The Bill of Rights exist because people imagined they had rights.

dear humans imagined space travel and then made it real. People imagine their house then built it. Do you understand?
Doesn't the term "rights" mean that government can't touch them and write a law to take those "rights" away....
Then were they "rights" to begin with if a law can take them away?


Good thing you've got a military lookin' out for your best interests cuz ain't no way you're capable of doing it yourself.

Lemme just give you a hint: Almost every war that has ever been fought was over a government taking rights away from its citizens.
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dear, you are pretending to yourself that we should have found our rights in can of soup but there was no such requirement. Do you understand?
They should be promulgated somewhere or how are we to know what they are? It's not like God wrote the Bill of Rights, right?

dear, as I said they were first promulgated, much like the laws of math or physics, in the minds of Aristotle Cicero LOcke Jefferson Friedman.

Catching on now?

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