CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?

too stupid!! before the Republican Jesus no human being had any rights. There was no requirement that all rights be discovered at one time and be applied to all people at one time!!

If "Repub Jesus" gave rights to the people, why did the government kill him?

Fact is, Jesus was everything Republicans hate and despise.
dear humans imagined space travel and then made it real. People imagine their house then built it. Do you understand?
So you're saying humans imagined God and then built Him?!?!

Recent news was that there was no Big Bang and that the universe has always existed.

If that's true, there was no need for people to imagine a god to create what has always been there.

Don't expect Ed dear to be able to think that far though.
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?

too stupid!! before the Republican Jesus no human being had any rights. There was no requirement that all rights be discovered at one time and be applied to all people at one time!!

If "Repub Jesus" gave rights to the people, why did the government kill him?

Fact is, Jesus was everything Republicans hate and despise.

Oh look the far left propaganda is back in full swing!

And the far left once again proves why they are the most dangerous religion on the planet..
: Almost every war that has ever been fought was over a government taking rights away from its citizens.

dear, WW 1 and 2 were fought because Germans wanted to take rights from other Europeans, not from Germans.

In truth wars are waged by liberal govts who want to spead their liberal central govt ways over others. Liberals don't believe in freedom.
Whose "God" granted those "rights"? The "God" of the Muslims? Christians? Jews? Hindus? Zoroastrian? That's why the whole "rights from God" is a bunch of horse shit in my opinion. All of the rights and laws are created by Man and men who sometimes use "God" as their proxy so they can better manipulate people. What a Joke! :lol:
If someone blocked your access to air, would you be asking who blocked it or would you simply want it back?

The correct answer, of course, is YOUR God. And for those who lack language comprehension, by "your" I mean that the perspective of God given is central to the individual.

Okay, that may be to complicated for you. Let Me try it this way.

The rights are God given. If little Mary is a Baptist, it would be Mary's definition of God.

If Mohammad is a Muslim, then it would be Mohammad's definition.

If Xin Pu Ni is a Taoist, then it would be his definition of God.

Get it?
Breathing is pretty much an involuntary action, we can't live without breathing.

I agree with the concepy of "YOUR" God, as I believe that a person has their own personal relationship with God aka the Creator, Yahweh, Ahura Mazda, or "In His hand He took the golden Compasses prepared ... to circumscribe This Universe.".

LOL, it's not at all "complicated for me" , especially when it comes down to the fact that "Man" or "men" are the ones who claim what their alleged God given rights are. Thus actually making it a secular set of "rights" cloaked in the veil of so-called "God given rights". If those so-called rights were given by a Supreme Being , how can they be taken away at will by an "inferior" man?

Of course I "get it" but the previous three sentences above the "get it" make an argument for Secularism when it comes to "rights".
dear humans imagined space travel and then made it real. People imagine their house then built it. Do you understand?
So you're saying humans imagined God and then built Him?!?!

Recent news was that there was no Big Bang and that the universe has always existed.

If that's true, there was no need for people to imagine a god to create what has always been there.

Don't expect Ed dear to be able to think that far though.

Oh the far left drones and their comments!

What we perceive a normal matter only makes up a small percentage of the universe, so pay attention and stop posting the far left propaganda!
]It follows from the analogies in your previous post.

dear, if it did follow you would be happy to point out exactly how. You ran out of questions because you were defeated as liberals always are when they dare try.

Now you know why personal attacks are the liberals stock in trade.
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.
But which god?
THE God to Whom the Old and New Testament refer.
. If those so-called rights were given by a Supreme Being , how can they be taken away at will by an "inferior" man?

dear, as man discovered his rights there is no basis on which to assume he cant lose them? Much of civilization was lost during the dark ages, for example.

Do you understand now?
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?

Well if we use the far left media's definition of "white" then the Native Americans are "white".
LOL, where do you come up with that crap? What is an example of the "far left's definition of white when it pertains to Native Americans"?
So did we all get the same rights, even Muslims, Republicans, and Papuans, and as important are they the same rights?
Jefferson used the word "creator" not god, and the constitution and BOR are silent on the issue. It's pretty well settled that the Founders believe people were BORN with some personal rights that govt should not be able to unreasonably infringe, so they created a govt to allow people to exercise those rights.

To a leftist a "creator" is a male punk who dipped his dick and his sperm into the reproductive channel of a female thereby "creating" a new life.
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?

too stupid!! before the Republican Jesus no human being had any rights. There was no requirement that all rights be discovered at one time and be applied to all people at one time!!
It's funny that you would say "too stupid!!" when you refer to the "Republican Jesus". :lol:
Thanks for the laugh!
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?

too stupid!! before the Republican Jesus no human being had any rights. There was no requirement that all rights be discovered at one time and be applied to all people at one time!!

If "Repub Jesus" gave rights to the people, why did the government kill him?

Fact is, Jesus was everything Republicans hate and despise.
It was the government that killed him you stupid fuck. The same reason today the government can't ever be trusted. The government of man killed the bringer of peace and eternity for the government's benefit. And yet you think your silly ass is better off with government.

I hate what a government did to Jesus. It's the same thing the government wants for us if we don't just fall in line and obey their rules. You are the one that seems to want that.
So has this CNN "anchor" just not read the Declaration of Independence, where it says that men are "endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" and that to secure these rights we establish government? Government's job, according to our core founding document, is to secure our God-given rights. I mean, this is American History 001.
What about the so-called "God given rights" of the Africans and Native Americans? Or did those "God given rights" solely apply to white people? If those God given rights only applied to a few, how can one say that they are really "God given" when they themselves didn't allow "all men" to have those rights?
Your bringing up rights given by man. God didn't take any rights away from any of those people man did. Man being the same government you want to give full control of your life and others to. God can't give you what you won't fight for.
Show me where I have EVER stated that I want government to have "full control of my life and others".

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