CNN and the DNC still crying Russia, Russia, Russia.

There aren't many politicians I despise as much as Hillary Clinton,
but Debbie Whats-her-name Schultz is definitely one of them. I couldn't watch
more than two minutes of this nonsense, but I'm posting it to let people see what we're up against.

The media has been in a feeding frenzy since the Mueller indictments started rolling in, getting closer and closer to the boss. If Trump was not involved and didn't know what was going on, he would have to be the dumbest president ever, and I doubt that.

In 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directedthen-FBI Director Mueller to deliver a sample of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Russia… Already established and proven. Director Mueller personally makes the transfer himself even though the State Department has no authority or supervisory role over the FBI.... Already established and proven. Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal…
The multiple investigations into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration continue unabated.
In other words you believe the legitimate business of the House is to talk trash about the President and not to pass legislation.

There are House oversight committees. They've been around for decades. Oversight of Executive Branch activities seems legitimate to me. I recall a Congressional committee investigated Benghazi for something like 6 years. Didn't seem to hinder things too much now, did it? LOL
Well I know that Session appointed a Federal Pros from UT to do a investigation into the Clinton Foundation and other cases and I have not heard a peep.

Since then, Huber has taken on a leadership role on Sessions' advisory committee of US attorneys that provide counsel to him and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Before becoming Utah's top federal prosecutor, Huber clocked in 13 years as an assistant US attorney with experience handling violent crime and national security cases, according to his official biography.
There aren't many politicians I despise as much as Hillary Clinton,
but Debbie Whats-her-name Schultz is definitely one of them. I couldn't watch
more than two minutes of this nonsense, but I'm posting it to let people see what we're up against.

If CNN is so awful, why do you watch it?

Watching CNN and posting one Youtube video are two different things. or CNN on YouTube - it's still watching CNN content.

Also, you said they are crying 'Russia, Russia, Russia'. Pretty stupid if you are judging an entire network on just one video.
So I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are basing it on more than just one video.

So, I will ask you again, why are you watching CNN 'content' if you hate it so much.
Last edited:
The multiple investigations into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration continue unabated.
In other words you believe the legitimate business of the House is to talk trash about the President and not to pass legislation.

The Democrats couldn't possibly do less than the Republicans have done with both Houses lo these past two years.
Coming this spring.
Directed by Clint Eastwood.

Dirty Hillary
...why are you watching CNN 'content' if you hate it so much.
Listening to Wasserman is what I was referring to.

Fair enough.

But it would have been convenient if you had said that in the OP.
I sort of did;

[There aren't many politicians I despise as much as Hillary Clinton,
but Debbie Whats-her-name Schultz is definitely one of them. I couldn't watch more than two minutes of this nonsense, but I'm posting it to let people see what we're up against.]
...why are you watching CNN 'content' if you hate it so much.
Listening to Wasserman is what I was referring to.

Fair enough.

But it would have been convenient if you had said that in the OP.
I sort of did;

[There aren't many politicians I despise as much as Hillary Clinton,
but Debbie Whats-her-name Schultz is definitely one of them. I couldn't watch more than two minutes of this nonsense, but I'm posting it to let people see what we're up against.]

Sort of.

Good day.
This morning in REALCLEAR..

Roger Stone indictment isn't good news for those seeking Trump impeachment

The suckers for loose associations that watch CNN setting themselves up to what I've been saying for two years....self insertion if the big bumpy cucumber. Dang s0ns its gonna be hot and stingy. Grab a good supply of KY while it's still available!:113:. Some Crayola's while you're at it!:113::113:
The multiple investigations into the multiple scandals of the Trump campaign and administration continue unabated.
In other words you believe the legitimate business of the House is to talk trash about the President and not to pass legislation.

The Democrats couldn't possibly do less than the Republicans have done with both Houses lo these past two years.
The country will go on with the President issuing EO's and the Senate confirming federal judges and approving treaties and such while the Democrats will do nothing but talk trash.
There aren't many politicians I despise as much as Hillary Clinton,
but Debbie Whats-her-name Schultz is definitely one of them. I couldn't watch
more than two minutes of this nonsense, but I'm posting it to let people see what we're up against.

The media has been in a feeding frenzy since the Mueller indictments started rolling in, getting closer and closer to the boss. If Trump was not involved and didn't know what was going on, he would have to be the dumbest president ever, and I doubt that.

Ummm, what Herr Mueller has been doing is finding alleged crimes having nothing to do with Trump's campaign in hopes that they will be intimidated into making up shit about Trump and Russia collusion in exchange for leniency. The only "Russian Collusion" we have hard evidence on is that of the DNC, the Hildbeast and the proxy instrument they hid behind known as Fusion GPS.

That is a common pattern in criminal investigations. Al Capone was arrested for failure to appear at a hearing and ended up with a 11 year sentence in Alcatraz. With the exception of crimes of passion, criminals that get away with one crime break other laws and before long it becomes business as usually.

There is no law against colluding with the Russians. That's a media term. However, such activity often leads to violation of election laws, money laundering, obstruction of justice, lying to FBI, perjury, criminal conspiracy, ect. And the Trump gang is no exception.
There aren't many politicians I despise as much as Hillary Clinton,
but Debbie Whats-her-name Schultz is definitely one of them. I couldn't watch
more than two minutes of this nonsense, but I'm posting it to let people see what we're up against.

The media has been in a feeding frenzy since the Mueller indictments started rolling in, getting closer and closer to the boss. If Trump was not involved and didn't know what was going on, he would have to be the dumbest president ever, and I doubt that.

Ummm, what Herr Mueller has been doing is finding alleged crimes having nothing to do with Trump's campaign in hopes that they will be intimidated into making up shit about Trump and Russia collusion in exchange for leniency. The only "Russian Collusion" we have hard evidence on is that of the DNC, the Hildbeast and the proxy instrument they hid behind known as Fusion GPS.

That is a common pattern in criminal investigations. Al Capone was arrested for failure to appear at a hearing and ended up with a 11 year sentence in Alcatraz. With the exception of crimes of passion, criminals that get away with one crime break other laws and before long it becomes business as usually.

There is no law against colluding with the Russians. That's a media term. However, such activity often leads to violation of election laws, money laundering, obstruction of justice, lying to FBI, perjury, criminal conspiracy, ect. And the Trump gang is no exception.

So far there is not a single piece of evidence to support any allegation of criminal activity by the President, and as Mueller, himself, has said, the President is not the object of any criminal investigation.
There aren't many politicians I despise as much as Hillary Clinton,
but Debbie Whats-her-name Schultz is definitely one of them. I couldn't watch
more than two minutes of this nonsense, but I'm posting it to let people see what we're up against.

The media has been in a feeding frenzy since the Mueller indictments started rolling in, getting closer and closer to the boss. If Trump was not involved and didn't know what was going on, he would have to be the dumbest president ever, and I doubt that.

Ummm, what Herr Mueller has been doing is finding alleged crimes having nothing to do with Trump's campaign in hopes that they will be intimidated into making up shit about Trump and Russia collusion in exchange for leniency. The only "Russian Collusion" we have hard evidence on is that of the DNC, the Hildbeast and the proxy instrument they hid behind known as Fusion GPS.

That is a common pattern in criminal investigations. Al Capone was arrested for failure to appear at a hearing and ended up with a 11 year sentence in Alcatraz. With the exception of crimes of passion, criminals that get away with one crime break other laws and before long it becomes business as usually.

There is no law against colluding with the Russians. That's a media term. However, such activity often leads to violation of election laws, money laundering, obstruction of justice, lying to FBI, perjury, criminal conspiracy, ect. And the Trump gang is no exception.

So far there is not a single piece of evidence to support any allegation of criminal activity by the President, and as Mueller, himself, has said, the President is not the object of any criminal investigation.

And there was no evidence against Nixon until there was. The leader of the gang is often the last to be charged.
In other words you believe the legitimate business of the House is to talk trash about the President and not to pass legislation.

There are House oversight committees. They've been around for decades. Oversight of Executive Branch activities seems legitimate to me. I recall a Congressional committee investigated Benghazi for something like 6 years. Didn't seem to hinder things too much now, did it? LOL
It wasn't the only thing the House did at that time, but at this time, it is clearly the only thing the Democrats intend to do. Pelosi has made the House irrelevant to the governance of the nation.

Oh please...they've been in office for about 3 weeks.
As long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security, they will not be able to achieve anything else but trash talk about the President.

We'll see what happens.
As long as the Trump legislative agenda is dead in the water, it's a win for America.
/——/ “As long as the Trump legislative agenda is dead in the water, it's a win for America.”
Can’t handle anymore jobs being created and putting America first for you I see. Bring back that 1.5 % GDP and China screwing us over.
There are House oversight committees. They've been around for decades. Oversight of Executive Branch activities seems legitimate to me. I recall a Congressional committee investigated Benghazi for something like 6 years. Didn't seem to hinder things too much now, did it? LOL
It wasn't the only thing the House did at that time, but at this time, it is clearly the only thing the Democrats intend to do. Pelosi has made the House irrelevant to the governance of the nation.

Oh please...they've been in office for about 3 weeks.
As long as the Democrats continue to play games about border security, they will not be able to achieve anything else but trash talk about the President.

We'll see what happens.
As long as the Trump legislative agenda is dead in the water, it's a win for America.
/——/ “As long as the Trump legislative agenda is dead in the water, it's a win for America.”
Can’t handle anymore jobs being created and putting America first for you I see. Bring back that 1.5 % GDP and China screwing us over.

We’ve been creating jobs for several years before Trump got here. And the economy has been growing up until he shut down the government. PS: China is winning the trade war; easily.
There aren't many politicians I despise as much as Hillary Clinton,
but Debbie Whats-her-name Schultz is definitely one of them. I couldn't watch
more than two minutes of this nonsense, but I'm posting it to let people see what we're up against.

The media has been in a feeding frenzy since the Mueller indictments started rolling in, getting closer and closer to the boss. If Trump was not involved and didn't know what was going on, he would have to be the dumbest president ever, and I doubt that.

Ummm, what Herr Mueller has been doing is finding alleged crimes having nothing to do with Trump's campaign in hopes that they will be intimidated into making up shit about Trump and Russia collusion in exchange for leniency. The only "Russian Collusion" we have hard evidence on is that of the DNC, the Hildbeast and the proxy instrument they hid behind known as Fusion GPS.

That is a common pattern in criminal investigations. Al Capone was arrested for failure to appear at a hearing and ended up with a 11 year sentence in Alcatraz. With the exception of crimes of passion, criminals that get away with one crime break other laws and before long it becomes business as usually.

There is no law against colluding with the Russians. That's a media term. However, such activity often leads to violation of election laws, money laundering, obstruction of justice, lying to FBI, perjury, criminal conspiracy, ect. And the Trump gang is no exception.

So far there is not a single piece of evidence to support any allegation of criminal activity by the President, and as Mueller, himself, has said, the President is not the object of any criminal investigation.

And there was no evidence against Nixon until there was. The leader of the gang is often the last to be charged.

So your point seems to be that when talking about Republicans the lack of evidence of wrongdoing is in itself evidence of wrongdoing.
That is a common pattern in criminal investigations.

Choosing individuals to target, then finding crimes to charge them with is not standard practice unless they're dirty cops, which Mueller has proven before that he certainly is - time after time.. This whole Russia probe is a political agenda-based conspiracy theory that Donald Trump colluded with some Russians to make Hillary look bad in order to win the 2016 election, when in fact, everything in this investigation points at the real criminals--the DNC, Obama DOJ, and Hillary Clinton herself.
There aren't many politicians I despise as much as Hillary Clinton,
but Debbie Whats-her-name Schultz is definitely one of them. I couldn't watch
more than two minutes of this nonsense, but I'm posting it to let people see what we're up against.

we'd hear about it a lot less if people quit bitching at them for it.

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