CNN Can't Figure Out Chattanooga Shooter's Motive

They're on orders from the WhiteHouse to act like they don't know.

This White House doesn't give anyone orders.
I think you guys give Obama too much credit. He is just an ignorant puppet.
I suspect this fucking idiot is given his script and orders every morning.
...99% of Muslims are not violent...
Then again, Islamic sacred writings are saturated with bood and lies and the instigating of their sheeple-followers to murder and commit war in God's name.

When the Founder's hands and reputation and his hallucinatory knock-off copy-cat belief system are soaked in blood and gore and excuses for generating more...

All it takes is 1%, to cast aspersions and suspicion upon the other 99%, who also adhere to that same collection of violence and matyrdom-encouraging writings and mindset.

When Christians or Buddhists or the like commit violence, they do so in express defiance of the teachings and word of their Founders.

When Muslims commit violence, they do so in precise compliance with the teachings and word of their Founder.

Huge difference.

And, given that Islam locked-out changes from Day One, it will never experience the sort of Reformation that Christianity so desperately needed and experienced centuries ago, and that Islam so desperately needs today, and which it is never going to experience, because its Founder and early writers locked-out such changes.

Better to be adherents-of or neighbors-to a belief-system that teaches Love Thy Neighbor and Turn the Other Cheek - even if it rarely lives up to those ideals - than to adhere to or be neighbors to or victims of a belief system that encourages adhereents to Kill and Die in Defense of The Faith and get an automatic ticket to Paradise and a gaggle of never-been-used still-in-the-box poontang.

Islam is the Next Big Threat to World Peace - we're just seeing the opening salvos here in the past decade or two - this is gonna drag on for centuries - and those countries and peoples that awaken to its dangers early enough are the ones most likely to survive and thrive and overcome their Neanderthal adversaries and enemies of a free mankind.

Early lamestream media treatment of the motives for these shootings is nothing more than Organized Head-in-the-Sand behavior.

Protestations to the contrary notwithstanding.

Finally, I see some intelligence in this thread.
Regarding your statement "Islam is the Next Big Threat to World Peace", I would revise it with "Islamic extremism".
And further, any religious or nationalistic intolerance for others is a threat to peace among various cultures or individual thinkers, as has been during the "Christian" Crusades, etc.

Your comment "Organized Head-in-the-Sand behavior" is not accurate within DHS; these gov officials and related ones take terrorism seriously.
As far as the media are concerned, each has its own spin on interpreting events, but all should base their opinions on FACT.
So far. attempts to conclude on all precipitating motives are more opinionated than factual, but maybe I/we have not explored sufficient info on the matter yet ...
They're on orders from the WhiteHouse to act like they don't know.

This White House doesn't give anyone orders.
I think you guys give Obama too much credit. He is just an ignorant puppet.
I suspect this fucking idiot is given his script and orders every morning.
Nope....he's an ideolog.....he's all those who got him into the WhiteHouse.

The hatred for Jews, whites, for all Obama.

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