CNN Cuomo Admitts Biden's Quid Pro Quo Ukraine Extortion

Biden protecting his son from prosecution.

What do you accuse Biden son of?
But see, here's the logical fail of the Trumpstettes - although logical fails don't trouble them - but assume for a moment that Biden did abuse his office as VP by pressuring Ukraine to not investigate Hunter ….. that would be impeachable. But that's exactly what Trump now admits he did too.

There was an absolute quid pro quo with Biden. He said point-blank the US will withhold funding if the Ukranian prosecutor who was investing the company Hunter was working for (on the board) wasn't fired.

Straight out of Biden's mouth:

I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

That comment is a textbook definition of a quid pro quo. Please compare and contrast that statement with what Trump said on the phone call. There was no mention of withholding funding if his requests were not met. It simply isn't there.

The Ukrainian prosecutor was allegedly corrupt and removing him was a US policy goal,not a favor to Biden. Trump was very specific as to his goals in the favors he asked for. \

Play ball! (Go Astros!)
Hunter Biden was actually investigated AFTER Shokin was replaced. I don't know whether the Trump fans are just ignorant of that, or choose to remain so. I'm not really sure what he was investigated for though, but that's not really the story. Like Trump, Biden needs an asskicking for what his kids do, but in Trump's case, they spawn act at his approved bequest to enrich him personally.

Even Slick and HW can't match that.

Shokin stated that he was actively pursuing an investigation against Burisma, the company Hunter worked for, which is why he thought he was fired. It isn't a stretch to say that Biden didn't want his son to get caught up in a tax evasion investigation. It also isn't too much of a stretch so wonder why Hunter Biden's hiring just happened to coincide with his father's involvement with Ukraine starting in 2014.
"CNN anchor Chris Cuomo made a rare admission on Wednesday night that former Vice President Joe Biden "absolutely" engaged in a quid pro quo with Ukraine, but insisted it wasn't for "personal advantage."

In other words:
'He did it....but here's why I think he did it.'

Of course he did it. He bragged about doing it in video-taped confession....

CNN's Chris Cuomo admits Biden 'absolutely' engaged in quid pro quo with Ukraine, but not for 'personal advantage'

Seriously Troll, I don't see Trump having much trouble dodging his attempt to get Ukraine to investigate his political rival for his own political gain, which should be impeachable and surely other potuses have at least tried to do so as well, but if your DRIVEL is the best they got, he's toast.
Funny...I point out CNN - Cuomo - says Biden did it...and you call ME a troll.

Sounds like someone is pissed at CNN / Coumo and trying to take it out on me.

"CNN anchor Chris Cuomo made a rare admission on Wednesday night that former Vice President Joe Biden "absolutely" engaged in a quid pro quo with Ukraine, but insisted it wasn't for "personal advantage."

In other words:
'He did it....but here's why I think he did it.'

Of course he did it. He bragged about doing it in video-taped confession....

CNN's Chris Cuomo admits Biden 'absolutely' engaged in quid pro quo with Ukraine, but not for 'personal advantage'


Dumbass the QUID was the millitary aid, the QUO was curbing corruption in Ukraine.

The investigator in question was pure swamp - this according to his own deputy who quit in protest of the corruption and later was re-instated by a new President.

Facts show Trump conducting Biden conducting good foreign policy, not corruption. While for Trump exact opposite is true.
pm on of that is lie....again.
What do you accuse Biden son of?
But see, here's the logical fail of the Trumpstettes - although logical fails don't trouble them - but assume for a moment that Biden did abuse his office as VP by pressuring Ukraine to not investigate Hunter ….. that would be impeachable. But that's exactly what Trump now admits he did too.

There was an absolute quid pro quo with Biden. He said point-blank the US will withhold funding if the Ukranian prosecutor who was investing the company Hunter was working for (on the board) wasn't fired.

Straight out of Biden's mouth:

I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.

That comment is a textbook definition of a quid pro quo. Please compare and contrast that statement with what Trump said on the phone call. There was no mention of withholding funding if his requests were not met. It simply isn't there.

The Ukrainian prosecutor was allegedly corrupt and removing him was a US policy goal,not a favor to Biden. Trump was very specific as to his goals in the favors he asked for. \

Play ball! (Go Astros!)
Hunter Biden was actually investigated AFTER Shokin was replaced. I don't know whether the Trump fans are just ignorant of that, or choose to remain so. I'm not really sure what he was investigated for though, but that's not really the story. Like Trump, Biden needs an asskicking for what his kids do, but in Trump's case, they spawn act at his approved bequest to enrich him personally.

Even Slick and HW can't match that.

Shokin stated that he was actively pursuing an investigation against Burisma, the company Hunter worked for, which is why he thought he was fired. It isn't a stretch to say that Biden didn't want his son to get caught up in a tax evasion investigation. It also isn't too much of a stretch so wonder why Hunter Biden's hiring just happened to coincide with his father's involvement with Ukraine starting in 2014.

Shokin is a corrupt swamper who’s word is worth fuck-all. He was also investigating corruption watch groups in Ukraine that were ringing alarms against him, doesn’t mean anything.

It’s why his deputy quit (but was later reinstated by the new president who ran on anti-corruption promises)
"CNN anchor Chris Cuomo made a rare admission on Wednesday night that former Vice President Joe Biden "absolutely" engaged in a quid pro quo with Ukraine, but insisted it wasn't for "personal advantage."

In other words:
'He did it....but here's why I think he did it.'

Of course he did it. He bragged about doing it in video-taped confession....

CNN's Chris Cuomo admits Biden 'absolutely' engaged in quid pro quo with Ukraine, but not for 'personal advantage'


Dumbass the QUID was the millitary aid, the QUO was curbing corruption in Ukraine.

The investigator in question was pure swamp - this according to his own deputy who quit in protest of the corruption and later was re-instated by a new President.

Facts show Trump conducting Biden conducting good foreign policy, not corruption. While for Trump exact opposite is true.
pm on of that is lie....again.

I will carefully consider your baseless accusations...not.
"CNN anchor Chris Cuomo made a rare admission on Wednesday night that former Vice President Joe Biden "absolutely" engaged in a quid pro quo with Ukraine, but insisted it wasn't for "personal advantage."

In other words:
'He did it....but here's why I think he did it.'

Of course he did it. He bragged about doing it in video-taped confession....

CNN's Chris Cuomo admits Biden 'absolutely' engaged in quid pro quo with Ukraine, but not for 'personal advantage'

Seriously Troll, I don't see Trump having much trouble dodging his attempt to get Ukraine to investigate his political rival for his own political gain, which should be impeachable and surely other potuses have at least tried to do so as well, but if your DRIVEL is the best they got, he's toast.
Funny...I point out CNN - Cuomo - says Biden did it...and you call ME a troll.

Sounds like someone is pissed at CNN / Coumo and trying to take it out on me.


I have to agree with Easy. As hard as it is to believe, he is not trolling - he really is this fucking stupid.
Right, it had nothing to do with Biden protecting his son from prosecution. You guys are on another level of stupid.

Since all the supposed corruption happened before Hunter joined the board, and they didn't even have custody of him if they were to prosecute... um... yeah... that wasn't the issue.

Shonkin's removal was demanded by the US, the EU, the IMF and the Ukraine Parliament because he wasn't prosecuting corruption, that was the point.
Right, it had nothing to do with Biden protecting his son from prosecution. You guys are on another level of stupid.

Since all the supposed corruption happened before Hunter joined the board, and they didn't even have custody of him if they were to prosecute... um... yeah... that wasn't the issue.

Shonkin's removal was demanded by the US, the EU, the IMF and the Ukraine Parliament because he wasn't prosecuting corruption, that was the point.

Shokin stated that he was actively investing the the company Hunter worked for and was specifically looking into whether taxes were properly taken out of Hunter's compenstation. He also said he felt that was why he was fired. So yeah, you are wrong again.

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