CNN Decries U.S. Troops in Iraq Who Had Their MAGA Hats Signed by Trump

Once again, the media played their hand all wrong. They are spotlighting Trump's popularity with the troops and that he did visit the troops when the media were attacking him for not doing so.

The attacks are irrelevant. They just make the media look petty, stupid, biased, and mean-spirited. They are getting Trump's message out to the public and they haven't got a clue!

Again just except that the media is right and move on. Your guy lied and broke the Military Code.
Okay, Trump lied and broke the military code. He's still President and Commander.
Once again, the media played their hand all wrong. They are spotlighting Trump's popularity with the troops and that he did visit the troops when the media were attacking him for not doing so.

The attacks are irrelevant. They just make the media look petty, stupid, biased, and mean-spirited. They are getting Trump's message out to the public and they haven't got a clue!

Again just except that the media is right and move on. Your guy lied and broke the Military Code.
What were you saying, ABNORMAL scumbag....

Here's the Halfrican, defacing government property. Where are all you commie bastards about THIS????


Once again, the media played their hand all wrong. They are spotlighting Trump's popularity with the troops and that he did visit the troops when the media were attacking him for not doing so.

The attacks are irrelevant. They just make the media look petty, stupid, biased, and mean-spirited. They are getting Trump's message out to the public and they haven't got a clue!

Again just except that the media is right and move on. Your guy lied and broke the Military Code.
What were you saying, ABNORMAL scumbag....

Here's the Halfrican, defacing government property. Where are all you commie bastards about THIS????



Notice there aren't very any White soldiers in that picture.

Very few White soldiers would want to have anything to do with the worthless asshole.
Once again, the media played their hand all wrong. They are spotlighting Trump's popularity with the troops and that he did visit the troops when the media were attacking him for not doing so.

The attacks are irrelevant. They just make the media look petty, stupid, biased, and mean-spirited. They are getting Trump's message out to the public and they haven't got a clue!

Again just except that the media is right and move on. Your guy lied and broke the Military Code.
What were you saying, ABNORMAL scumbag....

Here's the Halfrican, defacing government property. Where are all you commie bastards about THIS????



Notice there aren't very any White soldiers in that picture.

Very few White soldiers would want to have anything to do with the worthless asshole.

Damn, way to sell out the values of America in one racist post.
Once again, the media played their hand all wrong. They are spotlighting Trump's popularity with the troops and that he did visit the troops when the media were attacking him for not doing so.

The attacks are irrelevant. They just make the media look petty, stupid, biased, and mean-spirited. They are getting Trump's message out to the public and they haven't got a clue!

Again just except that the media is right and move on. Your guy lied and broke the Military Code.
What were you saying, ABNORMAL scumbag....

Here's the Halfrican, defacing government property. Where are all you commie bastards about THIS????



I can wait until some nursing home worker passes on changing your cracker ass diaper.

Maybe white Russia can help yer retirement.

Ask Putin
Once again, the media played their hand all wrong. They are spotlighting Trump's popularity with the troops and that he did visit the troops when the media were attacking him for not doing so.

The attacks are irrelevant. They just make the media look petty, stupid, biased, and mean-spirited. They are getting Trump's message out to the public and they haven't got a clue!

Again just except that the media is right and move on. Your guy lied and broke the Military Code.
What were you saying, ABNORMAL scumbag....

Here's the Halfrican, defacing government property. Where are all you commie bastards about THIS????



I can wait until some nursing home worker passes on changing your cracker ass diaper.

Maybe white Russia can help yer retirement.

Ask Putin
And maybe you'll get AIDS and die butt fucket!...ROTFLMFAO!
Donald Trump Defies ‘Fake News’ CNN: ‘I Will Sign’ MAGA Hats for the Troops!

President Donald Trump responded to media complaints on Thursday because he signed Make America Great Again hats for the troops overseas.

CNN & others within the Fake News Universe were going wild about my signing MAGA hats for our military in Iraq and Germany. If these brave young people ask me to sign their hat, I will sign. Can you imagine my saying NO? We brought or gave NO hats as the Fake News first reported!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 27, 2018


Did Obama in his eight years of office ever hand out "Yes, We Can" signs for troops to sign? If not, this thread is an absolute fail.

Obama wishes the troops would want anything from him. They fucking hated his guts.
No we did not....that is a lie put out by Deplorables.

You saying you were part of “the troops” Pete? If so you got splaining to do. Sounds like you are doing some JoeB math.

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