CNN finally admits to their anti-Clinton bias

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Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
Not that anyone wasn't aware of it.

And no, the apology is not accepted.

Opinion | CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin: ‘I regret my role’ in Hillary Clinton false equivalence
“And I hold myself somewhat responsible for that,” continued Toobin, a steady presence on CNN since 2002. “I think there was a lot of false equivalence in the 2016 campaign. That every time we said something, pointed out something about Donald Trump — whether it was his business interests, or grab ’em by the p–––y, we felt like, ‘Oh, we gotta, like, talk about — we gotta say something bad about Hillary.’ And I think it led to a sense of false equivalence that was misleading, and I regret my role in doing that.”

All media outlets should note that, as a reward for putting Trump in office, Trump and the Republicans turned on them with even more hatred. Shilling for Republicans never pays off for the mainstream media.
Have they apologized yet for feeding the debate questions to Donna Brazile, so that Hillary would have the advantage?

I can't even begin to list the numerous things they need to apologize for.
Wait a minute....................I'm confused.....................haven't the conservatives been screaming at the top of their lungs that news outlets like CNN and MSNBC were working to get Clinton elected? Now you're telling me they were anti Clinton? Which is true?
Wait a minute....................I'm confused.....................haven't the conservatives been screaming at the top of their lungs that news outlets like CNN and MSNBC were working to get Clinton elected? Now you're telling me they were anti Clinton? Which is true?
Dood, mamooth is NOT conservative.
Not that anyone wasn't aware of it.

And no, the apology is not accepted.

All media outlets should note that, as a reward for putting Trump in office, Trump and the Republicans turned on them with even more hatred. Shilling for Republicans never pays off for the mainstream media.

CNN was actually the one 24 hour news outlet that pretended to be impartial at one point, while MSNBC and Fox never hid their agenda. Now they're so rabidly anti-Trump that MSNBC looks almost moderate.
Wait a minute....................I'm confused.....................haven't the conservatives been screaming at the top of their lungs that news outlets like CNN and MSNBC were working to get Clinton elected? Now you're telling me they were anti Clinton? Which is true?
Dood, mamooth is NOT conservative.

Dood.................didn't say that Mamooth was a conservative. I said that ever since the election, conservatives (not Mamooth) have been saying that CNN and MSNBC were actually working to get Hillary elected. But now? Mamooth has come out with an article that says CNN was actually working against her.

I just wanna know which it was, were they helping or hindering Hillary?
There’s a reason why I’ve had every waiting room TV of two hospitals tuned to Fox News. :)
Keep in mind folks, ALL libturds are just as stupid as mamouth.

I'd like to think that I'm marginally less stupid.

I'd say you're not stupid at all. You may have some opinions that are left of mine and most people do, but you don't strike me as the sort of mindless zealot who believes the sort of asinine shit that mamouth parrots.
Wait a minute....................I'm confused.....................haven't the conservatives been screaming at the top of their lungs that news outlets like CNN and MSNBC were working to get Clinton elected? Now you're telling me they were anti Clinton? Which is true?
Dood, mamooth is NOT conservative.

Dood.................didn't say that Mamooth was a conservative. I said that ever since the election, conservatives (not Mamooth) have been saying that CNN and MSNBC were actually working to get Hillary elected. But now? Mamooth has come out with an article that says CNN was actually working against her.

I just wanna know which it was, were they helping or hindering Hillary?
CNN has never been against the Clintons, in anything. mamooth is tripping.
CNN has never been against the Clintons, in anything. mamooth is tripping.

I've done my share of acid.

At no point, no matter how many doses, have I ever been or ever seen other people so completely oblivious to reality even while discussing how the letter 7 smells like blue berries and sounds like green.

This imbecile is weapons grade stupid.

I'm not joking, jesting or flaming. I'm dead serious. Mamouth needs to be taken care of by professionals and kept in a padded cell for the safety of society. Someone who is so utterly devoid of thought that they believe The Clinton News Network was not working for hitlery is stupid enough to empower and provide cover for sociopaths like stalin.

Dood.................didn't say that Mamooth was a conservative. I said that ever since the election, conservatives (not Mamooth) have been saying that CNN and MSNBC were actually working to get Hillary elected

Given I've never said or implied such a crazy thing, why are you telling such a crazy story?

Oh wait. I'm sorry .You're talking about conservatives. I got confused. Never mind. Sorry.

I've been very consistent here over the years pointing out just how conservative CNN is, and just how much all the mainstream media hates the Clintons.

And by the way, I reported the fuck out of Pete for his cowardly insult-deflection parade.
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CNN was actually the one 24 hour news outlet that pretended to be impartial at one point, while MSNBC and Fox never hid their agenda. Now they're so rabidly anti-Trump that MSNBC looks almost moderate.
Bull, Trump was not Fox’s choice.
Dood.................didn't say that Mamooth was a conservative. I said that ever since the election, conservatives (not Mamooth) have been saying that CNN and MSNBC were actually working to get Hillary elected

Given I've never said or implied such a crazy thing, why are you telling such a crazy story?

I've been very consistent here over the years pointing out just how conservative CNN is, and just how much all the mainstream media hates the Clintons. That's why your big lie here is just so bizarre.

And by the way, I reported the fuck out of Pete for his cowardly insult-deflection parade.
You live in bazzaro land if you think that CNN is conservative in any regard. Just how radicalized are you?
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