CNN is just another despicable leftist media outpost.

Regarding Coach K (one of the best ever in the game). This is a big deal for the NCCA and they aren't happy with situation at all.
Plus there's this:
Final Four coaches issue a joint statement standing in lockstep with NCAA over #RFRA: "Discrimination of any kind should not be tolerated."

— ZachOsterman (@ZachOsterman)

So you and others have issues because of what?
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.
But institutionally left wing sources are OK if you consult them, eh?
Reality is all of mainstream media carries at the very least an unconscious left wing bias. Not only does it need to be vetted, it's necessary to consult right wing media if nothing more than to find out what was omitted.
Did any of your allegedly reliable sources run a story on the absurdly blatant bias of CNN in their rude treatment of the Duke coach?

What's this? "But institutionally left wing sources are OK if you consult them, eh?"
Funny, how the right love to attack news sources that aren't goose-steppers to their far right ideology. It goes both ways folks!
I never watch cable news and never even think about using Talk(ing head) radio (which is for the non-thinkers) . I watch the local news, network news and go to Reuters (and I have their app on my iPhone). If I see something that needs more looking into, I search the web for articles/white papers from non-biased sources. And if I do use a right or left resource, I point it out that so and so resource leans right/left.
Too many people use hyper-biased resources here on USMB. On previous boards I subscribed to in the past, people who used hyper-biased resources got laughed off the boards. Here at USMB, it seems almost everyone uses their favorite ideological resources to present their version of facts. Pathetic.

Funny how you or others just cannot judge the merits of the case instead of pointing to the fact it is a left or right source.

Yes, I was the first to point that out, but it was not because they were lefties that I chastised them. It was because they ambushed a sports figure allegedly there to discuss his team and a tournament. But, no. They have to seize the opportunity to turn this moment into a political "gotcha trick" and advance their totally unrelated agenda on gay issues. It is totally unprofessional and underhanded. That was the point I was making.

Can't read or what? Did I say that? On occasion there is something good that is common sense from the likes of Cato, The Atlantic, Brookings Institute, definitely Reuters, The Economist and, places like that. Primarily, I look for intellectual papers written in the context that is factual. In todays instant news cycle, Reuters is the best and strives to not put a spin on things.

Reuters is not neutral. Nor are the others. And I have no problem with that.

I do have problems with this kind of ambush, that was my issue. I also have problems with so many on the left on these boards who will not even admit that PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN are definitely "left leaning" (to put it mildly). Fox is definitely right. And thank heavens for that. Else it would be a monopoly.

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