CNN is not fake news........Trump is a fake President

All major media outlets are bias but it doesn't mean they are fake.

Fox news is a far right news network but the stories they report are 98% true. Same goes for CNN. They are bias but 98% of the stories they report are true.

CNN is only fake to Trump and his followers because CNN doesn't kiss his ass.
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Most of your "news" shows on tv are talk shows.......Not news

In the 2008 election, how many lefties actually believed Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" because Saturday Night Live "news" segments presented that she did?
None that I'm aware of. Lefties know she said you can see Russia from Alaska.

This is what she actually said.

They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska":

That's a long way from her house and her front porch. The SNL skit is what everyone thinks she said.
Most of your "news" shows on tv are talk shows.......Not news

In the 2008 election, how many lefties actually believed Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" because Saturday Night Live "news" segments presented that she did?
None that I'm aware of. Lefties know she said you can see Russia from Alaska.

Since she didn't make the quote SNL portrayed her as making and those on the right wouldn't have made that up, it leaves the lefties.

What a dumb piece of shit you continue to be. You supported Obama thinking skin color was a qualification and you supported Hillary thinking a vagina was one. Your miserable social experiment is over and enough prevented another one from taking place.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

At this point what difference does it make, whether Comey did or didn't brief Trump? Come on man, move on. Or move away, Cuba is open, go to your socialist utopian paradise and leave your passport at the border. Fucking retard.
If it were Breitbart, not CNN, in the headlights, you'd be singing a different tune.
breitbart. LOL. I have to laugh every time I see or hear that "news" organization mentioned.
Most of your "news" shows on tv are talk shows.......Not news

In the 2008 election, how many lefties actually believed Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" because Saturday Night Live "news" segments presented that she did?
None that I'm aware of. Lefties know she said you can see Russia from Alaska.

This is what she actually said.

They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska":

That's a long way from her house and her front porch. The SNL skit is what everyone thinks she said.

Like I told the dumbass Faun, she didn't say what SNL portrayed her as saying and the right wouldn't have made it up. That leave the left.
Since none of the sources want to be named there is no way to prove any of it.

Waste of time.

What we know – and what's true – about the Trump-Russia dossier

The relative truth of what is in the dossier is not the issue

CNN never reported what was contained in the dossier, only that Trump had been briefed on the contents

Trump chose to call that CNN story "fake"
Trump lied

Because Trump said he wasn't briefed he lied??

Since the whole dossier is not able to be proved then who cares if he lied. I sure don't.

You need a better talking point.
You comment confirms the point that Trump supporters don't care if they are lied to.
Oh my, and you defended Obama's lies. Lol
Do you really believe when Trump made claims about his penis size on national tv during a presidential debate be was being honest?

Sheesh .. penis envy as well...:eusa_eh:
Most of your "news" shows on tv are talk shows.......Not news

In the 2008 election, how many lefties actually believed Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" because Saturday Night Live "news" segments presented that she did?
None that I'm aware of. Lefties know she said you can see Russia from Alaska.

Since she didn't make the quote SNL portrayed her as making and those on the right wouldn't have made that up, it leaves the lefties.

What a dumb piece of shit you continue to be. You supported Obama thinking skin color was a qualification and you supported Hillary thinking a vagina was one. Your miserable social experiment is over and enough prevented another one from taking place.
She really did say you can see Russia from Alaska. That's what lefties quote. Amy lefties quoting SNL's parody of that are merely making fun of Palin for being such a dumbfucking.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

Is there no end to this anti Trump stupidity!
Most of your "news" shows on tv are talk shows.......Not news

In the 2008 election, how many lefties actually believed Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" because Saturday Night Live "news" segments presented that she did?
None that I'm aware of. Lefties know she said you can see Russia from Alaska.

Since she didn't make the quote SNL portrayed her as making and those on the right wouldn't have made that up, it leaves the lefties.

What a dumb piece of shit you continue to be. You supported Obama thinking skin color was a qualification and you supported Hillary thinking a vagina was one. Your miserable social experiment is over and enough prevented another one from taking place.
She really did say you can see Russia from Alaska. That's what lefties quote. Amy lefties quoting SNL's parody of that are merely making fun of Palin for being such a dumbfucking.

I never said she didn't. What she didn't say is what's been quoted that lefties claim she did.

That's why those on the right bring up "57 States", "here in Asia" while Obama was in Hawaii, and a reference to Charleston SC, Savannah GA, and Jacksonville FL being in the gulf coast as evidence Obama is a dumbfuck. We also reference those as making excuses as to why that's not a big deal as Obama ass lickers.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

Is there no end to this anti Trump stupidity!
You meant to say: there is no end to the stupidity proudly displayed by the orange one and his bootlickers.
Most of your "news" shows on tv are talk shows.......Not news

In the 2008 election, how many lefties actually believed Palin said "I can see Russia from my house" because Saturday Night Live "news" segments presented that she did?
None that I'm aware of. Lefties know she said you can see Russia from Alaska.

Since she didn't make the quote SNL portrayed her as making and those on the right wouldn't have made that up, it leaves the lefties.

What a dumb piece of shit you continue to be. You supported Obama thinking skin color was a qualification and you supported Hillary thinking a vagina was one. Your miserable social experiment is over and enough prevented another one from taking place.
She really did say you can see Russia from Alaska. That's what lefties quote. Amy lefties quoting SNL's parody of that are merely making fun of Palin for being such a dumbfucking.

I never said she didn't. What she didn't say is what's been quoted that lefties claim she did.

That's why those on the right bring up "57 States", "here in Asia" while Obama was in Hawaii, and a reference to Charleston SC, Savannah GA, and Jacksonville FL being in the gulf coast as evidence Obama is a dumbfuck. We also reference those as making excuses as to why that's not a big deal as Obama ass lickers.
Again, the ones quoting SNL are making fun of Palin, like SNL did. You've failed to show anyone on the left doesn't know she said you can see Russia from Alaska.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

At this point what difference does it make, whether Comey did or didn't brief Trump? Come on man, move on. Or move away, Cuba is open, go to your socialist utopian paradise and leave your passport at the border. Fucking retard.

Wasn't this like.....Yesterday?
Move on?

Trump made a show of accusing CNN of being "Fake News"
Meaning he is telling America that they make up the stories they report

No, CNN did not make it up
Trump WAS briefed and Trump lied to the American public

Meaning we cannot trust what he says

You can "call" Trump anything you want, Winger but that won't change the fact that he beat Hillary Clinton in the race to the White House, IS the President of the United States and will continue to be President until at least four years from now! To be quite blunt with you, neither Trump...nor his supporters...CARE if you trust him or not!

Trump has to earn the trust of the American people
As it stands now, the public must be skeptical of everything that comes out of his mouth
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

Awwww....a fooled snowflake...
The world is truly upside down when a once semi-respectable media organization starts resourcing buzzfeed for its sensational headlines.

CNN has eclipsed MSNBC in yellow journalism.

Except you just MADE IT UP.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

At this point what difference does it make, whether Comey did or didn't brief Trump? Come on man, move on. Or move away, Cuba is open, go to your socialist utopian paradise and leave your passport at the border. Fucking retard.
Hey! It makes a difference because the soon to be President is accusing a major news outlet of reporting FAKE news when they did NOT report fake news. That is why it matters. If it were Breitbart, not CNN, in the headlights, you'd be singing a different tune. When Trump stops libeling CNN is the day CNN should shut up about it.

IF, IF, IF. Is that all you losers have to say.

By the way, your bitch lost and your social experiment black President will be over in 7 days.
"If" wasn't at all the only thing I had to say--of course you can't refute it. She wasn't my "bitch" and Obama is a better man than your guy could ever hope of being. Beating up on CNN won't hurt them--they've got big shoulders and they can take it. Unlike Trump and his fans who are all butthurt every time his lies are pointed out.

Are you claiming you didn't support Hillary? Obama was nothing more than another unqualified black in a government job where skin color was considered a qualification.
Hows about commenting on the point here--who's lying--PEOTUS or the media? We were not discussing Obama, or Hillary. NEWS FLASH, C-65: The campaign is over! Try adjusting.
Trump is a Fake President

It means the American people cannot trust what comes out of his mouth. He has lied about his finances, his business, the people he has grievances with and actual statements he is recorded saying

He lies about things that are easily verified and about stuff that simply doesn't matter like the "you can't get a dress" bullshit. Why lie about something so insignificant? Well, that's what pathological liars do.

The problem with our new President is that his first impulse seems to be to lie

Like you said, he creates facts out of thin air and then throws a temper tantrum to prove they are true
With CNN, he chose to single them out and publically humiliate them when he knew for a fact that he had been briefed on the dossier

I really want to see Trump get through the next four years without a major incident. But I think his character flaw of telling lies is going to come back to haunt him. Brought down Nixon. Destroyed Clintons second term.
Trump will be hounded incessantly once he tells a lie too big to just brush away

You don't want to see Trump succeed, Winger and you know it! Trump will be hounded incessantly because people like you are so annoyed that he beat YOUR choice for President. It will have ZERO to do with what Trump does or doesn't do!

Trump will be hounded incessantly for the next four years because he holds the most powerful position on earth

That means that every word he speaks will be closely analyzed. Trumps natural tendencies to lie when faced with pressure will not serve him well

He will lose credibility with not just the American people but the global community

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