CNN: Matt Gaetz showed nude photos of women he slept with to fellow members of Congress...lmao

He's being investigated for sex trafficking.

No he's not.. See above.. Which fake news star lied to you this time? Was it Don Da Lemon or Jimmy Kimmel??

Another mushroom anchored in shit..
There are two cases. The case involving blackmail and his Dad is separate from the sex trafficking investigation, which the NYT reports is actually about someone else, and somehow Gaetz got involved. But they report no charges against him, yet, anyway.
He's being investigated for sex trafficking.

No he's not.. See above.. Which fake news star lied to you this time? Was it Don Da Lemon or Jimmy Kimmel??

Another mushroom anchored in shit..
There are two cases. The case involving blackmail and his Dad is separate from the sex trafficking investigation, which the NYT reports is actually about someone else, and somehow Gaetz got involved. But they report no charges against him, yet, anyway.
You really naive enough to believe that the NYT article is any more credible than the CNN mess?
Notice how Q Trumpers come to Gaetz’s defense. These loons go crazy over a lie of a child sex ring in a pizza parlor, but credible evidence of a sex trafficking by a deviant Trumpist congressman is not only ignored but ridiculed. Qs are such hypocrites.

You got punked by CNN's April fool, too, dumbass.
No Q, you are on the one being plunked led by your fellow Q. Plenty of evidence emerging of Gaetz’s deviancy.

Sleeping with members of the opposite sex is now "deviancy" to the BlueAnon crowd? LOL!
Yeah, Gaetz is being investigated for sex trafficking of a minor, Q. You do consider sex trafficking a form of deviancy, do you not?

When Where Witnesses???? Nope.. PICS?? nope. COmplaints from the victim?? nope..

It's extortion..

Did he BUY HER??? Because that;s what sex trafficking is... You got a receipt or a bill of sale??

Leftists are too dependent on the fake news and have forgotten how to defend themselves from agi-prop by using independent thinking...

It's worse than being addicted to soap operas and suspending reality to believe any of it...
Really, you think Bill Barr started this investigation of one of Trump’s most vocal supporters on flimsy or no evidence?
Notice how Q Trumpers come to Gaetz’s defense. These loons go crazy over a lie of a child sex ring in a pizza parlor, but credible evidence of a sex trafficking by a deviant Trumpist congressman is not only ignored but ridiculed. Qs are such hypocrites.

You got punked by CNN's April fool, too, dumbass.
No Q, you are on the one being plunked led by your fellow Q. Plenty of evidence emerging of Gaetz’s deviancy.

Sleeping with members of the opposite sex is now "deviancy" to the BlueAnon crowd? LOL!
Yeah, Gaetz is being investigated for sex trafficking of a minor, Q. You do consider sex trafficking a form of deviancy, do you not?

When Where Witnesses???? Nope.. PICS?? nope. COmplaints from the victim?? nope..

It's extortion..

Did he BUY HER??? Because that;s what sex trafficking is... You got a receipt or a bill of sale??

Leftists are too dependent on the fake news and have forgotten how to defend themselves from agi-prop by using independent thinking...

It's worse than being addicted to soap operas and suspending reality to believe any of it...
Really, you think Bill Barr started this investigation into one of Trump’s most vocal supporters on flimsy or no evidence?

See? I told you nidgets that you get whumpped every time you post these "non-stories".. And here you are -- getting whumpped...

Show me where DOJ is conducting an investigation with Matt Gaetz as a SUSPECT.... You can't.. Because you consume shit for news that leaves you in the dark like a fungus growing on shit..

The DOJ is investigating the possibility of EXTORTION of Gaetz's FATHER. Who WORE A WIRE to meet with the ACCUSER -- who is a FORMER DOJ employee...

And Matt Gaetz WANTS this investigation. He even went on media and DEMANDED that the FBI RELEASE the tapes of that meeting that prove his innocence...

And NO -- fucking way am I obligated to fix all of your ignorance and supply a link.. Instead, when this all sorts out -- I'll be back here to put you out of your misery of ignorance... So go RIGHT AHEAD -- keep posting nothing by Ad Homs and trolling the fuck out of this for fun.. It's not gonna end well for you..

ANY OF YOU leftists want to answer my question about how you let that CNN piece CONTRADICT ITSELF in the same paragraph? Or are you just here to brawl and remain rooted in manure like the other mushrooms?????
This shit is going to end up like the Covington threads....These sub-imbeciles are going to embarrass themselves so badly that the silly hacks on the maude staff are going to pull them public view, in order to spare them the public ignominy and embarrassment (presuming they are even in touch with that emotion) into the future.
In fact, I defy you to put those threads back into public view and bump them, so we can all point and laugh at these purposefully uninformed jumping-to-conclusions nincompoops.

Maybe dedicate a new forum to Fake News Failures?? Avenatti himself probably has 35 threads worth yukking about.. I can't believe how disconnected the left is from critical thinking.. Cant get ONE of them to even ponder the CONTRADICTION in the CNN link for this OP.. Nevermind blow their tiny minds by hinting to them that the FBI is actually investigation the EXTORTION of Gates' family.. Not featuring any sex trafficking as of yet..

I try to save them.. Point them in the right direction, but I lose almost every one of those lemmings leaping off the cliff.. Rational people would stop and look over the edge before they jump.
Topic is allegations against Gaetz
and the possible extortion of his family for money...
Correct. Two completely separate issues.
I agree that they are two separate issues. However it does seem like only one of those issues is being investigated by the FBI. I could be wrong on this. Again... Evidence... Proof.
Did you not click the op link? Very first sentence:

(CNN)Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Florida Republican being investigated by the Justice Department over sex trafficking allegations,
He's being investigated for sex trafficking.

No he's not.. See above.. Which fake news star lied to you this time? Was it Don Da Lemon or Jimmy Kimmel??

Another mushroom anchored in shit..
There are two cases. The case involving blackmail and his Dad is separate from the sex trafficking investigation, which the NYT reports is actually about someone else, and somehow Gaetz got involved. But they report no charges against him, yet, anyway.
You really naive enough to believe that the NYT article is any more credible than the CNN mess?

Hey.. At least NYtimes is there to ADMIT Gaetz is not a subject of the investigation at this time.
See OldLady has some self-preservation skills.. The other cluster of mushrooms have no sense at all..
He's being investigated for sex trafficking.

No he's not.. See above.. Which fake news star lied to you this time? Was it Don Da Lemon or Jimmy Kimmel??

Another mushroom anchored in shit..
There are two cases. The case involving blackmail and his Dad is separate from the sex trafficking investigation, which the NYT reports is actually about someone else, and somehow Gaetz got involved. But they report no charges against him, yet, anyway.
You really naive enough to believe that the NYT article is any more credible than the CNN mess?
Well, yeah. What did they say that is so awful?
Notice how Q Trumpers come to Gaetz’s defense. These loons go crazy over a lie of a child sex ring in a pizza parlor, but credible evidence of a sex trafficking by a deviant Trumpist congressman is not only ignored but ridiculed. Qs are such hypocrites.

You got punked by CNN's April fool, too, dumbass.
No Q, you are on the one being plunked led by your fellow Q. Plenty of evidence emerging of Gaetz’s deviancy.

Sleeping with members of the opposite sex is now "deviancy" to the BlueAnon crowd? LOL!
Yeah, Gaetz is being investigated for sex trafficking of a minor, Q. You do consider sex trafficking a form of deviancy, do you not?

When Where Witnesses???? Nope.. PICS?? nope. COmplaints from the victim?? nope..

It's extortion..

Did he BUY HER??? Because that;s what sex trafficking is... You got a receipt or a bill of sale??

Leftists are too dependent on the fake news and have forgotten how to defend themselves from agi-prop by using independent thinking...

It's worse than being addicted to soap operas and suspending reality to believe any of it...
Really, you think Bill Barr started this investigation of one of Trump’s most vocal supporters on flimsy or no evidence?
Notice how Q Trumpers come to Gaetz’s defense. These loons go crazy over a lie of a child sex ring in a pizza parlor, but credible evidence of a sex trafficking by a deviant Trumpist congressman is not only ignored but ridiculed. Qs are such hypocrites.

You got punked by CNN's April fool, too, dumbass.
No Q, you are on the one being plunked led by your fellow Q. Plenty of evidence emerging of Gaetz’s deviancy.

Sleeping with members of the opposite sex is now "deviancy" to the BlueAnon crowd? LOL!
Yeah, Gaetz is being investigated for sex trafficking of a minor, Q. You do consider sex trafficking a form of deviancy, do you not?

When Where Witnesses???? Nope.. PICS?? nope. COmplaints from the victim?? nope..

It's extortion..

Did he BUY HER??? Because that;s what sex trafficking is... You got a receipt or a bill of sale??

Leftists are too dependent on the fake news and have forgotten how to defend themselves from agi-prop by using independent thinking...

It's worse than being addicted to soap operas and suspending reality to believe any of it...
Really, you think Bill Barr started this investigation into one of Trump’s most vocal supporters on flimsy or no evidence?

See? I told you nidgets that you get whumpped every time you post these "non-stories".. And here you are -- getting whumpped...

Show me where DOJ is conducting an investigation with Matt Gaetz as a SUSPECT.... You can't.. Because you consume shit for news that leaves you in the dark like a fungus growing on shit..

The DOJ is investigating the possibility of EXTORTION of Gaetz's FATHER. Who WORE A WIRE to meet with the ACCUSER -- who is a FORMER DOJ employee...

And Matt Gaetz WANTS this investigation. He even went on media and DEMANDED that the FBI RELEASE the tapes of that meeting that prove his innocence...

And NO -- fucking way am I obligated to fix all of your ignorance and supply a link.. Instead, when this all sorts out -- I'll be back here to put you out of your misery of ignorance... So go RIGHT AHEAD -- keep posting nothing by Ad Homs and trolling the fuck out of this for fun.. It's not gonna end well for you..

ANY OF YOU leftists want to answer my question about how you let that CNN piece CONTRADICT ITSELF in the same paragraph? Or are you just here to brawl and remain rooted in manure like the other mushrooms?????
This shit is going to end up like the Covington threads....These sub-imbeciles are going to embarrass themselves so badly that the silly hacks on the maude staff are going to pull them public view, in order to spare them the public ignominy and embarrassment (presuming they are even in touch with that emotion) into the future.
In fact, I defy you to put those threads back into public view and bump them, so we can all point and laugh at these purposefully uninformed jumping-to-conclusions nincompoops.

Maybe dedicate a new forum to Fake News Failures?? Avenatti himself probably has 35 threads worth yukking about.. I can't believe how disconnected the left is from critical thinking.. Cant get ONE of them to even ponder the CONTRADICTION in the CNN link for this OP.. Nevermind blow their tiny minds by hinting to them that the FBI is actually investigation the EXTORTION of Gates' family.. Not featuring any sex trafficking as of yet..

I try to save them.. Point them in the right direction, but I lose almost every one of those lemmings leaping off the cliff.. Rational people would stop and look over the edge before they jump.
They never recovered from the shell shock of losing the Great Meme War of '16. :lmao:

Full retard, all day every day.
Topic is allegations against Gaetz
and the possible extortion of his family for money...
Correct. Two completely separate issues.
I agree that they are two separate issues. However it does seem like only one of those issues is being investigated by the FBI. I could be wrong on this. Again... Evidence... Proof.
Did you not click the op link? Very first sentence:

(CNN)Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Florida Republican being investigated by the Justice Department over sex trafficking allegations,

CNN purposely getting it wrong.. Even NYTimes says Matt Gaetz is a not a subject as of now..

Let's analyze this lie.. Gaetz's rich dad gets extorted for tons of money by an ex DOJ employee who CLAIMS that Matt was "traveling with a minor girl".. Father Gaetz wears a wire for the FBI and records a direct meeting with the corrupt ex DOJ blackmailer.. MATT GAETZ WANTS this investigation. In fact, he was on media DEMANDING that the FBI RELEASE the tapes to prove his innocence..

Investigation INVOLVES MATT Gaetz - therefore the journalism butchers at CNN make that phony and fake as shit lead line.. About "Matt Gaetz being investigated by the FBI" They're totally butchers of news..

WHEN THE FUCK are you mushrooms gonna wake up and NOT FALL for this crap????
He's being investigated for sex trafficking.

No he's not.. See above.. Which fake news star lied to you this time? Was it Don Da Lemon or Jimmy Kimmel??

Another mushroom anchored in shit..
There are two cases. The case involving blackmail and his Dad is separate from the sex trafficking investigation, which the NYT reports is actually about someone else, and somehow Gaetz got involved. But they report no charges against him, yet, anyway.
You really naive enough to believe that the NYT article is any more credible than the CNN mess?

Hey.. At least NYtimes is there to ADMIT Gaetz is not a subject of the investigation at this time.
See OldLady has some self-preservation skills.. The other cluster of mushrooms have no sense at all..
I'm only here to chuckle over him sitting in the back of the chamber, sneaking his phone over to his buddies during some boring debate on the floor, showing them naked girl pics and claiming they're his girlfriends.

Why do I believe this?

Because I was a teacher. Classic behavior.
Welp, bye bye.

This guy needs to not talk.

This will make him more popular with the Trump cult.
He's being investigated for sex trafficking.

No he's not.. See above.. Which fake news star lied to you this time? Was it Don Da Lemon or Jimmy Kimmel??

Another mushroom anchored in shit..
There are two cases. The case involving blackmail and his Dad is separate from the sex trafficking investigation, which the NYT reports is actually about someone else, and somehow Gaetz got involved. But they report no charges against him, yet, anyway.
You really naive enough to believe that the NYT article is any more credible than the CNN mess?

Hey.. At least NYtimes is there to ADMIT Gaetz is not a subject of the investigation at this time.
See OldLady has some self-preservation skills.. The other cluster of mushrooms have no sense at all..
I'm only here to chuckle over him sitting in the back of the chamber, sneaking his phone over to his buddies during some boring debate on the floor, showing them naked girl pics and claiming they're his girlfriends.

Why do I believe this?

Because I was a teacher. Classic behavior.

The raging hormones are down 56% by the time they get old enough for Congress. It's more comic relief to ignore the destruction of this country that they serve probably..

I dumped all pics just a few ago.. Still got enough hormones tho... LOL...
He's being investigated for sex trafficking.

No he's not.. See above.. Which fake news star lied to you this time? Was it Don Da Lemon or Jimmy Kimmel??

Another mushroom anchored in shit..
There are two cases. The case involving blackmail and his Dad is separate from the sex trafficking investigation, which the NYT reports is actually about someone else, and somehow Gaetz got involved. But they report no charges against him, yet, anyway.
You really naive enough to believe that the NYT article is any more credible than the CNN mess?

Hey.. At least NYtimes is there to ADMIT Gaetz is not a subject of the investigation at this time.
See OldLady has some self-preservation skills.. The other cluster of mushrooms have no sense at all..
I'm only here to chuckle over him sitting in the back of the chamber, sneaking his phone over to his buddies during some boring debate on the floor, showing them naked girl pics and claiming they're his girlfriends.

Why do I believe this?

Because I was a teacher. Classic behavior.

The raging hormones are down 56% by the time they get old enough for Congress. It's more comic relief to ignore the destruction of this country that they serve probably..

I dumped all pics just a few ago.. Still got enough hormones tho... LOL...
Glad to hear you're evolving.
Did you not click the op link? Very first sentence:

(CNN)Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Florida Republican being investigated by the Justice Department over sex trafficking allegations,
Yes I did. And... I also read what CNN has said in the past. If I'm going to look stupid, I prefer to be for something that I said or did in reference to something I actually believe in. I'm not going to let CNN or any other news channel make me look stupid by believing something they haven't even remotely shown any evidence for, let alone proven.

You are absolutely welcome to disagree with that way of life.
Welp, bye bye.

This guy needs to not talk.

This will make him more popular with the Trump cult.
Just locker room talk. They can all relate.
Welp, bye bye.

This guy needs to not talk.

This will make him more popular with the Trump cult.
Just locker room talk. They can all relate.

Absence of gender dysphoria is an actual blessing.. Matt Gaetz likes being single. Travels with his girlfriends. I just can't get irate about all that...
CNN purposely getting it wrong.. Even NYTimes says Matt Gaetz is a not a subject as of now..

Let's analyze this lie.. Gaetz's rich dad gets extorted for tons of money by an ex DOJ employee who CLAIMS that Matt was "traveling with a minor girl".. Father Gaetz wears a wire for the FBI and records a direct meeting with the corrupt ex DOJ blackmailer.. MATT GAETZ WANTS this investigation. In fact, he was on media DEMANDING that the FBI RELEASE the tapes to prove his innocence..

Investigation INVOLVES MATT Gaetz - therefore the journalism butchers at CNN make that phony and fake as shit lead line.. About "Matt Gaetz being investigated by the FBI" They're totally butchers of news..

WHEN THE FUCK are you mushrooms gonna wake up and NOT FALL for this crap????

The WSJ is saying that Matt Gaetz is the subject of an FBI investigation for transporting a minor across state lines for the purpose of having sex.

The probe into Mr. Gaetz, which began last summer, is looking in part at whether Mr. Gaetz had inappropriate contact with a girl about two years ago when she was 17, according to people familiar with the matter. The inquiry spun out from a criminal case against Joel Greenberg, a local official in Seminole County. Mr. Greenberg has been charged with a number of serious crimes, including sex-trafficking of a child, illegally obtaining personal information from a state computer database, identity theft, wire fraud and money laundering. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges and is expected to face trial in June.​

The Justice Department since last year has been investigating whether Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida had a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl and paid her to travel with him, people familiar with the matter said.​
Investigators are examining whether Mr. Gaetz, a close ally of former President Donald Trump, violated federal sex-trafficking laws, the people said. Those laws make it illegal to transport someone younger than 18 across state lines to engage in sex.​


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